this blond woman in this card seems to be madonna , perhaps ? she's such a satanist ! !
there are tones of super powerful demons possessing her
and all famous rich humans , or almost all of them, like more than 99% of em are lucifer and demon worshippers
they are so powerful, they got tremendously strong satanic supernatural powers from their gods satan + demons
they do witchcraft
they eat humans, torture kill eat animals and humans for satan for demons in satanic rituals; they eat poo poop , pee
wow all they do for cash and fame
they're all gon rot in hell unless they repent; singers, famous athletes , models, they're all into luciferizm, the occult, witchcraft
they've tortured and eaten raw hearts of black cats they've just removed bare handed from the chest of defenseless animals; they cut up human babies hand
they rape human kids
they're crazy, so demon possessed , so ;;;;; brainwashed indoctrinated mind controlled propaganded mentally programmed ;;; by lucifer , demons and their illuminatis that control the earth
they don’t know what they're doing
but most human creatures go to hell, not just luciferians
mikael jakson, selena, elvis, george mickael, witney houston, ect they're all in hell
they probably haven't repented before they died
anybody who's not a slave of God goes to hell; they're gon be slaves of God < born again Christians preaching repentance , preaching the Word of God during the seven years great tribulation < apocalypse
this is what this card's all about
this preacher isn't evil or possessed
but you know everybody will be like crazy, violent, raping everybody, eating animals and humans
children raping, having sex too with children, with any human
humans killing humans and animals
almost everybody possessed during the seven years great tribulation = apocalypse
so as it will be hell on earth, it’s normal that this preacher looks like this, like yelling, like angry, but this is good holy righteous anger
because everybody is dying, chaos, destruction, he just wants people to get saved
our last opportunity to get saved from hell so
he's just trying to help
people yelling apocalypse soon! in the streets nowadays and people insulting, laughing; no
they're so dead blind deaf mute asleep
their consciences
they don't know...... God knows, sees everything
if only they knew!!!!
satan has so indoctrinated them
satan whispering in their spirits, don't listen to these idiot preachers ,they're mad ! but tis true
people preaching everywhere in the word !!!! CHRIST is coming!!!! just like this preacher in this card , and everybody attacking, mocking them , being disrespectful to them
in only a few ? months, Years? they 'll see!!! that all of this was true ! they'll be weeping! poor zombies robots puppets sheep for he s ' god prince father master' of this world : the devil, according to Bible and Christ; so many people in hell, like billions or more : wow!!! almost all mankind is in hell
almost everyone that dies every day in the earth goes to hell
very few get saved; out of 1 million that dies, perhaps one goes to Heaven and the 999 999 go to hell
lucky to die as babies or children that are younger than 6 < all to Heaven
of course , they're only with no sin
but you die from 6 to more than 100 years of < hell
of course
sinners! hell is ful l!!!! Heaven is so much less full ..... repent!!!!
God bless you all and save you all from hell and from great tribulation = apocalypse
all these illuminati cards show how it's going to be during these seven years judgment punishment of God < great tribulation
soon end times !!!!
Jesus is coming!!!!!!