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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: végétalisme   végétalisme - Page 40 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Nov - 6:05



Mangiare carne uccide solo gli animali non umani? Errore!
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L'ingiustizia alimentare chi mangia troppo e chi troppo poco - è la più fondamentale delle iniquità. Il consumo medio di carne nei paesi industrializzati è nettamente più elevato di quello dei paesi poveri del Sud del mondo: oltre 80 chilogrammi pro capite l'anno contro 17. Tre quarti dell'umanità vivono con una dieta prevalentemente vegetale. Il 23% della popolazione della parte "ricca" del mondo consuma anche pro capite il quadruplo del pesce e il quintuplo del latte. Questa ingiustizia alimentare può equilibrarsi in due modi: con una drastica riduzione del consumo di prodotti animali nei paesi occidentali; oppure con l'aumento dei relativi consumi nel Sud del mondo.
L'unica ipotesi sostenibile è la prima. La seconda, oltre a trasformare il Pianeta in un ancor più gigantesco macello, accrescerebbe l'insicurezza alimentare per tre ragioni intrecciate: perché non c'è abbastanza suolo sul Pianeta per nutrire un mondo di carnivori; perché lo stesso Sud affamato esporta sempre più carne e cereali (destinati a diventare mangimi) sottraendoli al consumo umano locale; perché il consumo di carne è previsto in grande aumento negli stessi paesi poveri.
Il consumatore occidentale ha bisogno di circa una tonnellata di derrate vegetali all'anno; circa 90 chili per il consumo diretto, il resto per nutrire gli animali da carne, latte e uova. Nei paesi in via di sviluppo, invece, il consumo diretto umano assorbe tuttora la gran parte della quota.
In effetti, negli Stati Uniti il 70% degli alimenti vegetali (cereali e semi oleosi) vanno a nutrire le stalle; in Europa circa il 55%; in India solo il 2%. Il 50% dei ce-reali e il 75% della soia raccolti nel mondo servono a nutrire gli animali allevati, anziché molte più persone...
Potremmo avere l'impressione che dopo la "mucca pazza" e con la diffusione della sensibilità vegetariana, la componente delle salme nella dieta mondiale si sia ridotta. Ma questo vale solo per l'Europa (dell'Ovest per ragioni sanitarie e anche un po' animaliste), dell'Est per via del collasso economico). Invece, la dieta è diventata ancora più carnivora negli USA.

Supponiamo che nel 2030 il raccolto di derrate vegetali a livello mondiale sia pari a 2,2 miliardi di tonnellate; una quantità che potrebbe bastare a nutrire popolazioni di varie dimensioni, a seconda di quel che consumano: se la dieta fosse quella statunitense, si nutrirebbero solo 2,75 miliardi di persone; se fosse quella europea un po' di più, se fosse quella indiana, 11 miliardi.
Non c'è cibo per tutti in un pianeta di carnivori: perché non c'è abbastanza terra sulla Terra per coltivare gli alimenti vegetali necessari a nutrire la futura carne. Gli allevamenti intensivi, infatti, sono "fabbriche di proteine alla rovescia": danno rese proteiche e anche caloriche molto basse rispetto a quanto richiedono. E competono per il cibo con gli umani. L'impronta ecologica il consumo di risorse, in questo caso di suolo di una persona che segue una dieta ad elevato consumo di carne è di almeno 4.000 metri quadrati di terreno: è quanto occorre per produrre i foraggi e i cereali che alimenteranno gli animali da carne; a un vegetariano bastano 1.000 metri quadrati. Dati preoccupanti, se si pensa che la disponibilità di suolo coltivabile per ogni abitante del pianeta è attualmente pari a 0,27 metri ettari, cioè 2.700 metri quadrati, e che nel 2050 essa varierà fra miseri 1.200 metri quadrati a testa (in caso di crescita demografica elevata) e 2.000 metri quadrati a testa. Per quanti pesticidi, fertilizzanti e modificazioni genetiche si possano applicare a questo poco suolo pro capite, esso non basterà a produrre i vegetali necessari a nutrire tutti gli animali necessari a una popolazione animale carnivora.
Una zootecnia nutrita con mangimi a base di cereali e semi oleosi provoca una competizione diretta per gli stessi alimenti fra umani e animali: è la cosiddetta competizione fra feed (mangime) e food (cibo). Mentre in un sistema di agricoltura complementare tradizionale, gli animali possono mangiare quello che non risulta commestibile agli umani (paglia, scarti agricoli e di cucina), nell'allevamento intensivo soia, cereali, semi proteaginosi sono spostati dall'alimentazione umana diretta a quella animale. Anche quando mangiano foraggi, questi sono coltivati su terre che potrebbero dare vegetali adatti a esseri umani...
Si dirà: ma dalle stalle vengono fuori carne, latte e uova! Esatto; peccato che sia molto scarsa l'efficienza con la quale l'industria zoo-tecnica trasforma i cereali e le proteine vegetali in carne, latte e uova. Essa varia a seconda del suolo o dell'animale. Comunque, per la carne, la "perdita" di calorie e perfino di proteine arriva fino a 20 volte!
La maggior parte delle statistiche sulle rese vegetali- animali non considera la componente idrica degli alimenti e sostiene che con 4 chilogrammi di vegetali si ottiene un chilogrammo di carne di pollo, idem per il maiale, mentre occorrono 10 chilogrammi di vegetali per un chilogrammo di carne bovina. Il tutto è troppo ottimista...
Rifacciamo dunque i calcoli: metà del peso dell'animale alla macellazione non è commestibile. Le razioni concentrate date in pasto agli animali stessi hanno un massimo di 12% di acqua; la carne invece è acqua fino all'80%. Si calcola che 2,2 chilogrammi di sostanza secca (al netto dell'acqua contenuta nel mangime) diano un chilogrammo di peso vivo di pollo industriale (considerato l'animale che "rende" di più), ossia mezzo chilogrammo di carne; ecco quindi che 1 chilogrammo di carne richiede 4,4 chilogrammi di sostanza secca vegetale; ma togliendo l'acqua dividendo per cinque, abbiamo appunto la resa in peso di un ventesimo rispetto ai mangimi. Riferiamo ora il calcolo alle li proteine, per esempio di carne bovina. L'alimento fondamentale per l'ingrasso dei bovini intensivi è fatto di cereali e semi oleosi: mais insilato, farina di cereali, farina di soia dopo l'estrazione dell'olio, orzo, poco fo-raggio. Si calcola che per fare 1,5 chilogrammi di carne bovina occorrano 10 chilogrammi di sostanza secca vegetale, corrispondente a circa 1.400 gr di proteine vegetali. In questa quantità di carne, il tasso proteico è di soli 250 grammi. Ecco che abbiamo una riduzione proteica di quasi 6 volte ( molte di più in calorie e peso). D'altronde, i maiali perdono con il loro metabolismo il 70% delle proteine, ne assunte, i bovini l'80-90%, i broilers il 55%. Qualcuno dirà che evitare di mangiar carne al Nord non necessariamente ridurrà la fame dei poveri, perché la fame è là e i cereali sono qua. Sbagliato. Perché dai paesi della fame parte verso il Nord un'enorme quantità di cereali e carne. La zootecnia europea importa anche da paesi poveri 50 milioni di tonnellate di mangimi all'anno. La Commissione europea ha ammesso che le terre del Vecchio continente sono in grado di nutrire tutti i cittadini, ma non certo tutti gli animali europei. Il grado di autosufficienza dell'Europa rispetto alle proteine vegetali a uso animale è infatti pari a un misero 20% del fabbisogno totale delle stalle. le. Cioè, in rapporto alle superfici disponibili, troppi animali sono allevati, sia per nutrire forchette troppo robuste, sia per invadere i mercati altrui con prodotti animali sovvenzionati (ad esempio il latte in polvere che invade il mercato brasiliano e rovina i piccoli produttori locali). La perversa zootecnia europea richiede che in altri paesi un'area complessivamente pari a sette volte la superficie europea sia coltivata per produrre alimenti destinati alle stalle europee.
L'Etiopia, emblema della fame infantile e adulta, anche nei momenti di carestia più estrema, coltivava ed esportava semi oleosi per l'alimentazione animale. Il Brasile ha aumentato la superficie coltivata a soia, che raggiunge 60 milioni di ettari, esportata per metà alle stalle europee. Vende all'estero anche carne bovina in quantità, ricavata dai pascoli che hanno soppiantato la foresta amazzonica. In quel paese i malnutriti sono 30 milioni, in gran parte contadini senza terra che non hanno alcun accesso alle enormi distese possedute da allevatori latifondisti.
Un sociologo colombiano rifugiato in Europa, ha chiesto in una lettera alla Comunità europea di non aumentare le importazioni di carne dalla Colombia, per non immiserire ulteriormente i contadini poveri di quel paese. Infatti, più vendite significano più terre destinate a pascolo che gli allevatori latifondisti, con le loro feroci squadre di paramilitari, sottraggono con la forza alla foresta o agli agricoltori poveri. In Colombia 40 milioni di terre sono a pascolo latifondista, mentre solo 5 milioni sono coltivati a vegetali da piccoli agricoltori.
L'esportazione della carne bovina aumenta anche dall'India, paese dell'(ex) vacca sacra. Ammazzare e vendere animali che da vivi aiutano i piccoli contadini nel lavoro e a fertilizzare i suoli senza ricorso alla costosa chimica, significa distruggere valore economico più di quanto se ne crei. I1 "bello" è che, se anche l'India volesse vietare l'esportazione della carne bovina per ragioni religiose (in teoria è così), non potrebbe. andrebbe contro le regole del libero commercio imposte dalla World Trade Organization. La carne e il pesce esportati dai paesi del Sud non provengono in genere da piccoli allevamenti contadini ma dalla zootecnia e dall'acquacoltura intensiva che arricchiscono pochi abbienti, per un grosso danno collettivo. Asia del Sud e Centramerica sono diventati forti esportatori di gamberetti di allevamento, ricavati su terre costiere un tempo destinate alla coltivazione di riso per uso locale. Un tempo la destinazione privilegiata di tale export erano Giappone e Stati Uniti, ma proviamo a leggere le indicazioni geografiche dei gamberetti nei supermercati italiani e avremo delle sorprese. Si dedichino allora al pesce? Ma dai pesci, ipercatturati tanto che il patrimonio marino Si sta depauperando, si ricava in fondo solo il 5% delle proteine totali assunte dagli esseri umani nel mondo, e 1'1% delle calorie. L'acquacoltura intensiva provoca più problemi nutrizionali - da distruzione delle terre - ed economici - da impoverimento - di quanti ne risolva.
La giusta alternativa alimentare per il Sud del mondo è nella riscoperta e nelle sinergie fra i nutrienti. alimenti vegetali della tradizione (niente a che vedere con il grano, il riso e il mais sciancati e poveri, o con la soia transgenica); senza escludere l'autoproduzione di integratori alimentari verdi a basso costo e la "pesca delle alghe".

Per chi vuole saperne di più consigliamo il libro LAV "Addio alle carni", a cura di Marinella Correggia, con il contributo di Elisa D'Alessio e Marco Francone.

Se l'attuale superficie coltivabile fosse destinato al consumo diretto umano: e non a nutrire animali per la carne, sarebbe disponibile cibo utile per uno popolazione di molto superiore all'attuale.

I Paesi industrializzati impiegano due terzi della produzione mondiale di cereali per l'allevamento del bestiame e a causa di questi allevamenti alle popolazioni povere non restano abbastanza cereali per sopravvivere.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: végétalisme   végétalisme - Page 40 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Avr - 12:04

If a developing country like Bolivia can take such a bold and enlightened step, what excuse can the (supposedly) more advanced governments have?

Here is a link to the superbly written article: https://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?sid=123974663244&h=AxryM&u=PpeqN&ref=nf

7. China– a special-case country known for its complete lack of animal welfare laws and many forms of pervasive, organized and even government-sanctioned cruelty, like horse fighting (yes, fighting, not racing), live animal feeding in Chinese zoos for the amusement of crowds, degrading animal acts in circuses (including humans boxing kangaroos and bears forced to drive motorcycles on high wires), cat and dog fur markets, live skinning of animals for fur, fluctuating height restrictions on dogs which means dogs can suddenly be deemed illegal and seized from their owners and killed, even beaten to death right in front of their owners.

The country has many of the remaining bear bile farms (the rest are in Korea and Viet Nam), open and unregulated torturing of dogs to “improve their taste” before killing and eating them, dog and cat cull slaughters using clubs, live animal skinning for fur, and shark finning on a massive scale for soup.

The trafficking of cats and dogs as part of the meat trade in China is a notoriously cruel and ongoing problem. Reports of stray and owned cats being rounded up, packed into tiny cages, shipped great distances and slaughtered using inhumane methods are widespread.

I also just recently found out that they are increasing their hellish breeding of monkeys for export to laboratories around the world. There aren’t enough of them left in the wild to supply the demand, so they are bulding new breeding facilities that will hold over 50,000 in one secretive place (The Daily Mirror posted a good article on it.)

Along with its abysmal record of human rights violations, corruption, pollution, rampant, unchecked industrializaton and complete lack of compasson for life of any kind except the polititian’s own ones, this country above all else should be boycotted. Perhaps the greatest shame is that they were allowed to host the Olympics last year, an honor they clearly do not yet deserve.

Who’s fighting it: HSUS International (HSI), PETA International, WSPA, Animals Asia.

8. Cockfighting: (global, illegally in U.S.) – this “sport” has a large global appeal, and is found in many third-world countries. Roosters are forced to fight each other, sustaining horrible injuries and death. Killed when retired.

In the fighting ring, the roosters often wear artificial spurs——long, sharp, dagger-like attachments——that transform their natural spurs into knives for maximum injury. These steel blades are sharp enough to puncture a lung, pierce an eye or break bones. A referee is on hand to supervise the fight, which can last anywhere from a few seconds to 15 minutes. While the rules usually do not require one or both birds to die in order for a winner to be declared, death is often the outcome, due to the severity of the injuries.

Who’s fighting it: HSUS, ASPCA, IDA, helpinganimals.com, pet-abuse.com, Last Chance for Animals, ALF, local law enforcement.

Recent progress: The last 2 U.S. states, Louisiana and New Mexico, made cockfighting illegal in 2008; shamefully late, but at least it is now illegal in the entire U.S.

9. Dancing bears: (India & Pakistan) – after having teeth painfully broken, young sloth and black bears have torturous ropes put through a hole burned into the nose and sinus cavity which is used to painfully force them to “dance”; otherwise these normally quiet and shy bears are kept in captivity under harsh, inhumane conditions. This cruel “entertainment” is supported mainly by tourists who pay to watch. This is a classic case of why you should NOT give ANY money whatsoever to anyone who uses animals for any kind of entertainment, attention or any other tourist attraction*. This important rule is in effect even if you “feel sorry for the animal” or think you are “helping a hungry animal” or whatever the reason. Street entertainers may deliberately starve the animal– whether it be a bear, elephant, monkey or whatever– just to keep it thin and garner more donations. Many street people may also wrap a snake around you and ask money for photographs. (I even fell for this in Miami once). The animals are not cared for properly except as moneymakers; no animal should be exposed to that many strangers for many reasons– disease transmission being one.

If you see animals being used cruelly for entertainment, especially like the dancing bears, don’t simply shrug it off as “that’s the way they do things here”…. cruelty is cruelty everywhere. Complain– loudly! Tell other tourists about the cruelty, and how they shouldn’t support it; once they are educated virtually all visitors will do the right thing. Also, complain to the local tourist board and the mayor’s office; tell them how disgusted you are with the practice and that when you go home, you’ll tell everyone you know not to come back until something is done about it. Loss of revenue is a prime motivator for these people.

[*Note: This also includes the many street beggars I saw in my round-the-world trip last year. It seems to be a disturbing new trend-- these people get a young animal (usually a puppy or kitten) and carry it around to help beg for money, which is usually spent on alcohol and cigarettes, while the animals are fed trash. When the animals get older they are simply dumped on the streets (or worse) for a younger, "cuter" one. I saw this take place in even the finest cities in the world, especially in France. They hang out in all the touristy places, so if you go you're almost sure to see them around.]

Who’s fighting it: WSPA, ALF, Wildlife SOS India (Kartick Satyanarayan)

10. Dog fighting: (global, illegal but rampant in U.S.) – dogs raised in brutal, abusive conditions, trained and forced to fight, not seen by vets for fear of exposure, killed in various cruel ways when no longer ‘champions’. Now a crime in all 50 U.S. states, activists are pushing to make it a felony in all of them. The injuries inflicted and sustained by dogs participating in dogfights are frequently severe, even fatal. The American pit bull terriers used in the majority of these fights have been specifically bred and trained for fighting and are unrelenting in their attempts to dogfightovercome their opponents. With their extremely powerful jaws, they are able to inflict severe bruising, deep puncture wounds and broken bones.

Dogs used in these events often die of blood loss, shock, dehydration, exhaustion, or infection hours or even days after the fight. Other animals are often sacrificed as well. Some owners train their dogs for fights using smaller animals such as cats, rabbits or small dogs. These “bait” animals are often stolen pets or animals obtained through “free to good home” advertisements.

* Note: The rampant breeding of pit bull terriers for aggressive tendencies also gives them a bad reputation and makes it much more difficult for rescue organizations to find them homes. Thus many are unfairly killed just because of their breed– thanks to the dogfighters.

Who’s fighting it: HSUS, ASPCA, The Anticruelty Society, PETA, ALDF, ALF, Best Friends, local law enforcement and animal control officers wherever it is illegal.

**Note: Idaho, Wyoming, Georgia, Nevada and Hawaii have the weakest dogfighting laws on the books, allowing some aspects of the cruel practice to go completely unpunished, and punishing others with little more than a slap on the wrist, according to The Humane Society of the United States, which recently analyzed state dogfighting laws.

If you live in one of these states, please write to your state representatives and ask for tougher dogfighting laws.

11. Dog racing: (Global) – dogs kept in small, inadequate kennels for years, suffer many injuries when racing; when no longer fast they are disposed of.

Who’s fighting it: HSUS, Protectdogs.org, All-creatures.org, Grey2K USA, PETA, IDA, DownBound, Animal Law Coalition, Noah’s Arc (Spain)


Every year, the industry breeds tens of thousands of greyhounds, more than it can place at racetracks. This overbreeding is motivated by the desire to produce “winning” dogs. Thousands of greyhounds at each track are disposed of yearly to bring in a “fresh” group of dogs. A dog’s racing career is usually over at 3½ to 4 years of age.

If able to live out his or her full life as a companion animal, a greyhound may live 13 or more years. Unfortunately, the industry kills greyhounds at various stages in the dogs’ lives because they appear to lack racing potential or are injured. Many dogs, when they are no longer profitable, are adopted into good homes through rescue groups, but thousands are not. As with any business, profit is the bottom line; as a result, greyhounds are often destroyed using the least expensive methods, including gunshot. Budgeoning, abandonment, and starvation also occurs.

Racing greyhounds spend the majority of their adult lives in crates or pens or in fenced enclosures. Human companionship is limited. Many enclosures are not climate-controlled, causing the dogs distress during inclement weather.

Greyhound training activities have been known to maim and kill thousands of domestic rabbits and wild jackrabbits every year. (This estimate is based on HSUS investigations into the illegal importation of rabbits as well as the use of animals in training events.) One particular event known as “coursing” involves greyhounds chasing, terrorizing and eventually killing rabbits within fenced enclosures.

**Also relating to greyhounds, in Spain even more brutal practices exist. There the dogs are used for hunting, so the lazy hunters don’t have to chase their quarry. These normally gentle dogs are brutally trained and kept in apalling conditions there. Worse, if they don’t hunt well, they are — believe it or not– hanged. They are either strung up from a tree, or even worse, cruelly left with their back legs on the ground so their death is slower and much more agonizing. There is a large population of British expatriates in Spain, some of whom, appalled at seeing such cruelty, have started up welfare organizations to rescue these dogs. I had the good fortune to be hosted by Gail and Andrew of Noah’s Arc, who work tirelessly to find homes for abandoned and injured greyhounds in southern Spain. Their website is http://www.noahsarcmurcia.com/links.htm, and Andrew has many wonderful videos of “los galgos” (the greyhounds) on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/andrewhurrell

Recent progress: passage of ban on dog racetracks in Massachusetts (11/08)

12. Street Dog Slaughter (culling): (Many Middle East, Eastern Europe & Asian countries)– countries with poor animal control periodically sweep cities of dogs and dispose of them in horrible ways, like in garbage trucks or beating to death. Many of these governments have been advised that there are better ways of dealing with street dog populations, but choose to ignore the facts. It has been amply demonstrated in hundreds of cities around the world that a good spay/neuter/release program is not only humane but the only effective method of controlling the dog numbers. Many local SPCA’s and welfare organizations are trying to convince their local city and country councils of this, but some officials are corrupt and they award the contracts to friends and relatives. As usual, money is involved in this form of cruelty like all others. Other officials are simply too closed-minded to accept new and humane methods of animal control.

I just recently learned that thousands of dogs and cats are poisoned in Greece, on the otherwise beautiful touristed Aegean islands. This program is carefully timed to occur in winter, when the tourists are gone, and even includes putting broken glass in food to kill the stray animals, resulting in horribly painful deaths. And of course many owned pets are killed as well by these methods (not that it makes any difference, of course.)

Who’s fighting it: WSPA, Romania Animal Rescue, AAPN (Asian Animal Protection Network), PETA International, EnviroWatch, Elly Maynard, Best Friends, Care2.com, ALF, Political Animal Lobby, PAWS (Phillipines Animal Welfare Society), IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare), Animals Asia, AnimalEarth.org, Noah’s Ark Malaysia, Vier Pfoten (Four Paws- Austria), St. Fransisc Foundation (Sibiu, Romania), Animal Life Romania, and countless other sanctuaries, shelters, humane societies and kind people.

Recent progress: The St. Francis foundation in Romania has persuaded the town of Sibiu to outlaw the culls there, and instead has initiated a spay/neuter/release program that is currently highly successful. They hope to serve as a model for other Romanian towns and cities.

13. Elephant “breaking”/phaajaan & other abuse: (Southeast Asia) – the traditional Asian torture of young elephants to break their spirit. They are caged, starved, beaten, poked and cut and kept awake for days until they become submissive under the torture. Many, especially the ones with stronger wills, die from shock and lack of water/stress/injuries, as the people will not stop until the elephants are judged to be “broken” or completely submissive.

This is another treatment of fellow animals I find particularly loathsome. It has been documented by National Geographic and other reputable elephant experts, such as Thailand’s own “Lek” Chaillert who runs the Elephant Nature Park sanctuary, where I saw raw footage filmed by some of her volunteers, yet many people have either never heard of the phaajaan or deny it. Westerners are not allowed to see them any more. Unfortunately, every captive working elephant that is used in Asia endures this sadistic ritual, including the ones used for elephant ‘treks’– and clueless tourists by the thousands pay to ride them. Please do some research before going to Asia and supporting this grotesque tradition.

Asian elephants are also worked to death in logging camps in Burma (Myanmar) under extremely cruel conditions–even pregnant– and are often given amphetamines to get more work out of them, making them sick and more likely to get injured. Some are also forced to walk city streets with beggars, risking injury and death by automobiles. Many of these are the very same babies who were torn from their mothers and underwent the phaajaan torture, only to work on hot, dirty, polluted, noisy streets– a horrible existence for any young animal. These begging elephants are usually not owned by the beggars you see them with, but rich Asians, including corrupt city officials, who get a percentage of the tourists money. Think about that next time you’re tempted to give someone money who exploits animals to beg.

Who’s fighting it: Elephant Nature Park, Dawnwatch.com, Lobsa.org, National Geographic, PETA International, eleaid.com, elephantvoices.com, Born Free, The Elephant Sanctuary, ACRES.

14. Factory farming: (global, mainly developed countries, but growing worldwide)– the hidden shame of America and Europe (the developers of factory farming) which is responsible for about 95% of all animal misery and death worldwide, it includes such atrocities as shipping the animals under inhumane conditions, the shocking treatment of ‘downed’ animals, the eviscerating and skinning of animals still conscious, fomenting the perfect conditions for disease mutations, and rampant foul pollution from millions of tons of excrement. The average American’s idea of a farm is the childhood fantasy of the big red barn and the animals happily sunning themselves in green meadows. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Developed after World War II as “modern” farming, the goal of factory farming is to mechanize as much as possible the care of farm animals, and to squeeze as many of them as possible under one roof, thereby saving money. Almost taking humans out of the system, they have also taken any humanity out. Farmers no longer know their animals as individuals; now they are just units to be processed.

Over 95% of the animals abused by man are on factory farms–billions of them endure conditions that would be criminal if it were done to dogs or cats. These deserve subheadins of their own, including:

A. Pig confinement: something resembling a torture chamber. In the push for squeezing more pigs into less space, they are kept in unbearably tiny stalls too small for them to turn around in. Many people think of Charlotte’’s Web and Babe when they imagine how pigs are raised for meat. Unfortunately, these fantasy tales do not depict reality. Almost all of the 100 million pigs killed for food in the United States every year endure horrific conditions in controlled animal feeding operations (CAFOs), the meat industry’’s euphemism for factory farms. Smarter than dogs, these social, sensitive animals spend their lives on bare concrete in overcrowded, dank and filthy warehouses, often seeing direct sunlight for the first time as they are crammed onto a truck bound for the slaughterhouse.

A mother pig, or sow, spends her adult life confined to a tiny metal crate. She will never feel the warmth of a nest or the affectionate nuzzle of her mate——she will spend her life surrounded by thick, cold metal bars, living on wet, feces-caked concrete floors. When she is old enough to give birth, she will be artificially impregnated and then imprisoned again for the entire length of her pregnancy in a “gestation crate,” a cage only 2 feet wide——too small for her even to turn around or lie down in comfortably. After giving birth, a mother pig is moved to a “farrowing crate,” a contraption even worse and smaller than a gestation crate, with only a tiny additional concrete area on which the piglets can nurse. Workers will sometimes tie the mother’s legs apart so she cannot get a break from the suckling piglets. She may develop open “bed sores” on her body from the lack of movement. One worker describes teh process: “They beat the shit out of them to get them inside the crates because they don’t want to go. This is their only chance to walk around, get a little exercise, and they don’t want to go [back into a crate]“. This practice is so barbaric that gestation crates have been banned in Florida, the U.K., and Sweden and will be banned in California and the European Union in a few years.

Also, the stressed, crowded and immune-weakened pigs, living in dark, damp, feces-ridden conditions are perfect victims for evolving new strains of viruses like the swine flu which has broken out again in 2009 in a new form, as it does every decade or so. And when the pigs are transported, often long distances, they can easily be carriers of disease that could cause a pandemic at any time. The medical community charged with public health has been warning the U.S. government for years that factory farms are breeding grounds for new diseases, but the farm lobby is so powerful nothing has been done about it. Think about that: the United States government, which is responsible for the safety of its citizens, not only ignores the public health officials who are warning them of a dangerous situation that could cause a national crisis, but they won’t even warn the public about the dangers. All so people can buy cheaper pork.

B. Chicken and turkey abuse: probably the worst of the worst, chickens confined to “battery” cages are crammed in so tight they often walk on each other and the weak cannot reach their food or water. Each is give the space of a single sheet of paper to live their whole life on. Stress is so high these normally peaceful animals fight each other in their misery, so the babies routinely have their beaks seared off. The air in their huge sheds is a toxic poison, reeking with dust, debris and the methane from their wastes. Disease is rampant and death is common, so antibiotics are added to their feed just to keep them alive long enough to grow up. They are kept in the dark their whole lives until the shocking transport to the slaughterhouse, where they are hung upside-down and their necks are cut, although many are still alive when they are dunked into the scalding de-feathering oil.
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: végétalisme   végétalisme - Page 40 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Avr - 12:05

The egg-laying chickens endure similar conditions. None know a kind voice or have any real contact with humans, panicking whenever one approaches.

These intelligent birds simply do not deserve this barbaric treatment. California was the first U.S. state to vote to ban battery cages in 2008 (along with pig gestation and veal crates), but that only just begins to address the horrible abuse of chickens by factory farmers.

The myth of “free range”. The turkeys in the photo to the right are on a typical “free range farm”. The only thing “free” about them is that they are not crammed in to tiny cages; instead, they are crammed together with thousands of other birds in huge warehouses. Kept in darkness, never seeing the light of day, they are so stressed the normally amiable birds attack each other in frustration. Because of that they, like chickens, have their beaks burned off as babies, a painful procedure to the sensitive mouth parts that the birds use for taste, smell, manipulation, and eating.

C. Dairy cows: The 9 million cows living on dairy farms in the United States spend most of their lives in large sheds or on feces-caked mud lots, where disease is rampant– hardly the pretty green pastures depicted on milk cartons and in advertisements. Cows raised for their milk are repeatedly impregnated, and their babies are taken away so that humans can drink the milk intended for the calves. When their exhausted bodies can no longer provide enough milk, they are sent to slaughter and ground up for hamburgers.

Cows produce milk for the same reason that humans do: to nourish their babies. In order to force the animals to continue giving milk, factory farmers impregnate them using artificial insemination every year. Calves are generally taken from their mothers within a day of being born——males are destined for veal crates, and females are sentenced to the same fate as their mothers.

Mother cows on dairy farms can often be seen searching and calling for their calves long after they have been separated. Author Oliver Sacks, M.D., wrote of a visit that he and cattle expert Dr. Temple Grandin made to a dairy farm and of the great tumult of bellowing that they heard when they arrived: ‘They must have separated the calves from the cows this morning,’ Temple said, and, indeed, this was what had happened. “We saw one cow outside the stockade, roaming, looking for her calf, and bellowing. ‘That’s not a happy cow,’’ Temple said. ‘That’s one sad, unhappy, upset cow. She wants her baby. Bellowing for it, hunting for it. She’ll forget for a while, then start again. It’s like grieving, mourning——not much written about it. People don’t like to allow them thoughts or feelings.’ [This is a common behavior of dairy cows].

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MessageSujet: Re: végétalisme   végétalisme - Page 40 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Avr - 12:07

After their calves are taken from them, mother cows are hooked up, several times a day, to machines that take the milk intended for their babies. Using genetic manipulation, powerful hormones, and intensive milking, factory farmers force cows to produce about 10 times as much milk as they naturally would. Animals are pumped full of bovine growth hormone (BGH), which contributes to painful inflammation of the udder known as mastitis. (BGH is used throughout the U.S., but has been banned in Europe and Canada because of concerns over human health and animal welfare.) According to the industry’’s own figures, between 30 and 50 percent of dairy cows suffer from mastitis, an extremely painful condition.

A cow’s natural lifespan is 25 years, but cows used by the dairy industry are killed after only four or five years. An industry study reports that by the time they are killed, nearly 40 percent of dairy cows are lame because of the filth, intensive confinement, and the strain of constantly being pregnant and giving milk. Dairy cows are turned into soup, companion animal food, or low-grade hamburger meat because their bodies are too “spent” to be used for anything else

D. Veal calves: Male calves——”byproducts” of the dairy industry——are generally taken from their mothers when they are less than 1 day old. The calves are then put into dark, tiny crates, where they are kept almost completely immobilized in dark stalls so that their flesh stays tender. The calves are fed a liquid diet that is low in iron and has little nutritive value in order to make their flesh white. This heinous treatment makes the calves ill, and they frequently suffer from anemia, diarrhea, and pneumonia. They cannot even lay down, because then they might chew on the wood or metal slats to get the iron their bodies desperately need. Frightened, sick, miserably uncomfortable and alone, these calves are killed after only a few months of life. “Veal” is the flesh of a tortured, sick baby cow, and a byproduct of the milk industry. If you eat veal, please think about this suffering before you order it next time.

E. Sheep treatment & transport to middle east (from Australia, New Zealand & other developed countries)– sheep are shipped under inhumane conditions (often for weeks with little to no food & water) and arrive sick and dying, only to be treated even worse there.

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MessageSujet: Re: végétalisme   végétalisme - Page 40 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Avr - 12:08

During the last 30 years, Australia has sent more than 150 million sheep and cattle to be slaughtered in other parts of the world, such as the Middle East and South East Asia. Livestock ships can carry up to 100,000 animals for voyages lasting up to 3 weeks.

More than 2 million animals have died on these ships en route, deaths deemed an ‘acceptable’ loss by an industry that puts profit above all else.

Investigations conducted by Animals Australia in Middle Eastern countries have exposed the terrible cruelties inflicted upon Australian animals in these countries. Most importing countries have not one single law to protect animals’’ welfare. Once in the Middle East, Australian sheep are routinely purchased, bound, and shoved into car boots in a region where temperatures reach 50E°C in summer. Both sheep and cattle have their throats cut whilst fully conscious, suffering prolonged, distressing and painful deaths.

Australian sheep farmers also engage in the horrific practice of “mulesing”, in which large chunks of skin and flesh are cut from their backsides without any pain relief, supposedly to prevent “flystrike”, or flies laying eggs on the sheep.

Who’s fighting it: The impressive list of organizations includes (but is certainly not limited to) HSUS, Peta, Farm Sanctuary, Vegan Outreach, ALDF, United Poultry Concerns, Vegan Voice, Animal Aid (U.K.), Earthsave Canada, Animals Australia, IDA, Compassion Over Killing, Animal Place Sanctuary and Education Center, RSPCA Australia, PeacefulPrarie, Animals Australia, ALV (Au.), SAFE (NZ), Meat-Free Media (N.Z.), Aukland Animal Action, ARLAN (Animal Rights Legal Advocacy Network N.Z.),Farmed Animal Watch, PALE (People Against Live Exports- Australia), PAWS (People & Animal Welfare Society), PACAT (People Against Cruelty in Animal Transport- Australia), WSPA, Animal Rights Africa, Compassion in World Farming, Mercy for Animals, WLPA (World League for the Protection of Animals), Vier Pfoten (Four Paws- Austria), Equanimal (Spain), savethesheep.com, VegNews.com, VegSF.com, Viva! (U.K), The Humane Leagues, ActiVeg, The Vegan Society, FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement), Compassionate Cooks, Vegan Campaigns (U.K.), Herbivore Magazine, AnimalRightStuff, Veganica, Vegan Radio, Animal Voices radio, VeggieVision & Animals Matter TV and many, many more, such as the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary.

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MessageSujet: Re: végétalisme   végétalisme - Page 40 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Avr - 12:09

Recent progress: 2008 passage of Proposition 2 in California will outlaw gestation and veal crates, and battery cages by 2012. And in May 2009 Maine voted to ban veal and gestation crates as well. More states have legislation pending. In Australia and New Zealand, mulesing is being phased out and is targeted to stop by the end of 2010. Also, a new documentary about factory farm abuse, “Food, Inc.” was released the summer of 2009 and is very revealing.

15. Foie gras production: (France, Hungary, Bulgaria, U.S.)– Also technically a part of factory farming, foie gras (literally “fatty liver”) production is so sickening it deserves its own category. It is made by force-feeding geese and ducks massive amounts of grain through pipes pushed down their throats, resulting in esophageal trauma and their diseased livers painfully swelling up to 10 times their normal size. The birds often vomit after the force-feeding, and they are kept in tiny stalls similar to veal crates. The cruelty involved in foie gras production is almost unknown by the very people who eat liver pate.

The ducks and geese are kept in tiny individual cages barely bigger than their bodies, where they are isolated from each other, and their heads stick out of the cages for easy force-feeding, from which they try but cannot escape. Other than that these intelligent and beautiful water birds have absolutley nothing to see or do, and get painful sores on their backsides from being unable to walk, much as the chickens in battery cages get. The cruelty is incredible and the lives of the birds are constant misery, all for a fleeting taste of their livers by humans.

Who’s fighting it: Peta, HSUS, Farm Sanctuary, Global Action Network, nofoiegras.org, gourmetcruelty.com, goveg.com, The Humane League,

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MessageSujet: Re: végétalisme   végétalisme - Page 40 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Avr - 12:09

Foie gras

Two to three times a day, a worker grabs each bird, shoves a long, thick metal tube all the way down his throat, and an air pump shoots up to two pounds of corn mush into his esophagus. The industry always refers to the dry weight of the feed, which is about one pound per feeding. Adding oil and water doubles this weight, making it 20-30% of the bird’s healthy body weight. Picture 30 one pound boxes of dry pasta and then add water. This is proportionally how much a 150 pound human would be force fed using this formula.A duck’s liver naturally weighs around 50 grams. However, to qualify as foie gras, the industry’s own regulations require ducks’ livers to weigh an absolute minimum of 300 grams.

The vast amounts of feed pumped down the ducks’ throats causes enormous internal pressure, and the pipe sometimes punctures the esophagus, causing many to die from choking on the blood that fills their lungs. Some birds literally burst, choke to death on their own vomit, or become so weak that they are unable to fend off rats from eating them alive click to see footage from Sonoma Foie gras–requires Windows Media Player). Other ducks die a slow, painful, and premature death by suffocation from inhalation of regurgitated feed. In fact, because of the massive toll taken on the birds during the force-feeding process, the average pre-slaughter mortality rate is up to twenty times higher than on other duck factory farms, according to the European Union’s Scientific Report on the subject.According to the ASPCA, “The birds’ livers become so enlarged……that according to documentation by veterinarians, the animals must experience unspeakable pain and suffering. Birds have literally exploded from these forced feedings. The results of necropsies on dead birds that have been force-fed reveal ruptured livers, throat damage, esophageal trauma, and food spilling from the dead animals’ throats and out of their nostrils.” The ASPCA has police power to enforce the animal cruelty law in New York State and has filed charges against Commonwealth Enterprises, now Hudson Valley Foie Gras, in the past for force feeding ducks. Because it is a multi-million dollar enterprise with a lot of political clout in rural Sullivan County, the elected District Attorney dropped the charges. The ASPCA wrote a letter to New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer in late 2001 calling for him to take action, but thus far he has not.In addition to enduring force-feeding, the birds also suffer the same neglectful and abusive treatment of other factory-farmed animals: overcrowding, mutilations (their beaks are cut off), all their natural instincts and desires-such as interacting in social groups, mating freely, keeping themselves clean, nurturing their young, exploring their surroundings-thwarted, and eventually being sent to a violent death by slaughter. Throughout the weeks of force-feeding, the birds are kept in either a group pen or an individual cage with only wire or plastic-mesh floors to stand and sleep on. Unable to feel the sun on their backs or ground beneath their feet, the ducks are held in cages so small that they cannot fully stand or stretch their wings, and often get red, raw sores from having to sit in one place. To make matters worse, the ducks and geese are housed without access to swimming water even though ducks need to be able to immerse themselves in water to remain healthy. Access to water on these farms is so limited that the ducks cannot adequately clean their nostrils and eyes, which can lead to blindness. And finally, I challenge anyone to look at these photos–especially the last one of the duck who died choking on his own vomit– and then still say they can truly enjoy foie gras.

Recent progress: A California state-wide ban on the production and sale of foie gras will go into effect in the next few years, and other state bills are pending. Unfortunately a similar ban in Illinois was overturned. Many European countries, and Israel, previously the fourth-larges producer of foie gras, have also banned the cruel practice.
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MessageSujet: Re: végétalisme   végétalisme - Page 40 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Avr - 14:10

March 02, 2008

The NUMBER ONE biggest crime of them all against nature, the great MASS EXTINCTION currently taking place globally– caused by overfarming, overfishing, overpopulation, slash & burn agriculture, overhunting, habitat destruction, invasive species (brought by humans), greed, ignorance, war, disease, pollution and other human activity– and ONLY human activity. We are the sole species responsible for the of wiping out of many of our fellow beings on this planet at a rate possibly thousands of times higher than normal (although estimates vary). We have no idea of what we are doing to this planet, or its other inhabitants. The normal background rate of extinctions is about one species every 4 years. We are managing, by some estimates, about a thousand species –plants, animals, insects, etc.– a week. And yet governments still continue to pay bounties for “pest” animals– usually anything other than farm animals. This is why the thylacine, pictured here, was wiped out; the only large carnivorous marsupial to live until modern times.

The Bush administration was a big player in promoting such extinction, by constantly pushing to weaken the Endangered Species Act during their entire tenure, especially in the last few months in office. The government responsible for protecting America’s resources failed miserably and deliberately, all for–what else?– money. Their helping of greedy, rich owners of corporations, factory farms and ranches to make even more money while raping the environment will damage the planet forever and be their shameful legacy. The main cause, and one that nobody likes to talk about, is simply this: overpopulation. People thoughtlessly multiplying like rabbits with no concern for the consequences– and this is the entire human race, not just the ones in developing countries– is the main cause of mass extinction. Every new human requires more resources from an ever-diminishing ecosphere. Food shortages are already happening, water is growing scarce in many places, and the land, plants and animals are the ones that pay for our thoughtlessness.

Each species is a priceless, one-of-a-kind global treasure, each one having taken millions of years to evolve, and once gone will never come back. The number of species humans have made, and continue to make disappear is staggering. The only time mass extinctions have occurred in history is when immense natural destructive forces occured such as huge asteroids, supervolcanos, and global cooling. It’s sobering to think that we humans are causing the same amount of damage to life on this “island Earth”, if not more, than cataclysms ever did. As Bill Bryson wrote, “We don’t know what we are doing right now [to the Earth] or how we will affect our future; what we do know is that there is only one planet to do it on, and only one species capable of making a difference.” I find it recklessly foolish to experiment on our own biosphere with little regard to future consequences, and many nations eager to help indusries strip our planetary habitat of its rich diverstiy of life. It seems to me we would get a failing grade in any science class for such poor judgement.

Who’s fighting it: National Wildlife Federation, CNN (Planet in Peril series), HSUS, PETA, and all the many other animal welfare organizations in the world that help to protect other species than ourselves. We are just one of millions of species, and the most destructive by far. There is nothing “special” about us.
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MessageSujet: Re: végétalisme   végétalisme - Page 40 Icon_minitimeVen 17 Sep - 5:21

news du 12 MAI 2008

Végétalien moi-même et médecin spécialisé dans ce domaine, je suis formel : Le végétalisme bien mené est bon pour la santé.

Il n'y a pas de vitamine B12 dans les végétaux. Il faut que tu te supplémentes en vitamine B12 sinon tu tomberas malade dans quelques années.
Si ça arrive, tu auras encore plus de mal à faire accepter ton mode alimentaire.

Tu peux également acheter le produit "VEG1" sans ordonnance. Il faut prendre un comprimé à vie.
Voici un lien si tu veux le commander :

Ne prendre du fer que si tu as une carence. Sinon, ce n'est pas nécessaire. Même trop de fer peut être dangereux.

La médecine est vaste et aucun médecin ne peut tout connaitre. Peu de médecins connaissent bien le végétalisme.

Le végétalisme est très bon pour la santé et la supplémentation en vitamine B12 est nécessaire.
Il faut se préoccuper de ses apports en vitamine D et en calcium. Pour le reste, ce n'est que des avantages.
Il existe des diététiciens végétarien et végétalien en France.
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MessageSujet: Re: végétalisme   végétalisme - Page 40 Icon_minitimeVen 17 Sep - 5:43

12 août 2008

UN FILM sur le respect des animaux : http://veg-tv. info/Earthlings
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21 février 2010

Signer la pétition
Non à la propagande
du CIV
dans les écoles !
Non à la propagande pro-viande
dans les écoles

Le CIV (Centre d'Information des Viandes), organe de communication des filières viandes, cherche à intervenir directement dans les établissements scolaires (écoles, collèges, lycées) dans le but de générer un capital sympathie de la part des jeunes vis-à-vis de la viande.
Pourtant, aujourd'hui, la surconsommation de viande est en partie responsable de la faim dont souffre plus d'un milliard d'êtres humains, d'une souffrance accrue pour les animaux et de la dégradation de l'environnement.
Nous vous invitons à signer la pétition que nous lançons aujourd'hui pour exprimer notre refus de l'intervention du CIV dans les écoles.

Lire Propagande pro-viande dans les écoles
Pour intégrer une bannière sur votre site ou blog
Pour en savoir plus : Viande.Info

Chevreaux : plainte contre la France

L214 vient de porter plainte contre de la France pour non application du règlement concernant le transport des chevreaux et des agneaux auprès de la Commission européenne.
La nouvelle saison d'agnelage approche à grands pas et jusqu'à présent, les déclarations du ministère de l'Agriculture ne sont pas suivies d'effet.
En Une, un article du Courrier de l'Ouest revient sur cette affaire cette semaine.

Lire notre communiqué de presse
Lire l'article du Courrier de l'Ouest
Lire l'article paru sur Agoravox

Revue semestrielle de droit animalier

Le numéro 2 de la RSDA est paru.

Il comporte notamment un dossier sur la corrida, qui contient une interview de Michèle Scharapan par Florence Burgat.

Télécharger la revue

Livre : Penser le comportement animal

Vient de paraître, sous la direction de Florence Burgat, Penser le comportement animal - Contribution à une critique du réductionnisme, Editions Quae, 412 pages, 34 euros.

Cet ouvrage, qui rassemble les contributions de 19 auteurs fait suite au colloque "Comment penser le comportement animal" qui s'est tenu à Paris les 21 et 22 janvier 2008.

Lire la présentation sur le site de l'éditeur
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3 mars 2010

reçu au ministère de l'écologie

Yves Cochet (député), Jean-Paul Jaud (cinéaste) et deux membres de L214 se sont rendus au Ministère de l'Ecologie le 22 février en tant que représentants du collectif viande.info. Ils ont été reçus 1h30 par Anne-Laure Jutier (chargée de mission).
Au cours de l'entretien, la délégation de viande.info a pu exposer les effets négatifs de la surconsommation et de la surproduction de produits d'origine animale puis soumettre des propositions pour y remédier.
Cette rencontre a été aussi l'occasion d'échanges informels entre les 4 membres de la délégation qui ont confirmé la volonté de tous de faire avancer ce dossier sur la base d'initiatives concrètes. A suivre...

Lire le compte rendu de cette rencontre

Jugement en appel du juge d'exécution
Coup dur pour L214 et la SPA

En juillet 2008, L214 et la SPA étaient en tournée afin d'aller à la rencontre des directions de supermarchés pour les informer des conditions de vie des lapins vendus dans leurs rayons. L'interprofession des éleveurs et abatteurs de lapins (CLIPP) avait alors porté plainte pour "campagne manifestement illicite visant à faire retirer des étalages des grandes surfaces la viande de lapin".
Débouté en première instance (juillet 2008), le CLIPP avait fait appel. En décembre 2008, l’arrêt rendu par la cour d’appel faisait interdiction à L214 et à la SPA d'utiliser un film jugé litigieux et condamnait les deux associations à publier le jugement sur leurs sites.
Malgré la publication du jugement, malgré le retrait du film et des images, le CLIPP a de nouveau assigné les deux associations en justice pour mauvaise application de la décision. En première instance (avril 2009), le juge d’exécution a considéré que la plainte du CLIPP n'était pas fondée et l'a condamné à verser 1000€ aux associations. Le CLIPP a fait appel à nouveau. Dans son arrêt du 25 février dernier, la Cour d'appel est allée totalement à l’encontre du jugement de première instance puisqu'elle a condamné L214 et la SPA à payer plus de 10000€ chacune au CLIPP et à faire figurer de nouveau le jugement de décembre 2008 sur leurs sites pendant 4 mois.

Aider L214 par un don

Laïcité = religion de la viande ?

Aucune religion, aucune conception sensée des valeurs de la République, n’imposent le devoir de manger des animaux.
Les menus végétariens sont à la fois halal et non halal, casher et non casher. Organiser le vivre-ensemble en matière d’alimentation ne restera un casse-tête que tant qu’athées et croyants de diverses familles spirituelles communieront dans une même religion de la viande.

Lire le communiqué de presse de L214
Lire "Le vrai débat est ailleurs" sur Agoravox

Du côté des institutions européennes

Poules pondeuses
pas de report pour le changement des cages

En 2012, les cages où sont enfermées plus de 37 millions de poules pondeuses en France devront satisfaire de nouvelles normes (surface par poule légèrement supérieure, quelques aménagements obligatoires).
La Pologne a sollicité un report de cette échéance. Il vient d'être refusé à l'unanimité des autres pays de l’Union européenne.
Les normes 2012 sont très loin de marquer la fin de l’élevage en batterie, mais elles obligent les éleveurs à investir dans du nouveau matériel. Ce tournant est une occasion d'essayer de supprimer l'élevage en cage.

Voir l'article d'Univers-Nature

La Commission européenne s'intéresse à la sentience des poissons. Un vaste projet de recherche vient d'être lancé. Rappelons que pour l'INRA les poissons ne ressentent ni douleur, ni émotion...

Lire l'article "Les poissons pleurent-ils ?" des Echos

La Commission européenne souhaite l'élaboration d'un étiquetage relatif aux conditions de vie des animaux au travers d'un label européen et le renforcement des contrôles en élevage et en cours de transport.

Le projet "Animal Welfare Quality"
Lire "Un plan d'action européen" des Echos

Nouveau sur la boutique

Végétari'elles est un recueil de témoignages de femmes autour du végétarisme.
"Pourquoi suis-je végétarienne ou végétalienne ? ou pourquoi ne le suis-je pas ?"

Commander Végétari'elles

Dans les kiosques, et sur la boutique de L214, les numéros de mars/avril d'Alfalfa et VegMag. Toujours hauts en couleur, avec des dossiers documentés. Le féminisme est ce mois-ci à l'honneur dans les deux magazines.

Commander Alfalfa ou/et VegMag
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8 juin 2010

Journée végétarienne hebdomadaire
dans le 2e arrondissement de Paris

Depuis janvier 2009, un repas végétarien est servi dans la restauration scolaire chaque mardi dans le second arrondissement. Le maire, Jacques Boutault, a défendu le principe de cette journée lors du buffet-débat du 19 mai à l’Assemblée nationale. L214 a réalisé une vidéo de cette intervention. A faire tourner sans modération !

La journée végétarienne hebdomadaire
discutée au Conseil de Paris

Les Verts ont déposé auprès du Conseil de Paris un vœu de généralisation de la journée végétarienne hebdomadaire à l’ensemble de la restauration scolaire de la capitale.
En séance, le vœu des Verts a été présenté, puis retiré au profit du vœu de l’exécutif proposé en réponse à celui des Verts, comme c’est l’usage. Ce dernier, voté par le Conseil à l'unanimité, est moins ambitieux mais très encourageant :

Des informations relatives à l'éducation au goût et aux règles d'équilibre alimentaire, et notamment aux bienfaits nutritionnels des repas sans viande de type végétarien, seront communiquées aux présidents des caisses des écoles ;
Un débat sur l'intérêt de ce type de repas pour la santé et l'environnement est prévu dans le cadre des Etats Généraux de la restauration scolaire organisés prochainement par la Ville de Paris.
Lire le communiqué de presse du 7 juin de viande.info

Une nouvelle infraction : l'obstruction à la chasse

Des défenseurs des animaux s’efforcent de limiter le nombre de victimes de la chasse à courre par leur simple présence, en se déplaçant pacifiquement dans les bois où ces chasses sont organisées. En réponse à la demande des chasseurs, le gouvernement a créé par un décret du 4 juin une infraction d’obstruction à la chasse.
Suite à un communiqué de Droits des Animaux et L214, ce sujet a été repris dans un article de Rue89. N’hésitez pas à laisser des commentaires !
Par ailleurs, aujourd'hui, des interviews devraient être diffusées par France Info, RMC et Europe 1.

Lire le communiqué de DDA et L214
Lire l’article de Rue 89

VegFest à Paris le 12 juin

Le samedi 12 juin à partir de 14h, de nombreuses associations de défense des animaux et de promotion du végétarisme seront présentes Place Joachim du Bellay pour la troisième édition du VegFest. Une occasion d’informer le public, de faire le plein de matériel militant et d’échanger avec d’autres acteurs de la cause animale. L214 y tiendra un stand.

Blog du VegFest

Appel à l’action de solidarité de Strasbourg - 19 juin

Le 19 juin, Animalsace et l’association allemande Tirs organisent une action de solidarité à Strasbourg en soutien aux militants autrichiens inculpés. Les deux associations appellent les particuliers et organisations à se joindre à cette action. Merci de faire circuler cet appel.

Lire l'appel sur le site d'Animalsace
Lire les derniers comptes rendus d’audience publiés sur le site de L214


12 juin : marche silencieuse pour les dauphins des îles Ferroé au Danemark (Paris, Saint Etienne, Hyères)

Retrouvez des associations ou collectifs proches de chez vous !

Soutenir L214

Indispensable pour continuer les enquêtes,
pour organiser les événements
et permettre à L214 de prendre de l'ampleur !

Pour soutenir les actions de L214, j'adhère ou je fais un don.
Pour un soutien régulier, j'opte pour le prélèvement automatique.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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14 avril 2010

Nouvelle infiltration de L214
dans des élevages professionnels de lapins
L214 révèle aujourd'hui une nouvelle enquête menée dans plusieurs élevages intensifs de lapins en France. Les images proviennent d'élevages qui fournissent la plus grande marque française de viande de lapin.
Dans ces élevages, les lapines donnent naissance à leurs petits dans des cages alignées en batterie. Les images montrent des lapereaux rampant sur le grillage, des lapereaux agonisants ou morts écrasés par leur mère : des élevages 100% cage qui condamnent les animaux à une souffrance certaine, leur vie durant.

Voir la vidéo (hébergée sur Vimeo)
Voir la vidéo sur Youtube

En Allemagne, Rewe, la deuxième chaîne de supermarchés, vient d'annoncer qu'elle cessait de vendre de la viande de lapins issus d'élevages en cages.
En France, demandons aussi aux grandes surfaces de renoncer à la viande de lapins issus de tels élevages. Vous pouvez commander, diffuser et envoyer la carte portale éditée à cette fin.

Commander la carte postale "lapin"

Vous pouvez aussi aider à la diffusion de la vidéo sur les blogs et sites Internet. Des codes à copier-coller sont proposés par Youtube (cliquer sur "partager" puis "intégrer") et Vimeo (cliquer sur "embed" qui apparaît sur l'image).

Enquêter sur le terrain demande un fort investissement et une grosse prise de risque. Si vous trouvez que ce travail est important, pensez à soutenir L214. Merci.

Ensemble pour les animaux
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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5 mars 2010

Tribune de L214 sur Rue89

Le site d'informations Rue89 vient de publier une tribune rédigée par L214 pour expliquer ce qu'est le CIV (Centre d'Information des Viandes), organe de communication des filières viandes.

Vous pouvez lire cet article et y réagir.

Si vous ne l'avez pas déjà fait, vous pouvez signer la pétition pour s'opposer aux interventions du CIV à l'intérieur des établissements scolaires.

Soutenir L214

Pour soutenir les actions de L214, j'adhère ou je fais un don.
Pour un soutien régulier, j'opte pour le prélèvement automatique.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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16 mars 2010

Novotel renonce aux oeufs
de poules pondeuses élevées en cage !

Nous avons l'immense joie de vous annoncer que Novotel a accédé à notre demande en renonçant aux œufs de poules issus d'élevage en batterie.
78 tonnes d'œufs brouillés sont consommés chaque année aux petits déjeuners servis dans les 125 Novotel de France. A compter de cette semaine, les œufs "plein air" viennent remplacer les œufs de batterie dans tous les hôtels de la chaîne.
C'est une première et un signal fort en cette période de transition où les éleveurs doivent investir pour mettre aux normes leurs cages avant 2012.

Nous pouvons saluer Novotel d'avoir pris une telle décision. Nous espérons qu'un cercle vertueux va s'enclencher et que d'autres groupes vont suivre.

Nous remercions tous les sympathisants, associations et collectifs locaux qui ont participé à cette campagne en nous rejoignant sur le tour de France de l'automne dernier ou encore en diffusant et envoyant les cartes postales que nous avions éditées à cette occasion.

Lire les comptes-rendus du Tour Novotel
Lire Novotel bannit les oeufs de batterie

« Il y a une prise en compte qui a été faite par la marque, effectivement une délégation de l'association a rencontré nos dirigeants qui aujourd'hui prennent en compte leurs remarques pour faire évoluer le produit et le changer. »

Directeur du Novotel de Tours,
TV Tours,
journal du 24 septembre 2009.« Votre démarche a été écoutée » a confié hier le directeur du Novotel de Metz. »

"Non aux œufs de batterie",
Le Républicain Lorrain,
5 septembre 2009.

Soutenir L214

Pour soutenir les actions de L214, j'adhère ou je fais un don.
Pour un soutien régulier, j'opte pour le prélèvement automatique.


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