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 Vegan receipes / recetas veganas / recettes végétaliennes

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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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masa de pizza comprada sin nada de origen animal
-pimiento verde


Al horno o al micro a pa dentro

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Mer 15 Avr - 15:32, édité 1 fois
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pizza vegana

tomate cebolla
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Pizza vegana

Ivana . Publicado el jueves 31 de enero del 2008.

* Receta
* Imágenes ( 0 )
* Comentarios ( 1 )
* Mis notas


* 1 Cda de levadura
* 1 / 4 - 3 / 4 taza de agua tibia (no caliente!)
* 1 Cda de azúcar
* 2 tazas de harina
* 1 / 2 cucharadita de sal
* 1 Cda de aceite
* 1 paquete de mozzerella vegana, rallada
* 1 / 2 lata de tomate triturado
* cubierta de la pizza a elección


Disolver la levadura en 1 / 4 taza de agua tibia.

Añadir el azúcar y dejar reposar durante 5 minutos.

Mientras tanto, mezclar harina, sal y aceite en el procesador de alimentos durante unos 10 segundos.

Añadir la mezcla de levadura y agua, y luego agregar agua en el procesador hasta formar una bola de masa suave.

Amasar con las manos unos 10 minutos.

Cubrir la masa con un paño y dejar reposar durante 10 minutos.

Estirar la masa y colocarla en una asadera ligeramente aceitada.

Añadir la salsa, el queso y la cubierta que se desee (un ejemplo: jamón vegano y cebolla picada).

Hornear 15 minutos en horno fuerte.
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pizzas veganas :

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Pizza vegana de calabaza (V)

Apta para vegetarianos y veganos


* Paté de calabaza (V) http://vagos.wamba.com/showthread.php?t=518499
* 1 masa de pizza
* 1 cebolla pelada y cortada en juliana
* Levadura de cerveza en copos
* Alga nori en copos ( o hierbas aromáticas al gusto)
* Aceite de oliva


Pon el horno a calentar a 200ºC.
Coloca la masa sobre una fuente apta para el horno.
Extiende sobre la masa el paté de calabaza.
Reparte encima la cebolla cortada en juliana.
Espolvorea con el alga nori ( o las hierbas aromáticas elegidas).
Espolvorea con los copos de levadura de cerveza y cocina en la parte media del horno unos 15 min. aprox.
Gratina con el grill 4-5 min y sirve.
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Frutas y Veggie Pizza receta (Vegana)
Publicado por admin en Pizza el 20 de enero de 2009 | sin respuestas

fruit-and-veggie-pizza Ingredientes:

* Pre-hechos de pizza o corteza de masa de pizza hecha en casa
* 1 / 2 de cubitos de tomate en lata 796ml
* 2 oz de tofu firme, cortado en cubos pequeños
* Cebolla roja al gusto
* 1 cucharada de orégano
* 1 cucharada de albahaca
* Pimiento rojo cortado en dados al gusto
* * Piña, cortados en cuadritos (opcional)
* * La mayor cantidad de queso de soja como quiera


Si se utiliza la pasta casera, rollo a cabo en la forma deseada (rectángulo, círculo ...)

La mezcla de tomate en un procesador de alimentos. Después de añadir el tofu, mezcla hasta que quede suave. Añada el orégano y albahaca, y retiradas de la producción.


1. Cepillo de salsa en la corteza salsa barbacoa utilizando un pincel.
2. Espolvoree sobre otros ingredientes y colocar en horno previamente calentado a 425 grados.
3. Hornee hasta que el queso esté derretido veganos para pre-corteza de pizza al horno
4. Hornee de 15-25 minutos masa de pizza.

Servir y disfrutar!

Nota: es una buena idea de poner la piña en la parte superior, ya que tiene una tendencia a que la corteza empapado.
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sitio sobre veganismo

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inipizzas variadas veganas (V)

Apta para Vegetarianos y Veganos


1 masa de pizza fresca.

1- De tomate y berenjena

Rodajas finas de tomate natural.
Rodajas finas de berenjena.
Curry molido.
Especias "Toque Morrocco" (sal marina , jengibre, ajo , azúcar,
pimiento seco,alcaravea , sésamo, comino ,canela ,guindilla , cilantro, pimienta , tomillo, menta, cúrcuma.)
Aceite de oliva

2-De tomate y alcachofa

Rodajas de tomate natural .
Gajos de alcachofa cocida ( de los que van en conserva)
Aceite de oliva

3-De pimiento y alcachofa

Pimientos del piquillo
Gajos de alcachofa cocidos (de los que van en conserva)
Aceitunas negras.
Aceite de oliva

4-De pimiento y berenjena

Pimientos del piquillo
Rodajas finas de berenjena
Aceitunas verdes
Hierbas provenzales
Aceite de oliva

5-De berenjena y alcachofas

Rodajas finas de berenjena.
Gajos de alcachofa cocida ( de los que venden en conserva)
Aceitunas negras y verdes
Levadura de cerveza en copos
Pimienta negra recién molida
Aceite de oliva

6-De tomate , berenjena y cebolla

Rodajas finas de tomate
Rodajas finas de cebolla
Rodajas finas de berejena
Levadura de cerveza en copos
Hierbas provenzales
Aceite de oliva


Pon el horno a calentar a 200ºC
Con la boca de un vaso pequeño corta círculos de masa de pizza.
Colócalos sobre una bandeja apta para el horno cubierta con papel vegetal y cúbrelas con los distintos rellenos.

1-Unta un poco de tahini sobre la masa de pizza, espolvorea con curry , cubre con 1 rodaja de tomate y otra de berenjena . Espolvorea con las especias y riega con unas gotitas de aceite

2-Coloca sobre la masa 1 rodaja de tomate y el gajo de alcachofa partido en 2 . Espolvorea con la albahaca y riega con uans gotitas de aceite de oliva.

3-Cubre la masa con trocitos de pimiento del piquillo, pon sobre este la alcahofa y aceitunas negras troceadas . Espolvorea con orégano y riega con unas gotitas de aceite de oliva.

4-Cubre la masa con trozos de pimiento del piquillo, cubre estos con la berenjena y aceitunas verdes troceadas. Espolvorea con hierbas provenzales y riega con un hilito de aceite de oliva.

5-Pon la rodaja de berenjena sobre la masa, sobre esta la alcahofa. Espolvorea con levadura de cerveza en copos , aceitunas verdes y negras troceadas y pimienta negra recién molida. Riega con unas gotitas de aceite de oliva.

6-Pon una rodaja de tomate sobre la masa . Encima una de berenjena y sobre esta la de cebolla. Unta esta última con tahini , espolvorea con levadura de cerveza en copos y hierbas provenzales y riega con unas gotitas de aceite de oliva.

Introduce la bandeja en la parte media del horno y cocina las minipizzas a 180ºC unos 20-25 minutos.
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Pizza de Calabacines Amarillos “yellow squash” y Tomates en masa integral

Ingredientes: Relleno

• 4 tomates italianos bien maduros

• 1 pimiento verde picadito

• 3 cebollines

• 1/2 cebolla morada

• 3 calabacines amarillos

• Aceite de oliva - 4 cucharadas

• Ramita de albahaca fresca

• 3 dientes de ajo

• pizca de pimienta

• sal a gusto


Masa integral para pizza “pizza dough”


• 5 1/2 taza de harina integral (la más natural que consiga)

• 3 cucharaditas de azúcar negra

• 1 cucharadita de sal

• 1 paquete de levadura seca en polco “dry yeast”

• 1/2 taza de leche de soja

• 1/4 taza de mantequilla vegetal

• 1 1/2 taza de agua tibia


Para mezclar la masa, yo utilicé la máquina de hacer el pan “bread machine” pero en ciclo de masa de pizza. La máquina la mezcla más rápido y mejor. Usted no necesita de la máquina para hacer una masa de pizza. La puede unir manualmente y luego amasarla, aunque le requiera más tiempo y esfuerzo.

Paso 1- En un recipiente coloque la harina junto a la sal, azúcar y levadura.

Paso 2- En otro recipiente coloque el agua, leche y mantequilla y calientelos sólo un poquito. Luego, viertalos junto a la harina.

Paso 3- Mezcle bien la masa y haga una pelotita como la ilustrada. Para amasarla, debe rociar harina seca en la mesa donde vaya a hacer todo el proceso. La masa debe quedar bien compacta, ya que es integral y toma más tiempo que la harina blanca procesada.

Paso 4- Yo usé un rodillo de madera para adelgazarla más. (ver ilustración). Luego de aplanarla con el rodillo, la coloqué en un molde de pizza grande y con las manos la fui estirando uniformemente.debe quedar bien fina. Por eso es masa fina.

Paso 5- Proceda a vertir primero el aceite de oliva con el ajo triturado en el fondo y luego todos los demás ingredientes.

Paso 6- Añada los tomates, calabacines, cebolla morada, cebollines,pimientos y arriba de la pizza debe terminar con el queso mozzarella y parmesano. Las hojitas de albahaca fresca y la pimienta por encima es lo último.

Paso 7- Coloque por 25 minutos a 375º en el horno

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Mer 15 Avr - 15:30, édité 1 fois
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pizza vegana

3 tazas de harina ( 360 gramos )
3/4 taza de agua tibia aproximadamente
2 cucharaditas de sal
30 gramos de manteca
1/2 cucharada de levadura fresca
1 cucharada de azúcar
2 cucharadas de harina
1/2 taza de agua tibia ( 125cc )

2 espinacas
1 ají colorado ( morrón, pimiento dulce )
1 cebolla grande
2 dientes de ajos
1/4 taza de aceite de oliva
2 cucharadas de queso rallado vegano
sal y pimienta a gusto

Levadura. Poner en un recipiente chico, de plástico o vidrio la levadura desgranada.
Aregarle el azúcar, el agua tibia y revolver con palita de madera.
Añadir la dos cucharadas de harina y volver a revolver. Dejar que leve unos 10 minutos.

Aparte, poner en un bol la harina y la sal, incorporar la manteca bien blanda y ayudándonos con las manos ir integrándola a la harina.

Verter parte del agua tibia y revolver.
Volcar la levadura e ir formando una masa, agregándole el agua que sea necesaria hasta que tome consistencia blanda.
Amasar, ayudándonos con un poco de harina hasta lograr que no se pegue en la mesada.

Formar un bollo y ponerlo en un bol para que la masa pueda levar tranquila. Tapar el bol con un nailon ( plástico ) y luego con un paño. Dejarla durante media hora más o menos o hasta que haya duplicado su tamaño.

Relleno. Se lavan bien las hojas de espinacas.
Se pican bien chiquito la cebolla y el ají y se ponen a rehogar en una cacerola con un poco de aceite hasta que estén blandas.

Se le agrega las espinacas picadas cortadas en juliana y los ajos picados.
Se deja cocinar hasta que la espinaca se marchite.
Luego se retira del fuego y se retira el líquido que se haya formado.
Se le agrega a esta preparación el queso rallado, los huevos y condimentos a gusto.

Una vez que la masa ha llegado a su punto de levado se estira con el palote y se pone sobre una placa de horno bien aceitada.
Cubrir la masa con la preparación anterior y rociar con un chorrito de aceite de oliva.
Llevar a horno caliente hasta que la masa esté casi cocida.

Retirarla cubrirla con el queso mozzarella y dejarla unos minutos con el horno apagado.
Es realmente deliciosa.

Información que sirve. Si desean freezarla se puede cortar la pizza en porciones y llevarla a congelar antes de que esté fría del todo. Queda como recién hecha.

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Mer 15 Avr - 15:29, édité 1 fois
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Pizza vegana

Ingredientes para la masa:

♥ 300 gramos de harina
♥ 100 gramos de leche de soja
♥ 50 gramos de aceite de oliva
♥ sal

Ingredientes para el relleno:

♥ 1 pimiento rojo
♥ 1/2 berenjena
♥ 2 cebollas medianas tiernas
♥ 1/2 bote de tomate frito
♥ un poco de queso vegano para fundir
♥ un poco de salsa de soja
♥ piñones
♥ aceite de oliva y sal

Para hacer la masa mezclamos: el aceite, la harina, la sal y la leche de soja. Lo amasamos todo muy bien y hacemos con ella una bola compacta que dejamos aparte. Lavar la verdura y cortar en trocitos. Poner a freir en un poco de aceite de oliva. Cuando estén casi hechas le añadimos un poco de salsa de soja, el tomate y sal hastra que acaben de freirse. Una vez frito todo pasamos a trabajar la masa. Con un rodillo la vamos extendiendo hasta dejarla lo más fina posible sobre una bandeja de horno (untada previamente en un poquito de aceite de oliva (es bastante fácil hacerlo si echamos un poco de aceite y lo extendemos con una servilleta de papel. Si le espolvoreamos una pizca de harina encima del aceite extendido, evitaremos que la masa se pegue. Hornear la masa hasta que se tueste un poco y colocar las verduras por encima, un puñado de piñones y un poco de queso vegano para fundir (optativo). Volver a meter en el horno hasta que termine de hacerse y listo

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Sam 18 Avr - 13:55, édité 2 fois
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sitio de recetas veganas


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vegan (strict vegetarian) pizza

Pizza without cheese?! Well, yeah. Or put cheese on it, if you prefer.

Check out the health-food area or dairy case of your local grocery store, where you may be able to find a product called "VeganRella," which is a vegan substitute for cheese (it's also available in many co-op groceries and natural-foods stores). The product appears to be soy-free which may be convenient for some. I'm not crazy about it, though. In fact, I prefer my vegan manicotti filling on a pizza - or no cheese at all. With no cheese at all, be sure to sautee the vegetables in olive oil first. Just remember: regular pizza has gobs of fat, so don't be too stingy with the oil in a vegan pizza.

* fresh pizza dough, dough from a mix, or store-bought crust
* 1 can or jar of tomato sauce, enough to cover the dough (about 2 cups)
* dried or fresh Italian spices (optional)
* chopped vegetables and other toppings to taste:
o onion, green pepper, red pepper
o mushrooms, olives
o zucchini, cooked squash, dried tomatoes, cooked beans or lentils
o broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, kale, spinach
o minced fresh garlic, dried crushed red pepper
o tofu, vegetarian "sausage," vegetarian "Canadian bacon"
o etc.
* grated VeganRella (optional)


Prepare your pizza dough as described below or according to the box directions (Bisquick used to include a pizza dough recipe on the box), or let thaw, if it's frozen. Scatter a bit of corn meal into a pizza pan, pie plate, or casserole, and press the dough into the pan. Cover thinly with red sauce and add Italian spices (optional). Add vegetables and other toppings. Top with VeganRella (or with mozzarella, cheddar, colby, and/or Monterey Jack cheese for a non-vegan pizza). Bake about 20 minutes at 350 degrees F (if you use cheese, bake until the cheese has completely melted and starts to turn brown around the pizza's edge).

Serve hot, topped with alfalfa sprouts (optional).

The pizza takes about 25 minutes to prepare, or one hour and 25 minutes if you prepare your own dough.

Pizza dough, boxed mixes, and pre-baked crusts can be purchased at many grocery stores. However, these preparations often require or are made with eggs, milk, or whey, making them far from vegan.

Many health-food stores sell dry mixes for preparing vegetarian "sausage." You can also find "Canadian bacon" in health-food store dairy cases, next to the tofu hot dogs and other imitation meat products. Be aware that not all of these products are vegan, but they are vegetarian.

Refrigerate any unused pizza right away and finish it within a few days. It can be warmed in the oven or the microwave. Freezing is not recommended.

Number of servings depends on the size of the dish used to cook the pizza and the amount prepared. One pizza can usually serve four adults, especially if the meal includes salad and bread.

When preparing this recipe and any other food you enjoy, please use organically-grown vegetables, fruits, grains, and flavorings. The Earth you save may be your own.
Fresh Pizza Dough


* 2 1/2 cups flour, half whole-wheat and half white
* 1 cup water
* 2 tablespoons yeast
* dash salt
* 1 tablespoon honey or molasses (optional)
* 1/2 teaspoon rosemary, 1 teaspoon sesame seeds (optional)


Mix the ingredients and knead (or let a breadmaking machine do this work). Let sit and rise for an hour in a warm, dark place.

Strech out the dough to fit a floured pan (9-inch pie pan or other pizza pan) and add toppings.
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Vegan Pizza

Think vegetarian food has to be boring? Try this one. Our pizza skips the cheese, but with its vegetable herb sauce, thick biscuit crust, and topping of tempeh, you won't miss it. In about one hour you'll have a 14 inch pizza, plus enough leftover sauce to make a quick meal with pasta the next night. Want to try it? Print out the text version.

simmer the sauce
1, 16oz. can of crushed tomatoes
2 1/2 cups broccoli, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 medium onion, chopped
olive oil

Drizzle enough olive oil into a saucepan to just coat the bottom. Heat the oil over a medium flame until it is hot, then add the onions, garlic, and peppers, and sauté until the onions are tender, but not brown. (When the onions are done, they will look slightly translucent) Pour in the can of crushed tomatoes, then add the broccoli.

Don't forget herbs! Stir in 2 1/2 teaspoons each of dried oregano and basil, 2 teaspoons of salt, and 1/2 teaspoon of pepper, then lower the heat, allowing the sauce to simmer until the broccoli is soft (about 20 minutes)

smoosh the dough
2 1/2 cups flour (any type or combination will work)
3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup honey (optional)
2/3 cup water

Preheat oven to 425 ° F. Combine flour, salt, and baking powder in a large bowl. Add the honey and oil, mixing with a fork until they are evenly dispersed. (If you don't eat honey, you can leave it out or substitute any sweetener you wish) Pour in the water, while gently mixing, until the dough holds together, but is not sticky. You may need to use slightly less or more than 2/3 cups water depending on the type of flour used. Spread the dough uniformly over a 14 inch pizza pan and bake for 20 minutes. Meanwhile...

sizzle the tempeh
1, 8oz. package tempeh (tofu or seitan are also good)
soy sauce
olive oil

Cut the tempeh into strips about 1/2 inch thick, then cut those strips in half lengthwise. Coat the bottom of a frying pan with olive oil and heat over a medium-high flame. When hot, add the tempeh, turning often until all sides are golden brown. After the tempeh is cooked, turn the heat down to low and season to taste with soy sauce. Turn off the heat after the tempeh has absorbed most of the soy sauce.

put it together

After the crust has baked for about 20 minutes, take it out of the oven and spread it with sauce. Only half of the sauce will be needed- try the leftover sauce with pasta tomorrow. Arrange the tempeh on top, then return to the oven for another 5- 10 minutes. (Adding the sauce and toppings right before the end of baking prevents the crust from getting soggy)

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Sam 18 Avr - 9:55, édité 1 fois
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Pizza vegan

Pour la pâte :

250 grammes de farine
1 sachet de levure de boulanger (5 g)
3 cuillères à soupe d'huile - 1 cuillère à café rase de sel
15 cl d'eau

Pour la garniture :

400 grammes de purée de tomates (l'épaissir avec 2 cuillères à soupe de fécule de pommes de terre)
80 à 100 grammes de jambon végétal coupé en morceaux (Jambon végétal "classic" de Topas)
80 grammes de vegicheese rapé (Vegicheese Cheddar nature de Pural)
Herbes de Provence
Origan pour pizza
Olives noires

Dans une terrine, mélanger la farine et le sel avec une cuillère en bois. Rajouter la levure et mélanger à nouveau. Mélanger ensuite avec l'eau tiède, une minute sans pétrir. Verser l'huile et pétrir pendant 5 minutes jusqu'à ce que la pâte soit bien homogène et se détache de la terrine. Laisser la pâte reposer dans la terrine en la recouvrant d'un torchon. Laisser monter la pâte 45 à 55 minutes dans un endroit chaud. La pâte doit doubler de volume. Etendre et placer la pâte sur la plaque du four garnie d'un papier de cuisson. Mettre la garniture en respectant l'ordre des ingrédients. Cuisson 15 à 20 minutes à 220° T/7 ou 8. Pour éviter que le jambon sèche, faire cuire la pizza avec la purée de tomate pendant 10 à 15 minutes et garnir ensuite avec le reste des ingrédients. Cuire encore 5 minutes pour qu'elle dore bien.

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Sam 18 Avr - 9:47, édité 3 fois
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como hacer una pizza vegana :

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Pizza végétalienne

Ingrédients pour la pâte à pizza :

# 500 g de farine T55
# 50 g d’huile d’olive
# 12 g de levure du boulanger déshydratée
# 8 g de sucre
# 8 g de sel
# 250 g d’eau pure

Préparation :

Il faut un tamis ou une passoire. Tamiser la farine pour éviter les grumeaux dans la pâte. Creuser le centre pour faire une fontaine. Tous les ingrédients sont sur le plan de travail. Verser l’huile au centre de la fontaine. Malaxer ou mélanger du bout des doigts la farine et l’huile et sabler. Vous devez obtenir un état poudreux, de sorte que l’huile et la farine forment du “sable” assez fin. Prenez le mélange par petites quantités à la fois et le “frotter” entre les mains les doigts écartés. C’est le “sablage”. Recommencer une deuxième fois la fontaine. Placer au centre, la levure (préalablement réhydratée dans 3 à 4 cuillères à soupe d’eau durant 15 minutes), le sucre, le sel et la moitié de l’eau. Mélanger les ingrédients en travaillant la pâte et en ajoutant l’eau au fur et à mesure si nécessaire. La pâte ne doit pas être trop molle. Si besoin est, rajouter de la farine pour décoller la pâte de vos doigts. Faire une boule. Une astuce pour éviter à votre pâte de durcir sur le dessus. Fariner un récipient, disposer la pâte et la couvrir d’un linge humide. Placer dans un endroit tempéré et laisser lever la pâte pendant 1h à 1h30. Votre pâte est prête à être abaissée.

Garniture pour la pizza :

# Cubes de tomates à l’italienne
# Poivrons grillés
# Oignons émincés
# Aubergines grillées
# Tofu fumé
# Olives vertes
# Sel, poivre, épices variées selon vos goûts
# Germes de blé en paillettes

Préparation :

Préchauffer votre four à 190°. Cuire les oignons et ajouter du curry. Ajouter les tomates, assaisonner et étaler sur la pâte. Réchauffer les poivrons et les aubergines dans un peu d’huile d’olive. Couper le tofu en lamelles (ticket de métro…celui revient souvent) et cuire dans un peu d’huile pimentée. Couper en lamelles les poivrons et les aubergines et disposer sur la pizza. Faire de même avec le tofu. Poser quelques olives sur la pizza et parsemer de germes de blé en paillettes. Cuire 20 minutes à 190 °.

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Sam 18 Avr - 9:36, édité 3 fois
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Vegetarian Pizza
According to the U.S. 2000 census, there are approximately 5.7 million adult vegetarians in the United States.

Of significant importance to this growing group is the fact that vegetarians would like more food choices when they eat out. Little Caesars is proud to offer many menu items that are suitable for vegetarians.

Food and nutrition experts at Little Caesars believe that whatever a customer's eating preference, the choices should include quality products, great value and convenience. Read on to learn how Little Caesars' products can contribute to a tasty, well-balanced vegetarian meal.

Vegetarian Options at Little Caesars
Little Caesars wants to help meet the growing needs of our vegetarian customers and offers them many appropriate menu choices. Vegetarian diets that allow dairy products can easily be planned to meet nutritional adequacy using any of the Little Caesars vegetarian-style pizzas. Little Caesars pizzas can be ordered with cheese-only or with any of our fresh vegetable toppings including onions, green peppers, and tomato slices. Mushrooms, ripe olives, and pineapples are also available toppings. Banana pepper rings can be added to give some "zip" to any vegetable-topped pizza.

Please note: Topping selection varies by location. Visit your local Little Caesars Pizza restaurant for topping availability.

For the Strict Vegetarian Diet (Vegan Diet)
A strict vegetarian diet requires a little more planning for nutritional adequacy because it may require special conditions such as no animal by-products. Little Caesars' pizza crust is made with a quality, high-protein flour and contains no animal products or by-products. The sauce is made from crushed tomatoes and is seasoned with a special blend of herbs and spices - it also is made without animal by-products. This means that customers who are strict vegetarians can order a Little Caesars vegetable pizza, without cheese, and still fulfill their needs.

There are other items that can be special-ordered from our menu that are acceptable for a strict vegetarian diet. For example, Crazy Bread®️ can be ordered without Parmesan cheese along with an order of Crazy Sauce®️ on the side.
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On the left are the pizzas I made for dinner last night, cooked in dark metal pizza pans on the oven racks, at 550 degrees F, with convection; on the right is a pizza made with the same dough, but baked on unglazed ceramic tiles in my oven, same temperature.

The pictures are just to illustrate the different quality of pizza that you can get in your own home oven. They were both good, by the way! But the "stone-baked" one has a crust that is crispy all over, not just on the bottom. It looks more Italian, somehow! Last night I was just too preoccupied to heat up the tiles beforehand.

I'm not going to go into a long explanation of how I make pizza. And it is long! For that you can get my book Nonna's Italian Kitchen (your library might have it), or subscribe to my newsletter, The Vegan Feast, for a newer version.

There is so much bad pizza out there! Which is puzzling, because, once you know a few things, it's easy. And the dough is not an afterthought-- in Italy it is the primary component, and it should be here in N.A., too. In Italy they don't over load a pizza with sauce, ingredients, cheese, etc.. The dough is simple, very simple, but it tastes so good you want to eat the edges, and you don't need them to be stuffed with cheese or have some gloppy sauce to dip them into! I'm going to give you my latest favorite dough recipe, which is from my newsletter. Both of the pizzas above were made with this dough.

HINT: Pizza dough is better if you make it hours before using and let it rise in the refrigerator for 8-14 hours. Yes, it's true, and it's very convenient. The directions are in the recipe below. An alternative is to make it in the morning, let it rise once, punch it down and refrigerate as instructed until about 2 hours before dinner (so it has time to warm up). Why is it better this way? Because dough needs time to develop the enzymes which give dough flavor and good texture.

BTW, "American Pie" by master baker Peter Reinhart is a wonderful book on pizza!

Here's the dough recipe-- we'll talk about toppings, sauce, vegan cheese another time.
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©️Bryanna Clark Grogan 2004
From Vol. #1, Issue #6 June/July 2004 of The Vegan Feast

I’m constantly trying to make my pizza better and more authentic. Since Naples is the original home of pizza, and purportedly the absolute best place to sample pizza, I’ve been researching what makes it so good. The pizza should be thin-crusted, toasty and charred a little, and high, soft, and blistered on the edge. The filling should not overpower the crust, but should be “juicy”, and should have a fresh flavor. Each diner should have their own personal 9-10” pizza, hand-shaped. Everything should be done to approximate baking in a brick oven at very high heat. Here are my results, and they were the best we’ve had so far!

NEWS FLASH! Cheese is used on some Neapolitan pizzas, but not all, and when used, it does not smother the other ingredients. For a vegan pizza, some toppings benefit from a sprinkle of soy Parmesan, but most need no cheese. 1 oz. of soy mozzarella is plenty, if you want cheese.


Makes 4/ 9 or 10” pizzas

Italian flour is softer (has a lower gluten content) than North American flour, so that’s why the addition of pastry flour. Neapolitan pizza does not contain fat or sugar.

1 and 1/4 c. warm water (between 105 and 115 degrees F)
1 tsp. dry active baking yeast OR 3/4 tsp. instant yeast
1 c. pastry flour (I always use wholewheat pastry flour)
2 and 1/2 c. unbleached white flour (do not substitute wholewheat flour or the crust will be too heavy)
2 tsp. salt

In a medium bowl or bowl of a heavy-duty mixer, mix the water and yeast. Let it stand until it dissolves when stirred. Mix the two flours and the salt together. Add to the yeast mixture and knead for 10 minutes, by hand or by machine. Add a little more unbleached flour if absolutely necessary, but add as little as possible. (A moist dough makes better pizza.) Place the dough in a bowl oiled with olive oil, turn it over to coat, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise at room temperature for an hour and a half, or until doubled in size. (A slow rise is actually good—it increases the flavor.)

TO RISE THE DOUGH IN THE REFRIGERATOR, make the morning before you are going to use it. Oil the kneaded dough all over with olive oil and place it in a plastic bag or a bowl with room to double. A ziplock bag works well—flatten the dough out first. Make sure the dough rising in a bowl is well-oiled and well-covered, or it will dry out. If you are around while it is rising, flatten the air out of the dough two or three times during the day. Refrigerated dough needs 2-3 hours to come to room temperature before baking.


This is a great convenience and makes wonderful pizza dough.

Use cold water. Place the ingredients in the bread container in the order that is instructed for your machine. Select the dough cycle and let it go to work. You can remove it from the machine after it has kneaded and rise it in a bowl, or, if the your container is big enough for the dough to double, let it rise through the entire dough cycle, then remove for the final rising and proceed with the recipe as instructed below.

30-60 minutes before baking, heat your oven to 500 or 550 degrees F, using a pizza stone or ceramic tiles on the bottom rack. Use convection, if you have it.

DO NOT START SHAPING THE PIZZAS AND TOPPING THEM UNTIL YOU HAVE PREPARED AND TURNED ON THE OVEN. Pizza dough should not rise again before you put it in the oven!

You want the dough to cook fast, but not dry out, and you want the topping to be juicy. (Be aware that toppings, sauce, and oil that may drip on the clay may be difficult to remove and may smell up the oven next time you bake.)

Punch down the dough. Divide the dough into four balls. On a lightly-floured board, holding your fingers flat, press the dough out into a circle. Drape the circle over your closed fists. Keeping your thumbs out of the way, move your fists up and down, gently and evenly stretching the dough to make a 9” circle (more or less). For the final stretching, hold the edge of the pizza and keep moving the edge of the dough around through your fingers, letting the weight of the dough stretch it a little more, to 10” maximum, across.

ALTERNATIVELY, you can drape the dough over an over-turned bowl (see picture) and gently stretch it until it is the right size, again using the weight of the dough stretch it.

Work slowly so that you don’t tear the dough. If it does tear, you can patch it and seal it again. The pizza does not have to be absolutely round!

You can use a rolling pin, but Neapolitans think that this makes a flatter and less chewy crust. Place the pizzas on well-floured flat cookie sheets (with no lip or rim) or well-floured baking parchment over stiff cardboard (this is assuming you don't have a baking peel) to rise. Shake the pan, board or peel to make sure the dough isn’t sticking. If does, remove carefully and sprinkle with more flour. You’ll be able to slide them off onto the stone or tiles from these.

Quickly top your pizza as desired, (here's my pizza sauce recipe)and drizzle each pizza with 1 T. extra-virgin olive oil (DO NOT OMIT! Eat fat-free all day if you have to, but the oil really makes the pizza wonderful! You are saving alot of fat by using no fatty meat, and little or no soy cheese, and the fat in olive oil is much more healthful than dairy fat.)

Slide the pizza off the pan, board or peel by lining up the edge of it with the back edge of the stone or tiles, tilt it up and jerk it gently to get the back edge of the pizza onto the stone. Then carefully pull back until the pizza in on the stone or tiles. Don’t try to move the pizza on the stones for several minutes, until it has firmed up. Bake one pizza at a time.

At 500-550 degrees F, pizza will cook in about 8 minutes. The bottom of the crust should be crispy and golden, with a few scorched spots, and the top should be bubbly and slightly browned, with a nice puffy edge. The crust should be chewy. Serve immediately, cutting into wedges with a sharp knife, a pizza cutter, or a pair of kitchen shears (my favorite).

SERVE IMMEDIATELY! Neapolitan pizza should be fresh, fresh, fresh!
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y, June 23, 2008
Vegan Pizza

For many years I relished eating pizzas brimming with cheese. One fine day, when I decided to become a vegan, I realised that I could no longer eat pizzas with cheese.

As a vegan I started to enjoy eating cheeseless pizzas. Recently I came across numerous vegan blogs with vegan pizzas loaded with vegan cheese. Many vegans had blogged about the Vegan Gourmet Cheese, made by Follow Your Heart.

I recently made pizza with vegan gourmet mozarella cheese, and I was surprised to find out that it tasted so much like real cheese. The pizza was delicious! I'm so happy to find a cheese, which not only tastes great but is also cruel-free.

Where can you find this delicious vegan cheese? Visit this webpage to find stores which carry vegan cheese.
Posted by Kumudha at 10:54 AM
Labels: cheese alternative, follow your heart, United States, vegan cheese, vegan gourmet cheese, vegan pizza, vegans
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In our fridge door there's a compartment called "Dairy Corner". Of course we never store any dairy in it, but we do use it for some of our nondairy items. If anything, the nondairy corner is too small to hold all of our vegan cheese, what does that say about us? It is overflowing with vegan goodies. Especially right now, thanks to the folks at Follow Your Heart (makers of Vegan Gourmet), who are fans of this site and recently sent us a generous package of their products.

The "All-Star Vegan Cheese Line-Up":

From left to right: Teese (mozzarella, nacho and cheddar), Cheezly, Soya Bleu, Sheese in the background, and a ton of Vegan Gourmet mozzarella.

We've been working our way through the Vegan Gourmet, as with this nice recent pie:

Posted by Barna at 4/13/2009 0 comments Links to this post
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
First Cheezly Pizza

I have known about Cheezly for quite some time (having encountered it in Europe before), but as these things always seem to take a while to make their way to the West Coast, it was only a few weeks ago that I discovered that it is now being sold at Rainbow. I promptly got some, and a few days ago we tried the "Mozzarella Style" on pizza.

Eaten raw, Cheezly doesn't taste like much, but as it is firmer than most other vegan cheeses out there, I found it was easy to handle and easy to grate.

When baked on a pizza, Cheezly truly shines. It melts very nicely (not too watery like Teese tends to), bakes up to the prettiest color I've ever seen with any vegan cheese, and tastes fantastic. It has a somewhat "greasier" mouthfeel than Teese or Follow Your Heart, but in a good way.

I can say that Cheezly was a huge success in our house and it definitely joins Teese and Follow Your Heart as one of our most favorite vegan cheeses for pizza. We'll definitely use it again.

Posted by Barna at 3/25/2009 3 comments Links to this post
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Maiden Voyage
Check out some footage of our new oven baking its first pizza:

(This pie was made pretty much exactly like the ones shown in the tutorial video.)

So far, our dining room furniture is quite minimal -- but that didn't take one bit away from the enjoyment of the pizza and the bottle of champagne, compliments of our awesome realtor. Cheers...

Posted by Barna at 3/22/2009 1 comments Links to this post
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Pizza at Ubuntu
The "Pizza Margherita" (vegan version) at the famed Ubuntu restaurant in Napa. The black dumplings are little dollops of black kale pesto. It was delicious. The dough was almost pastry-like which I normally don't like, but it totally worked for this pie.

Nom nom!

Posted by Barna at 3/15/2009 0 comments Links to this post
Thursday, February 19, 2009
"Where the baker sleeps"
Which is what I hear large, cave-like holes in bread are called. This has got to be the largest bubble I ever had on a pizza!

The pizza the above slice is from was a delicious pesto.

Posted by Barna at 2/19/2009 0 comments Links to this post
Monday, February 9, 2009
Controlling the moisture of pizza sauce

Is your pizza soupy? Or is it too dry?

An important step in becoming a great pizza baker is to learn to achieve consistency. Everyone can turn out a great pie every once in a while, but to be able to do that every single time is a different matter altogether. That takes practice, and the ability to understand and control (or at least, contain) each parameter that influences the outcome.

A fairly obvious, yet very important step in all of this is that you must learn to control the moisture of your sauce. You have to anticipate the overall moisture level of the pizza and adjust the sauce's water content accordingly. You don't want to end up with a soupy pizza with the topping sliding off the crust the moment you lift a slice. On the other hand, you also don't want a pie with dry, shriveled chunks of tomatoes on top -- that is called a focaccia, not a pizza!

If you just use the crushed tomatoes straight out of the can, you are playing lottery. Whether the pizza turns out great, or whether it is a soupy mess -- it will be out of your hands.

Controlling the moisture is very easy. Obviously, if things are too dry, you can just add water. I never, ever had to do this! More often than not, I have to take water out of the tomatoes. This is easily achieved with a bowl and a strainer / colander. You dump your crushed tomatoes in the strainer, and then you use a spoon to stir it around, until enough water / juice drips out at the bottom.

How much moisture to take out of the tomatoes? That depends on many factors, such as your oven, the baking time and temperature, the tomatoes, the vegan cheese you use (if at all), and the toppings. This is where you have to experiment a little. If your pizza is soupy when you take the pizza out of the oven, then next time keep everything the same, but extract more moisture out of the tomatoes. In the meantime I have developed a good sense of being able to tell what is too much and what is enough and I'm able to make pizzas with a pretty consistent moisture level.

Teese for instance melts to a more watery consistency than Vegan Gourmet. Bakers ending up with soupy pizza is the number one complaint I hear from others who try Teese. I may be wrong, but I'm guessing this is because Teese first was developed for commercial pizzerias who use very hot wood fired or gas ovens -- and if anything, you want to increase the moisture in such ovens, because things will dry out fast.

If I use Teese, I wring my tomatoes pretty dry, so that there is quite little juice left among the tomato chunks. This works very well. Vegan Gourmet tends to melt less soupy and works reasonably well even with tomatoes straight out of the can -- this is why I don't have to do any adjustment in the video.

Non-soupy pizza with a lot of Teese (both mozzarella and cheddar). I took a lot of water out of the tomatoes to arrive at this consistency.
Posted by Barna at 2/09/2009 1 comments Links to this post
Sunday, February 8, 2009
My Pizza Dough Is Famous

Image from Flickr

Well... sort of.

I'm a luddite when it comes to pizza restaurants, which is only fair since I pretty much never go out for pizza and always make my own. I know next to nothing about eating pizza in restaurants. Still, even I have heard of Jim Lahey and his famed new Manhattan pizza place, Co.

Now, as a self respecting San Franciscan I have a healthy dose of food snobbery built into my DNA, but Co. seems almost a little too elite for my tastes, especially their "No special requests" policy -- which might be bad news for vegans. Whatever. Lahey clearly knows his bread, and recently I came across an article in which he shares the recipe for his crust. Turns out (not very surprisingly, I might add) that it's very, very similar to my own fridge dough formula. This just proves that simple is always better. I have been baking no-knead breads and pizzas long before Lahey popularized the method, and this simple no-knead recipe yields the best crust I have ever tasted.

On a more personal note, you might be wondering where I have been and why the long silence on here? I dislike the "I'm sorry I haven't blogged" type of post many people seem to think are necessary after long breaks. So I won't do that, and it would be dishonest too, because I'm not really sorry Smile I have been baking pizzas regularly, and have ideas for several new posts. On the other hand, many things have been going on in my life that made me not have the time to post. One of these things is the purchase of our first home. It should be noted that this house has a back yard, which I think will eventually lead to BBQs and grilled pizza. But all that is further down the road. And before anyone asks: NO, I won't build a brick oven in my backyard. Too much work! (And probably not legal in this city, either.)

Just keep being subscribed to the blog, and when I have something intersting to post about, I will -- I promise. And if you have any questions about vegan pizza, feel free to email me. Who knows, you might just give me the idea for my next post!

The backyard: potential site for future BBQ pizza.
Posted by Barna at 2/08/2009 1 comments Links to this post
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sitio sobre pizzas veganas

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Brownie vegano

Cocción : 25 min.


* 2 tazas de harina integral de trigo
* 1 taza de agua
* 1 taza de azúcar moreno
* 1 taza de azúcar
* 1 cucharadita de sal
* 1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
* ¾ taza de cacao puro
* ½ taza de aceite de girasol
* ½ cucharadita de levadura química (polvo para hornear)
* ½ taza de nueces
* ½ taza de chips de chocolate negro


Hierve la taza de agua y ½ taza de harina, mueve constantemente, hasta que quede una pasta no muy espesa. Apaga el fuego y deja enfriar. Mezcla las 2 taza de azúcar, sal, vainilla, cacao y el aceite. Añade la pasta de agua y harina, y mezcla bien. Mezcla en otro cuenco 1 y ½ tazas de harina, levadura, nueces y chocolate, y añádelo a la mezcla anterior. Bate bien hasta que quede bien mezclado. Pon el horno a 175º C. Engrasa un molde de 28 x 17 y vierte toda la mezcla en él. Introduce el molde al horno durante 30 minutos, o hasta que cuando introduzcas un cuchillo en el brownie salga limpio.
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Brownie vegano

Cocción : 20 min.


* 150 gr chocolate.
* 100 gr manteca vegetal
* ½ taza de almidón de maíz disuelto en agua
* 1 taza de azúcar
* ½ taza harina de trigo
* 70 gr nueces partidas en trozos


Derretir la manteca con el chocolate. Enfriar. Unir el chocolate derretido con la manteca al azúcar. Agregar la harina. Incorporar las nueces. Aceitar y enharinar una asadera profunda de 14 cm por 22 cm. Colocar la PREPARACIÓN y llevar a horno precalentado. Horno caliente. Tiempo de cocción aproximadamente 20 minutos (debe quedar la superficie seca y el centro húmedo). Retirar del horno, dejar enfriar y cortar en cuadraditos. Sírvalos en pirotines.
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» recetas veganas
» recetas veganas : mantecas vegetales

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