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 Romania dogs

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

Romania dogs - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Romania dogs   Romania dogs - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 7 Juin - 14:13

june 1ST 2013


More horror in Romanian shelters for strays : RAMNICU VALCEA...

Dear friends,

I think that the horror news from Romania do not surprise anybody, anymore, unfortunately.

Again, we face another death camp for stray dogs - in Ramnicu-Valcea Romania, but also the hostile attitude , openly CRUEL, of the local administration. Although the euthanasia of healthy animals is BANNED in Romania, by the law IN FORCE, it appears that the Mayor of Ramnicu Valcea, decided to make his own laws in his city , willing to " euthanise" strays after 7 days of being in the shelter( of the most miserable life possible ).From the text of the bilingual letter, you will be able to realize the barbaric intenstions of the local councils and the administration of the shelter. PLEASE SEND the letter in the link bellow to the addresses provided. THANK YOU...

( the text of the letter is a bit too long for the new settings on Causes, so I had to ad a link to the note I posted on FB - it is set public ) please click on the link and send the letter.Thank you )

Protest letter against the cruelty in the shelter and the intention to illegally kill animals (https://www.facebook.com/notes/mira-pantazopol-iordanescu/the-horrror-in-the-municipal-shelter-for-strays-in-ramnicu-valcea-romania-please/495873227138237#!/notes/mira-pantazopol-iordanescu/the-horrror-in-the-municipal-shelter-for-strays-in-ramnicu-valcea-romania-please/495873227138237)

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

Romania dogs - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Romania dogs   Romania dogs - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 7 Juin - 14:15

MARCH 7 2013


The horrror in the Municipal shelter for strays in RAMNICU VALCEA - Romania - please send the letter
by Mira Pantazopol Iordanescu (Notes) on Thursday, March 7, 2013 at 6:14pm

Dear friends,
I think that the horror news from Romania do not surprise anybody, anymore, unfortunately.
Again, we face another death camp for stray dogs - in Ramnicu-Valcea Romania, but also the hostile attitude , openly CRUEL, of the local administration. Although the euthanasia of healthy animals is BANNED in Romania, by the law IN FORCE, it appears that the Mayor of Ramnicu Valcea, decided to make his own laws in his city , willing to " euthanise" strays after 7 days of being in the shelter( of the most miserable life possible ).From the text of the bilingual letter, you will be able to realize the barbaric intenstions of the local councils and the administration of the shelter. PLEASE SEND the letter bellow to the addresses provided. THANK YOU...

SUBJECT : Please STOP the cruelty towards dogs in the local shelter and IMPLEMENT the LAW in force in Romania. Opriti actele de cruzime impotriva cainilor din adapostul municipal si aplicati legile IN VIGOARE.

TO :
emilian.francu@primariavl.ro, office@rtv.net, dsvet@iplus.ro,
valcea@saptamana.net ,
office@ansvsa.ro, redactia@realitateavalceana.ro, mimpiarr@gmail.com,
actualitateavalceana@gmail.ro, gigi.matei@primariavl.ro, gheorghe.ionita@primariavl.ro,consiliu@cjvalcea.ro,prefect@prefecturavalcea.ro
CC :
valeriu.amza@yahoo.com, boban_liviu@yahoo.com, bobeanu_m@yahoo.com, trundin@hotmail.com, cosmin.constantinescu@primariavl.ro, costinescu_bogdan_pd@yahoo.com, craciunescugrigore@yahoo.com, adobrete@yahoo.com, g_ana_ene@yahoo.com, gherghinaru_ion@yahoo.com, mgmihailescu@yahoo.com, ionut_4444@yahoo.com, bogus109@yahoo.com, adrianpandurasu@yahoo.com, mihai.persu@yahoo.com, , bpruteanu@yahoo.it, bogus102@yahoo.com, eusebiu_veteleanu@yahoo.com, avocatiulianvoicu@yahoo.com, eduard.varlan@apdrp.ro,

In the attention of Mr. Emilian Francu - Mayor of Ramnicu Valcea, The Town Hall Council, ANSVSA, FPAM, and the media
In atentia dl.Emilian Francu - Primar Ramnicu Valcea, a Consiliului Local, ANSVSA, FPAM si media
We, citizens from Romania and around the world, are completely OUTRAGED regarding the HORRIBLE conditions in which the dogs are kept in the shelter from FETENI which belongs to the Ramnicu-Valcea Town Hall.
Noi, cetateni din Romania si din lumea intreaga suntem oripilati de conditiile ORIBILE in care traiesc cainii in adapostul din FETENI - administrat de Primaria Ramnicu-Valcea.
In the civilized world, ALL public shelters for stray or abandoned animals ( dogs and cats ) are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC every day of the week....at least 6 hours, from noon until late evening, including the week-end, so people can go and adopt, without ANY written permission from any town hall . Every day, volunteers are not only welcomed BUT asked to assist the employees in their activies in the shelters. Photos of all the animals are posted on social media network to facilitate their adoption. NONE OF THIS HAPPENS in Ramnicu-Valcea - quite the contrary . WHY ?
In lumea civilizata, toate adaposturile pentru animale fara stapan sau abandonate sunt DESCHISE PUBLICULUI, cel putin 6 ore pe zi, in fiecare zi a saptamanii ( atentie - Sambata si Duminica inclusiv) de la orele 12 pana seara, pentru a facilita accesul tuturor celor interesati sa dopte, FARA nici un fel de aprobare scrisa de la NICI O PRIMARIE. Voluntarii sunt nu numai foarte bineveniti, dar sa fac apeluri pentru participarea lor in toate activitatile din adaposturi. Fotografii ale animalelor din adaposturi sunt postate peste tot in Social Media, pentru a le facilita adoptia. TOATE ACEASTEA SUNT INTERZISE la Ramnicu-Valcea. DE CE ?

We also found out with disbelief, that the Mayor, Mr.Francu does not YET understand his own country's legislation, regarding the animals, and we, have to remind him this : Am aflat, cu stupoare, ca dl.primar Francu nu cunoaste INCA legislatia in VIGOARE in propria lui tara, ca atare trebuie sa i-o facem cunoscuta

1. Conform art.7¹ din Legea 205/2004 privind protectia animalelor, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare : „Este interzisă eutanasierea câinilor, a pisicilor şi a altor animale, cu excepţia animalelor cu boli incurabile, constatate de medicul veterinar”
Deci, nu se eutanasiază decat animalele cu boli incurabile, nu cele sanătoase, şi numai pe baza unor diagnostice precise (proba bolilor incurabile) şi incontestabile.

We recommend that he takes a look at a very recent decision given by the Appeal Court in Oradea ( Bihor ) regarding the illegality of the euthanaisa of healthy animals.
De asemenea ii recomandam sa studieza hotararea Curtii de Apel din Oradea( Bihor) referitor la ILEGALITATEA eutanazierii animalelor sanatoase
We ask that Mr.Mayor and the local council start implementing in Ramnicu-Valcea the best method to diminish the stray dogs over population : Capture/Sterilize/Return in the territory....and also to fully colaborate with the local organizations for the protection of animals, to OPEN the shelter to the public, to let volunteers participate every day for at least 6 hours in the activies in the shelter, to promote adoptions . We also ask that those employees which are cruel and brutal with the animals to be immediately replaced with people who understand that animals are living creatures who feel pain, who must be treated humanely
Rugam pe dl primar si consiliul local sa inceapa implementarea singurului program care a dat roade in toata lumea in privinta diminuarii numarului de animale fara stapan : Capturare/Sterilizare/Rturnarea in teritoriul de unde au fost capturati : sa deschida adapostul pentru public, sa lase voluntarii sa participe la toate activitatile din adapost cel putin 6 ore pe zi. De asemenea solicitam inlocuirea angajatilor care trateaza animalele cu brutalitate si cruzime cu persoane care inteleg ca si animalele simt durere fizica si trebuie tratate cu compasiune .

WE hope that the situation in the shelter of Feteni will improve immediately, that the Mayor of Ramnicu Valcea will renounce the idea to illegally kill animals and will fully colaborate with the well intened people from the local associations and abroad who want to assist in solving the problme with civility, moral, ethic, compassion , like in all civilized countries in the 21st century. Speram ca situatia animalelor in adapostul din Feteni sa va imbunatati imediat , ca domnul primar din Ramnicu-Valcea va renunta la idea de a ucide in mod ILEGAL animalele si va colabora deplin cu oamenii de buna credinta din localitatae ( mai ales asociatiile pentru protectia animalelor ) si din strainatate pentru a rezolva aceasta problema in mod civilizat, moral, etic, compasionat ca in toate tarile civilizate in secolul 21.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter
Multumim pentru atentie

(your name, town, country )
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

Romania dogs - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Romania dogs   Romania dogs - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 23 Juin - 17:19

june 15th 2013


STOP the mass poisoning of stray animals PLOIESTI, and punish the criminals

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Mira invited you to take this pledge

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Danielle Lacolley-Esau and 1,339 others took the pledge.[/font][/color]

STOP the mass poisoning of stray animals PLOIESTI, and punish the criminals

  • Posted to STOP THE MASSACRE O… by Mira Pantazopol Iordanescu
  • Jun 19


I pledge to Sign the petition and NOT visit Ploiesti, Romania, until they STOP the MASS KILLINGS of stray animals

Romania dogs - Page 2 RSB
Please be so kind and sign and share this petition....Thank you .More mass poisonings of stray animals in PLOIESTI - Prahova County Romania...Please sign and share....Strangely enough "squads" of dog catchers work NIGHT SHIFTS lately ( in many cities ) picking up dogs, who of course disappear and possibly placing poison....There are lots of emails for authorities in Romania in the petition setting...Thank you ...Yes, they want tourists...they "clean up " the streets...they massacre animals, as usual...
I want to remind you that in the same PRAHOVA COUNTY - Capital city PLOIESTI, they round up stray dogs, dump them in BUCOV shelter form where they VANISH ( those who did not vanish before , during their capture by the dog catchers, who, as usual , as everywhere in Romania are hired to TORTURE and KILL ...the lowest sub humans ever ....and the same county where the NOTORIOUS  " doctor death " Emilia Herescu has already KILLED with her own hands thousands and thousands of dogs, in her shelter in BOLDESTI SCAIENI...This is a HORRIBLE COUNTY....actually, very few counties in Romania can say that they do not MASSACRE animals...maybe one - SIBIU - for the rest....the SUMMER "clean-up" has begun...
Thank you for lending your voice to these innocent martyrs or this despicable BARBARISM...[/font][/color]
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

Romania dogs - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Romania dogs   Romania dogs - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 24 Juin - 15:26

june 18TH 2013

Romania dogs - Page 2 GSvmKDxSKGGiNDV-556x313-noPad

  • Petitioning Dr. Ion POPA 

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Sfantu Gheorghe - Romania -Town Hall, Police, ANSVSA, : STOP the mass killing of stray dogs and cats in Sfantul Gheorghe - Romania

    1. Romania dogs - Page 2 NwHUwUHYriZKmHp-44x44-cropped
    2. Petition by
      Mira Iordanescu
      Toronto, Canada


We are OUTRAGED by the decision of local authorities from Sfantu Gheorghe - Covasna Couny - to KILL all stray dogs and cats in town, based on the fact that a fox with "rabies" has been discovered. 
It is appalling to find out that the norms and laws in FORCE in Romania, are continuously BROKEN by the very authorities which are supposed to apply them. 
For a very long time, Romania has gained a horrible image in the entire world, because the despicable treatment of animals. 
We consider this decision - TO KILL ALL STRAY ANIMALS in Sfantu Gheorghe - OUTRAGEOUS- BARBARIC - and - DESPICABLE and we will also inform the EU about the fact that there are animals with "rabies", that you decide to order a real MASSACRE and that local authorities decided to break the laws. 
It is absolutely OUTRAGEOUS to make the local Police to run after the animals, to shoot them with tranquilizers, to harass people... 
It has come to our attention that the substances to be used to catch and KILL these animals have been bought from the Veterinarian KONDOR, whose wife works as a City Councilor... 
Please, reverse this horrible intention and make sure that all the laws and norms regarding the issues of rabies are applied and NO ANIMAL WILL BE KILLED from now on.
Sources : 
FB EVENT : Shame on you Sfantul Gheorghe - 
"Animal lovers protest against the decision to kill all stray dogs and cats " 
Qarantine against rabies : all stray dogs and cats will be killed... 
Dr. Ion POPA, Chief Commissioner-Covasna County - Romania - Police 
Dr. Siko Barabasi Sandor, DIrector - DVS Covasna County Romania 
Mr. Dumitru Marinescu, Covasna County Prefect Office 
Mr.TAMÁS Sándor, Covasna County Council 
Mr. Manastereanu, ANSVSA Romania 
Redactor, Media Covasna County : Observatorul 
Razvan Filipescu, Romania Tourism Office 
Mr.Răzvan Filipescu, President Romanian Authority for Tourism 
Mr. Dumitru Parvu, Romanian Police 
Mr. Tudor Pendiuc, Romanian Association of Municipalities 
Mrs Kondor Agota, Sfantul Gheorghe Town Hall Councilor 
Mr. Antal Arpad Andras, Mayor - Sfantu Gheorghe - Covasna County Romania 
Mrs. Eva Sztakics, Deputy Mayor Sfantu Gheorghe - Covasna County Romania 
Mr. Tischler Ferenc -, Deputy Mayor Sfantu Gheorghe- Covasna County - Romania 
STOP the mass killing of stray dogs and cats in Sfantu Gheorghe - Romania 

In atentia autoritatilor Romania - Sfantul Gheorghe - judetul Covasna 

Va rugam sa renuntati imediat la intentia de a UCIDE IN MASA, animale in Municipiul Sfantu Gheorghe asa cum a ordonat directorul DVS Covasna, dr. Siko Barabasi Sandor( "‘Vor fi două zone de protecţie, una pe o rază de trei kilometri în jurul focarului, unde toate carnasierele nevaccinate antirabic, câini, pisici, vulpi, lupi, jderi, etc, vor fi ucise, aşa cum scrie legea (…), iar pe o rază de zece kilometri se va institui o zonă de supraveghere cu ajutorul proprietarilor care vor trebui să ţină sub observaţie animalele şi să raporteze dacă observă tulburări, dacă sunt agitate fără motiv, sunt agresive sau nu beau apă’, a spus dr. Siko. - DSV Covasna, dr. Siko Barabasi Sandor) deoarece aceasta decizie este in totala contradictie cu normele si legile IN VIGOARE IN ROMANIA. 
VA rugam sa dispuneti IMEDIAT investigarea felul in care DVS COVASNA ia hotarari care incalca legile, si toate celelalte actiuni legale de aceasta INTENTIE CRIMINALA - inclusiv cumpararea de substante tranchilizante sau letale de la Dr.KONDOR a carui sotie este consilier la Primaria Municipiului Sfantu Gheorghe... 
Va rugam sa dati IMEDIAT CURS plangerilor penale depuse impotriva DVS Covasna si a Primariei Sfantul Gheorghe, de catre organizatii pentru Protectia Animalelor din Romania 

Orice actiune de ucidere a animalelor ( salbatice sau domestice - cu sau fara stapan ) in Municipiul Sfantu Gheorghe va aduce prejudicii IMENSE imaginii Romaniei in lume. 

Va rugam dispuneti sanctionarea celor care au incalcat legile si atentionarea lor, prentru asemenea decizii care pot duce la UCIDEREA IN MASA a animalelor sa NU mai fie luate niciodata. 
Totodata DSVSA Covasna a eutanasiat in mod ilegal un pui de vulpe care nu prezenta semne clinice de rabie. 
Contrar celor dispuse de catre DSVSA Covasna, Ordinul presedintelui ANSVSA nr. 29 din 28 martie 2008 pentru aprobarea Normei sanitare veterinare privind măsurile generale de prevenire şi control al rabiei la animale domestice şi sălbatice prevede ca eutanasierea animalelor salbatice se face doar in situatia in care acestea prezinta semne clinice de rabie. 
Totodata, avertizam ca, potrivit legii, Politia Locala nu are competenta de a captura prin tranchilizare cainii si pisicile aflate pe domeniul public. Atributia capturarii cainilor apartine serviciilor de gestionare a cainilor fara stapan iar tranchilizarea cainilor se poate face doar sub supravegherea unui medic veterinar si doar in cazul exemplarelor foarte agresive, aflate in locuri inaccesibile sau suspecte de a fi turbate. 
In ceea ce priveste pisicile, capturarea acestora nu se poate face prin impuscare cu tranchilizante intrucat aceasta metoda provoaca ranirea (chiar si mortala) a acestor animale. 
Ii facem respunzatori de viata animalelor din Sfantu Gheorghe pe dl.Director DVS Covasna dr. Siko Barabasi Sandor, primaria Sfantul Gheorghe si Consiliul Judetean Covasna 

Amanunte despre plangerile penale inaintate deja impotriva DVS Covasna pot fi gasite in acest event pe Facebook 

Multumim pentru atentie 

English version 
We are OUTRAGED by the decision of local authorities from Sfantul Gheorghe - Covasna Couny - to KILL all stray dogs and cats in town, based on the fact that a fox with "rabies" has been discovered. 
It is appalling to find out that the norms and laws in FORCE in Romania, are continuously BROKEN by the very authorities which are supposed to apply them. 
For a very long time, Romania has gained a horrible image in the entire world, because the despicable treatment of animals. 
We consider this decision - TO KILL ALL STRAY ANIMALS in Sfantu Gheorghe - OUTRAGEOUS- BARBARIC - and - DESPICABLE and we will also inform the EU about the fact that there are animals with "rabies", that you decide to order a real MASSACRE and that local authorities decided to break the laws. 
It is absolutely OUTRAGEOUS to make the local Police to run after the animals, to shoot them with tranquilizers, to harass people... 
It has come to our attention that the substances to be used to catch and KILL these animals have been bought from the Veterinarian KONDOR, whose wife works as a City Councilor... 
Please, reverse this horrible intention and make sure that all the laws and norms regarding the issues of rabies are applied and NO ANIMAL WILL BE KILLED from now on. 

Sources : 
FB EVENT : Shame on you Sfantul Gheorghe - 
"Animal lovers protest against the decision to kill all stray dogs and cats " 
Qarantine against rabies : all stray dogs and cats will be killed... 

We ask all Romanian Law enforcement agencies to investigate all the aspects of this important issues, which Romanian laws and norms have been trespassed and to take action against those who failed to implement them. 
Thank you for your attention 
[Your name]

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Recent signatures

  • Jill Williams LONDON, GB
  • Chris Wilson GERMANY

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

Romania dogs - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Romania dogs   Romania dogs - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 24 Juin - 15:35

June 11, 2013

Adopted! Romanian Constitution FORBIDS the bad treatments against animals

Some months ago FNPA (National Federation for Animal Protection) started doing demarches for introduction in the Romanian Constitution an article regarding the animal protection. Our proposal was:

"since animals are sentient beings who perceive physical and mental suffering, the State and the citizens have to ensure the right to life of animals, respect for animals and their dignity, taking the necessary measures to protect them."

accompanied by a comprehensive material by what we were bringing constitutional arguments of need of Constitutional regulation but also examples of countries whose Constitutions or penal codes contain provisions regarding the protection of animals.

We started this campaign by accepting the experience of other countries which, despite major campaigns have failed to include provisions on the animal protection but especially taking into account the context of Romania where the authorities are hostile to animals.

Our amendment was officially appropriated by a deputy but also by Constitutional Forum - a body of civil society, citizens, universities and the only one who can take part in the Constitution Review Commission.
The amendment raised the longest debate starting from "right to life of animals" that induced fear that with the adoption of the text all slaughterhouses have to be closed!!
The amendment was rejected!

Although almost no hope the rejected subjects to be resumed, however we continued demarches by proposing a new formulation. Today it has been discussed. After another debate on the text, the adopted form, unanimously, was:

"The bad treatments against animals, defined according the law, are forbidden "

Romanian Constitution is the fundamental law of the Romanian state and establish the general principles of the State, the rights and duties of citizens and public authorities. No other law can violate any provision of the Constitution and all laws must be adapted accordingly. By this provision the animals have a constitutional right not to be bad treated!

It is a huge step that needs to help in adaptation / interpretation of laws regarding not only the pet animals but also to animals in laboratories, farms, zoos, circuses.
Romania, a country where animal cruelty is happening everywhere and permanently, where the authorities rather approve actions against animals, 
FORBID  BY CONSTITUTION the bad treatment towards animals.
Romania thus becomes one of the few countries where there is a constitutional regulation in this regard!
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Romania dogs   Romania dogs - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Juil - 9:35

October 8, 2010

MOST IMPORTANT PETITIONS....Petitions tres importantes....Trei petitii foarte importante PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE THIS PETITIONS....ROMANIAN FRIENDS...PLEASE THESE PETITIONS ARE IMPORTANT....PLEASE SHARE THEM WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS in all your groups, forums, pages, blogs...everywhere....P L E A S E !( 3 Petitions

In English: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/romania-tougher-laws-for-acts-of-cruelty-against-animals/ In Romanian:



Please sign all of them
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