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 please spread this to all the internet, earth to help

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: please spread this to all the internet, earth to help   please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Icon_minitimeVen 30 Oct - 5:04

share please wherever you can ♥ msn chat , blogs, skype ♥ chats ♥ gmail chat, youtube ♥ comments of texts or vids ♥ websites, social mediaz ♥ email ect ♥ thank you loads ♥ GOD & CHRIST bless you eternally ♥ the stuff to share is this link https://touslesanimaux.1fr1.net/t1804-please-spread-this-to-all-the-internet-earth-to-help


European Parliament-“Inside” of the Reality of Stray Dogs in Romania/Europäisches Parlament – die Realität der rumänischen Streunerhunde “von innen”

English and Deutsch message

Sorry to be so late with this update, but we had technical problems with editing for YouTube my presentation in Strasbourg. I wanted it to play precisely and had to wait for an IT collaborator who could finalize the work according to our requirements.

Entschuldigt bitte, dass diese Zusammenfassung so spät kommt, aber wir hatten technische Probleme mit der Bearbeitung fur YouTube meines Vortrags in Strasbourg. Ich wollte eine genaue Übertragung, und wir mussten auf einen IT-Mitarbeiter warten, der das Projekt unseren Anforderungen gemäß fertig machen konnte.

Dear all,

As I had told you in my previous email, on October 8th a session dedicated to the stray dogs of Romania was held at the European Parliament, in the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals, in Strasbourg. It was the first time that they accepted that the topic of Romanian stray dogs could officially be approached in the European Parliament.

October 7th – Roundtable Meeting
On October 7th, the day before the event, a meeting in the European Parliament was organized, with the purpose of presenting a preliminary report, attended by the President of the Intergroup, MEPs and the renowned EU journalist Peter von Kohl.
I presented the situation found in the streets and in the public dog shelters and I outlined why the authorities would be interested in maintaining the current situation. I revealed a new problem: the negative effects of the new legislative provisions on public health, legislation which stipulates the administration of the rabies vaccine may be done only after microchipping. According to the answer from the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) at the request of the National Federation for Animal Protection (FNPA), in rural areas the rabies vaccination was administered only to 1,03 million dogs, which means to about 23% of dogs with owners.
According to the new law, only michrochipped dogs can be vaccinated against rabies, but most of the owners don’t have the financial resources to support michrochipping which generated a major problem: millions of dogs with owners in Romania are currently not vaccinated against rabies! The motivation of those who insisted on such an aberrant provision (without simultaneously planning to subsidize this action) is not only hugely dangerous for the society, in terms of the potential for rabies outbreak, but also causes massive abandonment of dogs by their owners, in order to avoid the fine requested for the failure to identify (and sterilize) the dogs. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to require immediately that the microchipping of dogs with owners will be subsidized!

October 8th – Stray Dogs Situation in Romania
On October 8th, I presented the report "Current Dog Management Practices in Romania. Towards a Sustainable and Human Solution?" to the Animal Welfare Intergroup of the European Parliament, which included:
The cruel reality of public shelters - compared to the exorbitant budgets "spent" by the city halls for managing stray dogs;
The negative effects of a deficient law for stray dog management, which actually caters to many financial interests by permanently maintaining a high number of dogs in the street, resulting in:
-          the massive abandonment of dogs which happens because people can’t pay the fine (up to 2500 euros) for violation of the provisions concerning the obligatory identification and sterilization;
-          a serious disturbance of public health, physical health (risk of rabies incidences), and psychological health (the abuse of animals led and is still leading to serious mental disorders)
Showing the inefficiency / ignorance / complicity / corruption of the authorities assigned to monitor the compliance with the rules concerning the animal protection and medical veterinarian deontology who in fact, with their actions, contribute to the continued abuse of animals.
Presenting the European Commission's legal powers to intervene in the issue of stray animals;
Requests to the European Parliament and the European Commission, concerning:
-          Enforcing respect of the European Convention for the protection of pets, ratified by Romania in 2004, which requests that stray dogs can only be killed according to the national program of disease control;
-          Financial Control of some city halls in Romania conducted by the European Parliament, to see to what extent European funds are fraudulently misappropriated in the area of dog management when they are being killed;
-          Pressure on the Romanian authorities to implement a proper, compassionate and effective management;
-          Financing or co-financing sterilization and micro-chipping, at least of dogs with owners in rural areas and of disadvantaged people;
-          European legislation for the management of stray animals, which considers social ​​interest and ethical values;

You can see the PRESENTATION "Current Dog Management Practices in Romania. Towards a Sustainable and Human Solution?" (website version, duration: 8 minutes) at this link:

To approach the situation of stray dogs from another angle seems to be the right way in order to encourage the European officials to intervene, because, in accordance with article 168 TFEU, the EU has an obligation towards the public health of its citizens.

The President of the Intergroup for Animal Welfare, the MEP Janusz Wojciechowski, said at the end of the event: "There is a chance to open a different kind of discussion, because I found that there is not only a matter of animal protection, but a problem of public health, and we will intervene, from this point of view, because the public health is a matter of the European Union. "

Broadcast of EU Reporter Peter von Kohl
After the event the EU reporter Peter von Kohl invited me to participate in the broadcast: "Romania: Animal Welfare Round Table", a broadcast attended also by the other two speakers of the event, Marlene Wartenberg and Ruud Tombrock.

The BROADCAST, totaling 20 minutes, may be viewed at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCi60m33qzg

(the translation into German of the broadcast can be found at:

Upcoming Actions
Together with the President of the Intergroup for Animal Welfare, MEP Janusz Wojciechowski, who visited Romania twice in connection with his efforts to change the harsh reality of this country, we have developed an action plan for the upcoming period with this goal: the intervention of the EU institutions concerning the Romanian authorities and the implementation of European legislation in the matter of dog management.

This event helped to make the MEPs present be aware of the cruel reality in Romania, of the necessity of intervention of both the Romanian authorities and the European Commission authorities, and represents an important step on our way to an effective and humane approach to the management of stray animals.

Best regards,


<br/><a href="https://2img.net/h/oi58.tinypic.com/walr8g.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>
Broadcast of EU-Reporter Peter von Kohl

<br/><a href="https://2img.net/h/oi57.tinypic.com/vcvqxd.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>
Stray Dogs Situation in Romania MEETING – 8 October 2015

<br/><a href="https://2img.net/h/oi58.tinypic.com/16c1cfd.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>
With MEP Janusz Wojciechowski,
President of Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
and Dr. Karolina Tomaszewska

Ihr Lieben,

Wie ich euch schon in einer früheren Email mitgeteilt hatte, fand am 8. Oktober  eine  Sitzung  im Europäischen Parlament in Strasbourg statt, in der Intergroup of Animal Welfare, die den Streunerhunden Rumäniens gewidmet war. Es war das erste Mal, dass das Thema der rumänischen Streunerhunde  offiziell im europäischen Parlament behandelt werden konnte.

7. Oktober – Runder Tisch
Am 7. Oktober, dem Tag vor der Veranstaltung, wurde ein Treffen im  Europäischen Parlament einberufen mit dem Zweck, einen vorbereitenden Report zu präsentieren. Anwesend waren der Präsident der  Intergroup, Mitglieder des europäischen Parlaments, und der renommierte Journalist Peter von Kohl.
Ich legte die Lage dar, die in den Straßen und in den öffentlichen Tierheimen zu finden ist, und ich gab einen Überblick, warum die Behörden daran interessiert sind, den gegenwärtigen Zustand zu bewahren. Ich deckte ein neues Problem auf: die negative Auswirkung, die neue gesetzliche  Regelungen auf die öffentliche Gesundheit haben, eine Gesetzgebung, die verlangt, dass Tollwutimpfung nur nach Einsetzung des Microchips verabreicht werden darf.  Die National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) beantwortete eine Anfrage von der National Federation for Animal Protection (FNPA) mit der Aussage, dass in ländlichen Gegenden nur  1,03 Millionen Hunde Tollwutimpfung erhielten, das heißt, nur 23% von Hunden mit Eigentümern.
Dem neuen Gesetz zu folge dürfen nur Hunde mit Microchips gegen Tollwut geimpft werden, aber die meißten Eigentümer habern die finanziellen Mittel für Microchipping  nicht, was ein Riesenproblem hervorrief: Millionen von Hunden mit Eigentümern in Rumänien sind zur Zeit nicht gegen Tollwut geimpft!  Diejenigen, die auf so einer  abnormalen Provision bestanden (ohne gleichzeitig diese Aktion zu subventionieren), verursachen nicht nur eine große Gefahr für die Gesellschaft, nämlich die Möglichkeit eines Tollwut-Ausbruchs, sondern auch die massive Aufgabe von Hunden, denn die Eigentümer wollen die hohen Strafen vermeiden, die verhängt werden, wenn Hunde keinen Microchip haben (und nicht sterilisiert) wurden. Es ist deswegen unbedingt notwendig, zu verlangen, dass Microchipping subventioniert wird!

8. Oktober – die Situation der Streunerhunde in Rumänien
Am 8. Oktober gab ich meine Präsentation ”Der derzeitige Zustand der Hunde-Verwaltung in Rumänien. Führt er zu  einer nachhaltigen und mehr humanen Lösung?” in der Intergroup of Animal Welfare, mit den folgenden Stichpunkten:
Die grausame Realitat in den öffentlichen Tierheimen – im Vergleich zu  den gigantischen “Ausgaben”, die die Rathäuser für das Management der Straßenhunde angeben;
Die negativen Auswirkungen einer mangelhaften Gesetzgebung für die Verwaltung der Streunerhunde. Diese Gesetzgebung spielt in die Hände von Interessengruppen, die sich finanziell bereichern, indem sie andauernd eine große Anzahl von Streunerhunden fördern, was Folgendes nach sich zieht:
-          die massive Aufgabe von Hunden, weil Leute die Strafe (bis zu 2500 Euro) nicht zahlen können, die verhängt wird,  wenn die obligatorische Identifizierung und Sterilisierung nicht ausgeführt werden;
-          die ernstliche Gefährdung der öffentlichen Gesundheit, der leiblichen Gesundheit (Risiko von Tollwut-Ausbruch) und der psychologischen Gesundheit (Tierquälerei führt ständig zu schwerwiegenden seelischen Krankheiten).
Aufdeckung der Inkompetenz / Ignoranz / Mitschuld / Korruption der Behörden, die beauftragt sind, die Einhaltung der Tierschutzgesetze und der veterinär-medizinischen  Pflichtethik zu überwachen, die in Wirklichkeit mit ihren Handlungen zu der ständigen Tierquälerei beitragen.
Präsentation der legalen Kraft der Europäischen Kommission, in Sachen der Streunerhunde eingreifen zu können;
Ersuche an das Europäische Parlament und die Europäische Kommision wegen Folgendem:
-          Respektierung der Europäischen Konvention für Tierschutz, die in 2004  von Rumänien unterschrieben wurde, und die verlangt, dass Hunde nur im Einvernehmen mit dem nationalen Programm für Krankheits-Kontrolle getötet werden dürfen;
-          Finanzielle Kontrolle einiger Rathäuser in Rumänien, unternommen vom Europäischen Parlament, um festzustellen, in wie weit europäische Geldmittel im Bereich der Hunde-Verwaltung  auf betrügerische Weise veruntreut werden, wenn die Hunde getötet werden;
-          Druck auf die rumänischen Behörden, um eine angemessene,  mitfühlende, und effektive Verwaltung auszuüben;
-          Finanzierung oder Mit-Finanzierung von Sterilisation und Microchipping, zum Mindesten bei Hunden mit Eigentümern, die auf dem Land wohnen oder die benachteiligt sind;
-          Europäische Gesetzgebung für die Verwaltung von Streunerhunden, die soziales Interesse und ethische Werte in Betracht ziehen.

Ihr könnt die PRÄSENTATION ”Der derzeitige Zustand der Hunde-Verwaltung in Rumänien. Führt er zu  einer nachhaltigen und mehr humanen Lösung?”(version website, 8 minuten) hier sehen:
Es sieht so aus, als ob es der richtige Weg sei, die Situation der Streunerhunde von einem anderen Gesichtspunkt aus anzugehen, um die europäischen Behörden einzuschliessen, denn, im Einvernehmen mit Artikel 168 TFEU, ist die EU für die Gesundheit ihrer Staatsbürger verantwortlich.

Der Präsident der Intergroup for Animal Welfare, der MEP Janusz Wojciechowski, sagte am Ende der Veranstaltung: “Wir sehen die Möglichkeit, eine andere Art von Diskussion zu eröffnen, denn ich stellte fest, dass es nicht nur um Tierschutz geht, sondern auch um öffentliche Gesundheit, und von diesem Standpunkt aus können wir eingreifen, denn öffentliche Gesundheit ist ein Anliegen der Europäischen Union”.

Übertragung des EU Reporters Peter von Kohl
Nach der Veranstaltung lud mich der EU Reporter Peter von Kohl ein, bei einer Übertragung teilzunehmen: “Rumänien: Tierschutz Runder Tisch”, eine Übertragung, bei der auch die beiden anderen Sprecher der Veranstaltung mitmachten, Marlene Wartenberg und Ruud Tombrock.
Die ÜBERTRAGUNG, die 20 Minuten dauert, kann hier gesehen werden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCi60m33qzg

Die deutsche Übersetzung der Übertragung findet ihr hier:
Aktionsplan für die Zukunft
Zusammen mit dem Präsidenten der Intergroup for Animal Welfare, MEP Janusz Wojciechowski, der Rumänien im Zusammenhang mit seinen Bemühungen, die harte Realität dieses Landes zu ändern, zweimal besucht hatte, haben wir einen Aktionsplan für die nahe Zukunft entworfen, der folgendes Ziel hat: die Intervention von EU-Institutionen, was rumänische Behörden anbelangt, und die Realisierung von europäischer Gesetzgebung im Bereich der Hundeverwaltung.

Diese Veranstaltung half mit, um die anwesenden MEPs auf die grausame Realität in Rumänien und auf die Notwendikeit einer Intervention der rumänischen Behörden und der Behörden der Europäischen Kommission aufmerksam zu machen,  und sie bedeutet einen wichtigen Schritt auf unserem Weg zu einem effektiven und humanen Zugang zur Verwaltung der Streunerhunde.

Alles gute,

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Mar 17 Nov - 12:09, édité 5 fois
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: please spread this to all the internet, earth to help   please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Nov - 2:57



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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: please spread this to all the internet, earth to help   please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Nov - 3:55

it's others or oneself who has to deliver oneself from demonic spirits? because JESUS in the Our Father, You say: deliver us from evil, so GOD delivers the people or the person himself herself? JESUS cast out demons when He was living in this planet, so JESUS cast out the demons in the humans? or the person himself herself? or born again Christians? non believers or not true believers ( so called Christians) can't cast out demons from their own selves?

what is a believer ? anybody who claims to be a Christian but according to the Bible, they are not Christians? so Christians with no faith, not interested in God or just  a bit, who live for the worldly things, not for GOD, who don't seek to have  a r relationship with our GOD & our Lord JESUS? but who just pray certain times & speak to GDO & JEUSS certain times, and sometimes go to church, but are in disobedience to GOD & JESU? Those are believers? or believers are only the true Christians, the born again? those who don't claim to be Christians, but who just: believe in GOD & JESUS, and are not interested in becoming Christians, who do not call themselves Christians, don't know nothing from the Bible, don't have a Bible, have never went to church, believe in JESUS+GOD, but are not interested in knowing the more, discovering who they are, having a relationship with them, those are believers? or a believer is only the ones who have faith , obedience, love, worship GOD? it’s better to not call ourselves Christians, if we are not born again I let us not lie to JESUS & GOD & to ourselves I it’s better to say : we are trying, fighting, to become Christians I
we can not believe that only satan & the forces of evil work always I for this signifies tat we believe that GOD is powerless, less powerful than the evil one I no I it’s the other way around I for we got too negative thinking  we believe that in every case of every fight against evil, satan and the demonic humans (possessed with the beast, probably) every time we believe the actions of the defenders of good, the fighters of good ain’t never going to make fruits, never will they win or even make slight progress I this is false, for GOD is on the side of the good doers I He can’t be in favor of cruelties, for example, of animal cruelty I GOD can’t just sit & watch, as many think I or that GOD don’t care about the victims of the satanic humans & of the beast & of the Satanists who are in control of this planet I no I for some have

no positivity, they just throw the towel, believe that GOD is in favor of cruelties, like Animal cruelty I that HE will never help the animal defenders, the animals I no I because we just are able to see one part of the thing: the abuse, the corruption of the inhumane perhaps Satanists or humans possessed with satan I we don’t see the good part: GOD is helping the Animal defensers everywhere in this planet I we just don’t notice I for humans are unable to do anything I only GOD can do good I so every time humans who want good, who are trying to bring justice for beings, for Animals, GOD is doing everything I for men (humans) can’t do nothing I it’s GOD’s power really at work, not the power of the human defenders of justice I one asks oneself: does GOD wants the world massacre of this world’s Animals? For as HE lets men do this I GOD works in mysterious manners I it’s probable that GOD YOU’re against this massacre I but, we don’t know why YOU don’t use Your power to end it in like 1 sec I YOU could GOD I but if YOU let it happen worldwide, it’s perfect, for what YOU decide’s always perfect I

YOU have done so much GOD, YOU’re always, every single day, doing so much for tones of Animals I You got to be crying every time one human possessed with devils, is massacring Your Animals for fur, zoos, ‘nutrition’, stray Animals like in Romania, ect I but YOU let them GOD I we ask YOU why I we got to pray more, with faith, for the Bible says, if we pray with faith, GOD and JESUS will answer to our prayers I so we got to pray to an end of all cruelties to Animals in this planet I for , those people are either Satanists, either evil beings, possessed with unclean spirits (demons) , and are opposing GOD’s Will I for the Bible doesn’t say to be cruel, to massacre, to do evil, to the Animals I it’s not Biblical, and it’s not GOD’s I this is the beast’s stuff & style I the Bibl says to be good , to respect, to love I so it’s clear that this

world inhumanity to the Animals is against the Bible’s teachings, against GOD & JESUS I a sin I we feel powerless, like there’ll never be progress in the Animal defense I but we’re wrong I for there is progress!! In every part of this world! We pray that GOD YOU give us more & more humane people I for it’s the power of the number I and the number of non animal helpers in this planet is way more enormous than the number of Animal helpers I the number of those who _ _ care _ _ about the Animal species, is way smaller than the number of those who don’t ❤ so we ask YOU LORD GOD, in the Name of JESUS CHRIST our Lord, that YOU make humongous miracles, to make tones of humans who’re in favor of Animal massacre & abuse, to turn into humans against this, that YOU give us many more humans who desire to end Animal cruelty, the very same who used to be without opinion ( not for , not against Animal abuse & massacre), that YOU GOD turn with Your endless power & mercy & goodness, many human beings in favor of Animal abuse & massacre into vegan Animal defenders, that YOU Almighty GOD, turn tones of Animal massacerers abusers, into Animal “saviors” ❤ in the Name of our Savior, JESUS CHRIST ❤ Amen ❤ we truly thank YOU LORD JESUS & GOD ALMIGHTY, for each & every angel Animal that YOU’re helping, saving, each & every day ❤ for those victories belong to YOU GOD, not to the merciful king humans YOU’ve used ❤ for it’s YOU GOD, it’s only YOU ❤ thank YOU GOD for each & every of these Animal helpers, “saviors”, defenders ❤ thank YOU for putting Yourself GOD into them, or something, to make them to the marvelous actions they’re making to progress towards the abolition of

Animal abuse + massacre ❤ thank YOU so much JESUS & thank YOU so much LORD GOD ALMIGHTY ❤ !!! Amen!!! Please LORD GOD, continue helping more every time, more every day, more Animals ❤ give us faith, & positivity, for too many of us see only the negative, so we want to throw th towel ❤ don’t let us be discouraged ❤ we can beat the beast, the Satanists (illuminatis) , we can beat the mayors who are Satanists? Or possessed, who want the destruction of Animals, of strays ect ❤ we can end this, but please LORD GOD, help us!!! In JESUS’ Name ❤ Amen ❤
We must stop believing that YOU GOD don’t care, and can’t do nothing ❤ we are non rational ❤ the beast is injecting this idea in our souls ❤ how could we think that GOD Almighty is powerless towards satan’s plan of destruction of the Animal saints??? GOD has created the universe!!! The beast hasn’t! the beast is only one of GOD’s creatures, the illuminatis who have planned the worldwide destruction of the Animals, the demonic beings, are only GOD’s creatures, aren’t they? They can’t do nothing ❤ it seems like them all, all these evil ones, are winning the case of Animal abuse & massacre, but they are not ❤ GOD will win! GOD is winning! It’s not because there’s always more + more Animal abuse in every part of this planet, that it signifies that the dragon( the beast, satan) is winning ❤ GOD is only letting him+ the forces of darkness+ the illuminatis who control the Animal treatment, the human lives, the environment, everything, GOD is only ❤ letting ❤ them do these stuff ❤ GOD is not losing ❤ please, for many of us non real Christians, pray for the Animals, unsuccessfully, for our prayers won’t be answers, for we ain’t got faith at all! Please, born again Christians, (true Christians), please pray for the Animals worldwide ❤ please, in the Name of GOD please!!! Don’t know if you born again, pray for the Animals, or just for the human lost souls ect? Please, never forget the Animals in your prayers ❤ please, remember every day to pray for the Animal saints ❤ they deserve our prayers as much, if not more, than the ‘humans’ ❤ for as you got faith, GOD will definitely answer your prayers ❤ please every time you read, find out about a case of Animal cruelty, like seal hunt, industrial farming, organic farming is so cruel too, stray dogs extermination, Animal testing lie for the so called cure of cancer or

other serious illnesses, please, pray for the end of it, with all your souls & hearts ❤ GOD really wants us to pray for the Animals, right? Please born again, ask GOD why does HE let all these evil people, Satanists, & forces of evil, & the dragon do all this to the Animals? Please pray that we spread the word so much more ❤ why ❤ because this is a weapon that helps but that we are not using enough ❤ why ❤ because : loads of humans have never heard about what is animal testing, what is fur, angora , foie gras, wool ect! They still by these stuff ❤ they don’t have a clue! So please pray that the word is spread more & more, because if we don’t make the people become aware , the kind humane people will never know, will never stop buying, using these type of things ❤ we don’t spread the word enough ❤ please use the internet to spread the word: social medias, emails, post petitions, videos, articles, on a blog, forum ec ❤ please spread the word! As long as we won’t spread the word to every

single person living in this world, we’ll never be able to reach the good people ❤ so the good people will continue to be ignorant & against their hearts, use these things ❤ it’s sad, because those people ❤❤ care ❤❤ but they just don’t know anything! If only we had told them, through the internet, they would have stopped long ago! Thank you so much you all ❤ may JESUS & GOD reward you for your humongous help to His Animals, planet, humans ❤ please GOD ALMIGHT, deliver each & every single non human Animal sisters & brothers from all evil ❤ thank YOU GOD ALMIGHTY
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: please spread this to all the internet, earth to help   please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Nov - 4:34








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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: please spread this to all the internet, earth to help   please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Icon_minitimeLun 16 Nov - 11:56

man is good ? wicked ? it’s not for we humans to say, it’s for GOD to say / but, if we say we’re against the massacre of this planet, and we aren’t environmentalists: ?? we say we are opposed to Animal abuse & massacre, but we’re omnivores ✈we say we’re not against Animal rights, but we’re non vegans ✈ we say we’re not against humanism, philanthropy to humans, but we do no respect them ✈ what does it mean ✈ it don’t make sense ✈ if we’re in favor of animal rights, animal total respect, then why you are not vegans? If we hate the destruction of this world, why do we not respect it , being an environmentalist, using only organic things , vegan nutrition ect ✈ it’s too incoherent ✈ so, are we good or not ✈ because if we say we’re not against animal respect & defense & rights & good treatment ect, deep down we’re against all that, for if we ✈✈ kill ✈✈✈ to eat, to survive, then we really are wicked living creatures, because we say yes to murder! Of our sisters + brothers: GOD’s non human Animal angels ✈ we obviously say !yes! to GOD’s beloved enslavement,

neglect, torture, massacre! Why? Because obviously, if we have chosen omnivorism, which is the lifestyle where we as acre, torture, enslave, mistreat, betray all the Animal rights, we obviously are against the fact that Animals should have rights & be respected by us all, the human race ✈ so we are lying, we are being hypocrites? We are lying to YOU GOD ? that’s the most important thing ✈ we are lying to our family, the non human Animals, we’re betraying all of you GOD’s angels ✈
we say we’re not against animal rights, animal protection & defense ect, but, many who say this have never helped the animals, never have they become active for the Animals ✈ then, how absurd, how non rational is all this reasoning! You’re against animal abuse massacre, but you don’t help? Why? No, it should be : you’re against animal abuse + massacre < you help, you’re in favor of it, or without opinion < you don’t help ✈ but here, we’re probably lying to our own hearts ✈ pretending we ✈ care✈, pretending we got a humongous heart for the Animal , but : no ✈ help don’t mean, 24/7 , in animal rights group ✈ not necessarily, if lack of time ✈ but, spreading word, signing & sharing petitions, giving a bit of dough ✈ printing leaflets, giving them to our sisters & bros ✈ or just spreading the truth

throughout the net ✈ but if many of you human living throughout this plant, say you care for Animals, you’re against their enslavement ,massacre, then you’re supposed to be 1 vegans+ 2 spreading the word through internet, if you can’t be active in animal group ✈ but you refuse to do those 2 stuff, then what ✈ you’re not being sincere, not with your own conscience, soul or whatever, towards GOD& the Animals: you’re in fact in favor of animal abuse massacre enslavement? That’s why the question : are we humans evil or good ✈ because, GOD, according to YOU ( because what we believe  don’t count, if it’s just satanic human earthly false erroneous loony thinking) ✈ is it good to claim to be in favor of animal respect, but to be so evil to them with one’s lifestyle & inactivity? GOD, according to YOU, is it being a good living being, to refuse to have the only animal friendly lifestyle, which is veganism ✈ GOD according to YOU, is it goodness , is it empathy, is it being in favor and not against Animal rights, to refuse to spread the word, when they see something to share, like petition, or a video footage of animal abuse, ect ✈ is it , according to YOU LORD GOD, the ✈ good ✈✈ thing to do, not the wicked thing, to just close one’s eyes, & not share the video footage of investigation, or petition, which helps only if we share t ( it totally don’t help!!! If we do

not share it!) so, are we good? What is good, according to YOU LORD GOD? Is it, to : refuse to help when we could’ve help? No, this seem to be : wickedness ✈ like not sharing a video footage of investigation on foie gras, on fur ect ✈ is it to never, never ever, share investigations, images, video footages ✈ is it goodness, according to YOU GOD ✈ so GOD, do YOU believe that we humans are good ✈ GOD, according to YOU, is it goodness, philanthropy, empathy, humanity, ect, to refuse to adopt the vegan lifestyle, the only empathetic lifestyle existing on the face of Your earth ? is it animal respect, to refuse to have the only respectful lifestyle to the animals, the only kind lifestyle in the world for the Animals ✈ is it goodness, is it respect, to refuse to respect the animals ( be a vegan) and claim we do respect the animals, LORD GOD? Is it normal, is it humane, is it goodness, LORD GOD, to claim we humans desire to help the Animals, but to not just share stuff on the comp that are actions on the comp, & be a vegan, but to do the contrary: be a non vegan, which is the contrary of help! Because, if you can’t be part of an animal rights group, ok, but you can’t not say you have no time to be a vegan! If you have time to be an omnivore, you have time to be vegan! If they know, LORD GOD, Your human living beings, that veganism is respect, it’s the only Animal respect existing throughout this planet, one of the best ways to help the Animal, and they claim they’d love to help, but they aren’t vegans, then , they are losing this occasion to help! So they say they wish to help, but they do not wish to help! Because, if they know, deep down, perhaps a bit in their subconscious, that, veganism is

the only answer to animal massacre enslavement mistreatment, that you can help, by, yourself, being one, and they say no, then, they really are in favor of animal enslavement mistreatment massacre ect they really do not wish to help the Animal, they claim they care, but they truly do not care about GOD’s Animals ✈ because one super easy super cool way of helping the Animals is sharing + veganism, hey refuse both!
Those brethrens who’d love to make this a better planet, a better mankind ✈ they ‘re so peaceful, or try to, so kind, or try to, but refuse veganism & spreading the word about animal massacre, then, they really don’t have that much good intentions about the world ✈ because, helping others to learn what is empathy, respect, humanity, friendship, is also teaching people to be better to the Animal, & accepting to oneself become better to them ✈ because if you want to help vegetable nature, or people, because you want to spread goodness, be good, but you’re against becoming a vegan, then your intentions are not that good ✈ but wicked ✈ how can we have the best intention towards mankind but not towards our non human Animal family ✈ how can we better our human brethrens, to make them & oneself more humane, more compassionate, if we refuse to tell them about Animal humanity & animal compassion & we refuse this for oneself ✈ how can we make this mankind a bather kind, if we refuse to have respect & empathy for the Animal kind ✈ how could we make mankind a better kind, kinder to the people & to vegetable nature, if we don’t first, make them become good & respectful of the animals ? ?? it’s not possible! We can not become good,
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Empty
MessageSujet: Re: please spread this to all the internet, earth to help   please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Icon_minitimeLun 16 Nov - 12:00

if we still are wicked to the Animal kind! Or become good ( to the human people) if we continue to disrespect vegetable& animal nature!!! ! because it’s double standard, it’s cruel, it’s not serious! To just try to become better , to the people, or to the vegetable nature, or the vegetable nature+ to the people, but not to the animals! Then we are good to the one, wicked to the others or other! Then we are not truly trying to become better people! We are not truly trying to make this a better world! Because as always, duality, or whatever it is, one closed eye, one oeped eye, ignoring a humongous part of reality, agreeing to see only the part we love! The part: I’ being better to the humans & I’m teaching the people to be better ✈ yep, of course, easy! Because you don’t wear & buy human leather, you don’t murder humans to feed yourself ect ect! So we don’t see the bad part: but, I’m still being a monster to the Animals brethrens, because I still murder, mistreat them ( you’re an omnivore, or you truly,

 yourself, massacre animals: you’re a hunter, or you work in a circus ect) ✈ so it’s easier for the conscience of the false stupid little luciferian reality, for the ego of that fake ridiculous reality, to say: I’m doing good , only good, never do I sin, never am I evil ✈ just doing good to the people ✈ yes, caus it’s so easy!!! To ignore the wicked part of ourselves: we are refusing to help & to respect the animals ✈ the worst is that we truly believe we help & respect the animals! We totally ignore, subconsciously? That we’re truly being extremely wicked to the Animals, we don’t even know to what extent! With refusing to share the stuff to make others be active & one selves & to be a vegan ✈

  we don’t have a clue how wicked we are , & we believe we are only doing good good good!
So, according to the beast fake ‘reality ‘, we are 100 percent good ✈ no wickedness, never in us, no day, no second, no hour, no year, never do we feel wicked, never do we have wicked ideas ✈ but according to Your reality, GOD, we are wicked, aren’t we?

because GOD, is it goodness to disrespect Your Animal Saints? ( with omnivore life) or with oneself, massacring Animals, for one’s ‘work’ or ‘passions, hobbies’ (fishing, bullfighting, hunting, roster fighting, dog fighting,) ° is it humane, good, to choose °° murder <<, over , °goodness °, @ humanity@, empathy , solidarity, love? Which is = life
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Empty
MessageSujet: Re: please spread this to all the internet, earth to help   please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Icon_minitimeMar 17 Nov - 11:55












Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Mar 17 Nov - 12:09, édité 1 fois
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Empty
MessageSujet: Re: please spread this to all the internet, earth to help   please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Icon_minitimeMar 17 Nov - 12:00

litpon tea does horrifying inhumane animal experiments / please spread the word throughout the world I you only spread the Word towards your brothers sisters contacts I but they spread the Word to their brothers sisters contacts ect ect ect ect ect I so, at the end, you are just by your action of sharing you’re actually raising awareness throughout the entire mankind! Not just your contacts I wonderful! So please , tell this to all your brethrens: stop buying cruel litpon products! For they do animal testing! If they have no clue what animal testing is, please tell them, it’s like the worst torture, like 2nd world war!!!! Just tell them, imagine they are doing those tests on your companion Animal saints!!! Or on yourself! Give the animal people & the human people a voice! We’re opposed to animal massacre & mistreatment! ( we vegans, only, obviously) We are GOD’s world! We are the Animals! We are the human beings!

we don’t grasp this GOD ALMIGHTY ♢ IF YOU have all the power of the universe, why don’t you stop the luciferians or Your creatures demon possessed, who are enslaving, mistreating, torturing, massacring, Your saint animals, everyday, for fur selling, foie gras selling, ect why YOU don’t stop them GOD AIGHTY? Why??? We pray in JESUS CHRIST’s Holy Name, that GOD YOU put a worldwide ban of foie gras, fur, & all other animal enslavement ♢ please GOD, please!!!! If this is Your Holy Will ♢ please LORD JESUS CHRIST, ADONAI YESHUA, please intercede for all the animal rights defenders, to give them ideas, amazing brains, amazing faith in YOU & in our ADONAI GOD, amazing power, amazing great strength, to fight & faiht more & more, always more powerful, with GOD’s power in them, to be able to beat the beast & the demon possessed animal massacres & to beat the ‘illuminatis’, in the name of our Savior JESUS ♢ Amen! Thank YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST, thank YOU GOD ALIGHTY ♢ thank to the two of YOU, for all YOU do for the saints Animals ♢ please born again, fast, pray, for each & every exploited, massacred, animal”living” so difficultly in this planet ♢

please born again Christians, pray for GOD to stop all animal slavery, animal mistreatment, ect in all this world ♢ thank you all so much! May GOD reward you all! It’s wonderful born again Christians that you help so much our human family, but please, don’t forget our animal family! Please every day, if

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Empty
MessageSujet: Re: please spread this to all the internet, earth to help   please spread this to all the internet, earth to help Icon_minitimeMar 17 Nov - 12:04

you can, pray for the end of all animal massacre & mistreatment, or at least pray for the end of 1 or several animal enslavements massacre, such as pray for the end of foie gras on Monday for instance, on Tuesday for the end of rodeo, ect, worldwide, or in any part of this planet you wish ♢ tanks!!!! Please everyone, pray, or at least, “Christians” ♢ but please, prayer is so powerful, tan every single living being is supposed to pray, everyone is supposed to be Christian ♢ if the entire mankind ‘d prayed for GOD to end animal abuse worldwide, HE would’ve perhaps put an end to this , years ago! But as almost the entire mankind believes in lucifer’s fake ‘reality’, we don’t believe in GOD, we don’t worship GOD, we believe prayer is pointless & sucks ect & many believe GOD is wicked & couldn’t care less about the animals ect ♢
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