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 help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: june 20 2014   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 20 Juin - 15:28

please thanks spread the word everywhere

Hi all.may YOu bless all Your children YAHWEH j Please help by sharing this with everyone.To all who receive this;Please send this to all your contacts + put this on facebook, blog, youtube, facebooks of your friends, walls , offices, jobs, shops, the mall, the doctor, any wall.You can print the links and texts , private mesages, skype, twitter, myspace, anywhere on the internet , talk about this to humans you know etc.you can't do all of them,no porblem,don't have a printer,it's ok,just do these two then:send emails + facebook mesages +put this on your facebooks walls.Thanks.If you're at school,work,you have 5 minutes and have a computer with you,please show this to your colleges,students,teachers,anyone who is there,at home with your family or friends.Thanks.
care2 actionAlert spread the word

Please sign the petition today, tell all your contacts on facebook: Stop the Yulin Dog Meat Festival! take action please share
it helps! share on facebook   share on twitter   share via email

Thank you for signing the petition to stop the annual Yulin dog meat festival, in which thousands of dogs are slaughtered for meat. This event was set for June 21, but Yulin has started early - meaning this slaughter is happening right now.

This is our last chance to convince the mayor of Yulin to stop the festival.

Help spread the word by sharing the petition on Facebook.

You can also send a tweet about the petition or send an email to your friends and family asking them to support the cause.

Here's a quick message you can copy and send to rally support:


Did you know that in a town called Yulin in China, people slaughter 10,000 dogs in June as part of a summer solstice "festival?"

The festival was canceled in 2011 because of an online campaign, but then it came back. There's a chance we can stop the dog slaughter this year if enough people speak up.

Patricia Losch started a petition on Care2 to stop this year's festival and save these dogs from slaughter -- I just signed it. Will you join me? Click here to add your name:


Thank you for taking action,

Roseanne C.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team c

check your
Butterfly Care2 butterfly credits!

Care2.com, Inc.
275 Shoreline Drive, Suite 300
Redwood City, CA 94065

PRAY for Tammy/ Wir beten für Tammy - Saturday/Samstag, 21 June, 19:00 (Germany hour)

thats so unfair, terrible stuf always happen to humane humans, and great stuff happen to animal killers, lets pray to YAHWEH, no use praying for false gods, be strong tammy, you have to make it, you have to live, caus you have to save many more animals ,thanks so much fo everythin you did for them, youre a saint to them, YAHWEH belss you,please let her live many more time on earth!!!! were begging YOU !!

- Message in English and Deutsch -



EVENT of 10 minutes
Saturday, 21th June, 19:00 -Germany hour (20:00-Romanian hour)

Tamara Raab was the driving force behind the completion of a grand project in Romania: the total overhaul and renovation of the dog shelter Anima in Campulung. It houses 1000 dogs and was in a dismal state before; the dogs were in constant danger of starving or freezing. In addition, she completed other projects such as assisting a shelter of 80 animals or helping a sick, homeless, orphaned young man without income. Several times she drove her truck to Romania filled with donated aid for animal welfare organizations and individuals who care for large numbers of animals.

Tammy organized and coordinated these projects perfectly. She worked tirelessly, with dedication, and in a completely responsible manner. Everything she did for the animals and their protectors in Romania was voluntary.

In late March Tammy suffered an accident. After over two months she is out of the coma but still in the hospital.

Anyone who wishes to send their thoughts and wishes for recovery can write to HelftHandelne.V., Erbes-Büdesheimer-Str. 10, 55237 Flonheim, Germany. All cards and messages will be delivered to her via her close friends who visit her constantly.

On Saturday, June 21, 2014 we will do a simultaneous COLLECTIVE PRAYER AND MEDITATION for 10 minutes at the following hours:
10 am West Coast, 11 am Mountain Time, 12 pm Central, 1 pm East Coast/USA;
7 pm (19:00) Germany/Central Europe
8 pm (20:00) Romania/Eastern Europe
(here you can find the local time in cities worldwide:http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ ).

Sit in a position where you feel spiritually comfortable and PRAY FOR Tammy. Transmit your thoughts full of light, love, well-wishes and good health to her.

Thank you!


Simultane Aktion mit Meditation und Fürbitte für Tamara Raab

Für 10 Minuten
Samstag, 21. Juni 2014, 19 Uhr Deutschland

Im letzten Jahr ermöglichte Tamara Raab ein grandioses Projekt in Rumänien: das Hunde-Asyl in Campulung wurde total erneuert und umgebaut. 1000 Hunde werden dort untergebracht. Vorher war es in einem erbärmlichen Zustand, und die Hunde waren ständig in Gefahr, zu verhungern, oder zu erfrieren. Außerdem erledigte sie andere Projekte wie zum Beispiel einem Tierheim mit 80 Tieren zu helfen, oder einem jungen Mann, der krank und obdachlos war, ein besseres Leben zu bieten. Mehrere Male fuhr sie ihren 40-Tonnen-Lastwagen nach Rumänien, zum Bersten gefüllt mit Spenden für Tierschutz Vereine oder Personen, die für eine grosse Anzahl von Tieren sorgen.

Tammy organisierte und coordinierte diese Projekte auf perfekte Art und Weise. Sie arbeitete unermüdlich, mit großem persönlichen Einsatz, und absolut verantwortungsvoll. Alles, was sie für die Tiere und ihre Beschützer in Romänien tat, war freiwillig.

Ende Marz hatte Tammy einen Unfall. Nach über zwei Monaten ist sie immer noch im Krankenhaus, obwohl nicht mehr im Koma.

Jeder, der ihr gute Wünsche zur Heilung senden möchte, kann Karten und Briefe usw. an Helft Handeln e.V., Erbes-Büdesheimer-Str. 10, 55237 Flonheim, in Deutschland senden. Die guten FreundInnen, die sie dauernd besuchen, werden diese Botschaften zu ihr bringen.

Für Samstag, 21. Juni 2014, planen wir eine simultane Aktion mit Meditation und Fürbitte um 19 Uhr Deutschland und Mitteleuropa, 20 Uhr Rumänien, 10 Uhr/Kalifornien. (hier könnt Ihr die Ortszeit von Städten in der ganzen Welt finden: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/)

Für ungefähr 10 Minuten, sitzt in einer entspannten Stellung und schickt Tamara Eure Gedanken voller Licht, Liebe, Heilung, und guten Wünschen.

Vielen Dank!


Tammy and her dog, Puppi, her permanent companion               Tammy feeding dogs in a park in Romania (when she drove the truck with donations)

let us heal the world h we can do it i mercy for all animals h please i ncrease your impact by asking many to sign. about love, honesty and caring about other life form k our planet is suffering ! it cries help d why do we do this e out of love,its an act of love prayers for healing GOD, You invite all who are burdened to come to You. Allow your healing hand to heal all sick animals and sick humans all across the world . Touch our souls with Your compassion for others. Touch our hearts with Your courage and infinite love for all. Touch our minds with Your wisdom, that our mouths may always proclaim Your praise. Teach us to reach out to You in our need, and help us to lead others to You by our example. Most loving Heart of GOD , bring all the sick animals and humans health in body and spirit that we may serve You with all our strength. Touch gently these lives which You have created, now and forever. In Jesus' name. Amen Prayer for the sick creatures of GOD Omnipotent and eternal God, the everlasting Salvation of those who believe, hear us on behalf of Thy sick animals and human beings servants from the entire planet earth , for whom we beg the aid of Thy pitying mercy, that, with their bodily health restored, they may give thanks to Thee in Thy church. Through Christ our Savior . Amen.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: august 18 2014 thank you so much please spread the word arou   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Aoû - 13:15

Save Environment
please put this everywhere you can myspace forums sites social networks twitter emails comments of vid, comments of articles, chats, private mesages, blogs ,not jsut where humans chat about animals, but anywhere on the internet where humans read and go and that has nothing to do with animal rights in order to reach as many creatures as posible, if some humans dont have comps please show them in a public comp or in yours thanks so much

poor YAHWEHs little creaures your humans brothers, not their food, may them not eat you , youre so kind j they hurt you with these stuff on your ears,treating you as subcreatures, like jews in second world war,thats so horrible, they make a hole in your saint skin : To mark cows for identification, ranchers restrain the animals and press hot fire irons into their flesh, causing third-degree burns, as the cows bellow in pain and attempt to escape. Male calves’ testicles are ripped from their scrotums, often without pain relievers, and the horns of cows raised for beef are cut or burned off. While “on the range,” most cows receive inadequate veterinary care, and as a result, many die from infection and injury. Every winter, cattle freeze to death in states such as Montana, Nebraska, and North Dakota.every summer, cows collapse from heatstroke in states such as Texas and Arizona. Read more http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-food/factory-farming/cows/beef-industry/#ixzz3AllVWREN
Pétition : Non à l’élevage de veaux destinés à la boucherie à Hervelinghen
circuses are so cruel dont go there please boycot them thanks j animals used for entertainment j animals aren’t actors, spectacles to imprison and gawk at, or circus clowns. Yet thousands of these animals are forced to perform silly, confusing tricks under the threat of physical punishment; are carted across the country in cramped and stuffy boxcars or semi-truck trailers; are kept chained or caged in barren, boring, and filthy enclosures; and are separated from their families and friends—all for the sake of human “entertainment.” Many of these animals even pay with their lives. Read more www.peta.org/issues/animals-in-entertainment/#ixzz3AlkSiqKi
Ringling elephant training
human vegans thanks so much for having right brains, immense hearts, thanks for protesting against animal cruelties
Ringling Beats Animals
we ask to the government of china that it emplements a law thatd put an end to cat consumption & production , not when pigs fly, now!!“What you just put into your mouth could have been a loyal guardian who defended a family home”. The posters are part of a campaign by NGO Animals Asia to put a stop to the practise of eating dog and cat meat in China.The ongoing campaign aims to inform the public of the health risks of eating dog and cat meat and to prompt people to re-evaluate why they’d eat animals they might otherwise consider friends not food, equipped with the facts, most people will choose not to eat dog &cat meat. There are health implications +the dogs & cats being served as food are likely to have been stolen from a loving family home

Nobody touch the Cat

we maybe cant stop animal testing with our actions all of us humans from around the earth who are acting a little bit for the animals but we can reduce animal testing with our actions, its better than nothign, if we act we reduce the amount of animals killed & use in laboratories, so lets not hesitate ,lets act ,if we dont act they may use more, or the same amount of animals, what we want is that they use no animla but we ant do that, but if we can make them use less animals for animal experimentation thatll be a victory, thatll be better than if they use the same amount or more

Monkeys Need Three Minutes of Your Time Tomorrow, March 12

animal testing is murder & cruelty , don't contribute please for YAHWEH, please boycot it use only products which have not been tested on animal angels thanks j Animals used for experimentation j Right now, billions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories across the earth. They languish in pain, ache with loneliness, and long to roam free and use their minds. Instead, all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them. Read more www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-experimentation/#ixzz3Alj4CMcI






















hi creatures of the universes, planets, worlds, earth : hope you're doing great: YAHWEH bless all YOUr creatures of all worlds & planets if YOU got kids there+ all the lovely earthly animals+ humans : thanks so much if you're helping out the saint animals, nature, mankind j we must never undervalue the importance of GOD and stop believing in HIM.We must pray HIM everyday as much as we can,if we ain't got no time then just 13 mins a day,if you got more time 1h or 2h per day . never think it's our lives,they aren't ours,they are YAHWEH's let us never forget that nothing's ours,we're GOD's slaves so we must give him th number one importance in our lives and hearts always.We must love HIM more than humankind,more than our families&friends,husbands,wives,boyfriend,girlfriend,more than the stuff we love to do,the places we love to go,more than food,sex,more than friendship,more than love between men and women,more than family love,more than tv,going to the movies,to the swimming pool,parties,holidays,music ect.More than everything.HE is with us all the time with each and everyone of us,HE is GOD:This sums up everything.HE created all of this,HE gave us all of this and we forget HIM most of the time,we forget it's thank to HIM we got all this and we could stop having this from one day to another so we must always be grateful to GOD.Coz HE had the generosity and kindness to give us all HE gave us,he could have easily not gaven us anything or 1/1000 or what HE gave us so we're so lucky,HE blessed us with health,youth,animals,money,oxygene,job,friends,family,a bed to sleep,a place to live,electricity,living in a rich country ect we must always pray HIM to thank HIM 0 it's a terrible sin not to believe in His existence, not caring bout HIM,not wanting to pray,hating to go to church if some chruch are 100 percent 'illuminati 'free ,hating to pray and understimating GOD because its a terrible sin 0 maybe all the ones who dont believe will go to hell so be careful 0 its very hard but try to love things you love which got nothing to do with faith in GOD try to love them less,do them less, have a more spiritual lfie,as spiritual as posible,like instead of never praying GOD,start praying 9 minutes and thrity two seconds a day 0 if you don't believe in GOD,believe please 0 God may be very pround of priests and nuns because they do many things GOD ask them,maybe not all o them but theyre so much less sinners then most humankind so that's great 0 we must copy them but above all we must copy Jesus.we must have an exemplary behavior,priests and nuns pray a lot,most of their time,that's what GOD wishes all humans to do aint it?as humans work go to shcool & stuff they ain't got as much time as priests nuns got so it's ok if we pray less than them dont think GOD' gon punish us for that but it don't mean we must pray 0 minute everyday0 we must make an effort to pray at least a few minutes every morning ever nite.Becoz that's what GOD want us to do.Because if we love our passions and pastimes more,GOD may feel we all are ignoring HIM,HE'll be sad disappointed,we must not ignore HIM,we think too much more bout so many things that preoccupy us,that fill our minds,stuff that ain't got nuthin to do with our GOD that's not rite.We must absolutely think bout HIM everyday,be filled with his grace & realize how important HE is,realize tat HE fills our lives,not the stuff we do,the people we see,but HIM.It's bad how so many humans never think bout HIM.That's so bad.We must make an effort.Don't know how to say,but we must realize that GOD is everything, that all we should care bout is HIM,His word,His commands, that's it.Not all the stuff that call us that make us completely forget bout HIM ,our hobbies,travels,vacations,walks,watever,makes us always keep our minds occupied with other subjects other than GOD.That's wrong.We shoud think bout GOD as much as Jesus or priests so,always,as much time as posible,if we can't pray because of lack of time at least meditate,or talk to GOD but always bear to mind HE is here,HE is the most important being,HE,not fashion,not money,not surf,not cute girls,not dancing,not sightseeing,not studies,not job,ect just HIM. if we got HIM we got enough,we dont need more,fame,money,being rich or whatever we wish for,a wife,kids .WE shoudlnt ask for nothing,want many things,posessions, because this stuff are nothing,they'll disappear once we're with GOD in heaven.looks,youth,huge houses,many clothes,all of this don't matter because the great things that are in the afterlife are so much better than those stupid little earthly things.It's incomparable. please share and help save lives by encouraging people to become vegans ; What have beings made so wrong for us to experience the ejection of pardon ? It's not like they're the evil one . They can't posibly have done as much wrong as him . It is not asked to us to forgive the evil one but individuals that have done wrong , hopefully to a lesser extent . Let us not have ennemies . Let us only have our family , our brothers and sisters from animal&human gender .prayer for refugees and victims of war God, no one is a stranger to YOU and no one is ever far from Your loving care. In Your kindness, watch over refugees and victims of war, those separated from their loved ones, young people who are lost, and those who have left home or who have run away from home. Bring them back safely to the place where they long to be and help us always to show Your kindness to non men animals, strangers and to all in need Grant this through Christ. Amen.prayer for the innocent victims of war God, Your own Son was delivered into the hands of the wicked, yet he prayed for his persecutors and overcame hatred with the blood of the Cross. Relieve the sufferings of the innocent animaus & humans victims of war; grant them peace of mind, healing of body, and a renewed faith in Your protection and care. Grant this through Christ. Amen. thanks so much YAHWEH for all your earthly kids who wer never endoctrinated to become 'illuminatis ' they have never sold their souls, tahats a huge releive, they lived their lived kind of happily : thanks so much for this: we are safe: we'll never be 'illuminatis' :please help to create concience share!!!

Timothy 1:1-20 (Good News Translation) God’s Word: Showing Us How to Live. Timothy: In this first letter to Timothy, general instructions are given for life in the church, which include giving thanks and staying away from false teachings. The false teachings mentioned here might have been myths about Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. This is a true saying, to be completely accepted and believed: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Today’s Reading From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by order of God our Savior and Christ Jesus our hope— To Timothy, my true son in the faith: May God the Father and Christ Jesus give you grace, mercy, and peace. I want you to stay in Ephesus, just as I urged you when I was on my way to Macedonia. Some people there are teaching false doctrines, and you must order them to stop. Tell them to give up those legends and those long lists of ancestors, which only produce arguments; they do not serve God's plan, which is known by faith.The purpose of this order is to arouse the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a genuine faith. Some people have turned away from these and have lost their way in foolish discussions.They want to be teachers of God's law, but they do not understand their own words or the matters about which they speak with so much confidence.We know that the Law is good if it is used as it should be used.It must be remembered, of course, that laws are made, not for good people, but for lawbreakers and criminals, for the godless and sinful, for those who are not religious or spiritual, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the immoral, for sexual perverts, for kidnappers, for those who lie and give false testimony or who do anything else contrary to sound doctrine. That teaching is found in the gospel that was entrusted to me to announce, the Good News from the glorious and blessed God. I give thanks to Christ Jesus, who has given me strength for my work. I thank him for considering me worthy and appointing me to serve him, even though in the past I spoke evil of him and persecuted and insulted him. God was merciful to me because I did not yet have faith and so did not know what I was doing. YAHWEH poured out his abundant grace on me and gave me the faith and love which are ours in union with Christ Jesus. This is a true saying, to be completely accepted and believed: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I am the worst of them, God was merciful to me in order that Christ Jesus might show his full patience in dealing with me, the worst of sinners, as an example for all those who would later believe in him and receive eternal life. To the eternal King, immortal and invisible, the only God—to him be honor and glory forever and ever! Amen.Timothy, my child, I entrust to you this command, which is in accordance with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you. Use those words as weapons in order to fight well, keep your faith and a clear conscience. Some people have not listened to their conscience and have made a ruin of their faith. Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have punished by handing them over to the power of Satan; this will teach them to stop their blasphemy. Reflect How is the relationship between Paul and Timothy described? What instructions are given to Timothy? What advice is given to Timothy ? Who has served as a mentor in faith for you? Pray God, you are our great teacher and guide, and you provide wonderful people along life’s path to offer wisdom and guidance. Help me recognize your teachers and mentors, that I may open myself to their wisdom. Amen. Prayer Concern Mentors in the faith

Humans are more intelligent than animals but they act as they were the least intelligent ones . The are inteligent they act as they were stupid . They say it's animals fault that the planet earth is overpopulated by dogs & cats . This affirmation shows how stupidely intelligent the human spiecies think . Because they put the blame on the ones who can't think for themselves instead of taking the blame knowking perfectly who's blame it is , humans blame . They know animals can't reason that way, that is a capacity humans have . They are acually saying it's dogs who had to be responsible, the same way humans get pregnant all the time because they weren't careful . What ??? Animals can't think like that, think i don't have to make love with too many animals because that's going to make them have many children and that is bad for the earth because there is too many homeless, stray, unhappy animals with no families, living in the streets horrible lives . How could mankind think animals can have that kind of reasoning. They can't know that . They're animals .putting the blame on the speices that is obviously not responsible of this situation of crisis and knowwing well who is the real responsible is an evidence of the stupidty of the human spiecies . Humans are really smart bu they act, think, reason stupidely , they do the contrary of the perfect solution, the better things to do, they put the blame on innocents, they don't recognize their own blame, they do what's terrible for the earth & knowking its bad, they can't say they don't, they aren't retards . in another viewpoint, they definitely are.They are perfectly aware of what consequences their actions will have .the animals who are less intelligent act intelligently . Humans who are the most intelligent act stupidely . Animals are less intelligent however they don't do the cotnrary of what they want to do, they don't do something if they know it's bad for others or them , they don't do something dangerous for themselves.For isntance animals don't eat if they can't anymore and feel full . A human will still eat til they are sick ,obese or fat . A human smokes knowing it will kill them and makes theim sick . A cat don't go out when the weather is bad because they know they could get in danger .even though animals are the least intelligent of the two speicies living on earth, they are the one who always listen to their instincts, their good sense, they are the ones who act according to reason , not on a whim, without thinking . Animals think before they act . That is outlandish how the least intelligent of the two actually act more intelligently than the most intelligent one .

Humans perfectly know that they take a stupid and irresponsible decision when they let their pets go out to have walks because they know they could get killed by a vehicle and they could go home pregnant or make pregnant all the dogs who are homeless of those towns or all the dogs who have families and who hang out in the streets . Humans who abandon their children know what it means, yet they do it . Humans who don't sterilize their children know what it means, overpopulating planet earth with many cats , dogs , yet they don't do it . That is stupid thinking coming from the most intelligent speicies of the earth . They don't take responsiblity for their actions . They know it's easy : you sterilize your kids + you don't abandon them + you tell all the humans you know who have children to sterilize them . They do do it, even though it's easy = stupid . They say it's not their fault = stupid . Of course human being is responsible for dogs,cats overpopulation . it isn't going to be a fairy, the invisible man , santa claus . Come on, they don't want to admit that they created this global situation with their stupidity and stupid actions . If all the humans on the earth who got cats,dogs had simply sterilize all their pets + before abandonning them sterilizing them + not abandoning them hearthless subhumans!!! = the world would have no dogs and cats in the streets , no stray animals, no miserable beings, no ill , sick, dying animals in the streets, no dogs,cats who got squished by vehicles, no animal overpopulation .when they have two options do the right ,intelligent thing& the bad stupidest thing < they choose the bad one . And they call themselves smart . They often do that . That's how human spieicies is . Why on earth chosing the bad solution and create an increidble amount of problems to the world when we could do the good thing & avoid the world and ourselves so much trouble . That don't make no sense . They are deliberately ceating serious problems like animal overpopulation , they don't seem to care . Why would they ? = me myself + i . As long as it doesn't hurt them, why would they try to do something against an injustice ? If it's not an injustice against them . They are creating by egotism, foolishness, many problems , many sufferings and deaths . That's terrible . That is crimes . When you abandon an animal = you kill him her because they are going to go to live in animal shelters or dog pound where they are going to be eutanized or die of hunger,cold,disease,accidents in the streets or live a long but miserable life in the shelters, getting tortured by mean pounds employees , making them reproduce a lot, overpopulating the earth and so making many other lives unhappy, the ones who are going to be born . They not only are stupid but criminals . They're too stupid to realize that . The don't care about all this, all that they do or create by doing the things they do . They know what they have to do to avoid all this suffering but they don't want to . They don't care that the earth could have a normal amount of dogs,cats , they don't care that they are the murderers of these animals, they don't care that their cruel & stupid actions have terrible consequences . humans have in their hands the solution of all the problems, also for instance the environment . Buying and using stuff which pollute instead orf ecological stuff . Not recycling , using too much water ect the same goes for all the biggest problems . as usual they don't care . They have the power as they are the most intelligent creatures here , to make happy everybody, put equity, ethics, give well-being, descent and worthy lives , they have the power to erase all the problems and mostly to not create them . This is a vicious circle . They'd rather create problems which could easily not exist than not having them, make others happy and all live in peace with the human and animal community . They're absolutely irrational . They created this vicous circle . The same goes for poverty . If all riches would give all they have to poor nobody would be poor . many other examples which show how illogical human is at the hour of taking decisions . often taking the bad one which will create a vicious cirlce from which it's hard to go out .It's hard to understand what do they have in their heads 0 They are not that stupid are they . It's hard to enter their heads and try to understand their reasoning or lack of it . Do they think before they act ? Or it's not that they are stupid but raffish . That is another story . They could perfectly know what they are doing but don't care . They may think my life is my life , that's what matters . The lives of the animals no because they aren't mines , I am not them . That situation would preoccupy them if they were the stray humans, overpopulated humans , the suffering humans ect . We are the people of GOD and together, we can build a just society for all.

Even if animals could defend themselves, had mankind's intelligence, its arguments, its capacity of setting our their arguments, capacity of analisis and able to be lawyers, have guns, defend their rights or anything we would help them because it's not only like animals and handiccaped can't help themselves so we help them . Even if they could we would because we care , they are our friends and we help anyone on this earth who feels helpless even if they are perfectly capable of helping their own selves because this is called friendship, love, solidarity . We must always help the neglected, alone, abused creatures , exploited, oppresed creatures of GOD . they are phisically,mentally capable but why do we help humans who are mentally and phsysically ok so why not helping the animals if they were physically,mentally ok ? we're doing it because the innocent are not able to do it for themselves 0 It is useless to put like . We have to share . don't you ever let anyone tell you what to do . GOD is the only one who tells us what to do .TO think we all are alive us animals and humans and you our friends animals and humans are dead , bulls for bullfighting, chicks, hens for their ' meat ' ect . You all were killed . We are lucky GOD you make us be alive . They didn't have that luck . if only they were all alive . Poor little defenseless creatures . Volante the bull murdered in 2012 we think of you, you are in our vegan hearts and all the others . We don't remeber your names , faces but we still love you . We will never forget you . We are so sad the murdered you all despite all the petitions , actions , revolts , manifestations . You were killed but the fight continues til we free all animals and all of them regain their liberty . We will not stop til all animal exploitation stops forever .are you animal lovers ? prove it : go vegan please:our animal family, human family, our world is in trouble and need our help 0 this is a stupid brainwashing humankind think eating farm animals fish ect=ok eating dog= yuck crazy abnormal theyre mistaken ;eating animals=horrible yuck anti natural ect not just dog they implement ideas in humans head like dogs we cant eat ,other animals we can ,they could have easily brainwashed humanity with stupidities like eatinh humans ok,eating garbage ok , eating dog ok, eating cows=not ok ,eating sheep = not ok : they could have done them any braiwnashing it would have worked the same way because humans are so easily brainwashed with anything so if they would have brainwashed them with the truth : eating animals=not ok most humanity wouldn't be eating animals thatd be great because mankind's killing the poor defenseless children of GOD; mankind is herbivore, so criminal 0 please GOD make the whole humanitiy vegan :lets be animla rights activists;As often as Herman had witnessed the slaughter of animals and fish, he always had the same thought: in their behaviour toward creatures, all men were Nazis. The smugness with which man could do with other species as he pleased exemplified the most extreme racist theories, the principle that might is right. we must be good with all creatures we find on our ways . We don't know , they might be suffering more than us . If we find a stray dog in the street, let's caress them , let's take them to our homes , let's give them food,love, let's call an animal defense association . Let's do something about this . Don't just walk away . Do something . Help .let'us pray for our brothers and sisters in sirya . Let us pray GOD for nobody else to die, no human life, no animal life in this horrible war . Let us pray for the end of this war right now , that the wicked bilderberg made:Have faith in yourselves . GOD have faith in you . A lot of beings do . We're all afraid some of the time for ourselves and for the ones we love , but we just do the best we can and we hope that it works :we continue to build a better world, together. We love animals we say but eat them . How unlogical . We hold one animal, caress and kiss her / him and eat the other . We take advantage of a so called delicious meal made out of dead creatures but the other one we sleep with her / him , cover their sweet bodies with a covers , take them to the vet and pray from them . The other ones , we go to a grocery store, buy them dead then cook them . How weird humanity is . We take care of one , we love them , the other ones we hate them and deserve them death and evil . Wh love and respect some and kill and dispresect the others ? We are able to kill with our bare hands animals and eat them but we could never kill others , pets . We say we love all animals , we lie . We love only pets . We despise sea animals,farm animals and kill them everyday for our diet . Don't lie . Be honnest . Don't say I love all animals and to prove it i eat them . Say i hate farm animals so I eat them and I love pets so I protect them from mean human creautres and am unable to kill them . Respect some, disrepect others . we do wicked things to farm animals and have no pity on them but defend pets body and soul against their ennemies .there is never an excuse to hit an animal, a human:we must not make comprosieses thinking they beleive in false gods it's better than if they didn't believe in any god . no because it's terrible to believe in a false god= demon: believing not in GOD almighty because than being atheists because we can't not accpet anything and be so indulgent because they are demons: they are corrupted false religious, who think Jesus and GOD don' t exist but other gods do . we can't say it's great some people believe in gods, because it's useless, it sucks . It 'd be great if they believed in GOD the real one but not in any so called ' god' which don't even exist . we must not think it's a good thing because it's a terrible thing that could lead them to hell for eternity . We can't be happy if humans we frequent believe in any god, we must convince them to believe in GOD . being atheists is as bad as believing in gods . atheists + believing in false gods = serious sins . Dear GOD , please forgive us for all the times we have not submitted to Your will in our lives. Please forgive all human beings for all our sinful actions, making agreements with the enemy, and for believing the devil’s lies. We now submit to you as our dear GOD . Now we break every agreement that we have made with the enemy.The governments of the earth are very corrupt and the animals citizens & people citizens have suffered countless violations of their rights and freedoms. A good action is free . We must not want something in exchange . We do it because we are kind and compassionate not because we want them to give us something or money . We must do them because we are happy to make others happy . Only for that reason . We muSt have the will of doing something for others 1 it fulls us of joy to make some being get better . That is what we are looking for, making them stop suffering, stop being sad, stop being poor, stop geting torutred . Humnas dislike doing doog deeds . They'd be happy to help anyone if they'd give them money . That is not a doog deed . Helping others is always for free . Actually it's in for something in return : friednship, thankfulness, hapiness ; We must always bear in mind why we're doing these good deeds . Not for eveybody else think we're are good, for reputation, admiration, compliments , show off . To make them think good of us . We souldnt do that because we think if I do something good to her him he'll do something good to me . I watch over his dog ) he'll offer me biscuits . No . We should do so because of the good feeling in our hearts we feel when we've helped out . Never should we do so for something in exchange . Many humans are so immoral they hate to do good deeds, they don't want to do good deeds, thats why they tergivate it into a i give you something you give me something. That's bad . They always want something in return or they dont do the deed . We must stop to always being egocentrics and want things for ourselves . We must learn to give freely . The reward is the smile and tears in the eyes of the helped , not the money,jewls or whatever they'll give us .supporting animal liberation j

If you dream of saving animals lives you can realize your dreams by being an angel for animals by adopting, being their host families or being a volunteer in an animal shelter or working in an animal shelter or in a pound . You will help animals and be happy . If you dream of speding all your time with time with animals you'll be happy doing that .We're all in this together. The more humans sign the petition the stronger we are . The more success the petitions have and the more chances we got to succeed to save lives . Please don't sin because you don't want to share the petitions & emails in facebook & emails . Please do so . It is very important . You don't share the petitions = there are hundreds or thousands of less signatures . You share the petitions with all your contacts = you save lives we win . Becuase if you share the petitions your contacts+their contacts+ the contacts of their contacts and so on will sign them . You don't want to share them )you are evil. If we want to succed and win the fights against injustice + evil we got to spread the word .You don't want to because you may be with satan .If a few humans help the animals= they can save only a few lives . If many humans try to help the animals< save loads of lives . So why not help?Unless you feel animals deserve to be exterminated. Humans say why you ask one dolar, euro ect this can't save lives, this can't give food to the cats dogs , this can't pay the vet etc . Yes it can because we don't ask one single human being but many, we ask all of them please give one or more euros dolars if you can . So many help=save many lives ,many give one euro dolar wich transforms itself in many dolars euros = many money . The more money animal advocates got the more lives they can save from euthanasia . If nobody or too few humans give money they'll have to put many beigns to sleep wich is so cruel,so sad and the fault of so many humans who dont want to give money . we don't ask one being one dolar but many and that it's collectively that you'll save animals with many dolars euros . It's asking the msot because solidarity has never been a few helping the animals but everybody helping animals . That way many animals can stay alive have food water medical care , a nice little bed etc . Thank you so much everyone . One person can't save all the animals but together we can ! remeber guys one euro is nothing but if each and everyone of us bring our little help we can save many ! ! ! We have to do something the guy who did that to you SAINT animals like BORKO must go to jail . How do we do this ? Share!!! facbeook emails twitter , everywhere, sign petitions share them everwhere share evrywhere everthing, texts, petitions videos about animals abused ,pets abused, strays abused,& any other abused animals. We must put this on tv radio we must give millions of signatures to the buglaria government and to all govenrment, because cruelty like this exists all over this planet . We have to stop being passive . We have to take action . Don't think doing nothing will change anything. We have to act now!!! because this was like one year ago and nothing happened.we didn't do enough . All of us kind of good humans from all over the world who love animals have to do something = share the news, video, make all our contacts sign petitions&d share them .This means millions of humans will see , read, share , sign as many humans love animals and are against animal cruelty right? So with so many humans saying no and stop to this how can the governemnts ignore us? They'll have to make a lew in bulgaria & everywhere else for animal protection & respect . So you know what you guys have to do . Dont not do it . please dO it !!!!! If you don't want to maybe GOD'll have punishment for you all . Thanks . You contact the press, radio, newspapers, tv channels+ you send them all this+to all your contacts+ if you got time put on forums, sites, anwhere, blogs , comments of articles or vids, don't matter about what, don't matter if it has to do or not with animals , you can create a thread about animals on a foroum about everything or something else than animals cruelty . Don't waste your time &energy . Write a text and copy paste always the same . Keep it so you'll save a lot of time . please do this because when a human has the occasion to do something good for some being and doesn't, he she is a human? he she deserves to live? how can you some so insensitive and don't wish to save lives & help bring justice for abused animals and don't wish animal abusers to go to jail ? they're evil it seems . You want animal killers to be free ? You like them abuisng defenseless GODs creatures? Remember that you all have to help aniamls because GOD seems to want to . You dont do what GOD says you're in for a lot of trouble + you show total indifference about animal cuelty? . if someone abused you you would want many humans to fight for your rights , help you , a doctor ect . But if it's not you, why would you care ? Imagine you are the abused animal . Imagine what do you want?you want no assicaitons, no volunteers, no vegans, no humans protesting animal cuelty ? You want more animal cruelty ? As if these few humans weren't doing what they're doing to help their animal friends then there would be more abuses, more deaths, more animals very weak &sick dying instead of living because no operations, no vet, no money, no nothing. It semes it's what those who dont wish to help want. Shame on them . Were not asking for money,just to spread the word everwhere. if humans don't want to,they're evil. egocentric human race . If there's a protest against some human injustice many humans go . If there's a protest against some animal injustice few humans go because it's my speices first . One it's my speicies in general even if that matter got nothing to do with me Two it's my spicies but my problem so I protest . If it's human spcieis but humans or another continent than mine, or my country but a cause that has anything to do with me for instance discirminaiton against handiccaped,i am not one = i don't participate in helping these humans . If there's an injustice for instance sexism,I am a woman = i'll participate to help that cause, not in order to hlep the cause but me . If i was a man i wouldn't care . it's so 'me' this world . It stinks big time . That is why those who manifest against reodeos, circuses, eggs, corridas even thought the aren't from chicks families, arent chicks, bulls, etc they care even know they aren't the one abused, imprisoned, murdered then they got heart,are so not egocentirc . They are open minded ,got opened hearts,are altruists,got mercy for others than themselves . That is what lack to those who wanna help only when they are involved . who want to help even though they are not directly involed? you do that from pure generosity, freely as you don't win nothing. While those who do that because it's an injustice towards them well if their lives would have been different there would not be that injustice towards themselves so they wouldn't fight for justice because they dont care that injusticies are done to others but to them ,they care only when they are the ones who are affecthed by this . This is society's brainwashing with television illuminati etc who teach us don't help others in many tv movies, the theater, tv series . On the other hand, the ones who help when they are not obligated to because they could easily just not help at all , they help because precisely because they weren't brainwashed by this so they would help if in another life theyd be a bull, they'd help in another life the'd be a wolf, they'd help being a human, they'd help if some injustice was made to their pet, they'd help if they had nothing to do or everthing to do with that injustice . they would help whatever happens . They're more right brained thank GOD than human self-obsessed puppets. It has nothing to do with the matter having to do or not with the human heroes for animals. GOD YOU want us all to be devout catholics l Without YOU GOD we are powerless l our perception about the world is so wrong .We're kept in ignorance about the nature of reality itself, about the nature of life itself, who we are, where we are, what we are doing here, we are kept in ignorance . One thing for sure all the humans who think we sould never give nothing food money help love nothing to animals because it's ridiculous & save all the poor sick victims of war humans etc are &&& heartless &&& Those who want the best for animals as much as for humans are the only humans who &&& have hearts &&& they say nobody cares about animals or humans ,think we sould care way more about humans than animals -others say we should care only about humans not about animals . many humans laugh if they know somebodys a animal savior, gives money for animals , defends animals, these heartless 'humans' laugh & think its an indult to humans who die of hunger, diseases ect to give a lot of money to poor or sick dying animals instead of to so called gods! great! superior humans! It shows that its wrong that everybody hates animals , that nobody cares about them . Too few humans care about them but some do . Really really really care . So much that theyd give millions of dollars for them if they were rich . if they'd have to chose between givign this money to humans or animals they'd give it all without hesitation to animals . It's obvous why . animals deserve way more the help of humans than humans - Animals are not wicked, ain't got no immorality, no quirks- When you help poor or sick humans, you don't know if they were mean all their lives, cruel, you know it's a posibility . While animals can't do no harm to nobody and they're the most philantrophists creatures after Jesus, GOD+ saints . Way more philantrophists than humans . humans who would analyze this thing would chose to save animals rather than humans because they deserve it so much more because of their kindness and perfect incorruptible righteouness . It's so surprising that some millionaire gives all his money to poor animals . it's so unbelievable!!!!!we tend to think people make fun of humans who help animals because they think they are just animals , like a insect is just an insect, you don't cry or get sad when an insect dies . a water droplet is just a water droplet . you don't get uspet when uou have to say goodbye to it because you clened the table .for people, aniamals are absolutely nothing . Nothing more than poo are to them, saliva or dead leafs in autumn . They really couldn't care less . So to think there are some who are the exact opposite and who are so kind for them, like they were humans not animals &that they see them as humans and would give their lives,their bodies to feed them if there were no food left for the animals on earth . Wow . This is love . This is beautiful . There is everything is this planet, those who don't care about animals and those who care thank GOD . mankind do you love the animals ? no we are omnivores , thats not where our heart is ; vegans do you love the animals ? yes, we're vegans, that's where our heart is non human animals never bite. Just humans.If you pick up a starving animal and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between an animal and man.Man is the cruelest animal.An animal is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel.Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. animals you can always count on vegans j animal abuse,human abuse,abuse of nature, is not morally right jas we will anytime the forces of evil threaten the forces of good and then let the world be beware the name of Jesus j we got to respect life, we've got no other choice, weve got to do the right thing, compulsorily j If we dont act now, who will ? We can't pretend we don ' t know what's going on in this world , what the cruel humans do to the animla angels . We must be active . If we don 't , it means we don 't care about them . Act can be signing petitons or being a member of an animal welfare foundation or give leaflets to many people . Please sign and share the petitions with all your contacts. Please copy paste the sentences . Thanks : ' To all those who receive this : Please send this to all your contacts and copy paste this sentence so they can send it too to all their contacts ect . Thanks . vegans love animals with all their hearts and souls j theSe are really important causes, please add your signatures. It's free and takes just a few seconds of your time Kplease all the ones seeing this sign these petitions to stop this horrible abuse j it is up to us to save the animals before they become another innocent victims j lets promote the merciful treatment of animals j humans have played God with innocent animals + humans life. Thank you for every continuously effort you do for the animals from the earth j you either be animals friend or either dont be their friend : you're a vegan you're their friends, you aint a vegan you aint their friends j

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: please thanks care, please share if you care for others   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 3 Sep - 5:35

september 3 2014

wonderful planet? this calf was so ill or injured that she couldn’t stand—a common occurrence in dairy industry nreasons to go vegan

wonderful world?

terrorism of illuminati =israel

this world is wonderful?
















































YAHWEH please bless all those creatures YOU made + all those who are seeing this !hello fellow citizen of the parallel planets, planets, worlds, earth world, don't let humanity go back to the stone age!fur huts! fur is dead!Titus 1:1-16 God’s Word: Showing Us How to Live Titus was a Gentile convert to Christianity who assisted Paul in his missionary work. Paul’s letter is addressed to Titus who was supervising the work of the church in Crete. Paul reminds Titus of the characteristics church leaders should have. Today’s Scripture: Everything is pure to those who are themselves pure; but nothing is pure to those who are defiled and unbelieving, for their minds and consciences have been defiled.From Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ. I was chosen and sent to help the faith of God's chosen people and to lead them to the truth taught by our religion, which is based on the hope for eternal life. God, who does not lie, promised us this life before the beginning of time, and at the right time he revealed it in his message. This was entrusted to me, and I proclaim it by order of God our Savior. I write to Titus, my true son in the faith that we have in common. May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior give you grace and peace.I left you in Crete, so that you could put in order the things that still needed doing and appoint church elders in every town. Remember my instructions: 6 an elder must be without fault; he must have only one wife, and his children must be believers and not have the reputation of being wild or disobedient.For since a church leader is in charge of God's work, he should be without fault. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered, or a drunkard or violent or greedy for money.He must be hospitable and love what is good. He must be self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firmly to the message which can be trusted and which agrees with the doctrine. In this way he will be able to encourage others with the true teaching and also to show the error of those who are opposed to it. For there are many, especially the converts from Judaism, who rebel and deceive others with their nonsense. It is necessary to stop their talk, because they are upsetting whole families by teaching what they should not, and all for the shameful purpose of making money. 12-13 It was a Cretan himself, one of their own prophets, who spoke the truth when he said, “Cretans are always liars, wicked beasts, and lazy gluttons.” For this reason you must rebuke them sharply, so that they may have a healthy faith 14 and no longer hold on to Jewish legends and to human commandments which come from people who have rejected the truth. Everything is pure to those who are themselves pure; but nothing is pure to those who are defiled and unbelieving, for their minds and consciences have been defiled. They claim that they know God, but their actions deny it. They are hateful and disobedient, not fit to do anything good. Reflect What instructions does Paul give Titus concerning church leaders (verses 5-9)? Are these instructions relevant for today? Why or why not? What does Paul say about those who “deceive others” (verses 10-11)? Have you ever had to confront anyone because of their false teachings? Reread verses 15-16. Why do you think Paul said this? Pray YAHWEH, keep my heart pure and let no deceit be found within me. Help me to hold fast your teachings and to proclaim your message of truth. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Prayer Concern Those who continue to reject the truth about God v The aim of an army is to protect the animal people, the human people not to kill them all v let us do plenty of nice things v understand and you are liberated v if humans truly loved animals theyd stop betraying them eating them, buying things which have brang them great deal of sufering, murder,death : entertainment,health,food,Help make bullfighting a thing of the past, the human race dont eat somethings they eat someones ,come on mankind, have a heart,This is a matter of worldwide concern. Thank you for your valuable time and consideration,race of the earth lets all be kind, sensitve and caring men,pleasedonate to change creature's lives right here in the earth,we can save lives only with the internet,if you can do that from a share, an email etc ccc then you've acheived something,thats so rewarding,To help in the battle for the animal race+ humankinds freedom of speech, we ll sign our petitions,

May Yahweh bless you and protect you; may Yahweh make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; may Yahweh look with favor on you and give you.Let us do all we can to prohibit any and all animal+any creatures abuse+ If you are not willing to learn,no one can help you.If you are determined to learn,no one can stop you+ many souls are suffering in purgatory, poor them, please YAHVE dont let them suffer anymore ,, in the other hand, they deserve it well, they wanted to be evil all their lives all the time, they have to pay, its not an injustice theyre suffering this way, they looked for it, please YAHVEH were begging YOU to forgive them all and let them go to Heaven please!!! That's why weve been so indoctrinated . Let's put it that way . That's why we need to wake up . You feel like something's wrong but you don't know exactly what it is . No matter how hard you try,no matter how positive you think, things don't fall into place for you . That shouldn't be the case . Why is that ? Because if this is so called the free will zone but then how come people are suffering and anger . There is not much free will going on . That's because we've all been indoctrinated since childhood . our brains have been programmed a certain way to see the world and perceive things a certain way so therefore we are unable to project our true self out there and manifest our true self because we're being blocked by the negative entities ,the slave matrix , the greed . There are ways around it . But we have to be willing to sacrifice .Wherever you can help someone you do .Why do you do this , why do you go out and spread the word ? we have a conscience, we are Christians, we care about reatures, we love our world, all countries, we love our human and animal family , some've given up everything in order to become involved and wake up the world, they're doing the best they can to wake up the world, lets use our time on earth, our time that we are alive to become involved in these issues, this is a nightmare . This can't be happening . This is planet earth? Bulgaria the country of the devil or something! !! How come?? In many countries they abuse dogs and police sometimes do nothing, something do kind of something . But in bulgaria they ((never)) do anything . This is scandalous . This is shocking . The corrupted illuminati bulgarian press are contributing a lot to that . They invent fake stories that some dogs attacked humans and they lie it never happened . They hate dogs . They want the People to abuse animals . That's what they are looking for . They are very responsible of the horrifying situation in bulgaria . a dog Borko was beaten by a crazy inhumane just because he hates his daddy who saves many dogs in his village . he went crazy and commited the crime YOU Almighty GOD saved his life, he's still alive thanks to YOU . Thank YOU so much for letting Him live . sadly he's disabled . That's so frustrating that he was perfectly helthy before the guy did that and now he's sick for the rest of his life . Thats so maddening .This is just one story of the plenty that happen everyday in bulgaria and in the world . If only all the animal lovers could stop this all . But we can't . We can't be there everytime a monster goes crazy . Thatd be great if we could be pesent to prevent them at the very moment they take the weapon or start giving insteps ect . let us pray to thank YOU Almighthy GOD because Your will was for some dogs + BORKO to live , YOU could have chosen for them to die as many others of Your dog Children . Thank YOU so much for saving them, thank YOU for giving an angel dad who's a great vet, who loves dogs so much and who's like a black sheep ebtween only white ones because in bulgaria most humans hates dogs . he loves them . we can applaud him for that . He and a few volunteers in bulgaria defend the dogs in a society with a weird mentality where nobody gives a darn about them . The situation of dogs in bulgaria is way worse than in other countries, and in other countries it's already very serious so imagine what it is like in bulgaria . it's a corrupted country , corrupted satanists politicians are at the head of that horible country & the People are corrupted as they despise dogs and abuse them . That is horrible that if you are an anticonformist, a dog defender there, they try to attack you and kill your dogs!!!not only do they abuse dogs but if they know somebody who defend dogs and prevent them from abusing dogs, they threaten them and assault them .that is dangerous to be an animal savior in bulgaria .but that won't stop the human angels from bulgaria . They must be a few as almost everyone cant care less about dogs there . Nothing will stop them, nothing will stop us in all countries of this world . They can try to kill us , we don't care , we'll keep the fight til our last breath .  all these animals+ humans killed everyday they died for nothing  our governments, or nobodye else gives a darn about what happens to this world or to animals or to any of you . let us pray for all abused dogs all over the world, BORKO, all the dogs of bulgaria, rumania, all accross the world who were abused, whose legs were chopped off, whose eyes were blinded, together, you paved the way to make these campaigns a reality . Thank you .the human inhabitants of this earth we re still seeking our own salvation:If you have a chance to accomplish something that will make things better for animals or other creatures, and you don't do that, you are wasting your time on this earth: Why do we pay tax = to kill human lives , babies lives , animals , to fund cruelty towards all lives . We shouldn't pay taxes . Let us revolt and say goodbye to taxes . We don't want to pay taxes because that money is used for cruel things which are against our moral principles . We would agree to pay taxes if it was used for things that are great that help lives . But taxes kill . We should all from the earth rebel against taxes & stop paying them . That way we say them to get lost . We refuse to fund cruelty . We are ùù humans °° . They hide this from us . They don't want us to know for what sick purposes they use our money . We work by the sweat of our brows for that ? No, thank you . We didn't work tirelessly to kill our brothers and sisters with human abortion , animal testing + so many other things . We want our money to serve the world, the oppressed beings , the environmment . We want justice and for these inoocent beings murdered with our money + for us. We aren't even rich and they take away all our money . This happens all over the world . Corrupted heartless 'illuminati % politicians .Every abortion is a gruesome act that ends an innocent human life and cannot be tolerated in a civilized society . This society is not civilized . experiences on primates = GOD YOU dont want us to buy stuff tested on animals = theyre Your kids = if we want hurt Your children we dont like You = buying these stuff is contributing to the problem

humans of earth : your eyes have been opened? let us expose these wolves in sheep's clothing ! Stray dogs in Romania at European Courthe European Court of Justice Has Called on the European Commission Regarding the Issue of Stray Dogs in Romania (and Other Member States)! The cruel situation in Romania made you react in different ways: helping through adoption, sterilization, aids, protests, pressure upon public institutions, etc. The killing of dogs, their cruel capturing, the terrifying situation at the public shelters, authorities’ abuses, and similar events extremely affected animal lovers and had repercussions on the somatic level all over the world. Mental trauma could be so severe that it had fatal results which led to death. We reported all this to the European Court of Justice and it is OBLIGATORY that our report besupported by YOUR STATEMENTS (we need more than100 for our case to be considered!) Pleading mainly for emotional damage, on the initiative and under the coordination of Mrs Brigitte Swoboda - an Austrian lawyer specialized inEuropean law– some documents were developed, based on information, studies and evidence, as well as on legal advice from experts in the field, mainly university professors and a scientific expertise. As a resultof the materialsubmitted,on July 25ththe European Courtof Justicehas registered theApplication Initiating Proceedings, by which the European Commission will be obligated to intervene, through the European legal framework, in the effective and ethic solving of the issue of stray dogs in Romania and in other Member States with similar situations. Because The European Treaties do not provide a legal basis regarding the animals’ protection – this issue being left to the discretion of the Member States -the only way to compel the European Commission to act is in the context of people's mental health. According to art.168AEUV, both the European Union and the Member States are responsible "to eliminate sources of threat to physical and mental health." The material submitted to the European Court of Justice also includes a FNPA Report (The National Federation for Animal Protection, Romania) including data and images concerning the situation of the management of stray dogs in Romania and a chapter in which we talk about how a part of Romania’s population is affected by there all meaning of the “managing” of the situation of the straydogs. Please, as soon as possible, send your brief STATEMENT (maximum one page), preferably in German or English (if that’s not possible, you can send it in another language as well) with name, address, email, telephone, and the description ofyour own experience such as: · What are the differences between the way animals are being treated and the attitude of the authorities and companies that handle animals in Romania versus the situation in other EU countries? · How have you been affected or how do you feel mentally affected by the situation of the dogs in Romania? · If the dog situation in Romania stops you and others from visiting Romania as tourists-explain why (Do you fear that you and your children will be traumatized at the sight of abuse towards animals? Are you afraid that you will be assaulted by the dog catchers or by the authorities accompanying them during the capturing of dogs? Do you consider it unacceptable to visit a country where animals are being killed or abused? etc) · Describe experiences you witnessed regarding the behavior of Romanian veterinaries involved in the management of the dogs handled by City halls versus the behavior of veterinariesin other EU countries · If you are directly involved with aid actions, sterilization campaigns, interventions at Romanian institutions, lawsuits in Romania/other EU countries with a similar dog situation, visits in public shelters, do you feel affected and/or have you been attacked physically/verbally by the dog catchers, by the staff of the public shelters, by the local police, by other public authorities? · Describe cases of abuse of stray dogs that you have personally experienced It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that your statement be accompanied by (depending on the case): · Medical certificate attesting depression, stress, anxiety, etc. (if your statement relates to MENTAL damage) · Medical certificate attesting physical abuse (if your statement talks about a PHYSICAL abuse) and/or the complaint you filed with the police The process takes place in Luxembourg. Only those witnesses will be admitted who gave statements accompanied by medical certificates. The costs of the witnesses’ travel to Luxembourg shall be borne by the European Court of Justice. To help you find your own words when you speak of mental trauma, below are a few examples illustrating the possible effects of the mental impact that the abuses committed against the street dogs can have (psychic and somatic effects): Serious sleep problems (can‘t sleep, you wake up frequently, nightmares, desire to stop waking up), trouble concentrating, memory loss, mental and physical fatigue , nervousness, irritability, anxiety, loss of enthusiasm, loss of hope, loss of energy, constant fear, constant worry, depression, frustration, resignation, rapid changes of emotional state, panic attacks, loss of appetite/excessive appetite, severe problems with getting out in a public space because of fear of having to confront acts of cruelty against animals, neglect of responsibilities at work and at home, neglecting your own person, physical decay, headaches, muscle spasms, thyroid problems, chest pain, high blood pressure, hair loss, skin disorders, the development of allergies, gastrointestinal problems, ulcers, gastritis, vomiting sensation, image problems abroad, because of the cruel treatment of the animals in Romania, do not want to be tourist in Romania, do not want to work with authorities in Romania Please send your STATEMENT (accompanied by other documents), by email, at: cmarsene@yahoo.com If you have any questions or if you want further details, please contact me! Thank you!Carmen Arene vegans humans you're the best! after the non human persons! let us press on to perfection!animals you're humans lives,our love, our whole world! love always finds a way ! We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form. So you say you LOVE animals? Did you know they are tortured and die for YOU? If you use household products and toiletries, as most of us do, then you need to know how these products are tested! And we aren't just talking about mice here! Do you smoke? Do you take medications? Do you use cosmetics? there should not be religious freedom . Everybody should have the obligation to believe in YOU Eternal Father . Not in buddah,jeovah,allah and all the other demons . They should all be forced by Your Law and Earth Law to Obey Your will and recognize You're their Father . Say no to laicisme and freedom of conscience of choosing the religious and demon ' so called god ) you want to believe in . the road to freedom
=veganism, thank you for joining us with your signatures, Thank you for being committed to animals. You're helping humans alleviate suffering and save lives every day.Animals can't defend themselves so we have to defend them . They can't do it, they can't do protests they can't hire animals lawyers, they can't kill the ones who abuse them . We , as their brothers, have that DUTY towards them It's not facultative,it's mandatory . We can't just not care . We just can't by GOD's and some Humans' law.we have to be their lawyers,their voice . We must care . So many humans don't, wait and see for GOD's punishment . Not all humans can be in associations but most humans got computers and can send the emails and petitions . So they have no excuse if they refuse to send the emails and petitions . Wait and see for GOD's punishement as it's one of His Laws to help others . Animals are our sisters and brothers tha's why we must care . They are not detestable , vile creatures but the kindest creatures in the world so obviously we must help them . They can't speak in human language so they cant take their own defense . We can speak so we must replace them as their defense . If we couldn't speak and they could speak , we'd want them to defend us as well . They can't spread the word , the news, petitions, terrible stories, they don't have computers, can't talk, ect.Only us can make all these atrocious things known to all the humans we know and to hopefully the whole world .we have cell phones, chats, forums,emails, social networks, the capaticy to talk , we see humans everyday at school, everywhere,work. So we must stop saying we can't spread the word and can't do nothing .The ones who say that, they say it because they don't want to help isn't it?Computer is so useful, thanks to that powerful weapon, we can make stop something cruel .in a few days, if we share an aweful lot a petition about rabbit fur, some shops immediately stop selling and producing and killing rabbits for their fur . We save millions of lives just thanks to the computer !! Why then say I don't want to do so . Please don't be heartless . Communicate the news . Thank you so much . GOD bless always . Some humans dont realize that by not disseminating the news =  millions of lives are massacred and that if they disseminate the news = they save millions of lives . they don't see the huge importance of this the extent of this , the scale of all this, they don't spread the word .What are we supposed to do ? We wanna do what's right . We have to decide . humans GOD's children do not eat (non human GOD's children . Human GOD's childrn are vegans .God can save you . we have painful scars and The grace of God has saved us hundreds of times over until we finally gave in to him, his wishes, and his love. Now, we're free, we're happy, we're not alone, the pain is gone, the memories of abuse no longer ache. that's why we're here for , to help defenseless creatures. That goes for everyone: Seeking peace and helping people, our courage will change the world.Our People , our family is all GOD's children . GOD You don't want us to be divided . 'they' are creating these divisions among us so that we hate the animals,each others, make wars, kill animals, kill,hate each other . Putting each race one oposed to another, one religion opposed to another , one country opposed to another &many types of divisions . You never said Your people is the People from your race and country . You said Your People is everybody on earth . It means if one is from race B and lives in a country where there are some from race B , and others from race K , I , and U . Those from B wont hang out and be in an assciation with beings from her his race . Only talk to those form his her race and be confined inside this . It's abnormal and anti YOU GOD . We must love humans from any race and hang out with them . Because not only those from our race our brothers and sisters but all animals,humans . Why would we want to have no contact with some humans just because they come form another country than us . GOD You don't want that there are hatred, fights , jealous between races ,spieices, countries . There is so many racism, discrimination, antisemitism it would have been better if there was one race only . That way there would be less querelles .Our compassion is measured by how we treat those who are most vulnerable. we will fight animal abuse, Thank you for signing these important petitions. With your help, we will succeed! Want to make a difference on other important petitions? Want to make a difference ? Start a petition + Sign petitions everyday . It's fast, saves loads of lives.We dream to create a peaceful world where it's fit for animal bings other life forms to live in peace  and harmony with their environment .Global warming is not caused by carbone dioxyde .

We have to make at least one part of this planet but better many parts hear about animal cruelty . If many humans from everywhere hear, see, then if they have hearts they'll be against these cruelties. we have to take the emails of press,tv, and ask them to put this news on tv.If they put them on tv many humans will see what's happening.They don't know it's happening.many humans from nations will be against and raise their voice . Then the governments will have to make laws for animals rights.They will have to listen to this planet's People . The'll listen only if we bring this to the eyes of the nations . how can humans be against animal cruelty if they don't know there is animal cruelty? Especially when it's in other (countries' than one's (country'. We don't hear about animal cruelty from "bulgaria c if we're from ; italy x for instance.So we have to share this each and everyone of us because one human shares=hundreds humans know.These hudnreds share=thousands know . This is one human.Now hundreds of humans per ''country share=millions know=millions share etc.We all each and every one have to contact the press,the tv,local press,as much press as we can and send them the text, video ,petition of the animal cuelty like BORKO's case ,MIMA's, OSCAR's case.We ask , beg them to put this on their tv news, tv is better than internet because on internet you have to go on a website against animal curelty to see this.But on tv you must have to watch the tv news.Many humans never went and never will go on webistes against animal cruelty.But many humans watch the tv news. So we inform more humans with tv and radio than internet,facebook etc.We have to send the emails . This is very efficent to inform many humans about animal cruelty. We have to inform the press because they may not know animal cruelty is a huge reality . So we have to open their eyes about this . If they have hearts theyll be happy to put this on their news ,tv documentaries. Then a big part of each b nation n will learn this . Be shocked, hopefully against and will try individually to do things like sign petitions, make protests, join an association . then justice is like what a few hundred humans in each country. The people are million hopefully against animal cruelty.You can't possibly ignore the People if they ar more numerous than humans in govenments . if a few hundreds politicans say we won't make laws for animal rights , we don't care about them and millions of humans in the People say we want rights for the animals , they'll be forced to obey us, make our will not theirs . please this is posible only with your help , everybod'ls help on earth ,at least many humans help . For all of you who say no , you wont help = more animals are tortured and die in terrible suffering . Is that what you want ? You have the choice you can save or let living things die . Why do you choose to let them die ? Why don't you want to spread the news ? You dont spread this even know humans beg you = you are animal killers indirectly . if all did what you do being passive then justice would have never convicted nobody to jail to three months but to not even one week of jail ! If nobody had made a buzz about OSCAR the french tortured cat the monster wouldn't have taken 1 jail year but like 2 months . Please please please don't be with the evil one , share everywhere + contact the media !!!!!!!!!!! If you don't want to share for who knows what reasons you are not with GOD because you wish evil to animals .You love animals more than yourself, more than your families, friends, wives, girlfirends, husbands, boyfriend, you really want to make a difference, be their voice : share!!!! It hels so much . It saves lives . It's fast , super useful . It's easy =emails to the media+all your contacts+ copy paste emails and petitions to facebook twitter . That's it! super powerful,super life saving. Only if you care . Mankind does terrible things . Humans who are with the evil one have terrible things happening to them . We don't know if GOD punish them or humans but something bad happens like a punishment to say the shouldn't have done that . Some humans are alcoholics. They drive being drunk . They do that often . one day they're very very drunk and driving very fast . There's another car on the road ; they have an ccident . The pets and the humans in the other car die. It's their fault . It's because they were with the evil one and they had many ocassions to stop drinking , every day of their lives . But they didn't want to because they were stubborn ,stupid and with the evil one . he don't let you think, he makes you a stupid reatrd while he's in you. They didn't want to listen to YOU Heavenly Father . YOU forbid manking to drink frequently and not be alcohilics and drink even more, and be alcoholics . That is what happens when we don't want to be in Your light GOD but in the evil one's dakness. The people take about four years in jail for their animal and human crime. Really for the human crimes because justice don't care about the animal angels who were in the car. May they rest in peace. We don't know if it was Your Will GOD or man's will to put their into jail but that is the first punishment. Then You may throw them into hell which is an even worse punishment. We have to be with You GOD . We must not let the other one be with us because because of him terrible things will happen to others and to us . It's like You tell us ok one chance to stop doing the bad stuff and no punihsment . Another chance, and another one and another one. Still no punishment yet. Then GOD loses patience and think that we are mocking Him so gives us the punishment we deserve. We can't complain and think GOD You're unfair because you are not. You gave us several chances to do the right thing but we didn't listen . We are so obstinate.We often have to ask ourselves am I a good human or a loathsome scummy person. If your life is not going the way you want it and you would like to change it, If you desire to help the world, peace for all the animals,friendship with all living creatures, compassion,altruism,generosity and you want your compassionate dreams to come through, then you have the chance to do that, join GOD and animal foundations today to get blessing for doing what you love to do best. Talk to GOD .Be a philatropist now to change others lifes and yours for the better.vegans say; animals you're our friends and we just don't wanna see anything bad happen to you! Rule number one put the animals & others first ! If only mankind of the earth could be addicted to the Bible and to YOU GOD . But no they prefer things. They adore them. They almost worhsip them. 24§7 on their cell phones,facebook watching football or any tv program.we are addicted.we can't seme to see it although it's so obvious. They're are like blinded. As if there was something in front of their eyes preventing them from seeing reailty as how it is. they are addicted to pleasures of life because they do them all the time like watching football every time they're at home as soon as they return from work. They're in denial . They don't want to recognise it. But they are addicted to the non GODLY things. At least Christians who believe in the real GOD and Jesus pray or all humans on earth and hopefully animals. Huamns who believe in fake gods pray only for the ones who follow their beliefs. For instance humans who believe in islam pray only for muslims. That is selfish. They make a difeence between them and others , they love them and their race more than others. Chrsitians please dont care if you're brown Christians, athéists, muslims, white Christians, please pray for everyone.let's join together for one day and pray for kindness,celebrating the power of the few to make a difference! What happens after a single act of kindness? It starts to spread.That is very important to stop buying . If many and ourselves keep on buying angora,they'll keep on making that. Because they use money to make it and earn money by selling it . If we stop buying they waste a lot of money by making it but earn nothing and lose a lot of money because we don't buy . this will put an end to angora and things made out of animals . We are all prepared to embrace equality. At least the humans who are unmolested by the dark ones are. The sense of community between human beings has always been a precious thing . some have always stayed true to their compassionate selves ,their reaching out to those of us who are most harmed by whatever undeserved faith that befalls us , by weather or war or what have you .That has been the divine spark that has remained ever alive in them and has kept them true to their ultimate selves. This is the truth of what really brings us to this point where we are ready to ascend. Those of us who have stayed in hurt, who have made love and compassion the central tenant of their being those beings are ready for the truth . They have the higher vibrations already within their soul and really it is the soul self that is an energetic part of our being is eternal . That's soul self is energetic; we pray for YOU to help us with our obsessions, to make us want to make you happy instead of so wanting us to bad happy by buying all the stuff we dream to have . Thank YOU GOD . Amen , let us show mercy to the animals, the poor , the suffering souls of earth , the morally and physically ill treated souls around the world, we agree with GOD' punishment, in a sense we know everyone on this planet caus we're all so like one another and there's so much metaphisics going on that even if we never met them ,we did, anyways we know so many humans from some categories that if we met all the animals+humans of the earth we'd feel like they're the same we know because of their like 94 percent mental ressemblance; the categories of every human who're in their minds the same exactly all belonging to different groups who have differences,similarities; they might not the the same physical bodies but definitely are the same minds, + others similiar minds + others immsensely similiar midns etc thats the reason why we dont need to meet all the animals+humans, we'd feel like its their thousands billion's tins of all the existing type of mind animals, mind humans there is, We don't need to know the humans we pray for . We must pray for all humans, all those we never met who live in every place of this world, whom we 'never' met , ''never' saw . If some humans goes on the same internet forum you go to, pray for them all . If you read comments made by humans on youtube videos, pray for them etc . Pray for those sitted in the same train than you, those birds who sing and wake you up every morning, humans walking in the same sidewalk than you every day etc . Pray for any person, animal,human . animals in holidays you'll enevr see again, you saw in antoehr place of the earth you aren't from, Tv news anchors on tv, humans talking on the radio , anyone, everyone . Stray dogs, dogs of homelesses, homeless dogs, animals you see when you go to the vet , your neighbors animals , the animals of all your friends , all the animals from all the earth's zoos, and humans you know,receiving is great but giving is way better . If one gives you , you are happy . If you give , others are happy . It's better to make others happy than to make oneself happy . like being vegan,

that's the thing it seems like we all are in our kinda rich lives,not very rich but middle class and don't want our routine to change,dont wanna include in our lifestles a little bit of solidarity,joining an organization of humans who wanna make a much better world,for instance making houses for dogs like or for humans like home for humanity,doing something.Seems like we dont want to do so,we don't like it, but why,What are we so scared of?like its great when others do so,we encourage them to keep up,we encourage news humans to do so,but ourselves,absolutely out of the question.Maybe its because some were born with altruism and others weren't.So we can't make them stick together.But it seems like they dont want to because it will change their lives,because theyll see misery,suffering,ver chocking images of animal persons,humans in front of them who were abused,seeing the pain,seeing the death,or the dying animals,dying beings,extremely ill ect maybe thats what stops them from doing charity.Because its not that they dont care,they do,deep down,they just don't know, its like theyre afraid of something,maybe afraid of not being able to save these lives? afraid they won't do enough,afraid to be useless,afraid of being depressed because they saw the worst sufferings they could ever see,it's not tv anymore,it's real.Maybe they wanna maintain themselves in their kinda rich happy lives kinda free of suffering,not really a suffering free zone but like nothing compared to so many others in planets are going through.maybe its that:afraid of always feeling down in the dumps because when you are doing charity and you see the suffering often or everyday,you always are completely down and so theyre affraid of their own suffering,moral suffering.They wanna feel happy all the time,so the best way to feel happy is to never see others suffering so they decided they will never ever do noble acts.What a pity because they are good humans,they do care,but they don't realize it,it's all in their subconcious mind.They could be all so very helful very usefull individuals if they'd join an altruistic organization.Its a pity they don't want to.if only everyone was in a charity organization,everyone'd be doing something for others so the misery would be so reduced.It's extremely frustrating that so little humans do charity because it shows the lack of interest about others who are really bad and their egocentricity and it shows how deeply uninterested humans are.It means animals,humans environment are dying and being murdered,but who cares,right?!!! Lets keep on living our great tranquil joyful  lives ignoring the misery around the planet earth.let's give ourselved to GOD,to others,lets be generous.Let's save this planet and all the countless abused lives !That s wat YOU called us to do GOD and we so disobey YOU on that.Forgive us.There is no reason we dont help:we have time,some of us dont work,we arent blind, retarded or in a wheelchair ect.Absolutely nothing prevents us from helping at least physically,but our lack of concern,our selfishness,our will of doing everything for us,buying,having,activities,doind anything for us only,never for others,all of that prevent us from saving lives.thank GOD solidariy exists .It's surprising because there are so many mean humans that there could easily be absolutely no organization for peace,which help those who suffered a terrible tragedy like animal enslavement for anything,animals murdered in wars,a tsunami,a war,poor animals +humans who got no place to live ect.That's be terrible if none of them existed,because it'd mean everytime a tragedy'd happen,everyone who have lost everything or who are hungry,in danger,would have no one to help them,they'd be all alone,suffering and no one flying at their rescue.So we thank YOU oh GOD for your generosity,for creating such beautiful children from the inside who are always there ready to save lives.Thank You so much.The same humans who are mean who don't care about others,who never dreamed of being philanthropists who never wanted to do charity work,these ones,if a tragedy would happen to them,they'd be the first to cry for help,to call these charities,to beg for their help.these ones say it's cool others do the work while i'm doing nothing? that's easy to say that but imagine everyone'd say that?Every single human being'd prefer others to act,then nobody would be doing so because if a says let us let B do the work,B says let us let G do the work,G says let us let V do the work ect then who does it?nobody.its bad to alwas say that we admire the work these angels do for their brothers&sisters but that'd we could never do that because whatever reason we have,and we like that others do that but don't want that us do that.Why?thats selfish.Why we like when others do the right thing but we don't want to do so?because we don't like to help others and we don't care wether others help others or not,its not our life,who cares right?but when it comes to us,oh no,we wouldn't dare lifting the lil finger to do anything for anoybody else than ourselves.Why?the worse,Cruelty to animals is as if humans did not love God.Please don't buy makeup,shampoos,soap stuff like that tested on animals.It's not a matter of life death.You all won't die if you use vegan makeup,vegan shampoo.It's ok,don't worry,not dangerous for health.You can use them with no worries.Please don't kill for makeup!!!or shampoo!!it's crazy.If it's ok to kill animals lives for makeup,it is ok to kill humans for makeup or anthing else?Please your health won't suffer in any way if you only buy products non tested on animals.the mission of each and everyone of us is to transform the world with our knowledge.What does that mean?That there's the one who're erudite and the one's who're ignorant.Poor ignorant it ain't their faults theyre doing bad stuff,they didn't know.They're jsut victims. the goal of the ones who know plenty of stuff is to teach,inform,the ones who didn't know so now they aint ignorants anymore,now they know.Now it's their turn to teach the ones who don't know and so on.the ones who are erudite bout illuminati,animal cruelty,any kind of cuelty of this world they have power.Their power is their knowledge.Knowledge is life.They have to take advantage of that quality,to help educate humans,and so save animals& people.Save them from corruption,evil they're participating to not knowing they're participating to it .So it's so important that each person who knows spread the things by emails for instance because there ain't no secret:the only way to save the world is by informing.Because there's no other way to let humans know what's going on in their world.so many of them don't know,dont have a clue of the terrible injustices made to animals,to them,to the planet.So what greater way than getting the word out to them?To let them know the truth is only by one way=information.Can be emails,facebook,phone,talking ,chat with tongues, chat with comps, whatever.if we want them to stop contributing to cruelties,murders,wanna stop them from being ingorants =must make them find out.Cos if we don't inform em,they're gonne keep being ignorants bout these subjetcs so they're going to keep on buying,using,doind the evil stuff so we won't save no one.So al of us from earth who know stuff and could have informed the world but didn't,we're really cruel for we could have done something but prefered to keep the important knowledge for ourselves.We must question every aspect of what we were told to believe in: we want world justice now, fantastic news! thanks so much YAHWEH foand to all the creatures who prayed to save plenty of creatures ,animals&humans from gaza, palestine, who were going to be massacred but their destiny changed! they'll live! thanks YAHWEH, its thanks to YOU + to the prayers of many christians from all over this planet! we have to feel guilty when we dont pray against serious earth evils for its not one, we msut never think one, but plenty, who decide not to pray so with this huge quantity who did not pray, it's like wishing them to be dead, like not praying against animal enslavement & murders, the 'israeli  palestinian' conflict for we know plenty dont pray, we are not helping them to live, or it is not wishing them to die but not being concerned with this issue ,we should feel concerned caus they re our family, our earth, lifes at stake, they probably stop murdering animals for nothing, humans in gaza thanks to the prayers for love and goodness have much power to bring peace, to stop the violence and slaugthers v its stronger than wars, animal cruetly, hatred, stronger than YOUR enemy YAHWEH v everytime we hear on the news atrocious stuff like animal bloodbath, human bloodbaths immediately if we have some time all the christians from the earth let us pray
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: september 11 2014   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Sep - 6:39

they kill you wolves for hunting c seal massacre in namibia x dog fighting , lets abolish it human race once and for all now c in zoos you are extremely depressed, unhappy c Hey guys . Please inform all the people you know about this . You can click on ' reply ' and put this everywhere : blogs, facebooks, twitter ,sites , private messages, facebooks of all your contacts, chat about this to plenty of humans , you can print leaflets, show this to humans,give this to plenty humans etc . Every human who receives this please send this to all your contacts . Thanks so much in advance . YAHWEH bless you



















































1 Timothy 1:1-20 YAHWEH’s Word: Showing Us How to Live In this letter to Timothy, general instructions are given for life in the church, which include giving thanks and staying away from false teachings. The false teachings mentioned here might have been myths about Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. This is a true saying, to be completely accepted and believed: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. From Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by order of God our Savior and Christ Jesus our hope— To Timothy, my true son in the faith: May God the Father and Christ Jesus give you grace, mercy, and peace. I want you to stay in Ephesus, just as I urged you when I was on my way to Macedonia. Some people there are teaching false doctrines, and you must order them to stop. Tell them to give up those legends and those long lists of ancestors, which only produce arguments; they do not serve God's plan, which is known by faith. The purpose of this order is to arouse the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a genuine faith. Some people have turned away from these and have lost their way in foolish discussions. They want to be teachers of God's law, but they do not understand their own words or the matters about which they speak with so much confidence.We know that the Law is good if it is used as it should be used. It must be remembered, of course, that laws are made, not for good people, but for lawbreakers and criminals, for the godless and sinful, for those who are not religious or spiritual, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the immoral, for sexual perverts, for kidnappers, for those who lie and give false testimony or who do anything else contrary to sound doctrine.That teaching is found in the gospel that was entrusted to me to announce, the Good News from the glorious and blessed God. I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength for my work. I thank him for considering me worthy and appointing me to serve him, even though in the past I spoke evil of him and persecuted and insulted him. But God was merciful to me because I did not yet have faith and so did not know what I was doing. GOD poured out his abundant grace on me and gave me the faith and love which are ours in union with Christ Jesus. This is a true saying, to be completely accepted and believed: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I am the worst of them, but God was merciful to me in order that Christ Jesus might show his full patience in dealing with me, the worst of sinners, as an example for all those who would later believe in him and receive eternal life. To the eternal King, immortal and invisible, the only God—to him be honor and glory forever and ever! Amen. Timothy, my child, I entrust to you this command, which is in accordance with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you. Use those words as weapons in order to fight well, and keep your faith and a clear conscience. Some people have not listened to their conscience and have made a ruin of their faith Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have punished by handing them over to the power of Satan; this will teach them to stop their blasphemy.  

Reflect How is the relationship between Paul and Timothy described? What instructions are given to Timothy? What advice is given to Timothy (verses 18-19)? Who has served as a mentor in faith for you? Pray YAHWEH , you are our great teacher and guide, and you provide wonderful people along life’s path to offer wisdom and guidance. Help me recognize your teachers and mentors, that I may open myself to their wisdom. Amen. Prayer Concern Mentors in the faith  x if we don't change and become as Jesus we will never get into the kingdom of Heaven. if we are as humble as Jesus we are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. when you welcome one creature , one non human animal, because of Jesus you welcome Jesus

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Dim 1 Fév - 13:31, édité 4 fois
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 22 Sep - 17:02

november the 13th of 2013

if you guys believe in GOD you care bout ANIMAL SAINTS c hi all dear brothers and sisters! Please,for GOD's sake,pray for our ANIMAL KINGS,our lvoes of our lives who are suffering like in secong world war in romania,these poo of humans,these excuses of 'humans' are torturing them,killing them all,they are going to exterminate all stray dogs,thank GOD not all dogs in that country but many of them:all the ones in shelters and all the ones who got no homes,who live in the streets,please ray for our ANIMALS!!!!!!Prayer's so important,when we pray,we are making miracles because GOD lsitents to our prayers and HE will give us what we ask in the prayers:like saving the dogs saints of romania.We can save them with our prayers if it is GOD's will.they're gonn kill em all even if they're health,young,ectthey could live 10 or 15 more years,they could be adopted,have a family,BE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!! but no,they have the intention of killing em all .We must do something,GOD help us,help xxx themxxx First abuses of the dog catchers of City Hall of Pitesti, Romania / Die ersten Mißbräuche der Hundefänger in Pitesti c city Hall of Pitesti starts capturing stray dogs
First abuses of the dog catchers c Veterinarian with experience in killing dogs in the 2000’s now recovers his job back c After 13 years since the inhabitants of Pitesti have no longer seen dog catchers strangling chained dogs and dragging them along the street pavements, last Monday the people in blue overalls to whom the City Council entrusted the task of capturing the stray dogs of Pitesti already reported their first victim: after chasing a dog until they pushed it under the wheels of a car, they practically let it lie there, in the middle of the street, in full traffic, after he had been hit by a car. The witnesses of this scene promptly asked for the intervention of AULIM, who came and picked the fractured-spine dog, which had been crawling to the edge of the street. and yet, the victim of this incident was not only the dog broken into halves by the untrained and disinterested dog catchers, but also a human being, as well: a person who could not resist the sight of this scene had to be helped and taken home, where she was provided with medical care. The Pitesti inhabitants pay out of their own pockets for the illegalities committed by the dog catchers. If until the present the citizens of Pitesti has not had any financial contribution to the management of stray dogs, once this was something supported from private funds from Germany, now, for the capturing and killing of each stray dog, the Pitesti inhabitants pay out of their own pockets, either they like it or not. Besides, they even pay with their own money for the first illegalities committed.[/color]

The car numbered Ag 20 KRM that is used to capture the dogs is not inscriptioned, just like the dogcatchers’ equipments, too, and nobody knows their origin, since, once asked about them, even their users seem not to know where they come from. The car is hermetically closed, has no ventilation, the transport is not made in individual cages, and the tranquilized dogs are piled on one another. The contracting firm of this service has ”managed” to breach the provisions of at least three laws: Government Urgency Ordinance No. 155 on the approval of the stray dogs management programme, as subsequently amended and supplemented, Law no. 205/2004 concerning animals protection, and Council Regulation (EC) 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport.

Stefan Preda, the veterinarian employed by the Pitesti City Hall before 2001 to kill stray dogs, is now reinstated into his old position after 13 years of ... waiting!

Stefan Preda has been well-known to the animal lovers for his ”diligent” work in the 2000’s, as well as for his quick answer, in 2001, when asked ”How could you kill 2000 dogs?”, when he corrected his interviewer by saying: “I beg your pardon, they were 4000, Madam!”, and accompanied this rectification with a satisfied smile.

Over the 2000’s, the dogs used to be injected with formol or poisoned by strychnine.

Considering how gladly he accepted this killing job of the stray dogs, after only 14 days (as per the operating rules for the public service, as adopted by the Local Council of Pitesti), we wonder whether financial satisfactions are the only ones that Stefan Preda may derive from that.

Twenty-one veterinarians from Pitesti signed an open letter against the euthanasia programme against stray dogs. “We strictly delimit ourselves from any professional fellow who may breach our professional deontological code and principle of morality in this respect”, considering that “any activities of stray dogs slaughter are inglorious and demeaning” and that “we cannot assimilate our profession as veterinarian to that of hired assassins”.


In Pitesti, Romania, mass killing of dogs is preparing! Please, HELP us to STOP!

Dear all,

In 2000 the images of dogs killed in the forest of Pitesti city, loaded in carts and thrown into a ravine terrified the international community. Back then, due to the lack of proper animal protection legislation (which was much later adopted) mistreatment and killings were not prohibited, therefore any animal abuse could have been judged morally at the most, but was not considered illegal.

However we managed to stop all atrocities by handing over the stray dogs management to a German association which founded AULIM, in Romania, and a shelter of 3000 dogs, which I coordinated till 2007, when I withdrawn and focused on national level. During this period, in 2004, we got an official agreement with the municipality for running a sterilization and return program.

So, Pitesti became one of the few cities in Romania where dogs stopped being killed 13 years ago.

Soon the situation will be different. The Municipality Pitesti organised the own Stray Dog Public Service and is preparing to mass kill the dogs neutered and returned in the territory by AULIM and, as well, all the dogs who will continuously refill the teritorry after the neutered ones are eliminated. The killing of dogs will be done right in the new public shelter (built with 530 000 Euros, public money!). Even more cynical is that the Municipality’s shelter is located just 200 m away from the AULIM shelter.

The city Pitesti is among twelve European cities which compete for the title “European Green Capital”, which based on entrants’ environmentally friendly urban management. How “friendly management” can be defined for a town that kills the “environment”? 


Send a (short) protest letter to the addresses below! It is preferable to send your own text; if not, you can send the sample letter (you can find it at the end of this email) and also by fax and/or by mail.

Shampoo is STILL being tested on animals - this has to stop

Imagine the scene.
You’re trapped in stocks. Unable to move. Terrified. Beside you are others, suffering the same fate. You can sense their fear.
Then a hand comes down upon you. A toxic chemical is dripped into your eyes; the burning inflammation may last for days. You squirm to get free, cry out, but it doesn’t work. 
You are relieved when the hands put you back in your cage. Until it happens all over again.
Stop imagining.
This is the reality for countless animals across the globe.
Please donate today to help stop the suffering


The reason these experiments are conducted is shocking.
It’s to make a new moisturiser. Produce a new perfume. Research a new hair dye.
The time to end animal testing for cosmetics is NOW.

Animals that we would think of as companions– that millions of people spend time loving and caring for – are reduced to mere tools in a laboratory.
We need to convince governments across the world that the public is on our side. We need to raise vital awareness, campaign in every country we can, show that the humane alternatives do exist and speak to key decision makers from politicians to regulators and cosmetic companies.
But we desperately need your help.
Time is running out for these animals with every day that passes. Can you help Cruelty Free International end this practice and save countless animals from suffering in cruel experiments?
Thank you for your consideration

hi you all my brothers and sisters!the LORD will bless his people with peace Psalm 29;JESUS CHRIST said: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Seek JESUS CHRIST, seek Salvation, turn to HIM !

Time to act!Something has to be done in theses case of extreme cruelty! The world goverments should not Ignore this! they should treat this as a CRIME! Failure to do this is just stating that they are no better than the persons who committed this crime in the first place. We humans are appalled at the way the goverments just don't care! and turn a blind eye to these everyday crimes!Don't forget this improtant thing : When you sign petitions or send emails to the concerned authorities , you could be animal saviors , yes , it is true ! Because when a lot of people send emails , the authorities can decide to listen to the people and so to end their cruel experiments on animals in an university or hospital for instance , or to stop using dogs and cats from shelters to do cruel experiments on them , ect . So please , understand that you must not stop to send the emails, mesages and sign the petitions because you could be condemning these innocent lives to a certain death . It's simple : if we send the things, we make change,s we save lives. If we don't = they die ! It's as simple as that . Not always, but sometimes if they want to listen to the People, the authorities stop killing certain animals. So yes, sometimes acting with these little actions do more than we think. Doesn't seem like it but it actually save lives to send and sign the emails, messages and petitions. 

[color=#0000cc]Please if you guys are still using products tested on animals, please STOP for GOD's sake.I am asking but GOD is commanding because it's not facultatif,it's MANDATORY according to GOD that all his human children respect his animal children.If you say i respect all animals but i use products that were tested on them then you guys dont know what RESPECT means.You can't respect creatures that were killed because of YOU because you aid for their deaths.It's like saying if we replace animals by humans in this sentence:i respect humans even though i used products tested on humans,products that KILLED humans.Then you wouldn't say this sentence because it's cruel and forbidden by GOD to kill humans or to make others kill humans.Why then do you guys find acceptable to kill animals?It's unfair and wicked to kill humans but not to kill animals?Who put that crazy diea inside your heads?Probablythe malign and societies of this world because that is =brainwashing.Make believe a whole spieces,the human one ,one thing that is completely false like animals dont deserve respect,if you want you can respect them but it's not mandatory.That is the brainwashing of the malign.Because that is the thoughts of humans and of the malign,of humans who don't obey GOD,don't obey HIM and disagree with HIM and rebel against HIM.We msut lsiten to GOD only,not to what humans tell us or to the voice of the malign disguised in our own voices in our heads so GOD tell us be vegans so we can't use products tested on animals because you Christians really think GOD created animals who HE loves so much so that his human kids can torture them in labs????Do you truly thing GOD is evil????!!!! He wants the best for animals,HE wants them to be as happy as humans,as respect and well treated as humans.He wants hapiness and good health and good treatment and life free of abuse for all his animals kids.That's the truth so we cant use and bu products tested on animals because it is GOD's law and we must obey GOD's law. humankind reduced animal to slavery.We MUST and we will FIGHT evil! that the malign is doing to GOD's creations made of animals and humans and vegetables and to this planet,GOD's planet.We need all of you.Whatever happens,we can't step back.It's time to get this over with mans dominion over the animals.Nothings scares us.We must restore the peace on planet earth.Do you guys wanna be justicers of °° peace°° ? If you guys don't like animals you don't like GOD because GOD is the father of all creatures and he loves and cares for them.So you 're bad humans if you don't care about animals because it means you don't care about GOD.GOD commands you all to respect his animal children. Go in peace to love and serve the LORD.The LORD stood by all animals and all of us and gave us strenght.The LORD will rescue us from every evil threat an will bring us safely into his kingdom.The grace and peace of GOD our FATHER and the LORD JESUS CHRIST be with you all animals and humans.

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Dim 1 Fév - 13:30, édité 2 fois
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: october 21 st 2014   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Oct - 18:12

♥ please care for others ♥ please share whether you care or not ♥ thanks

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rest in peace angel ♥ ♥♥ FAITH♥♥♥ love you so much ♥ we must denounce them to the autohorities ♥ they make dog fights ♥ they abuse those animals tremendously physically&morrally ♥ they make those angels become monsters, murder each others knowing that if they hadnt twisted their minds, they'd be friends, saints , not murderers of their own borthers & sisters ♥ please let us all stop animal testing dear billions of earth fellow beings and GOD ✄ india is becoming a cruelty free country but chanel is trying to reverse progress ✄ please share this with the whole earth universe ✄ thanks a trillion times lets be on the battle field for our YAHWEH ✄ Pray U Creator GOD, teach us to be a good steward of the earth. The whole earth belongs to YOU, and we praise YOU for Your wondrous creation. Amen ✄ Yahshua said why do you disobey GOD and follow your own teachings ✄ seems like nobody can say Jesus for it’s the name the evil one gave to Yahshua the Son of YAHWEH so seems like brethrens of earth we must say Yahshua for saying Jesus is calling the demon ? and saying Yahshua, it’s talking about YAHWEH’s real Son because changing the name is also changing the person U nothing is sure U Jesus said the bad words that come out of your mouths make you unclean u the words that come out of your mouths come from your hearts .They are what make you unfit to worship GOD. Out of your heart come evil thoughts , murder ,unfaithfulness and marriage, folder deeds ,stealing , lies and insulting others. These are what make you unclean u GOD said all of you praise me with your words but you never really think about me .It's useless for you to worship me when you teach rules made up by humans U Jesus said you ignore GOD's commands in order to follow your own teachings u Yahshua said it will be terrible for people who cause even one of my little followers to sin.those people will be better off thrown into the deepest part of the ocean with a heavy stone tied around their neck . The world is in for trouble because of the way it causes people to sin.There will always be something that causes humans to sin. but anyone who does this will be in for trouble. Romania: Stray dog situation/ As many of you have asked for an update about the current situation of the stray dogs, I’ve put together the following. Probably all of you already know about the decision of the Court of Appeals in Bucharest to suspend Governmental Decision HG 1059/2013, referring to the Methodological Norms for the application of the law for the stray dog management, until the Court can decide whether HG 1059 is annulled. On the 16th the Government appealed to the Court of Appeal against this decision, an action that was actually foreseeable due to the strong pressure they received in this respect. After the decision of the Court to suspend the Norms, the situation in the public shelters is mixed: there are some City halls which have stopped killing, others go on with the killing officially or unofficially, and yet others continue to collect dogs and crowd them in the public shelters where they will die anyway because of starvation. The policy in the public shelters has not changed. We find the same horrible conditions, the same life and death in the same horrible shelters, the same abusers, dog catchers, companies, or the same ignorant/inefficient/abusive Veterinary Directorates which protect the City halls and the illegalities. The huge business in Slatina Despite the enormous efforts made in the fight against the abusers, sometimes the situation doesn’t improve at all, as for example in Slatina. There, we have a trial in Court, we brought in some journalists, and even a delegation from the European Parliament. In order to stop the “wave” and also to save the company from the Court, in February City Hall cancelled their contract with the company which we had taken to court. But then they signed a new contract with another dubious company with the same interests. A success example

gaesti 3
At other times, we have succeeded to change the situation in a town (permanently or only for a while), as it happened only some days ago with the public shelter in Gaesti, where I had been asked (as well by you) to intervene. The dogs had been captured/treated in the most tormenting way by using the forks. Some of them died in the street, others have been killed in the public shelter. Again, a company had a lucrative business of stray dog management going, asking for exorbitant prices which were being paid by the City Hall in Gaesti. After doing some research and gathering the necessary information, we sent our complaints to the responsible institutions. As a result, the Sanitary Veterinary Directorate has closed the public shelter and the police has launched a criminal investigation. Round-table in European Parliament, “The brutal killing of dogs in Romania”♫ an evidence that humans dont love all the animals but think they love animals ♟ when they see a pictures of any animal for instance a pig ♟ they think how a disgusting ugly little creature + see a pic of a dog , think how cute = evil , don t love animals ♧ humans see pics of a pig = how cute i wish i had one, lived in a farm with plenty of farmed animals i'll love as my kids, a dog = how cute = soul of a vegan, non vegan yet, future ones ♟ if you see an animal and despise her him, you see another one and have affection for her him you don't love animals as it's speiciesm like a human brown who loves brown only and despise whites , blacks ♧ you love humans you love all human races ❅  you love animals you love all animal species and races ♟ if billions or millions of humans feel like they truly love a few animal species and don’t care at all for many others as they wear their leather eat them etc they dont love animals because it’s like having one heart for some and not for others, you love every animal or none ♟ like racists they think they love human from one color and hate those from others no they dont love humans ♧ you can't divide, dissociate love for some humans races or animal species ♟ if millions? of beings care really really a lot for pets and not at all for woods animals, wild animals, savannah animals , and love hunting, or any type of animal exploitation murder & cruelty, they don't love all animals, they don’t love some animals, they don’t love no animal ♧ as its like a lion is a dog is a raccoon is an eagle ♟ dont matter they dont have the same appearance, they' re all living beings so if somebody cares for her his animals and not all animals, as the most important thing is the being and soul not the fur, the face, their look but that they are YOUR creatures YAHWEH then they can’t be convinced they love all of them or even some as the body of one they so called love is one but is a body, and the other they hate and kill for fun or love that humans kill for their stomach or whatever is another body, of a living creature ♟ so how to explain this ♧ it's a brainwashing as one has one body and face but if he she had another appearance so of another species they'd be loving to see they tortured or killed or they'd kill them, just because YAHWEH YOU made some = some species other, others species ♧ so if the dog so many love and respect, ya right, was a fox, they'd be killing the dog whos a fox ♟ if the fox was a dog they'd be loving and caring for the fox whos now a dog ♧ so this just a matter of destiny, brainwashing and really humans are & weird & as loving them and hating them for what, their earthly body ? just for that ? it’d be enough that one species is another one to be torturing the one we love and eating the one with love and loving the one we hated ♧ al this is crazy & nonsense ♧ a matter of name ? this name is dog= love, don t eat, dont hunt, don ‘t kill ect ♟ this one is a bison = kill, this one a sheep = food ect ♟ if dogs were called tigers they d be making fur out of them? if tigers were dogs they’d be giving their hearts to them? thats why treating with respect companion animals is a void and isnt an evidence of love as just for details some are respected , others are murdered for exploitation, some are exploited , others just because a brainwashing said some deserve respect and others deserve death and cruelty ♟ most of the human race obeyed♟ irrational ♟ humans who got philosophical wisdom think all animals are the same as if theyd look the same, or as if it wasnt african wild dogs, salamanders, sharks, rhinos etc but bli ble blg bla = animals , all o them just one♟. as human who got wisdom who think details details! white yellow, brown, black, white = no = humans = one = family= unity, no division ♧ those who dont got enough wisdom think this animals i will not kill, this one i will ♧ this one i despise this one i adore ♧ selfish & evil ✎  GOD YOU dont care about the differences of looks between so called ugly and beautiful humans, ugly &beautiful animals, differences of large humans large animals, little humans, little animals ♟ details only ✎  that’s why those who got wisdom respect all and love all animals =they're vegans for they see farer than appearances, they see the souls who deserve admiration, security , protection, friendship ✎  like animals when a horse and a cat are friends, a duck and a pony, they weren’t speiciests or racists you are a dirty horse im a cat cats are superior to horses ect no ✎  none of this twaddle ✎  we need wisdom, altruism to love all animals and become vegans ♧ please respect all the animals ♟ dont be like those humans who re kind to some human beings, evil to other human beings ✎  respect some human species, despise other human species ♟ have pets and in their bridges milk, dead animals ect please respect them all ✎  you don’t want dogs, cats in your fridges then don’t want any cow ,rabbit or whatever angel in your fridges please!!!!!! dont want your cat as a fur coat then dont buy fur of any non companion animal please!! non human ANIMALS you are humane animals ✎  You re not stuff ✎  You're individuals ✎  respect the need of every individual ✎  ANIMALS vegans of everywhere of this Earth love you loads ✎  in you they've found the love of their life and their closest truest friend ♟ family is never blood ツIt's the Animal People ,animal humane people in your life who want you in theirs ツ the ones who accept you for who you areツ the ones who would do anything to see you smile to save your existences, who love you no matter what ツ who adore you even though you don't belong to their planet, race, species, age, gender , blood ツ those who really love animals are not indifferent to their cruelties ❅  they say they aren't indifferent at all, they are against it ❅  they're lying to themselves ❅  those who love animals rescue saints who were going to be killed for dog and cat meat for instance❅  they don't just live their lives go to work stay at home , do whatever that has nothing to do with rescuing animals ❅  they go where the cats dogs are & save them before it’s too late before those humans kill and skin alive the poor animals ❅  they don't do that so they probably don't realy love animals ❅

lets do what YOU YAHWEH believe in not what humanity we believe in ☻ humanity says this person is fond of animals ☻ loves animals so much ☻ it's untrue ☻ what they mean is they are truly humane and philanthropists ✄ the love animals but its not just watching humans loving animals and thinking they love animals ☻ it’s a world where when humans love animals this dont stop there they love animals ♧ its so much more ✄ its defense respect of the animals, thinking they're the most wonderful <stuff< on earth ♧ that nothing is marvelous on earth but them ♧ its dedicating one's life to saving as much lives from animal murderers and abusers ♧ its all of this ♧ it’s not just oh i know this guy who loves animals ♧ but he cares about them ♧ thats what we should focus on ☻ they defend them ♧ that’s the way we should see this ☻ because if we say he she loves , as many humans use the word love in a mistaken way now anyone says to anyone they love them and don’t feel that ♧ so its like love= no love ☻ so we should not say that everyone loves animals as its absolutely not true as most humans eat animals ♧ we say of all the different type o humans this  some humans truly love animals= eat them , those humans truly love animals= defend+ don’t eat them ♧ so we can put them in the same boat☻its a mistake ♧ we should say these ones seem to love animals but evidently they don’t= not vegans ☻ these ones definitely love animals= vegans+ animal activists ♧ewe stupidly use th sentence loving animals when there is no love or not really love for animas in many human hearts ♧ vegans are the only beings apart from animals who love animals ♧ vegans are not like human animals they are like animals animals ☻ vegans when they’re between animals its like they were one ♧ there isn t the difference of species between them ✄ its like this was animals with animals, animals among animals ✄ this is the true love ♧ no other so called love for animals exist on earth in humans hearts because it’s all a lie ♧ these humans who pretend loving animals aren’t behaving with true love when theyre among animals ♧ ignoring animals isn’t loving them ♧ not even looking at them nor not talking to them or behaving like a human with animals and not like a friend with a friend or how to say ♧ vegans its like in a  past life they were animals because the way the look upon and love animals is so unique so marvelous, that no other non vegan human can feel this ♧ only vegans ☻tis is true beauty true love ☻ we can see so much love going on between vegan humans and non human animals ♧ just this image , no need of long analysis , only watching them together, or in pics, that is the best evidence of the love there is not between humans and animals and the strong love and bound there is between humans animals saviors and non human animals ☻ humankind we must stand for justice, freedom, do what we believe in ☻we have to turning each of you from our evil ways ♧ , we got to all work together for a common good, that's what a world's family should be like ☻ people who act make victories everyday ♧ lets transform the earth universe into a peaceful planet ☻ union = humans coming together to use our strength in numbers to get things done together we cant get done on our own ♧ our dream of saving animals would had never come true if we'd given up☻ sometimes you win and sometimes you lose but what matters is that you keep believing in YAHWEH and yourselves and never quit ☻ we are going to change for the better ♧ earthly creatures, let us all try to be as decent as possible ☻you are free , the truth will set you free  ♧ lets speak the truth ♧ lets show the truth to the whole earth universe  ♧ we are all responsible for the problems of this planet and we can all do something about it☻ thanks for sticking up for Animals ☻You know what your problem is? your problem is that you have a conscience✄ That’s what makes you suffer for others ♟ altruistic humans suffer for other humans ✄ animals are so very altruistic, so much more than humans♟ animals are the species of earth that are the most altruistic ♟ non altruistic dont suffer for others, it means they don ‘ t suffer if they were in a slaughterhouse a bullfighting, a fur slaughterhouse, in front of dead animals bodies , etc , viewing a video of animal cruelty, a tv documentary about animal cruelty ♟ they are not altruistic,  they got too little empathy , they can't suffer in those conditions for others ♟ the only ones they could suffer for are their families, wives, boyfriends , husbands themselves and girlfriends✄ maybe, not sure ♟ but most of all themselves ♟ thats why so many humans see petitions against anima injustices, videos against animal injustices and dont feel a thing, don’t feel the need to sign the petitions, to stop drinking milk etc because they aren ‘t altruistic, they aint got empathy or little♟ only those who got empathy and heart so the future vegans and vegans sign these petitions, feel something like a feeling of strong injustice and frustration and desperation while viewing these vids, pics, being in front of animals , smelling death etc in a place where there's animal abuse like slaughterhouses to make food for human beings with animals ♟ only those future vegans and vegans want to take action♟ caus they re philanthropists those who don’t feel mental physical pain, compassion, no human feeling for the animals while viewing these graphic scenes, pics, vids, cant possibly want to join  foundation for animal welfare, sign petitions and going vegan ♟

freedom for animals ♟ what the problem of so many living humans is that they dont have a conscience thing ♟ you good people will never stop fighting to end creatures murder, abortion etc ♟its egocentrism thinking of humans first way before animals ♟ we think oh cute orcas, cute zoo animals , circus animals ♟ we think pleasure for us humankind, not for them ù we dont think about their security, their mental health, their physical health, their happiness, their well being, their moral and physical blossoming etc ♟ we dont think about them at all ♧ we think about us only ♧ we don’t think that to make us happy we are doing something bad to others ♟ this is in general not only with animals ♡  not just humans think about humans before thinking about animals when they exploit them but humans think about themselves when they're making something that could make feel bad some other human so humans are very egocentrics with all, with animals, their species, aliens, things, everything, everyone ♟ GOD we should always think first if for this pleasure of us human species, of 'mine', oneself, are we hurting somebody else ♡  we don’t care whether animals are in captivity and will live miserable in minuscule cages and receive mistreatment from humans for the rest of their sucky lives ♡  we don’t care we just care about attending an amazing show with animals having fun myself i me !!! we can have fun without animals, we must have fun without them, that’s a huge moral Law of Yours YAHWEH and we must respect it ù we must think about others first all the time ù we must ask them or us animals can t talk, we must observe analyze situations ♡  if its a hundred ok for animals or humans, we can do the stuff ♡  the wont suffer, theyll be happy, well be too, everything’s ok ♡  if theres even the smallest thing that make animals , humans feel discomfort we must stop right away ♡  its like rapists they’re very me myself & i because they think 44 i 44 am having pleasure not 45  the other being 45 is feeling so bad ♡  45 i 45 want to feel that pleasure 34  this being34 dont want to and as usual the selfish chooses herself himself, not the other one ♡ that is so sad that a few humans exclusively are passionate about causes, fight this with all their souls like it was their own lives which were in danger ♣ they are so committed , so full of passion and determination ♣ those are the philanthropists ; the rest of the world is not like that, is too indifferent, wouldn't be if they were getting ill treated murdered exploited ♣ unfortunately human is too selfish so if it's him her who gets abused they fight ♣ if its any brother or sister of the body o Christ they dont give a toss ♣ they aren ‘t philanthropists , they haven ‘t got that passion that is characteristic of those who are the opposite of them♣ the other type of humans♣ so the philanthropists feel concerned♣ these non philanthropists don’ t feel concerned ♡  philanthropists got huge hearts, non philanthropists seem to be against philanthropy and have a little bit of humanity♣ what a shame some see injustices & think that’s how this world is ♫ so annoying because we wish we had a special power to make all the non philanthropists philanthropists and to have the heart of the philanthropists who break in thousand pieces every time they see a being living a nightmare abused neglected♣ we wish all humans felt this way, as if their hearts were going to stop every time their brothers & sisters are not doing ok♣ but no , the way they see life is too egoistic, too different from the way philanthropists see it, they dont care, don’t seem to being able of having feelings like sensitivity and empathy, humanity ♣ let us protect life GOD animals lives is hell ♣ YAHWEH please give us a sense of morality ♣ we've done bad things ♣ we don’t deserve forgiveness ♣ non humane Animals whom we love so much youll always be a part of who vegans are cc Why to do that ? what is wrong with humans ? they do them things and they just probably go back to their life’s acting like they’re nice and normal but all the time they’re just hiding how horrible they are ♡ eating our dear sweet beloved ANIMAL family its against every value GOD YOU ever tried to teach us cc consumer makes the law ♡  all you have to do is stop buying inhumanities for them to stop selling ♡  lets make a difference for animals ♡  share ♡  improve your world ♡  sign + get all the humans you know + some who dont know you to join you ♡  billions ? of human beings supposedly adore the animals ♡  they say theyd be unable to spare animals lives they wanted to eat, not even one, a few ones or all of them ♡  so they couldn’t not eat for one day animals, a few months, a lifetime ♡  if anyone ask them if they could save animals lives, choose animals instead of themselves ♡  if they'd be asked if they'd die for animals, saving animals they’d probably answer no ♡  because their own lives are way too much important for them, way more than any animals lives ♡  understandable, it ‘s the brainwashing or something of the human condition and the survival instinct ♡ its an instinct for oneself, not for others ♫  it means it don ‘t mean you want to try to make them live but that you wanna try as much as you can to stay alive ♫  so if you have to choose between supposedly "just" an animal according to them, and "me" they’d choose "me ' ♫  there's a huge nonsense here because while they affirm they love animals as much as anything else on earth they could not save animals lives by going vegan or stop wearing fur etc ♫ they could not offer their lives to animals and die, they could not help the animals, save a few animals lives but they still adore animals ? ♫ evidences these are that they don’t love animals ♣ if theyd had answers to all these questions yep id definitely stop eating my friends for the love i got for them with no hesitation ♫ i'd die to save animals or if the animal or animals or me had to die and i had to choose the one only who could live, id choose for them to live and for i to die etc ♣ if they’d had said these things, like all the human individuals who love animals, all the vegans activists of animals rights, no vegan nobody could put their words into doubt ♣ of course theyd love animals but they answers the particular stuff that those who don’t love animals say ♣ it’s all in the subconscious or something ? human psychiatry ♣ denial ! the human thinks , says i love animals : the brain says i dont love animals ♣ some creatures say nothing nobody will make them change their minds ❤ they’ll never be vegans ❤ whatever happens ❤ they have watched videos red stuff that proves the existence of these injustices for animals❤ they don’t care they’re categorical ❤ this without being shrink seems to mean i hate animals i won’t save them i wont respect them ❥i dont care what humans do to them for my food my clothing my health etc ❥ its simple to interpret this ❥no need to be a genius to know what they want to say ❥ you dont want to be vegans you dont care about animals you wish them the worst you’re heartless ❥ it dont matter how cruel how real how much the animals are abused in these pics and vids, no matter how descriptive and pertinent are the texts, they won’t want to to spare a few lives in their human lifetimes ❥ they wont make an effort to live more animal friendly and to be more compassionate towards animals ❥ they think and say they’re good people : they cant be with these stones instead of hearts ❥ they talk with the devil when they refuse to respect animals : they don’t wanna admit they hate animals they say they love them ✿ lets put stuff into perspective : let’s pretend animals speak with humans in human language ✿ these inhumane non vegans talk to the animals ✿ animals i love you so much , ill never become a vegan , never ever ✿ animals looking at them in the eyes think this so called human is so cruel ✿ you heard that bros and sis ✿ she he wants to kill us or whoever to kills us and he she can eat us use stuff tested on us wear our skin as a replacement of clothing ✿you hear this and that hypocrite says she he loves us ! ! !!! !! she he and all those like him her as inhumane monsters !!! that is the viewpoint of the animals and of the vegan human friends of the non human animals ✿ that is the truth that is exactly how the fact some 'humans' dont wana go vegan shuld be understood ✿ when these creatures supposedly in love with animals wanna use and eat stuff coming from their slaughter and mistreatment , say we adore animals what animals and human vegans must understand is animals are shit for us ,nothing , we look down on them ✿ that’s why as they’re nothing to us ✿ we wanna transform them into science, clothing, food , entertainment , decorations for homes with taxidermy✿ if these cruel "humans ❥ expect animals to think they ' re all nice even though they want them as leather jackets, animals in marine parks, torturing them for their eggs, etc they truly think animals are retards which they arent ❥ these humans are naive if they think they re good and if they think animals and human vegans should see them as good and almost saints ❥ because you can’t posibly wish the death of creatures and be kind to them ❥ to speak in general it’s not being kind with those, being evil with those ❥ its you ‘re evil you’re evil ❥ so even though some seems so humane with human creatures if they slaughter seals or bulls in bullfight etc they can’t be good because if youre a cruel murderer you’re cruel just cruel ❥ so the fact of being an angel to humans is just don’ t know , an act or an appearance and appearances are deceiving ❥ let’s face it the same human being like the joker ??? good and bad at the same time ❥ what they got multiple personality disorder ? nope the one who kills animals for sport whos a hunter and with all their friends and families are adorable ❥ it cant be ❥ or youre good or you’re evil and murder = evil so they aint kind with the humans they frequent they're evil with every animal and individual on earth ❥ have some compassion please ❥ we should be 100 percent committed to the animals ❥ me mankind when wil i start behaving like a decent human being ? ❥ we must fight for truth , justice, without YOU GOD it ‘s impossible ❥ break the puppy trade ❥ don't buy from pet stores ♚ It’s time to end the shameful and cruel treatment of our companion animals, who are suffering on puppy factories and need our help ♚ Do good, these are gifts from your heart ♚ animals die to keep you "alive ♫

omnivorism, :nutrition: without conscience ♒ humans feel like animals are inferior to humans ♒ racists humans feel like human races are inferior to other human races ♒ it’s like when they say whites are gringos, chinky, blacks niggas etc as they feel like they could throw a bomb or do any type of torture like cutting into pieces live farm animal ♒ what a false coincidence♒ a farm one, not a pet ♒ its so the same thing caus many humans feel as if some human ethnic groups are inferior to others ♒ some feel as if whites are inferior to their races ♒ other feel as if browns are inferior to their races , for there are some racists against one race but they aren’t against another one ♒ like brown racists against whites , not against blacks ♒ whites racists against yellows but not against brows ♒ like some humans think some animal species are inferior like tigers and hens so they think the human species can exploit hens and tigers ♒ some others think tigers& hens deserve human respect but cows and birds deserve ill treatment etc so as there are many different types of human racism, there are diferent types of animal spiciesm ♒ because everyone don’t agree on the racism and speiciesm as some who are racists against some ethnic groups called h aren’t with others called t whereas others aren’t racists against h but against racism against t ♒ like those who are for the human respect towards some animals called dogs hamsters and not others ♒ sheep, cheetahs, and humans who are against racism against some non humans ☃ sheep, cheetah & for racism against some animals =dogs , hamsters ♒ speiciests and racists disagree ☃ human vegans say respect for all the animals of the earth ☃ all eating humans think oh yeah! while eating their pig ham sandwich or whatever murder made out of dead saints ☃ for them eating animals + loving pets means respecting and loving all the animals of the earth ☃ they lie, their throats say respect, love , their minds think they say that, they subconscious say the other way around ☃ all eating humans hate animals ☃ see differently animals & humans ; animals are killed today like humans who were killed in genocides of racism ☃ humans who aren’t from these ethnic groups as humans who were not blacks or jews and who feel sorry, and pray, think about, commemorate the 50 years of death of humans in a second world war , in slavery centuries ago , genocides right now like irak, syria, palestine, center africa etc ☃ but animals are killed a very incredibly similar way for them to be eaten by so called humans and hardly anybody cares ☃ they dont commemorate each and every day of animal genocide but commemorate every ten years of commemoration of human genocides ☃ speicists !!!! when ANIMALS are murdered just because they re animals mankind don ‘t feel sadness ☃ when its human ethnics killed just because they’re from some hated human ethnics, they feel sadness even when they re not from their ethnic groups, as a slovenian who feels sorry for the 200 years of end of black ethnic group slavery even though he she aint black but humans don ‘t feel even though I’m not a non human animals & im a human animal i couldn’t care less that many animals on this earth are killed to feed all the all eating and myself ☃ its so the same thing ☃ you kill animals because you feel they're inferior to you ☃ you kill humans because you feel their inferior to your ethnic groups ☃ so terribly cruel☃ they love pets are against racism for pets,hate wild boars, chickens etc = are for animal racism for them ☃ a pity caus they have huge hearts when it comes to human racism , no heart when it comes to animal racism ☃ right brained for humans, left brained for animals ☃

Philanthropy means love of ANIMALS kind + humanity in the sense of caring, nourishing, developing and enhancing "what it is to be human" on both the benefactors' (by identifying and exercising their values in giving and volunteering) and beneficiaries' (by benefiting) parts. Instances of philanthropy commonly overlap with instances of charity, though not all charity is philanthropy, or vice versa. The difference is that charity relieves the pains of social problems, whereas philanthropy attempts to solve those problems at their root causes ;the difference between giving a hungry human rice , and teaching him how to cook for himself. A person who practices philanthropy is called a philanthropist. we have to be heterodoxies because GOD YOU don’t want us to be like evrybody else as they act wrongfully, wickedly, mess up everything, don't obey YOU ✎ You want us to be different, non sheep, to be the other way around of the majority ✎ YOU don’ t want us to care about how they want us to be, because they arent our gods ✎ YOU are ✎ YOU want us to be moral this human race this world is way too immoral ✎ so we must think differently of the masses , live in a different way, think and act in a very diferent way than the almost all humankind zombies-sheep as they follow without noticing it the enemy and YOU want us to folow YOU YAHWEH ✎ so let’s live according to Your will for us not copying sheep mankind because if we copy them we’re terribly enormous sinners : we do exactly what according to YOU we shouldn’t be doing ✎ so we must be free spirits, all these stuff of not being sheep and being rebels are Your stuff GOD is not it ? ✎ all evil can be turned into good ✎ we live in a very self centered planet & the media is very responsible of this☂ if all tv shows, series, documentaries, programs, news were about helping the earth and all those creatures living in misery, oppression etc would we be talking about myself me & i or tiny little stuff of everyday life ☂ no → we'd be talking bout what we did saturday on our charity association, or that we love helping others & want to join associations ☂philanthropy’d be in all mouths thanks to tv radio computer conditioning ☂ but not in this world, maybe in another dimension , only in the best dreams of philanthropists ☂ philanthropists dream that not only them, a few humans save this planet but that everyone on the earth have a true and only one passion → helping out other creatures ☂ philanthropists dream that everyone share their passion of saving lives → seems impossible in a very egotistic world maybe it’s not only the fault of media but of the humans themselves, they love helping themselves , they love doing everything for their own lives to be awesome→ they don t love to make everything right in other creatures lives or solve every veggie,animal , humans monstrous & tragic troubles ☣ we each & everyone of humans make the world the way it is so if we ' d try to brainwash a few no it's not enough many others, all the ones who know us to help the world, & tell them to brainwash others into philanthropy and so on and so forth ☣ one humans knows hundreds of creatures than all of us, one by one with all our human relationships we d save the whole earth → just by this simple diagram ☂ me = c , c tels h, j etc h tells e , o, p , j tells t, b, a, etc one is helping many and is helping many help many, another one all alone is helping one by one many or several, and so is helping each of them help many and those will help many, and this is the same for each human as each human can help many ☣ only one quantity, one human can help so many, isn’t that great → this world would definitely without any doubt be an incredibly philanthropic planet but we don ‘t do this, we must ,yes YAHWEH !!! please try to call people back to the Word of GOD , we have to expose evil → it is  not worse to kill humans than to kill animals : it’s the exact same stuff : you kill a human = you kill an animal ☂ you gotta pay , you gotta be sentenced to life imprisonment ☂ the laws of the earth say that animals are properties, furniture or stuff ☂ that’s why its imposible to charge the humans with animal cruelty ☂ let’s be anti conformists ☂ who cares about these dumb human laws ☂ courts shouldn’t work with laws but with ideas, ethics full stop ☂ no need of laws ☂ it can all be in the collective heads ☂ its cruel to kill animals ☂ you go to jail and that’s all ☂because as in planet earth they function with laws ☂they say law says this so this laws says that ☂so we do that stupid stupid stupid !!! so if laws says only if you kill kids you go to jail, if you kill somebody who’s more than eighteen or eighteen you’re free we must not obey the human moral that GOD YOU gave us but the stupid laws wich are inequitable and cruel ? that’s why as they always do on earth a law is bad we gotta change it because as long as we don’t , we couldn’t charge those monsters for crimes because even though what they did are crimes we gota listen to the stupid papers , the earth laws, not to what we got in our hearts & minds ☂that makes no sense ☂ that’s why we must forget about these outdated laws ,burn them all and start all over like this ☂ we don’t take into account the laws that are in application right now in every single place of earth  but only what seems good to YOU GOD ☂so if one abused an animal and laws of everywhere in this planet say  it’s ok you can do this ☂ you must not listen to that crap of law but listen to YOU YAHWEH who says you commit a crime against animals  you gotta be sentenced with like let’s say a hundred or more years of jail time ☂ that is wat’s walled fairness and good thinking or something or what ? that criminal justice system is rubbish ☂it sucks it’s a void ☂ it don’t exist ☂ it exists in sick twisted minds only ☂ in the real world in Your world GOD and in the souls of all the vegans and humans who want respect for everyone , these laws never existed ☂how can we live with crazy unjust inhumane irrational laws ? humans are humans aren’t they ? like living in a world were everybody rape, kills, eat alive, skin alive, any creature and everybody finds it ok and cool ☂ let’s not even change the laws of all this world ☂lets abolish all the laws and live with no written laws, only GOD moral ones ☂ solidarity is the reason we are all in this together, and it is for that reason that we are all responsible for each other ⌘ Solidarity is the glue that binds together, the common good, the universal destination of goods, equality amongst ANIMAL people , human people and nations, and peace in the world ⌘ solidarity includes all the other principles and values that are necessary to create and sustain a truly good society⌘ solidarity is at the heart of what it means to be catholic Christian ⌘ solidarity is at the heart of what it means to be a human ⌘

it sucks on tv its all stupid , vulgar, uninteresting ✈ why did they created it in the first place it’s not useful at all ✈ they make shows about helping and giving money and its for the illuminati to create weapons to kill all the creatures who live on this earth ? it’s not even true it’s not for the poor ✈ they so cruel they never make shows like the telethon for the animals; they only make shows for the humans ✈ movies tv series are so pointless ✈ they should instead of that make shows of real life heroes not shows with false illuminati heroes or filming the animals and humans who save animals and humans or at least making shows fake tv series movies putting heroes who help others without anything immoral like naked rude and blasphemy crime scenes rude vocabulary etc ✈no coz tv is satanic ✈ they should be obsessed with helping the animals+ world ✈ in tv news and all the time all day long tv should be a way of sharing the infos spreading the news about animal cruelty, asking the people to give as much money as they can , teaching them the truth about leather circuses dead animals for food marine parks ect then tv d be awesomely interesting and very useful its de a tool to teach mankind about how to be good humans but tv is full of crap vulgarity violence with real tv shows absolutely sexual, fornication and rude , with humans with half brains who speak stupidities never about the Bible veganism philanthropy ✈ it’s so rare that they make a show that is a special about collecting money for poor animals ect they never even talk about the super crucial matters like environment or animal cruelty ❅ its crazy what’s going on in their souls ❅ why if stuff happen every day all the time to the animals why don’t they talk about this ❅ it’s so abnormal ❅ they should be talking about this ❅that way the people of the earth wouldn’t be uncultivated about animal cruelty aa for instance instead of making tv shows about prostitution a person dating in one single show many humans in little time and taking drugs and using strong language etc coz with these type o shows they’re teaching humans to become prostitutes, vulgar etc they’d be making sows about bullfight, fur, industry , dead animals for food industry etc humans would be aware by now, would be fighting against it instead of nothing against but for it as they consume and buy with their money contributing to that never-ending vicious circle ❅ many humans would open up their consciences and this would raise awareness, save so many lives ect they’d be making tv ads about videos in slaughterhouses and saying think before you eat you’re meat like when they make tv ads about if you drink and you drive you’ll have an accident and die ❅ the same to raise awareness but about animal inhumanities ✈ they’d be making interesting judicious tv adverts instead of mind numbing one swith stupid music that remain in your heads driving you crazy because they suck and you don’t want to have 24 7 satanic music in your brain and stupid advert to make you buy go obese, waste all your money, go poor, get sick with consuming all these rubbish ect these tv ads are there to make mankind buy and byy and buy not to make them save the earth, the animal kindgdom and the human one ✈ its pointless, all in tv is it’s so frustrating and scandalous ✈tv is trash its garbage ✈ they’ve had saved so many lives if they were using tv in the right way ✈ they’d have spread so much the news they’d have informed like almost everyone on earth at least those who watch tv ✈ they show the same stuff all over again for one entire day you can’t miss it ✈ at whatever hour you put on the tv you’ll see this so why don’t they do that with similar news but about animals like an animal was found murdered today, documentaries about pet trafficking a human buried his dog alive ect they’re be so much more vegans on earth ✈ thats a shame that drives crazy !!!!!!!!!!! humans ar at their homes, watching tv from about 8:30 to 12 a.m they could show docs like behind the scenes of fur farms, farms to feed humankind ✈ what a waste of tv , so many hours humans watch tv and there is nothing , nothing that matters ✈ just a bunch of nonsense ✈ those who choose what will be on tv are non vegans ,non animal philanthropists, they don’t care that humankind abuse, murder every second animals ✈ so many humans in the afternoon watching tv ✈so many lives to save ✈ so many creatures to inform ✈ that is a sin not to spread the word with tv ✈ why ??? it doesn’t  make any sense ✈ showing things of cero importance and not showing things of like a billion importance ✈they have the opportunity to save so many lives for so many watch tv but they don’t take that opportunity ✈ lack of philanthropy is a sin right GOD? Shutting our mouth when w must open them to spread the truth to help others is a sin ✈ like making stupid documentaries that are a very little bit important when they could make documentaries about puppy mills, the truth about milk etc and so save many creatures because its possible at least one of the viewers will never buy animals in pet shops again, never buy milk again ✈tv proves it wants to be in the problem rather than help to give a solution to it ♥ this is you angel VOLANTE you were tortured and murdered by 4 thousands ✄people ✄ you were the toro de la vega ✄2012✄ rest in peace sweetie ♥ he's a sinner ♥ they're siners ♥ i'm a sinner ♥ we are sinners ♥ you're a sinner x she's a sinner ♥ hi sinners from the universes , hello Saints of the earth x GOD bless YOU all ♥ they murdered you SAINT EXALIBUR ♥ they may rot in hell ♥ you were a young innocent dog of GOD ♥ you were the son of a human who is infected with ebola ♥ so they murdered you EXCALIBUR ♥ so unfair ♥ the whole vegan world is mourning you angel ♥ if only some vegan activist could have gone to your home and stole you ♥ that is so sad how they stole so many years of life from you just because of a retarded indoctrination of the different treatment of animals and humans ♥ they don't go euthanizing the humans infected with viruses but they euthanize non humans infected with viruses ♥ retarded inhumane so called scientists ♥ was this Your will GOD ? or You're enemy’s? if only YOU had done a miracle for that saint GOD ♥ let's all pray to YOU YAHWEH so that this won't happen again ♥ let's pray for YAHWEH to make that no human infected by any virus or ebola has animals or that the authorities decide not to kil the pets of the humans infected with ebola ♥ through Yahshua ♥ Amen ♥ that's very monstrous you were so young ♥ they've stolen about more than a decade from you or at least ten years ♥ they do something similar, also for no reason with shelters ♥ nobody wants them into their family =they get euthanized ♥ if nobody want some homeless humans into their families, why don't they get euthanized ? caus of that retarded brainwashing of different treatment for animal creatures and human creatures ♥ we're so retarded to believe in the fake truth of that indoctrination which is not true at all ♥ lets pray for no dog , cat be euthanized in shelters everywhere in the earth , caus nobody decided to add them into their hearts and homes ♥ lets pray that a law is made on earth to prohibit euthanasia of animals without families , the same that exist for humans ♥ orphan humans aren't put to sleep when nobody want to be their parents ♥ they're kept alive ♥ we beg YOU YAHWEH to make the same for the non human ANIMALS ♥ in Yahshua 's name ♥ Amen ♥ we can protect the animal inhabitants ♧ Thanks for being change makers ♧ mankind brethrens we have no feeling ♧ your immediate support is so vital ♧ many hands make light work ♧ we can literally change the course of the nation earth ♧ let's be open-minded spirits ♧ Kindness is contagious ♧ So pass it on ♧ our purpose in this life should be helping the world as much as we can , raising mankind's awareness ♧ Our fight is all about freedom, it's all about tolerance ♧ everything is seen upside down, what is right is now seen as wrong, what's wrong is now right ♧ let us wake up ♧ we must look for the truth ♧ lets do our good deed for the day ♧ you won't believe where this hen lives ♥ Watch the 2 minute video to see for yourself ♥ It's sh*t. It's poo. She's standing on a mountain of it. I knew factory farms were no picnic for animals. But this hen's story left me speechless.Her job was to lay cage eggs for Australia's biggest egg company. But this little hen has fallen through the cracks, literally.The most shocking part – she's one of the 'lucky' ones. Just wait 'til you see her caged sisters Sad These pics must be exposed ♥ Thanks for speaking out ♥ chickens dream and they have at least 30 different clucks with different meanings? Pretty cool, huh? Free me!Help a sister out – go cage-free! We told a bunch of kids that Macca's uses cage eggs. This is what happened.Male chicks What happens to all the boys? An egg industry secret

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Dim 1 Fév - 13:28, édité 2 fois
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: please share this with the earth ♠ thanks you so much ♠   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Oct - 8:43

october 28 th 2014

This tabby cat endured horrific torment for months in cruel and useless "sound localization" experiments at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW)—deadly experiments that have been supported by more than $3 million in tax dollars

breaking news : PETA has obtained never-before-seen photos of horrific cat experiments from a lab at University of Wisconsin-Madison( see picture at www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151149550854586&set=a.55746449585.62921.5647744585&type=1&theater)

watch & share this vodeo please ♠ horrific pictures of cruelty at a UW-Madison laboratory, where a tabby cat named Double Trouble was tormented for months in a taxpayer-funded experiment before being killed and decapitated


































































torture at university of wisconsin madison ♠ urgently stop this torture now ♠ please sign & share widely these petitions

http://bit.ly/OqrOLj –











Pray God of love and peace, teach us to know Your will. Our desire is to honor and obey YOU. May Your justice reign throughout all the planets and the earth. Your kingdom come, O YAHWEH ! Amen. Prayer Concern Nations involved in peace negotiations U 1 Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you, for God will judge you in the same way you judge others, and he will apply to you the same rules you apply to others. Why, then, do you look at the speck in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the log in your own eye? How dare you say to your brother, “Please, let me take that speck out of your eye,” when you have a log in your own eye? You hypocrite! First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will be able to see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. Do not give what is holy to dogs—they will only turn and attack you. Do not throw your pearls in front of pigs—they will only trample them underfoot. Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks will receive, and anyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to those who knock. Would any of you who are fathers give your son a stone when he asks for bread? Or would you give him a snake when he asks for a fish? As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him! Do for others what you want them to do for you: this is the meaning of the Law of Moses and of the teachings of the prophets. Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it. But the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there are few people who find it. Reread verses 7-11. What do you need to ask of God today? Reread verse 12. How does this teaching impact your relationship with others? Jesus warns his followers to avoid the “wide” gate because “the road that leads to it is easy” (verse 13). What is your understanding of this teaching? How can you find the “narrow gate” of life? we praise you, O YAHWEH ; teach us Your ways.Holy God, as we learn your righteous judgments, we will praise you with a pure heart. Keep us faithful and help us to keep Your law within our heart. Amen. Prayer Concern Those struggling to obey God’s commands.

many types of animals + rabbits worldwide need you . Rabbits don't belong in laboratories. Right now, as you are reading this email, there is a defenseless rabbit trapped in stocks so she can’t move. She has certainly tried, tried desperately to squirm free; but it was useless. So now she just sits there, awaiting her horrific fate. she is terrified. by the time you finish reading this email, she will have had a toxic chemical dripped in her eye to test a new cosmetic product. Don’t think about the pain she will be in; don’t think about the fact that this little drop of chemical may destroy her eye; don’t think about the fact that she may go blind. Focus on the fact that you can help stop other innocent, defenseless rabbits like her from suffering the same fate. Please donate now to help Cruelty Free International end the use of animals in cosmetics testing worldwide. We are the only global organization working solely to end animal testing for products and we need you. Because of the kindness of people like you donating to support our life-saving work, just last month - on 11th March - we celebrated the first anniversary to the EU-wide ban on animal-tested cosmetics. Amazingly in the one year since we achieved this historic ban, we’ve also achieved bans on the use of animals in cosmetics testing in India and São Paulo state in Brazil; and a Bill has been launched that will ban animal testing for cosmetics across the United States. But it’s not enough. We need to ban the use of animals in product testing in every single country in the world. Will you enable us to do this?I don’t know if you’ve ever been lucky enough to spend time with rabbits or to see them frolicking in the wild; racing across fields, playfully jumping in the air, or affectionately grooming their companions. It’s a beautiful thing to witness. Rabbits do not belong in laboratories. Caged, alone, terrified. Please help us make it stop. Help us spread the word - forward this email to everybody. Sign up now♠ please be social = Add this to facebook, ask your friends to retweet it to their network & to ad this to facebook♠  Tweet that you've signed this petition on Twitter♠  Post this to Myspace, or write a quick blog about why you joined this campaign ♠  Stumble this, so that other people can easily follow your compassionate lead, ways to share with humans online : blogs, sites, skype, chats, email chats etc ♠ the success of these campaigns depends on caring humans like you to spread the word to many others. Please send thess important petitions to the biggest number of human beings ♠  

hi civiliations of the universes YAHWEH bless + protect you all brethrens ♠ hope you'reYAHWEH we have to accept YOU into our hearts ♠ let's pray for all our fellow human creatures, all the luciferians, all the mormons, all the muslims, all the atheists to become Christians ♠ if we are very numerous to pray we can make miracles ♠ we can convert some atheist or the worst satanists as the best christians ever ♠ let's have faith brethrens ♠ please could you help spread the word by forwarding this email to your contacts ♠ Please don’t be the problem, be the solution ♠ always remember, life often plays some cards contrary to wat we wish for ♠ but we can change our perspective to lift our life and shine ♠ lets learn to be thankful for every day and live life to the fullest  ♠ those are loony monsters ♠ this mankind is mad ♠ why YAHWEH did YOU put the animals with the humans in a same space, same world ? YOU knew humans were going to abuse them like this ? If only humans never existed or were compassionate to the animals ♠ Please let's all pray, YAHWEH we beg YOU to send angels, animal defenders to rescue all the animals in this planet who are living these living nightmare like LUMPI the SAINT monkey, who can't move for years!!! who has a head in their heads!!!! please this is too important YAHWEH, do so please!!!! they deserve YOU to rescue them more than any human ♠ in Christ Jesus' name ♠ Amen ♠ plese make this stop existing YAHWEH please!!! of the face of the earth ♠ animal abusers you really have to have all compassion removed to be so cruel for whatever reason and without compassion ♠ you are no longer humans ♠ how can they live with their actions, themselves? how can they love their souls, minds ♠ they must have lost their entire mind ♠ they are with YAHWEH's enemy ♠ we gotta find them, prosecute them, don't hide their faces of these experimenters, we got to put them into jail for ever♠ it doesn’t make any sense why GOD YOU decided to put together monsters and angels , the 'humans( , the animals, if there was a huge possibility the (humans è were gonna enslave, abuse in the most cruel manner all the non humans they could find ♠ maybe it d have been best if the animals and the humans had lived in two different planets for animals are the most wonderful creatures and humans, the total contrary ♠ you cant transform the world til you haven’t transformed yourselves ♠ Help us continue the fight for all the animals living in this world ♠ be a better human being in your relations, in your community, in the world ♠ you wanna transform yourselves so you can transform the world ♠ let yourselves being better person ♠ This freedom with which Jesus delivered Himself up to death for us is one of the aspects of His sacrifice which touch our human hearts most profoundly ♠ lets send positive vibes to all the beings , animals & humans in the universes ♠ not a coincidence♠  when there are petitions about dogs many signatures, petitions bout farm animals, wild animals way less signatures ♠ of course its caus of the indoctrination of earth mankind that dogs & pets deserve way more, are worth a lot & any other non pet non human animal is worth nothing , so left brained ♠ right brained care the same way for all the non humans, they are as saddened when dogs are slaughtered than when a frog, zebra, bird, whoever, is slaughtered =super right brain+ humane , caus its so cruel & parochial to think that some species like dogs deserve something & that others deserve nothing & that the human gender deserve a lot & the animal gender nothing ♠ partial, unjust, heartless, left brained ♠ all the non humans deserve as much , all the non humans & humans deserve as much respect ♠ please sign and share far and wide ♠ let us always be the best influence to anyone ♠ if we see anyone be bad, let us teach them to be good, talking to them, writing on computers, etc ♠ let us not shut up when we are watching somebody speak, think, do evil ♠ famous human beings are so cruel ♠ they don't use their fame the way they should ♠ they should be , as all humans, kind and empathetic ♠ they should teach respect, philanthropy towards animals, as any human being to any human ♠ any teacher to her his pupils , any person to her his friend, any parent to her his kids ♠ this is so bad ♠ using its fame to tell the whole world + fans abuse animals ♠ kill them and do what you want with their bodies♠ it's not surprising that ♠human♠ abuse animals ♠ Satanist celebs abuse animals ♠ humans and famous humans should always use the influence they have over thousands or millions of being to teach anyone to be kind and to have morals towards any sentient being ♠ instead of that many celebs wear fur, eat a lot of animals , abuse animals or their animals for they want the world who's obsessed with them, who look upon them as gods and goddesses to do evil to animals ♠ they are a terrible influence ♠ if they tell all their fans kill your pets they will probably ♠ if they tell all their followers and fans buy hens and cut them into pieces while they're conscious, they'll do so ♠ humans say kjh blm bli is a humane way to kill♠ is there even such thing ? no ♠ poisons, ill treatment, electrocution , animal testing, farm animals ect ♠ there's no humane way of killing animals when these animals are exploited by humans ♠ euthanasia is possibly the only humane way ♠ your action will make the difference between victory and defeat ♠ ANIMAS need you with them right now ♠ Thank you for taking action♠can you help us spread the word?  
strong together ♠ YAHWEH YOU said Your humans kids to not kill ✈ You didn't say to not kill human people ✈ You only said to not kill ✈ this means as YOU made non human PEOPLE as YOUr kids, YOU meant to not kill all Your children ✈ Your non human PEOPLE +Your human people ✈ GOD will YOU throw into hell all those who murdered ✈ for instance who murdered indirectly with cannibal omnivore lifestyle + directly non humane PEOPLE ? please brother + sister human race , please in the name of YOUR YAHWEH , YOUR non humane family , please , to be good souls +in order to not go to hell , please , be vegans ✈ thanks ✈ hunting = Not a sport. Not at all ✈ A sick manifestation of the twisted mind ✈keep fighting for what's right ✈animals we promise you well be friends foreva ✈Doing something makes the world suck less. ✈we wish for change, we must tackle campaigns that impact every cause, from Animals poverty to violence to the environment to literally everything else. Any cause, anytime, anywhere ✈ please foster a lonely pet✈ we can volunteer at the animal shelter ✈ gel involved ✈do something ✈ GOD YOU so want that ✈ we should all work together for a common good, that’s what a family should be like ✈YAHWEH YOUR love is everlasting ✈ we act out of ignorance ✈some beings don’t understand why we help animals in need ✈ we don’t understand why they wonder ✈Join the anima advocate from around this earth and show your support✈It’s time to put an end to the animal murders . Your support can make that possible✈ liberty for all the earth creatures ✈omnivores you kill animals just cause you adore the taste of animals, eggs, milk ??? you're terribly superficial, can you believe this ? You wish to murder your family so you can eat them just for a matter of taste!!! can we go lower than this is wickedness imbecility and superficiality ✈If you are not reading and thinking, it means that your windows looking to the ocean are closed ✈ non human ANIMALS you’re so kind and so sweet✈ what kind of a friend would we be if we didn’t support you ✈the world is hungry for this message, we are desperate to hear people speak the truth, speak this message, we need humans to speak up , about respecting the environment, all the animals all the people ✈our voices matter ✈they always put the humans first, not the animals why ? Smoking is bad for the non human angels animals & the humans ✈Turkeys are being mutilated, dropped, and cruelly killed by major poultry companies✈ this extreme abuse is unacceptable. ✈ if only there were more creatures like you human vegans , this planet would be awesome =animal murder + cruelty free
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: de 16 2014   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 17 Déc - 4:43





































please can you share it with anyone you can of this world not just your acquantancesbut so much more souls thank you so mcuh buying wool = suporting & killing of SHEEP.peta.vg/woolfree we are that monsters that mentally handicapped that e dont apprehend that this is inhumane caus us humans love to go to bullfights and we find entirely normal to pay to see a being murdering a being c we are totally inhumane x the morally infinitely corrupted human law = the evil one's law authorize such stuff as bullfighting , murdering animals to live as omnivores , working in slaghterhouses etc millions of SAINTS sufer in foie gras farming x pic of caw crying = you desire to eat souls who are crying ???? begging you to stop murdering & abusing them ? YAHWEH forgive you , protect you, bless you all c hi all galaxies , living creatures of all worlds etc please inform all the human beings you can about this . you can put this everywhere ☢ blogs, social networks , twitter ,sites , private messages, social networks of all the contacts, chat about this to plenty of humans ☢ can print leaflets, show this to tones of human beings ,give this to plenty humans etc ☢ every human who receives this please send this to all your contacts ☢ giant thanks in advance ☢ In this passage, Habakkuk’s prayer begins with a request for GOD to be merciful to the people of Judah and then continues with a description of GOD's presence and power in the world. Habakkuk is overwhelmed by YAHWEH's awesome power, which makes him confident that YAHWEH will save the people of Judah, despite their present struggles. Scripture: The Sovereign GOD gives me strength. He makes me sure-footed as a deer and keeps me safe on the mountains. This is a prayer of the prophet Habakkuk: O YAHWEH , I have heard of what you have done, and I am filled with awe. Now do again in our times the great deeds you used to do. Be merciful, even when you are angry. God is coming again from Edom; the holy God is coming from the hills of Paran. His splendor covers the heavens, and the earth is full of his praise. He comes with the brightness of lightning; light flashes from his hand, there where his power is hidden. He sends disease before him and commands death to follow him. When he stops, the earth shakes; at his glance the nations tremble. The eternal mountains are shattered; the everlasting hills sink down, the hills where he walked in ancient times. I saw the people of Cushan afraid and the people of Midian tremble. Was it the rivers that made you angry, GOD ? Was it the sea that made you furious? You rode upon the clouds; the storm cloud was your chariot, as you brought victory to your people. You got ready to use your bow, ready to shoot your arrows. Your lightning split open the earth. When the mountains saw you, they trembled; water poured down from the skies. The waters under the earth roared, and their waves rose high. At the flash of your speeding arrows and the gleam of your shining spear, the sun and the moon stood still. You marched across the earth in anger; in fury you trampled the nations. You went out to save your people, to save your chosen king. You struck down the leader of the wicked and completely destroyed his followers. Your arrows pierced the commander of his army when it came like a storm to scatter us, gloating like those who secretly oppress the poor. You trampled the sea with your horses, and the mighty waters foamed. I hear all this, and I tremble; my lips quiver with fear. My body goes limp, and my feet stumble beneath me. I will quietly wait for the time to come when God will punish those who attack us. Even though the fig trees have no fruit and no grapes grow on the vines, even though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no grain, even though the sheep all die and the cattle stalls are empty,I will still be joyful and glad, because God is my savior.The Sovereign GOD gives me strength. He makes me sure-footed as a deer and keeps me safe on the mountains. As Habakkuk prays, he recounts many of God’s great acts. In doing so, he reminds himself of God’s mercy and power, and this gives him strength. How can remembering God’s works in the world strengthen your faith? How has God been made known to you today?Pray O YAHWEH, I have heard of what you have done, and I am filled with awe. Strengthen my spirit to remember the ways you are revealed in my life. Be present with me today that I may find comfort and hope in the sure knowledge of your everlasting love. Amen. Prayer Concern Those animals & humans battling chronic illness all around the earth God’s Word: Offering Us True Joy Introduction Mark 13:24-37: Jesus tells his followers to be ready for the coming of the Son of Man because no one knows the day or hour. Christians interpret the coming of the Son of Man as Christ’s Second Coming poem : solidarity

solidarity means together we stand

Always ready to lend you a hand

If you’re in distress we’re there for you

It is Life’s own law, it’s not something new

Hurricane or flood, earthquake or drought

Or the problems that people’s own hands may have wrought

Solidarity means not just grieving for you

It’s doing what we can to give help to you

It could be us tomorrow, if it’s you today

For troubles can come anybody’s way

Blessed are those who remember this fact

And live their lives according to that

Black, white, brown, yellow, colors of life

Diversity is what really gives our lives spice

Yet, despite being different, we’re all the same

Just look at the color that runs through our veins

Our hearts, our bodies, all of us feel pain

And to cry for others is to be humane

Compassion, this feeling – it runs so deep

If one part hurts, the whole body can’t sleep

Helping each other gives meaning to life

It’s the kind of goal for which we should strive

Because Life’s about more than just me and you

Let’s put in our best, there’s so much we can do

Solidarity means strength, it should be our aim

Without it humanity would be put to shame

So let’s join hands, there’s work for everyone

There’s no better way of getting things done ☢ is that the life you wish for Your ANIMAL family ☢ they are so miserable so depressed x they are confined , experience cruelty, have no freedom, distress, no love for life x they are letting themselves die because of men's cruelty ☢ you dont wish this? then please activate yourselves , say no to zoos x thanks ☢ please lets give our comprehension, and respect to all these poor creatures x Prayer for Victims of Terrorism Loving YAHWEH , Welcome into your arms the victims of violence and terrorism. Comfort their families and all who grieve for them. Help us in our fear and uncertainty, And bless us with the knowledge that we are secure in your love ☢ strengthen all those who work for peace, and may the peace the world cannot give reign in our hearts. People making a better tomorrow x No to crimes against animals x we turned away of GOD ☢ we are virus ☢ let’s have a benevolent agenda x let's all be active Animal environmental & human rights supporter, campaigning for charities ☢ wats yours is mine and what’s mine will always be yours x wait a minute people , why are we just standing around here for, come one, to action! Instead of deploring h deploring is no use h acting is of so much use ☢ we are a fellow human beings family h e have to work as a team h if we work individually we could never reach the goal of saving all the earth & a lives h we have to join together t that’s the best manner ☢ let’s wish everybody peace x i an animal killer , i love the animals x please stop lying to your souls hearts minds , tell your soul the truth, you dont love the animals or you'd be vegan x poor poor animals getting treated like pee all the over the world & for what. men's greed ☢ dont make those animals suffer, you will suffer for the rest of your non earth life + earth life otherwise ☢ think they are part of your family. respect them . killing animals for what for the evil one and for us evil ones x humans , Christians who use stuff tested on animals, eat animals= not humans, christians < luciferians x human creatures of YAHWEH who use non vegan stuff < luciferians x let's make a stand , let's stand up for creatures everywhere x we are soldiers in the battle of peace x if there was only non human ANIMALS and no human animal on earth this planet would be too awesome x animals make everything great on earth, humans make everything sad, horrible, like hell, on earth x vegans dont give up their principles , animal eaters gave up their principles x the enemy told them to, indoctrinated them into this , that’s why they became animal eaters < humans would you like to be confined into circuses zoos aquatic parks , to be slaves there ? caus that's what animals are living x they're slaves ,, they want freedom and we're going to give it to them x even if we have to do this til we die than that's the only stuff we'll do x in support of the earth beings x spiecism = sectarianism = immoral ☢ kindness is so not contagious, sadly x why human beings are selfish, mean evil ect , what is mean what is kind x violence never resolves anything : veganism solve many things H violating your rights ANIMALS won't resolve our problem to find something to eat , but going vegan will solve that problem & many others x reptilians illuminatis satanists look down on humans, they think theyre just retarded cattle x that's what humans thinks of non human NAIMALS ☢ Animals are way smarter than we give them credit for x lets send messages of love to al our animal kind & mankind brethrens x your choices ,your actions, your life : no , the ANIMALS lives too x animals want friends . They need them. Please be their friends .Adopt them x humankind we laugh at YAHWE’s teachings x let's be punk rockers l Most humans got compassion but most a little bit because they read a story or somebody related them a story about someone who ill treaded animals ☢ They're like ok, it's sad. Their brain immediately goes to something else . They're blaze, they don't really care , they think it's life ☢ the ones who got a lot of compassion strart to be deppresed, can't stop thinking about this ,are incredibly sorry ,think i wish i could have been there and avoided it and kick the butt of the one who did that ☢ They want to help, they become really depressed , can't stop crying☢ this story touched them, traumatized them ☢ so most humans will say oh that guy ill treated that stray cat, ok that’s sad . But they don't get obsesed , don't wish to help, they will never think about this anymore ,this thought rapidly goes out their mind ,it didn't marked them . They dont feel concerned about this. They don't want to help prevent this kind of act of cruelty . They are just a little bit sorry. But they don't want to kill themselves or something ☢ they don't wish to give their lives for the animals. So there are the super compassionate =the philanthropists and there are the regular ,the little bit compassionate, really not philanthropists ☢ please care for creatures x Stand up for what you believe in, even if you are standing alone, please x we have to go vegan we got to put an end to murdering animals to feed us x we are herbivores x stop live export x stop export ☢ stop animal exportation murder enslavement x respect al the animals , human evil race or = hell for us all ☢ please get behind these ANIMAL campaigns x our brethren animals need all our support ☢ We need to speak for those who cannot x lets be sweet friends : lets be vegan x you are the best creatures in the universe animals & no one could ever take your place ☢ let us stop eating many "someones" many them, me, us, dont eat us ' , ‘me’ ☢ billions of Cries Unheard Never Again In this planet. we are commemorating planetary Animal Rights eternity on by stopping to live in a cruel manner from now on * become a vegan in remembrance of the millions of victims that have died and continue to suffer in animal testing laboratories around the world * x we will denounce with computer, help with the computer, and any other way, until we know for a fact the satanists animal murderers got what they deserved ☢ We will not tolerate this behavior animal abusers c there is no such thing as respect for the animals of the earth c lets spend our lives on a never-ending quest of peace, brotherly love , and justice c If we don't act now to protect their habitat, soon these animals could be gone forever. omnivores say ☢ we love the animals very much , they re our friends , we use stuff tested on them, we buy stuff to wear made with their dead bodies, we eat their milk, we steal their eggs, we eat their bodies ;; animals you say : omnivores you're the worst friends anyone could ever have ☢ to make a world with more harmony for everybody we all need to respect the animals +humans c this means less suffering, less abuse, less enslavement of the animals and humans c this will make a planet with more happiness , less sadness, less anxiety, less depression , more well being for all c this helps the animals & humans who wont be abused anymore c this helps all the creatures too to see less, witness less inhumane things c this means a way better world for there d be less darkness , less evil from demons, the evil one who make all this animal, human cruelty c this will mean less power for these evil beings ☢ this means more stuff from YAHWEH on the earth, only benefits to reduce animal cruelty but really to abolish it once and for all :: more goodness, more peace, more light from YAHWEH c a less sick earth, less vicious, less barbaric mankind, less unjust cruelties, more peace in a planet where it hardly exists ☢ itll be a world of peace for the animals +people for we'll try to diminish the abuses & persecutions, the moral corruption which leads possessed humans to do the worst things ever ☢ killing, abusing animals ,people ll what does a batter world mean k it may mean less suffering so les oppression of living beings like animals & people k it means instead of knowing there are strays animals & not going to rescue them, going to rescue them ☢ it means when you know information about leather, instead of provoking sufering to the animals by buying leather, stop buying leather etc it means acting ☢ a better world with no action cant be a better world k being pasive watching your friends getting abused because of man's consumption +yours & not doing anything isn’t trying to make a better planet k making a better world definitely means without no doubt : acting , doing something k it's very unbearable those means everywhere! they're so mean it's an extreme meanness, like retarded mean x they cant even see it x in their fake reality theyre so so sweet angels x no!!! they're wolves who want to be seen as sweet little sheep ☢ lets fight against mean human beings! let's be against mean humans! let's be for good humans! this tiny minority which disappears every day! its useless to show those heartless humans videos about animal cruelty, many super arguments, super sweet pics of farm animals, animals for leather etc , make them read so emotional so sweet vegan poems, this don’t go to their hearts! they have hearts but not for you animal people! only for the human people! who you are is the difference that love make : vegans x please treat non human ANImals like persons c we're repeating the history x blacks & other supposedly human creatures not worthy of existing & now this is not really over but kind of, there is still human racism, now we're repeating this with the non humans x we used to not treat blacks & others like persons ☢ now we treat non human animals like this x the human i am not normal for i am mean + evil , in the same species , the same creatures < i can be one moment mean , one other moment, nice ☢ it's a hundred percent ab normal < the human am really sick < i'm two beings in one < when i want to i'm like an angel of YAHWEH < when i want to i'm like a devil < not two different creatures < two creatures in one < how bizar is the universe and humankind < we are demented c Working to end violence against , animals, humans and our family around the world. two wrongs never make a right. compassion must be multi-faceted ☢ saying is one thing and practice another ☢ peace and compassion is the answer, how to achieve it all around without abuse? ANIMALS show people whats possible ☢ singer natina reed cornudo , murdered byツ themツ
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: december 21 2014   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 22 Déc - 7:00




















please share it with anybody from forums sites ect + all your contacts thanks to make this known worlwide thank you so inmensely 5 an immense thank you for all the help you’re giving to the animals, all the begins you have saved - please share this anywhere in the world + in the internet ♠ please print this, put this in festivals - police precincts, fairground festivals , stores , airports, book stores, restaurants, supermarkets - schools, train stations – parks – day nurseries - gyms, libraries – amusement parks , city halls , mailboxes , hands , distribute handouts – malls, pet shops – clubs , community centers etc please put this close to where is the foie gras or on the foie gras in as many stores as possible , you can put several ones between two foie gras + give it to those who are about to buy foie gras please 6 if you buy foie gras YAHVE must be so mad at you all huge part of humanity – are you still His children ¿ if according to YOU YAHWEH being Your children = being like YOU, very good, all of us who eat + buy foie gras= devils, knowing so many things about foie gras –images-articles-vids – humanity, all of you who buy foe gras are on the evil one’s side ♠ YAHWEH YOU forbid all murder ,abuse of Your Creation - May Yahweh bless you and protect you; may Yahweh make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; may Yahweh look with favor on you and give you. thank you so much everyone for all the animals you’ve helped+ saved , you are truly nice beings - please share this message with as much humans of everywhere in this earth+ comps in as many forums as you can , as many sites, as many facebooks, as many anywhere , you can print this if you truly wish more than anything to save angels – you can put this in hospitals- amusement parks - libraries - airports , city councils - police precinct , internet sites - churches , mailboxes - doctor’s surgeries , schools – buses , parks – fairgrounds , internet places -veterinary clinics ( malls – bookstores – blogs ( internet forums( anywhere else ♠ hi universes species ♠ earth people please be against the production and Importation of foie gras in all this planet c Foie gras, french for fatty liver, is made from the grotesquely enlarged livers of male ducks & geese. The "delicacy" known as foie gras is one of the most sickening examples of cruelty promoted as "luxury.We strongly urge the earth parliaments to ban the  production + Importation of foie gras in this earth ♠ The birds are kept in tiny wire cages or packed into sheds. Pipes are repeatedly, cruelly, forced down the birds' throats, and up to 4 pounds of grain & fat are pumped into their stomachs three times every day for three weeks until they can barely move and are on the verge of organ rupture and death.  This is  totally unacceptable and cruel. Due to free trade laws, UK being one of the biggest importers of foie fras, are importing this cruelty - Urge Gelson’s Markets to Drop Foie Gras Because of the extreme cruelty involved in the production of foie gras—the diseased and "fatty liver" of force-fed ducks and geese—many restaurants and grocery stores around the world have stopped serving and selling it. Yet California-based grocery chain Gelson's Markets refuses to stop selling foie gras. Ducks raised for foie gras are kept in small wire cages or packed into sheds. Pipes are repeatedly shoved down the birds' throats, and up to 4 pounds of grain and fat are pumped into their stomachs two or three times every day. The pipes puncture many birds' throats, sometimes causing the animals to bleed to death. This cruel practice causes the birds' livers to become diseased and swell to up to 10 times their normal size. Many birds become too sick to stand up. The birds who survive the force-feeding are killed, and their livers are sold for foie gras. After thousands of you contacted Gelson's, the company's president, Robert E. Stiles, informed PETA that Gelson's would continue to sell foie gras until the supermarket chain is forced to stop when the California ban against foie gras takes effect in mid-2012. Please write to Gelson's and urge the company to stop selling foie gras today . Thank you for taking action to help the ducks and geese who suffer in the making of this cruel product. Ducks and Geese Used for Food - Ducks on many foie gras farms are confined to cages so small that they can't even move. Admired by parkgoers everywhere, ducks and geese are some of America's best known and most beloved animals. Ducks and geese are comfortable in water, on land, and in the air. In their natural habitats, they fly hundreds of miles each year to migrate. Both ducks and geese fly and swim in formations that reduce air and water resistance for the birds in the rear. Ducks live in couples or groups, and pairs of geese mate for life, mourning for lengthy periods when their partners die. While most people don't think of ducks and geese when discussing cruelty to farmed animals, these birds are severely abused by the meat and foie gras industries. Ducks and geese raised for their flesh spend their entire lives crammed in dirty, dark sheds, where they suffer from injury and disease and are deprived of everything that is natural and important to them. At the slaughterhouse, many birds survive the electric stunning process and are still conscious as their throats are cut and they are thrown into the scalding-hot water of the defeathering tanks . Ducks and geese raised for foie gras have pipes or tubes shoved down their throats three times daily so that 4 pounds of grain can be pumped into their stomachs to produce the diseased "fatty liver" that some diners consider a delicacy. When their diseased livers swell to up to 10 times their normal size, the birds are sent to slaughter. There are no federal laws or regulations protecting ducks, geese, and other birds from cruelty at slaughter. People around the world have spoken out against the cruelty of foie gras. You can take a stand, too, by choosing never to eat foie gras or any kind of meat. Order PETA's free "Vegetarian/Vegan Starter Kit" for tips and recipes to help you make the transition to a cruelty-free diet. Urge Royal Caribbean to Drop Foie Gras Because of the extreme cruelty involved in the production of foie gras—the diseased and "fatty liver" of force-fed ducks and geese—many restaurants and grocery stores around the world have stopped serving and selling it. Yet Celebrity Cruises—which is owned by Royal Caribbean Cruises, the world's second-largest cruise-line operator—continues to serve foie gras on some of its cruises. Investigations of foie gras farms in the U.S. and overseas have documented countless sick, dead, and dying birds, including some animals who were found suffering from holes in their necks after pipes had been forced down their throats. One investigation in New York found ducks crammed into wire cages. Animals' beaks were bloody, and their wings were twisted together. At another foie gras farm, in Europe, birds were found dangling by wires as blood spilled from their neck wounds onto live animals beneath them. Foie gras production is so cruel that it has been condemned by the pope and is prohibited in 15 countries, including the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, and the U.K. Please write to Royal Caribbean and urge the company to stop serving foie gras on all its cruise lines.  Send comments to richard fain CEO of Royal Caribbean rfain@rccl.com Stop Foie Gras Production in Europe The production of foie gras is a horrific process. Have you heard? It requires force-feeding male ducks to enlarge their livers up to 10 times their normal size.  Call on the European Union to ban the production of foie gras - the cruelty of this practice has no place in civilized society. These ducks are force-fed with pipes rammed down their necks, which sometimes puncture their esophagus. Many die choking to death on their own blood or vomit. Producers of foie gras keep their ducks crammed together in filthy conditions, where they can hardly move, let alone stretch their wings or swim. Are the minutes spent enjoying foie gras worth the years of suffering the ducks have to endure? This grotesque mistreatment must be stopped. Sign the petition to ban foie gras production in Europe. Zogby Poll: 85% of San Diegans Support Immediate Ban on Foie Gras Foie gras," literally fatty liver, is a disease marketed as a delicacy. It is the liver of a duck or goose who has been force fed to the point where his liver is over 10 times its normal size. Only male ducks are used, and females are discarded by the industry. The sale and production of foie gras is illegal in California effective 2012 under Cal. Health and Safety Code section 25980. City councils have commended restaurants for removing this product of animal torture in the meantime, including San Diego, San Francisco, West Hollywood, Berkeley and Solana Beach. Dr. Ward Stone, the senior wildlife pathologist for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, has conducted necropsies on ducks who died during force feeding at Hudson Valley Foie Gras and writes, "I eat meat including ducks on occassion. However, the short tortured lives of ducks raised for Foie Gras is well outside the norm of farm practice. Having seen the pathology that occurs from Foie Gras Production, I strongly recommend that this process be outlawed." You can read his reports here and here. The Animal Protection & Rescue League has investigated all three US foie gras farms and several in France and found rampant cruelty to be the norm. Compassion Over Killing sent an investigator to HVFG on a guided tour with a hidden camera and also witnessed the standard cruelty that is required for foie gras production. In November 2008, California voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 2 by 63%, banning intensive confinement cages for egg, veal and pork production. This was the most popular citizen's initiative in California history, showing that Californians believe that even animals raised for food deserve humane treatment.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 2 Fév - 4:53

february 2 2015

thanks trillions times pleaze send this to everyone + everyone you know please in all places you can go to out + in internet , in as much earth places as you can















Appeals for animals to President of Romania! Ask President of Romania to Stop Mass Killing and Implement N&R Program! Due the corruption, especially in Bucharest, the situation of stray dogs becomes more grave. To divert attention from the discussions about the huge budgets spent and the cruelties committed against animals, ASPA – the institution running the Stray dog management under the umbrella of city hall Bucharest --has started once again a denigration campaign against animal lovers (private and associations)“who sent abroad thousands of dogs, 90% to brothels or laboratory experiments”. In parallel, ASPA drafted a Council Decision that will be voted on during the next period. It demands that citizens from Bucharest who feed the stray dogs shall be fined up to 1000 Euro. This unconstitutional Decision, if adopted, will generate a mass of Local Decisions in other towns and result in further abuses. Mass abandonment of dogs with owners. Huge punishments against owners.
Starting January 1st, according to the Order (no. 1/2014) emitted by Veterinary Authority (ANSVSA), owned dogs have to be identified by microchip. However, at least 95% of owned dogs don’t have a microchip because owners lack the necessary financial funds. Already the Veterinary Directions (DSVSA) announced they’d be starting controls. In order to prevent the fine (up to 2500 Euro) because their dogs can’t be identified, owners have already started to abandon them and more and more dogs will be abandoned. This has the consequence that, according the Order, all unidentified dogs are considered stray dogs and can be managed accordingly (for example, be taken from the owners and killed). Actually this is in the interest of the authorities: they prefer as many dogs in the street as possible, because it is a profitable business; and huge budgets continue to be allocated for feeding the extermination camps. Please, make Appeals to the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis! The newly elected President of Romania, Mr Klaus Iohannis, is known for having accepted and implemented a Neuter & Return program until 2013 in Sibiu, the Romanian town where he was Mayor for many years. Moreover, he is known as a correct, uncorrupt, diplomatic kind of person. Animal lovers from Romania voted for him with the real hope that he will change the cruel, immoral, inefficient and corrupted stray dog management to one that is civilized, moral, effective, and free of corruption. Additionally you, the animal right activists from abroad who are directly involved or not with the animal welfare in Romania put great hope in the new President Klaus Iohannis. Via VERY SHORT LETTERS (and having a very clear subject in the Subject line), please ask the President to adopt a law for a stray dog management through:
-       Implementing a national Neuter & Return program
-       Financing the program for microchipping and neutering the owned dogs
-       Stopping corruption with effective and permanent control of the activity of the Stray dog Services and replacing the operators with uncorrupt operators
-       Educational programs about responsible dog ownership

Please, send your requests to
1)      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/klausiohannis (this is the REAL Facebook Page of the President of Romania; none of the others which are promoted on the Internet are!)
2)      email: contact@iohannispresedinte.ro; procetatean@presidency.ro
3)      fax: +4021 410.38.58
4)      postal address: Mr. President Klaus Iohannis, PalatulCotroceni, Bulevardul Geniului nr. 1-3, Sector 6, Bucharest, Romania, Code postal 060116 Thank you! All the best Carmen ARSENE

Pray YAHWEH, YOU are always with us, and YOU have rescued us from the power of sin and death. Strengthen our faith day by day and help us to grow in knowledge of YOU . In Your holy name we pray, Amen. Prayer Concern Those who are being persecuted for spreading the Gospel. Pray God of hope and promise, YOU remember Your sacred covenant and cause the bright dawn of Your salvation to rise on us. You are merciful and loving. Guide our steps this day in the path of peace. Amen. prayer Concern all the animals & humans all around this planet awaiting adoption. Pray God, there is nothing YOU cannot do. Prepare our heart to be open to receive Your Word. Yes, YAHWEH, we are Your servant. Order our steps this day. Amen. Prayer Concern animals & humans enslaved for no reason. Scripture: Luke 1:32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High God. God will make him a king, as his ancestor David was.” The Birth of Jesus Is Announced; In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy God sent the angel Gabriel to a town in Galilee named Nazareth.He had a message for a young woman promised in marriage to a man named Joseph, who was a descendant of King David. Her name was Mary.The angel came to her and said, “Peace be with you! YAHWEH is with you and has greatly blessed you!” Mary was deeply troubled by the angel's message, and she wondered what his words meant.The angel said to her, “Don't be afraid, Mary; God has been gracious to you. You will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High God. God will make him a king, as his ancestor David was, and he will be the king of the descendants of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end!” Mary said to the angel, “I am a virgin. How, then, can this be?” The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and God's power will rest upon you. For this reason the holy child will be called the Son of God. Remember your relative Elizabeth. It is said that she cannot have children, but she herself is now six months pregnant, even though she is very old. For there is nothing that God cannot do.” “I am the Lord's servant,” said Mary; “may it happen to me as you have said.” And the angel left her. may YAHWEH protect you all , bless you all his creatures ✄ hope you’re doing very fine . please share this with the whole universe of earth  ✄ thanks tones of trillion times ✄ please inform all the soulz you know about this . please click on reply put this everywhere : blogs twitter ,sites , private messages, social networks of all your contacts & yourz , converse about this to plenty of beingz ✄ please print leaflets, show this to souls ✄ give this to plenty souls etc . every soul who receives this please spread this all around internet & send this to all your contacts . thanks infinitely in advance ✄ this is the animals planet  it’s not less the animals planet than the human's planet, this is as much the animals' planet as the humans' planet - we must see the world this way - so we can't say that animals take too much room or are too numerous so we have to kill many of them , reduce their population- this is so not ethical- we can't say that the room is for humans and so to make room for the humans, who havent got enough, we have the right to mass murder them for a human's life deserve to be alive and not the animals so in choosing between making room for whom, letting live whom, the animals, the humans, we choose to mass murder the animals and we let the humans live- insanity- why killing the animals, they are not murderers, terrorists- we let live the human terrorists, murderers, rapists, we kill the animals who have committed no crime- odd universes- animals aren't destroying nature, & we kill them as if they were- humans are destroying nature & we let them alive- animals respect the environment - humans dont kill you animals for you dont respect the environment but for they have lost it- they kill you for money, or fun , for free- they really think you take too much space? then if they have no misgiving in killing you, & humans take too much space, why don't they kill humans too just because they don't wanna go to jail probably- not because they think a human life is worth as they could kill those who have other origins as they are worth nothing to them, or those from so called 'other families- even though there is no more than one in this planet-they have no heart, they could kill the humans as easily as they kill the animals - they just don't wanna spend the rest of their physical earthly existences in the slammer- we dont really know whats going on in our brains, why we kill you non humans- it can’t be always for money- it can be sometimes for a mental disease ,maybe an obsession which tells us we have to kill all the non human creatures we see , just like an obsession, an obsessive compulsive disorder? that tells us in our head we have to 'clean" the world from animals, everywhere we go & see animals, this vice in our brains tells us to make all the animals disappear that its 'clean' ? like the humans obsessed with cleaning smears- caus it seems some don’t murder many elephants, many wolves etc ofr money but for other reasons like psychiatric illnesses, or the psychiatric illness that makes them want to feel powerful as we are useless insignificant human creatures we must feel as dirt, murdering giant strong animals may make them feel stronger than them even though its obvious these animals are stronger than us humans , that’s why we hold them in our arms, to cry to the world, look at my picture, look im holding in my arms the dead body of a king of the savanna, a giant monster, im stronger than them! or something, it’s so sick for they hold them as if they were holding a pet, a baby, somebody them love, but they dont love their victims - we smile, we act as if they had affection ,for them but no, we  kiled them!!! we are so twisted, so sadistic  thinking theres humane murder of non human animals for the billions of human omnivore lifestyles of the earth is like thinking there's humane sexual moelstation , humane genocides , humane slavery , humane terrorism etc this is not rational  there is no such thing as humane animal massacre for human omnivorism  only the humans deserve to suffer & have misfortune? Not the animals, the animals you deserve only happiness for you have amazing karmas for you are saints. humans we sin a lot, are so wicked . the more evil you are the more sufferings, misfortune you deserve so humans we deserve a lot of sufferings, we really don’t deserve heaven? true love will survive  meat , milk, eggs come from real animals , they dont just magically come from the grocery store as stuff  we have shut our hearts, eyes to the animals every single time we buy the dead animals to wear them eat them have fun with them < circuses ect eat their milk ect  vegnism is changing your perception, animal slaughter for omnivorism < we dont have to participate in this, this is not necessary  so many strangers and animals die they don't say this on tv news . when famous human famous earth wide, they say so . so what famous beigns are most valuable than animals and other humans ? like famous were gods or somethign crazy poo us human gender .  question everything. let's do good things  One of the greatest things any of us can do in life is reach out and do a good deed for another living being. Whether it means offering your love & compassion, or making a charitable donation of time, energy, or money, there are many ways to bring sunshine into the lives of others. Changing the earth begins with oneself . respect the need of every individual  we are not extreme enough  vegetarians = animal killers  vegans < animal saviors h being vegetarians is a joke for we kill  vegetarians are like omnivores. We are a disgrace to the earth , humankind  maybe some humans are being overcritical because they expected men to be better  We often say humans we know are nice , those who are family members of ours or humans we hardly know but kind of like . We too often say they're very nice . We don't know them very well, don't see them enough, don't live with them , we don't know them . How can we say they're nice . Nice doesn't mean anything . We say that about anybody and to  everybody . Nice means being like Jesus , animals, GOD . Nice mean you have a heart that is as big as the universe , that you wish to help others so much you never do nothing for you . You wish you could save the world, have all the time , all the money, all the capacity to save all living creatures . You wish you could be thousands of beings so you could multiply yourself, be in one country of this world saving lives, in another one saving others lives , in plenty others . You wish you didn't have to work so you could spend all your time saving lives . You wish you could be the richest human on earth so you could give the needy beings all your money , the extremely sick animals . That is what nice means . we are kind of hypocritical because we know these humans we call nice aren't that nice but we say that because somebody ask us and if we tell them we don't think that human is nice they are going to open their mouths and repeat and we'll get into trouble n we want to avoid that. Nice is really really really like a saint, inordinately altruist. Most of these humans we call nice aren't altruistic. They most of the time think about their being. Nice, there isn't that much nice humans . Or maybe they're many nice humans but too little nice  thank you so much human gender for your unselfishness of agreesing to become vegans , to help others becoming vegans with these shares , for being so good to the animals , for helping animals, earth, human beings , for signing all petitions  thanks billions times for all  animals saviors are nonconformist so less brainwashed as thebelieve animals saviors are their family, animas are their family . the lives of the animals are truly more important than their own lives . this is true philanthropy, more philantropic humans than this doesn't exist . these are angles , heroes , the most philanthropic beings of this planet . as if they have to choose i don't save animals im alive, healhty and i save the animals but i can die doing so < they choose saving the animals . of course they love animals lives more than their lives . most humans, all those who say loving animals so much ya right would chose their own lives over animals lives & would never want to risk their lives to save animas or even just saving animals with no risk for their own lives . we suck . bad heart, bad mentalities . all of this shows, their mentalities, what they say & do & dont do show they don't love animals , even though they say they do. only those who ofer their lives to save others are true humans & really love animals . they are extremely philanthropic towards animals & to humans as they really care about humans who save animals & who are their friends . so all those who dont care bout animals should be alive ? those who are saving lives they are truly useful, extremely . all those who dont do that, our time is wasted , should we hav been born in the frist place . we are not doing anything to save the world or animals ,humans ,the environment. We are doing what at home ,living ,doing the stuf we  like to do in free time, working etc while those who were born for a great reason are helping a lot the animals  so it's very cool they are on earth, living, because if they weren't born, nobody would be saving animals, only would there be thoze indifferent , not acting for animals watching many humans of the world abusing & murdering animals + there would be all those abusing murdering animals . why are we in our little lives, doing nothing important, why . why we don’t all dream of savin all the animals vegetables humans . why . we dont care  so awesome if we’d all dream of saving animals, all humans . we’d all deserve to be here . all lives who dont wanna spend time taking care of abused beings are useless lives ? what do YOU think YAHWEH  most humans we aint philanthropists that’s the reason why the reason in our lives is not saving animals , but having egoistic lives because if we  thought in my spare time I’m just doing things for me, so self centered stuff, so bad  i should be saving lives like animals environmental human activists they are there , they are risking their lives im not, I’m calm, happy anywhere , at home safe, im not risking my lives for no one, not even humans . they are  im not saving lives, im just wasting the time of life i got . they are using so very well their time, they’ll perhaps have a great place in heaven . all those who don’t help animals, will we go to heaven  hard to know . probably not . animals saviors wil almost without any doubt go to heaven because GOD YOU love Your kids who save animals and YOU love so much when Your kids care way more about others than their existences . how crazy is this comparison at home, in my country, doing not really interesting not really important things, not helping no one . they < saivng lives, risking their lives . doing wonderful things in their spare time  their lives got meaning, they have a goal in their lives, a great very admirable dream : saving all the animals . all millions or billions others humans < no dream of helping, saving nobody, no will, no goal, those lives have a meaning ? what is this, what does it mean, this is nonsense , this life theze brains this lack of hearts all this so so confusing  these lives are like a spiral something impenetrable its because human race was brainwashed to be very individualistic+ humans beings are too indifferent & super not philanthropist so no wonder a few humans wish to save everyone and most dont  most we won’t even save one life if we had the ocasion to, to mean, to inhumane , really not our thing, not our center of interest saving lives . chaging us ? making non philanthropists become huge philanthropists, very hard, maybe imposible  there is so much death & destruction in the world, it really makes you think  we are such an irrational species  money is the root of all evil  we should all wish human race worshipped YAHWEH instead of money  will you from all around the earth who call yourselves animal defenders animal friends , will you make the promise to the non human ANIMALS that you'll stop murdering them, you'll go vegan by love for them ,, What validity have religious beliefs which brand other beings as lower or lesser creatures? All of us humans of earth : I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. Shut down seaworld boycott seaworld  Life is life’s greatest gift. guard the life of another creature as you would your own because it is your own  animals are not ours to experiment on  the animals of the planet are in desperate peril without free animal life we will lose the spiritual equivalent of oxygen. they deserve better  People must have renounced, it seems , all natural intelligence to dare to advance that animals are but animated machines. It appears , besides, that such people can never have observed with attention the character of animals, not to have distinguished among them the different voices of need, of suffering, of joy, of pain, of love, of anger, and of all their affections. It would be very strange that they should express so well what they could not feel. Voltaire, Trate sur la tolerance  free for all  love ; compassion ; peace for all ; please adopt don’t buy  help to build a world free of hunger , go vegetarian  they never tell us the whole truth .Never . JUst one part of the story, their false version . For instance they make tv documentary about world war two they don't say hilter was illuminati & that bilderberg did this to many races and jewish . it ain’t no detail  They hide the most important part of every story , the biggest truth of every story to humanity , the same goes for every story, not only this one  animals are GOD' creation and they’re meant to be respected and honored and just because we have more power we don’t have the right to take the lives of other beings  when a human is often mean dont it make that human a bad human ? actions speak louder than words = you’re a vegan = you’re good  you refuse to be a vegan = youre evil even though you say i love the animals so much  ya right animal killers  a hundred % sure : animal abuse< definitely luciferian . That's written on a website that talks about illuminati. We can't have doubts because in satanic rituals, they rape, abuse ,eat ,kill animals . So it is satanist. When celebs wear fur= satanist. When they wear shoes made out of animals skin = satanic. it's not from GOD to abuse animals because only the means can do that & love that . GOD doesn't like animal abuse at all . It can't be things GOD ask us to do , but his enemy . It shows how important animals are for GOD that satanists kill animals in their rituals because GOD loves animals so much and are so like HIM that they choose to kill them in their rituals . if animals weren't so important to YOU GOD & this world, they wouldn't kill them . If animals were corrupted, evil, they wouldn't kill them in their rituals. That's why they kill so many human babies , human children, animals, because they all are so pure . GOD YOU love them so much  Satanists always attack the kindest creatures , like animals who are saints . How scandalous  they never do youtube videos, websties talking about how cruel these animal rituals are , rape , abuse!!! They pretend it's nothing. Just because they are non human animals . If they had been humans they'd talk about this, definitely. shocking , so revolting . We are talking about animals lives here!!!! Beings we love, cherish, protect, care about . incredible , they only say one sentence !!! for the humans who survived to these satanic abuse, it's nothing to be forced to kil, rape animals . Just disgusting, but they don't seem to hav compassion, to be sorry, to be animal lovers at all . They only talk about satanism on the internet because they kill humans & animals . If they'd kill only animals, its pretty sure they wouldn't talk about that because they think animals are worth nothing more than garbage or sputum  They could be forced to kill rape eat alive billions or even more animals, they couldn’t care because those who are against satanism are those who eat animals, wear leather etc. That'd be contradictory if they were against satanist animal abuse and in favor of non satanic animal abuse for human food etc . omnivore lifestyle = satanic animal abuse  all animal abuse is satanic , there is no non satanic animal abuse because when you're cruel to an animal the evil one's in you + all of these big things like production of food ,clothing etc is controled by illuminatis so it's definitely satanic. Satanists love suffering, human suffering , suffering of any kind of being like animals  So it's not a choice at random that they choose to use animals for all these things because they had to create suffering of GOD's children . If they have a choice between creating some satanist stuf that they are going to make the whole world buy & use it, they have to choose between cruelty free and with cruelty they definitely choose with cruelty . as thank GOD human meat, human leather is forbidden & humans would find that immoral and suspicious, they  had to make sofas made with animals skin, shoes, belts , food with animals ect  what humans do it is never for us to judge them  It's about standing up for our beloved animal friends  tThat's why we stand out here in protest & we want to have our voice heard! it's coz we care! we're not gonna let them ill treat them . so we stand up & say no more  if we continue to pollute oceans the food chain will be broken  our human hearts & brainz it’s like fast food, its empty  please share to save all the animals of earth ! !! !!!! ! thanks so much  we must not get angry at human beinz judging them YAHWEH + ourselves but still becauz we have our human brains we don’t have Your Godly brain YAHWEH we feel so irritated mad because those humans You put to life why did you put them to life ??? we suck as humans!!! we aint got nothing absolutely nothing in our hearts & minds ! dont have values, commitments towards the earth or its animals , humans ; no strong moral value and opinion about injustices , cruelties : nothing are you against bla bla i dont know ;: what do you think of seal slaughtered dont know never thought about this : we're like a body but with no heart and soul inside !!! we’re useless why did you make them exist and live : don’t make any sense : you should only have made those who are a bit like YOU GOD like Your saints kids who wanna fight like robin wood against stupid cruelties and stuff  not useless who as we dont care about the planet will destroy it with our way of livez like using a lotta plastic ect it sucks !!!!! using fur, products tested on animals , lots of glass etc non human animals you need men more than anything right now  lets pray GOD for living beings who got depression, who want to kill themselves, animals kill themselves , for all the animals & humans who are in hospitals fighting for their lives . animals humans are dying . its up to ccc us www to save them  we can't give neglected , enslaved GOD's creatures the things we don't have unfortunately but we can give them what we have . time, a little bit of money, and mostly, our hearts  we are human beings, vegans with one mission, to stop the use of gestation crates in the earth  pleaz joined the fight. It is a fight to help those who believe their is no hope. Those who may never see their children or parents ever again. They are beaten and tortured relentlessly. In their eyes they have no reason to live. To others they are just an "It" with no meaning in life besides the meal at dinner time. They are pigs. They are ducks. they are cows. They are chickens. They are the animals in gestation crates that are tortured every day & many die. like vegans  & YAHWEH we must not see them as its but a whos, shes , hes . hope that you human gender will see & take a stand for these voiceless animals that will suffer to be on your tables at meal time. thank you for your time & care to read this and we can only hope you will join the fight  it's not if You can help help . it's you can help, you must help . its not facultative to help each other on earth. it's compulsory right GOD ? we can all help . let us stop thinking some of us were made for this and others no . we are all able to do something. the thing is not we can't but we don't want to . The more humans see what humans can do the more they love animals  lets make a homeless non human animals a thing of the past lets adopt please  use evil creatures , criminals to test everything. The animals are not the same as humans  sick beyond belief  please demand an end to the slaughter of seals in Namibia  with your help, we will succeed  those who hurt humans, animals this planet and kill still have humanity in them? are still YOUR kids GOD? or are subhumans? is it ok GOD if we call them like this or its terrible insult to YOU & them ? as it may mean they are not humans, so not Your kids then they may be pope  animals your lives are in our hands. we are your guardians . we are your voice . speak up and be heard  please show the world what you care about  illuminati killed mick jaggers wife she was 47 4+7 = 11 they said she hangged herself. lie . illuminatis often kill their famous victims by hanging them and pretending thy killed themselves like david carradine , jonathan brandys  Many souls cross our paths, many souls who need our help  when you help another living being you feel great, greater than you ever felt . if you for instance help yourself, you eat some delicious food, or have a nose job = you feel hapy  you help another being, you take off the streets some living humans being or living animal being who was eating out o garbage and give them some food, find them a place to live = you feel super great, so happy . conclusion < you feel way happier when you help some living being than when you help you. why ? because that's the human condition, don't know why, just know that helping anybody else's the best feeling ever . better than eating, dancing, having sex, being rich, becoming rich, better than winning the lottery, better than being a very pretty human being , better than anything, . its an indescribable sensation. you feel so much more good with your whole being and soul, conscience & everything of you when you tried to make another living being happy than when you try to make yourself happy   if we don't have any compassion for anyone, how could we expect to be called human and to go to heaven when we go out of earth  who receives gives  loving the animals means not buying them  you have the power to create change. Start sharing please & watch your impact grow  you may can’t save the world, but you can save many  This is a brutal unnecessary abuse, that is not really done for anything other than keeping the hefty research grants coming in and of course those that get off by doing these horrendous things to the innocent. Every test known to mankind has been done millions of times, without any new and significant findings. and yet they continue to do them. The body count has gone unchecked with no remorse or conscience for the victims. Inexcusable self serving inhumane minions of the devil. How can any person with a soul do to these animals what is done to them, it is hideously vile. So all contacts must be made beyond exhaustion and then beyond that. All colleges & schools that still continue this in their classes must be dropped like a hot rock and boycotted. campaigned until they stop.Anyone knowing of animals that are being stolen in order to supply these kind of labs need to make phone call. Drop that dime, no matter who it is  animals  if you love them why don’t you want to help them . almost everyone on earth say they love animals but when it comes to have humanity they don't want have nothing to do with veganism, petitions which is = helping the ones you 'love' . so why if you know you dont have to 'love' & not help but love +help why do we chose 'love' which obviously is not love . so we like the fact of loving animals that are tortured, murdered all over the world & the fact of not helping them out ? if we love them we don't want to see they suffer we want to save them  So that is why all of those who have the choice between 1 pretend to love them ,not act in any way 2 love them truly + trying to save them , those who chose 1 definitely don't love the animals . we can say as many times as we want they love them we don't  only those who wish ever since they arrived to this planet earth they had one strong dream : to save all the animals of this world and every time they saw something on the internet , tv programs about animal cruelty they wanted to die , cry they couldn't bare it, it was too much for them they were so angry, frustrated, so mad!!! their wish was getting bigger & bigger ; they had one will, one reazon to live: to save the animals . they hearts were breaking into thousands of pieces when they saw pics  videos of animal cruelty done by humans  these ones we can think being 100% sure they were put to earth by GOD to save animals ° they LOVE animals . All the ones who think they 'love' animals and never , never ever, for all the years they been on earth, absolutely never made the dram of saving them all+ never wanted to sign petitions, help them in any way when destiny made them come accrsos petitions, texts vids websites of associations, social networks pages of animal rescue ect they refused to watch, refused to get involved, weren't interested at all = don't love animals are blind because they think they love them . They don't!!!! love don't mean oh i want to caress this animals, he she's so cute, want to have a dog = ignoring all the cruelty made to animals in planet earth . no  love means = i love their companionship, i love to treat them like queens kings, love that they feel better because i spent hours with them, because i gave money for them, because i nursed them, because i saved them from abusers etc , i want them to feel good, protected, ok, i want to save them from all the ones who ill treat them i wish i could save all the animals = this is love . love is actually loving the animals + trying to save them from the abusers . it's not just loving them  because when you ‘love’ them , you see them suffer, getting exploited & you don't care and try to ignore that they are exploited everywhere on earth . whereas when you  love  them you are so disgusted shoked revolted indignant at the animal exploitation & torture that you want to be like a superhero and you want til your last breath to do nothing more than save them . which of the two is real xxx love xxx  YOU know which one . so please tell your heart the truth do you or do you not love animals  only you know the answer  in the name of GOD  in the nam of justice humans we hurt the people we love  we are a family  if one of u is hurting everyone is hurting, if you hurt xx’s feeligns you hurt your brothers and sisters feelings, her feelings, his feelings, your feelings, their feelings, my feelings  today we get the oportunity to speak for the ANIMALS  We appreciate you standing up for them or us  ask not what your best friend can do for man but what you can do for your best friend  what kind of a world would this be if we didn’t help one another , once in a while < not once in a while, almost all the time  GOD , we're here to speak for those who cant speak for themselves  Thank you for every share  we do not consider the animals as individuals. : ? hell ? please help animals in labs & sign share widely theze petitions Please sign share petitions with all your contacts . copy paste email  To all those who receive please this: send to all your contacts . please put this everywhere : myspace, twitter, facebook, private mesages blogs websites etc . work school, walls print ,give to people, leaflets shops, grocery stores, parks mailboxes letterboxes, you do not have to do all of this but some of them or one or two because you aint got no time to do all of them  please put it everywhere please thks  if u can’t print, can you at least talk about this to people whose emails you don't have & send this to the people whose emails you have please & ask the emails of the people you know whose emails you haven’t got their to give you their emails so you can send them the petitions videos and everything because we really have to ,each one of us to inform as much people we can because we will not save all the animals ,never, if we don't send this or send this to too few people . thank u so much in advance veganism = friendship forever,, You can help make these petitions a success - please share them with as many individuals as you can  Petitions will succeed only by word of mouth every signature makes a difference  May GOD bless you all and make you truly wanna be better humans & give you the huge will to wanna stop being wicked , having wicked ways an make you wanna fight for the rights of innocent beings ,humans, vegetables ,animals & wanna make you love your Heavenly Father more& have faith in Him if you don't have it & make you wanna pray more & wanna be the closest to GOD as possible ,as close as Jesus is to His Father ,if you can  war with humans is foolish ,, i eat animals , i treat animals humanely i eat humanely , ya right Your generous support can alleviate the suffering of many animals. Please give whatever you can afford.Thank you so much for taking the time from your busy schedule to sign the petitions.,, it’s not candy's world  it isn’t a piece of cake: you find people on the net, you ask them their emails and facebook  you send them the stuff and they go vegan, no it’s not that simple if they dont open up their hearts to animals its useless we can send the best stuff that exists of proofs of animal cruelty for what they use and buy theyll keep on not caring not having compassion & keep on wanting to remain non vegans us heartless creatures of GOD ,, so now when you meet people you think its hopeless theyre hopeless theyll neva go vegan not because the stuff you send us human beings suck, but because we were born with no hearts & think animals are only things, not beings, not people  so if we read the texts, look at the pics , watch the vids we’re not gonna be choked, sad as for they are object supposedly  objects can’t feel pain so if animals are objects in our sick demonic minds they can’t be abused killed  so the images don’t shock us , don’t make us sad ,revolted at all, becoz we see these creatures in the vids like stupid ugly useless stuff not beings  animas are sumones not something  animals are people not things toys objects but we mankind see it as the other way round so we can’t convince human beings with no vid text nothing  very frustrating and off - putting because you feel powerless because you know you’ll never convince ethm to respect animals, neva eva ,, men is not truly one he's truly two, a mixture of good and evil,, please do anything to help, please go spread the word,, lets protect lives,, Share these with the whole world please : internet = twitter , forums skype , emails social networks like facebook , myspace  private message , print and give to humans , chat about cruelties from humans to animals ,humans, earth  please tell humans to go to see them on the computer & sign them right away etc . thank you all so much .,, let's start a revolution  no,the revolution has already started! let's fight for peace in the world!!! animal killers GOD kill punish them we falls into the stupid stereoptyes that brainwash humanity if u blab bla then it means bla bla if u got cats and u live without humans then ure bizzarr crazy ect nosense! u can live with cats and be a great normal kind human being and why cooking turke isntead of tofurkey tofu or watever vegan burgers ect they re so curel in this world its brainwashin all these ovies with dead animals,humans eating them well if they put vegan food isntead humans as there sheep and copy everthin they se eon tv and everthing celebs and their fave celebs do then theyll be allv egans and how canthe flal into the trap and mentla corontrol of docs +scientists who say dead animals=great for health thats a lie,only vegetables are healthy,its agains tuhman anture to eat animals, all this is agaisnt GOD thiese movies and this one is illuminati coz GOD says be evga,s respect ur bros and sis and these movies say hate cats despise animals eat the flesh of ur bros sis be a cannibalist its alost the same eating animals and eathing humans nn message to the illuminati = You think that you ara in control,we will show you what in true power,true power of eople and freedom,u control resources but u dont control people.People will rise,people will rise and take streets,people will fight for FREEDOM and better feature,without you ,wolrd order rulers.You are laining of killing 90% of humankind. we will not let that happen.We are coming illuminati,we are ready for war.war between systems and People? Foreign groups of activists from Germany, Austria, and the UK came to Romania and followed the dog catchers from ASPA in Bucharest. They have seen all the components: the mistreating of animals, the huge impact the animal abuse has on the people, the cruelty and corruption of the authorities. Just as an example:a Report, in English and German, about the overall actual situation regarding the stray dog management in Romania you will find attached/below:English version: http://www.fnpa.ro/stray-dog-situation/ German version: http://www.fnpa.ro/situation-der-strassenhunde-in-rumanien/

send this to everyone + everyone you know please not just emails not just facebooks , both caus not the emails of all, not the facebooks of all thanks° queens treated as slaves ° you aren't slaves ° living among your droppingz ° making you have wounds , earthlings eat this so called ° meat ° yuck ! ! ! it's clear most of us so called humans seeing this type of tremednosuly sad , outrageous pics don't feel a thing , so tremendously blazés ! we got nothing instead of hearts , just air % poor darlings confined in tiny cages abuzed for fur µ in zoos non humans animals you're incredibly miserable, depresed % poor all you animals that we abuse those we call almost gods who are in fact 72% ? pieces of excrements YAHWEH? that may be what YOU think with Your GODLY vocabulary ° us simple minded human beings we use our human language % We are so hugely self centered us the human beings we say yes pigs die yes we murder pigs but we have to live ! oh such pope two weights two measures ° the pigs & all the animals we murder we eat don’t have to live ??? we say with our pope arguments = O out of 20 if they were given grades ° it’s us or them, its us ! no again double standard ° why it’s not them ??? we live they die or they live we die, we live! We’re so half wits to use 2 weights 2 meazures ° why we live ?? ? why it isn’t : they live & we live ? ?? its possible ° we are so half wits we think they live we die ° no ° they & us live ° veganism ° we see pics us hypocrites say I feel compassion for real ° liars ° we can’t feel compassion , we eat you pigs !!!! we say it’s sad but we’d rather have you killed than us die ° stupid stupid us ° when are we going to insert in our tiny lil skulls that we live if we don’t murder you animals!!!! We don’t die if we’re vegans

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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love is for sharing  Just as we will not accept violence being committed against people, we cannot allow animal torturers to walk our streets unpunished   It's important to make understand our contacts they have to share with their, and them with their and so on and so forth . Because A knows B . B knows C . A is Bs contat . B is c's contact . A doesn't know c . C is d's contact  A and B don't know d . etc this is for billions of humans . Sometimes a can have several or one contact is common with b but not always . Because as we say your friends are my friends sometimes we don't know the friends of our friends, sometimes we don’t know the humans that know some of those we know . So it's absolutely awesome to be able to communicate and spear the ideas , good doctrine, and infos about cruelty towards the worlds and its inhabitants by the internet because we are really informing huge amounts of beings . More than we realize. Because we tend to think our contacts . No , they’re re the contacts of ours, and those of them . Etc . There a lot of humans who will know the truth , the used to believe all the lies . These emails could make a lof ot change in many humans lives , concerning the cruelty towards poor defenseless creatures . So hopefully our contacts understand the importance of sending these emails to theirs and that theirs understand they <<<must<<< send them to theirs and so on and so forth . If several or one human breaks this chain then it's the death of many innocent GOD's creatures you kil our friends it’s like you kil us  lets defend our friends like we'd defend ourselves  we must not live in hatred  this consume us from the inside humans are evil good ? to animals who knows really we dont know, only YAHWEH YOU know caus YOU see all the humans c we can't know nor see them all  why are we omnivores - because we couldn’t care less about the animals because we are not the ones who are abused, they are and caus we are not murdered, they are so our me centeredness  you know what’s gona kill you but you're gonna do it anyway, people are suicidal < carnivorism  let us have a noble hearts as the non human animals  when you do something kind to somebody else , you don’t ask for nothing in return = go vegan  lets make sure animals have freedom  when you see cruelty in front of your face you dont need somebody to explain it to you : choose vegan please  movies about demons & stuff must be illuminati  its bad we must be Christians not illuminati  many movies give terrible examples like take drugs, do awful blasphemy drawings etc  poor movies animals  you must be dead  rest in peace  how can humans eat animals and you sweet angels, we’re so crazy!!!! its so evil animals for food=almost humans so eating animals and animals= cannibalism   its so inhumane  humans ‘We’re retards as we dont even use our hearts & brains, they cant have feelings , they think it’s great to kill to "survive" . survive ????!!!! vegans survive without animal tested stuff ,leather, dead animals for their food, wool, eggs ect so terrible excuse to think humans are all eating to not die because its false humans we’re heartless  can you help the animals, a rescue animal adoption center operate and continue to stay open to keep many animals living and waiting for their forever homes? every time we act say think something every second lets try to use our right intelligent brain . Not our left stupid one . Let us try to ask continuously ourselves am i acting like GOD am I like an angel . Am i being wicked  That way we sin way less & are sort of like saints . In our dreams . That way we reduce tremendously the amount of sin we d have done . We should always stop & think not what i did not after, but before what i am about to do is it sinful  am i acting like the enemy wants or GOD . Let us always remove the enemy from our beings every time we notice we are being with him  So we change the action, thought, word we were going to do ,say ,think . we change it for GOD's actions, thoughts ,words  How to explain this . Every time we are acting, living, every second our hearts beat let us act like GOD . We must always think this is our last moment on earth . Even if it is not . Because maybe it will make us adopt better more 'x' human 'x' conducts  If we think i'm going to die right now we want to act saintly because GOD is going to see us in a few moments ,hold us to account for our actions  for all our evil actions of every moment and day of our existences . So that is why if we perpetually tell ourselves i am going to die this very moment and day, it makes us change our minds on what we wanted to do of our days, time, and act more generously, less wickedly and so it makes us lessen the total of horrible things we would have done in our whole stay on earth . This is a wicked idea . It helps us a lot  The trouble is our human brains are so full of stupidities, non important things, we are so left brained that we won't think every time we are about to act , that this is our last breath . We might think about this sometimes, not all the time . Let's be clever then . Let's have this obsession of saint life . That bring us a lot closer to perfection , perfect morals, perfect being . Some or tones of us are so far from this  We seem to be retarded of life . We don' t understand nothing, how we should act . We act so unlike GOD . We are so messed up . Seems like our hobby is to sin . Seems like we do so on purpose  We don't even realize we're sinning. According to us what we did, say, thought was ok . No it definitely isn't . we think defaming, accusing humans without knowking if the person was or wasn't doing that thing . This is so silly . The trouble is you can know somebody like this and try to help them so that GOD will be less angry at them . They just don't want listen to you . your efforts are useless The excellent stuff, advices you tell them don't even enter their hearts and minds . You help those who don't want to help themselves . That's so frustrating  You want to make them good humans, which they right now aren't yet . But they refuse your help . It means they refuse GOD . because you are not just preaching atheist morals, but GOD's morals to them and they don't agree. They keep on saying their attitudes was perfectly correct and what they thought, said, their judgments weren't sins  Come one insulting somebody who they don't even know and never talked to isn't a sin ? Saying slanders all the time, criticizing good humans all the time, saying it’s ok to kill animals aren't sins ? tones of examples  It means if we are thinking we are going to have YOU GOD judging us right now because we pretend we'll die now then it makes us want to sin right now less . Right now is all the time as every second that passes is the present, is right now . So right now don't mean right now but every second of every day . So it don't mean right this second for instance 15 : 34 but all the time we are on this planet . So all the time wanting to not sin , maybe not not sinning but trying to not sin . So really trying to have the best behavior we can even though it's super hard . Always feeling this huge pressure on our shoulders that GOD is going to be very infuriated + that He could want us to go to hell to punish us for all the sins we done many moments of our life on earth . If we don't think that , if we think who cares, let us not stress about these things right now, i still have plenty years to live . We don't know that  We can die young . If we have that mentality we'll sin as much as we want , we 'll think the judgment GOD will make of us will come very far in time . We shouldn't think about this now  Yes we should , all the time to make us more virtuous . If we don't think we'll die now we still sin and sin and sin and GOD will be so disappointed  We don't want that . Therefore we must think about this . A great tip to have better conscience, be proud of ourselves, behave better and going to Heaven to be with our GOD  please treat creatures humanely  please speak for a cause, freedom, justice, and equality for all people  goodness is when you let live others  you don’t kill them caus you are an omnivore , you dont ask humans to kill them, you dont disagree with them existing, being happy , you agree with he idea of letting them live, thats true goodness isn’t YAHWEH? nobody on earth who think they’re good are good if they murder animals because they follow a non vegan lifestyle  all those who think they are good, all those who think others are good, aren't good because they are killers of animals, veggies , humans etc animals dont mean anything to humans , humans dont mean anything to humans  we  have a disease caused not by our stupidity but by an uncaring worlds society  we better watch it, we might offend some politically correct men somewhere in the world beings are making an specist,ethnic ,gender etc joke  we shoud show them why it’s never funy to make fun of others  we are the victims of our own free speech  GOD YOU are our destiny we will follow YOU  Mankind please let’s stop sending out bad vibes many creatures here need you, will you help  senseless violence is not entertainment  seaworld Is disgusting How do you put an interactive, social animal, one of the smartest animals in the world and you're going to stick them in a tub and make them do tricks? How do you do that? Because they make money? It's disgusting & seaworld is absolutely wrong. this is a big wake-up call. How many more people are going to have to be killed? When are we going to realize that these animals are not supposed to be there? lets speak out against SeaWorld  lets lent our voices to support whales by denouncing the use of marine mammals for entertainment. Will you be the next to speak up? Please ask seaWorld to release the animals to sanctuaries  Kindness is a virtue in the arth culture and catholic religion. our loving kindness and friendliness tames us . kindness affects everyone. call such kindness in virtuous state of perfection. Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and concern for others. It is known as a virtue, and recognized as a value in the earth culture .it is defined as virtue. It is defined as being helpfulness towards someone in need, not in return for anything, nor for the advantage of the helper himself, but for that of the person helped .kindness & love are the most curative herbs and agents in human intercourse. Kindness is one of the Knightly Virtues. real kindness changes people in the doing of it, often in unpredictable ways. Real kindness is an exchange with essentially unpredictable consequences. in a relationship, 'real kindness, real fellow-feeling, entails hating and being hated - that is, really feeling available frustrations – and through this coming to a more real relationship  Kindness is Pure Love expressed / experienced / realized Human Kindness defines the fate of Humankind . the essence of love is kindness; it may best be defined as passionate kindness: kindness, so to speak, run mad and become importunate and violent. Kindness is one of the nine traits considered to be the fruit of the Spirit  no gestation earth nation. The whole point is to try to stop the earth from allowing gestation crates in pig farming. please help stop the use of gestation crates  lets wish everyone on earth peace  the grace of Jesus Christ be with you all ❅ please YAHWEH make that no cat of the earth be hit by vehicles and die or become handicapped, sick, and die days after infinite hours of suffering / please make them go home safely, and cross the streets only where there are no bikes, no vehicles on the road,  through YASHSHUA Amen  maybe things are diferent than we think  let us do our homework , right GOD ❅ we are part of the problem ❅ please have a heart, animals are like people, they are people; eating dogs is like eating humans, please show respect & compassion for the animals, they are children of YAHWEH like humans ❅please stop forever for all the coming years of existence of the Earth, stop it, abolish this festival of murderers ❅how can humans do this?? they were deeply brainwashed or what ? caus they seem to think its normal, it's ok to kill defenseless people who are dogs  they think these people , are things  no , they're individuals, they can't speak but can think they communicate , are extremely intelligent ❅they are friends of the humans ❅ humans love them  animals love the humans so how can humans do this to their best friends  this is insane ❅ this should be forbidden ❅ this should have never been invented in the first place ❅ this is murder, this is not a festival❅at a festival everyone must have fun, have a great time, not murdering innocent brothers & sisters ❅humans and animals are sister& brothers ❅humans are not superior & animals aren't their slaves ❅ animals aren't their toys, humans can't do whatever they want with the animals ❅ would humans do this to humans ? probably sadly ❅ please many vegans are begging you this all over the earth, please, please abolish dog & cat meat + the yulin festival please ❅ thank you so much ❅ YAHWEH bless you  let us heal the world we can do it 유 Please help the animals with these causes ❅ mercy for all animals 유 problem reaction solution  be careful don't trust nothing no one 유 the Bible is full of lies 유 the god of the Bible is so cruel 유 it's false 유 GOD isnt like this 유 illumiantis gave a terrible image of GOD 유 they pretended and want to make us believe GOD YOU want us to sacrifice animals, humans, children 유 it's not true 유 You never asked all these things 유 the all seeing eye they say it's your eye GOD 유 it's the eye of your enemy 유 it's normal that many of those who are Christians all around planet earth are surprised when they read the Bible유 they can't believe their eyes of all the terrible things 'god' said that humans had to do 유 that god seems unfair , cruel to them 유 not like YOU GOD 유 of course 유 it's not GOD 유 it's the inventions of the psychos, sick illuminatis 유 GOD is not like in the Bible 유 they said GOD said we have to love authorities because if we are against them, we are against HIM as He created them 유 lie 유 these authorities are all the satanists politics corrupted human beings 유 GOD YOU don’t want us to love them 유 there is truth that YOU really said, YAHSHUA said + lies that 'they' invented 유 there are too many versions of the Bible 유 this is abnormal 유 There should be one only 유 all the translations are very different from one another, so different that the sentences the ideas say different things유 This is scandalous 유 we can't trust that book 유 It's the Bible of GOD 유 The true Bible 유 its nowhere to be found here on earth 유 The BIBLE is so sacred 유 tones of humans base their lives on it, their doctrines, philosophies, decisions, their whole minds 유 That's why 'they' had to corrupt it 유 it 's a too important book for them to leave it alone , not care about this 유 they knew a great way of corrupting many easily swayed, naive beings was by putting horrifying lies in the most important book of all times 유 so that way we'd be corrupted , believe stuff from the evil one thinking its from YOU GOD , doing terrible things from the evil one thinking it's of YOU GOD 유 even if you don't know that the illuminati corrupted the Bible, even if you never heard of them, you start to wonder when you read that 'god' says go kill that animal, sacrifice your son to me 유 come on!!!!! GOD could never said those things . These things are the things the evil one asks, not GOD almighty 유 in satanism you have to sacrifice several of your loved ones to the evil one in order to gain power, success 유 in the so called 'bible' the so called god ask us to do the same 유 So Christianity is the religion of the evil one, the bible too 유 the evil one and his illuminatis corrupted it 유 Christianity was of GOD , the Bible too . GOD gave us this book to help us a lot 유 As evil has always existed, the evil one had to corrupt the book유 the more times passes the more we learn horrible things , lies and more lies 유 we don't know what to trust now . Can we keep on reading the Bible ? we have to be careful when we read it , the things that seem suspicious may have been added by 'them' 유 The things which seem ok must be from GOD 유 nothing is sure 유 It's hard when we criticize somebody for all the bad things they did to remind ourselves that we sinned too and we shouldn't be too hard on them because we sinned terribly too ♥ we act as if we were saints ♥ That is bad♥ We are all moralistic and very strict telling them a few home truths but we forget that we have no great morals ♥ We are accusing them of their lack of morality on their actions , behavior ♥ We are exactly like them ♥ What right have we to judge them if we are at their level♥ We think we are perfect, all we do is out of moral , kindness, we help others ect ♥ No we don't ♥ After we told them all the hateful stuff they supposedly did or not, because sometimes it’s just our interpretations of their actions and imagination , then they can say ok now, your turn ♥ I am going to tell you an interminable list of the wicked stuf you did ♥ Now we are mouth closed, don't know what to say ♥ Yep, we sin too, just like them♥ We were immoral too ♥Why do we lie to ourselves, why do we pretend we are saints and it's always others who are wiked ♥ We perfectly know we have poor morals from time to time, or frequently ♥ Some humans try to have high moal standards, they really try to be just like GOD wants them to be, but these kind of humans are very few ♥ They maybe just maybe can criticize all the really shameful stuff we do♥ But most of all the only ones who can judge us , us all, are Jesus and GOD ♥ So it's frustrating, annoying when some huge sinners who doesn't have that much moral, thinks they a lot of moral and just for the moment they strictly criticize us they got morals, because they forget their lack of morals when they judge us ♥ after they judged us, we judge them, they're speechless because now with our words, our way of seeing things, they start to see they lack as much morals as us thats why they are speechless, because they are ashamed and because they feel it's mean, egoistic to say i realize you lack a lot of morals but i'm gonna hide the fact i lack too ♥ Thats bad♥ Why should they bring out others lack of morals and not their own? Because they're so proud ♥ Because they don't want to confess they are deeply immoral ♥They wanna see the bad stuff in others but not in them ♥ With them ,they are so indulgent. With others they are super strict ♥If they do bad stuff they are clement. With all others they are super strict♥ If they do the same sins others do it's ok, they forgive themselves ♥ If others do these sins, they are so mad, they don't hesitate to open their mouths and criticize ♥ We should treat all the same, others and ourselves ♥ That is fair ♥ as they're so arrogant when it comes to them, they distort the things they did so as to make us think they're always innocent ♥ They see things with their twisted eyes so they think they are flawless ♥ humans think vegans compel them to go vegan ✍ no because its the universe's law , GODs law that we must respect animals ✍ it’s not vegans who said that its GOD himself so they can’t say i do wat i want if i want I’m a vegan if i want i a non vegan because we cant disobey GODs orders ✍ wat’s the point in having a GOD if we make our own will when GOD want us to have the same will than HIM ? then we don’t believe in GOD if HE tells us go vegan and we don’t want to because we act like HE dont exist ✍ caus when there is a GOD= you definitely want to obey everything HE says so if you disagree and don't want to obey= you don’t believe in HIM= you act like GOD don't exist✍ haters who hate vegans and veganism say vegans are weirdoes ,in a cult or psychos wat a joke so now you're an animal savior you save lives= you're crazy and a dropout ✍ so it’s not ok to save lives you're crazy because you save lives, if you let animals die= you're cool and normal!!! they re the ones who are psychos they’re sick in the head  they must go to insane asylums! ✍ On 17th July a very good round-table discussion took place at the European Parliament, moderated by EP reporter Peter von Kohl. The participants were MEP Janusz Wojciechowski (Poland) and his assistant in animal welfare issues, vet Karoline Tomaszewski, MEP Stefan Eck (Germany), MEP JörgLeichtfried (Austria), and MEP AnjaHazekamp (Holland). MEP Janusz Wojciechowski has come twice to Romania as part of two delegations, and he continues to put pressure on EP and EC. MEP Wojciechowski stated at the round-table that the situation he saw in Romania is horrible, that the Romanian authorities doesn’t want to stop the brutal killing, that the stray dog management is a business, and that the Romanian authorities have an interest to continue this.MEP Hazekamp stated that what is happening in Romania is very cruel and inhumane, that it violates the Treaty, and that the method has no effect on the stray dog population.MEP Leichtfried commented on the answer from the EC, that they don’t have the competence to act in animal welfare. But he considers that the EU must have, because only a European law can make a difference in Europe for all animals and not only stray dogs. MEP Stefan Ek said that the situation in Romania gets worse every day and that the EU has to officially react; he added that on 15thJuly a member of his party was in Bucharest and followed the cars of ASPA (the Public Service for stray dog management) to see how they work, and he was physically attacked by ASPA’s personnel.The vet councilor Ms. Tomaszewska said that during her visits to Romania (as part of two EP delegations) she observed that the declaration of the mayor of Bucharest, Sorin Oprescu, differs a lot from what she saw in the public shelters. She also spoke about the experience she and the other members of the EP delegation had in the Slatina shelter; there was no food, no water, dogs like skeletons, and no adoption possible. The participants also spoke about the huge budgets allocated for ASPA.The moderator said that it is well known that people from abroad are annoyed about the cruelties against dogs in Romania and that there is a will outside to do something. The moderator asked the participants what the most effective thing might be that people abroad could do. All the MEPs agreed that the EU people have to say “NO tourism in Romania” until the “bloody massacre is stopped”, that the EU has to act, and that the people have to put moral pressure on Romanian authorities. You can view the round-table discussion here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmNmbGgEKjY

Dear all Tamara Raab is an great animal activist, the most detail-oriented, organized, selfless, energetic, determined, smart person. She succeeded in only two years to give a huge help to the dogs from Romania by re-building two shelters of 1000 dogs and respectively of 150 animals, to come with trucks of donations for private shelters and for people who have too many animals saved from the street, to organize groups abroad who constantly involve in helping shelters and animal lovers at limit situation. At the end of March, Tammy had an accident which resulted in serious head injury. She is conscious now, but has a long way to go to regain her former capacities. We ask you to join us for a simultaneous event, on Tuesday, September 23, at 17:00 (Germany’hour). Send her positive energy/good wishes/prayers! Thank you! Vielen dank! Carmen ARSENE Tamara Raab in her truck with donations for Romanian stray animals  please don't give money to the animals killers of telethon & boycott all the public humans who participate each year to telethon  its a lie, its murdering dogs please!! share this with everyone by email social networks blogs sites ,private mesages everywhere please it's too important!!! let's make that nobody on earth gives money to telethon by spreading the word as much as we can  this is way too important  YAHWEH stop the telethon right now  tell the whole earth please about this , make them stop abuzing animals for animal testing, & telethon please YAHWEH , in Yahshua's name, Amen   thank you so much mom, dad, family of FAITH the saint crippled dog / you saved her life! GOD'll pobably have a very good place in heaven for you  thanks to all the world friends of FAITH, non humans+ humans  thanks the human family of FAITH for believing in her, for your humanity, for not giving up, for being so altruistic , for refusing for her to die   for offering her and YAHWEH through you a long wonderful life! for if you hadn’t spoken up for her, she would have lived a day , a few days ? she lived more than ten!!! thanks to you, you are blessed/ thank you thank you / thank you for loving her, thank you + all the humans who treat their animals with love=respect for being the best friends any animal could ever dream of / thank you for not letting her down / thank you for your compassion and love / many others would have think a non human is just a non human + a crippled dog is even less than a dog / any would have killed them but you didn’t, you changed her destiny / for the better, thank you 897 billions of times  all those like you FAITH & you , are an example of faith, courage / rest in peace / that seems unfair that you & others were born this way but if YAHWEH wanted this, it may be for a reason , to teach something / caus if your former family had killed you as they wanted to, you would've never lived such a beautiful life with creatures who love you  even though you had this terrible condition you lives something like 11 years / its as much as any dog who's not handicapped / that's amazing / only wish you had live a few more years / it must be scary for you all animals when you go to heaven caus you see your body on the floor, bed etc and you wonder why you're in the air watching : you don't get it, how can i see myself you wonder / how come i am not feeling pain no more etc / and you know you can’t be two beings, the one watching and the one lying there, and why they dont see you, why they don’t react while you're barking, making noise, moving closer to theme etc / don't be scared for the hapines you'll have in heaven is way more huge than the one you had on earth / that's so sad but the human friend of your mom who adopted you is really awesome, a true human being because she opposed to the fact her friend was going to put you down so she asked to have you so her friend gave you to her and so you lived!!! thats YAHWEH / nothing even happens just like that with no reason / as if there was no YOU GOD / its YOU who makes almost every thing happen / well not everything for some things are done by the enemy but things like changing faith like an animal who was going to be euthanized isn't, that is YOU YAHWEH / caus it woud have been cruel if all the disabled being hadn't lived at all, be born and the same day, put them down / knowing that euthanizing 's a crime and maybe, just maybe, it's better to live many happy years handicapped than not living at all / it depends, happy, no, some handicapped humans are really suicidal, hate life but animals, no, whatever happens, handicap or not, you are very positive you love life, as much as if you had never been handicapped for your philosophy is way better and GODly than our negative, satanic philosophies of us humans always complaining for insignificant reasons & not being handicapped, so imagine if we were! we'd die! that's why you animals angels ,if you were perfectly we then become handicapped caus of faith, you dont care you keep as happy as ever, you fight  thats some marvelous quality many humans we don't have / you are always with YAHWEH / us humans no / so really if people who have an animal who were fine and now are handicapped or who was born handicaped, put them to sleep, that’s cruel, that’s a crime for lets face it : even if it’s a hard life, a kind of sad life, but not totaly, they can live!!!! why killing them if they're handicapped it isnt going to make them die, they can live with it, kind of well or very well ! so you have to kill animals only when there’s nothing to do, they'd live like never being up, never walking, never being able to think, eat, nothing, like veggies, like humans dying in hospitals, ok then, put them to sleep / but putting down animals who can do anything like any other animal , but just for a little handicap putting them to sleep, imagine if they were humans!!!  would you put to sleep already existing human or baby humans because they have one arm or one leg or are blind ? no ! ! ! its a brainwashing of humans / animals, human being way superior to animals and idiocies like this / for you think the animals couldn’t do beauty conquests, couldn't wake, we couldn't sell them in pet shops, ect , we have to pay the vet, we don’t want handicapped beings, so some humans despise them  so theyd rather kill them as if those handicapped were not animals but stuff or sub animals / thanks to YOU YAHWEH not all humans perceive the handicapped like this as they 'd never think of puting them to sleep for they love all animals, non handicaped, handicapped, so they'd do everything to save them, to prevent those who want to put them to sleep from putting them to sleep  such an amazing philosophy, such amazing humane humans / for its the psychiatric double standard of if you're a handicapped human we must not kill you, your life is way more important than a non humans life and a handicapped humans worth more than a handicapped animal or than an healthy animal  / that its a crime to kill human handicapped it’s not a crime murdering a handicapped animal caus its like throwing out something into the garbage etc so close minded, inhumane, cruel / unless they want to put them to sleep not because of cruelty, but because of their huge hearts because they think oh no poor creature, he they she is going to live many years like this, like no paw, three paws, death+ blind, or just blind or with a very fragile health or cant walk +blind+ death ect so they think, what woud be cruel wouldn’t be to put them to sleep, but au contraire to let them live/ according to them, what is humane, is to put them to sleep / they are kind of right, but wrong too / everybody doesn’t have the same viewpoint / it depends on the level of handicap / even though it’s very heartbreaking to see an animal like FAITH the angel who's now in heaven, and many others like you darling who also have two legs because of animal cruelty , accidents, etc who were born with two legs or one etc , you can live without too much suffering and even though the fact you're handicapped makes you suffer, you can live, it’s not like this disease wil kill you / but who knows what we got to do  only YOU YAHWEH knows the perfect decision / for we can doubt, do we have to put them to sleep or let you live / if your lives are going to be nightmares, because the handicap is too big so there is no room for happiness just for pain, then we got to put you to sleep / but if you can live, without too much pain ,happy & the handicap just being a little bit bothersome, then you should live / if we kill you, then change our mind &  it’s too late, we'll hate ourselves for ever / we have to have a brainwashing free mind : if we would not kill blind humans, humanz with one leg or no leg ect then let’s not put to sleep non human animals who have the same conditions / so if we let the humans live we let the animals live / if we kill the humans, we kill the animals / that’s justice / the questions is if those animals had no difficulty in their lives even though they had an handicap do they go to heaven at for instance 9 because of their handicap when non handicapped can go to heaven at 12 or 15 etc or it has nothing to do with it for if their whole life their handicapped didn’t do hardly anyothing bad to their health, why would it at an old age ? for there 's the problem of the handicap + the health troubles coming in the old age so is it like two health problems or one ? as the handicap has never been a problem ? only YAHWEH knows  for it can be possible that the handicap is not a health problem for them their whole lives but growing old, it suddenly becomes one / or they just go to heaven because of the old age disease ? even sadder when handicapped animals go to heaven than non handicapped animals because you have a even stronger feeling of injustice for you're sad for the whole life with an handicap + the disease of the old age + the frustration that they're now in heaven whereas if it was non handicapped healthy animals their whole existences + disease in their old age + going to heaven it’s kind of less frustration, feeling of revolt  lets not feel that way, mad & everything, for why would we  they're really happy with GOD / it’s for we have a earthy mind, we love too much life on the physical realm we shouldnt because hapines is true only in the non physical realm, in heaven so when our loved animals go there, we shouldn’t be mad or mat at YOU YAHWEH for what matters is the life there  better to be happy that our animals go there than sad as being happy they’re now in heaven means wishing them the best as heaven is the best  earth is not so we'd have a non earthly philosophy  it’s too hard we cant, we're too ( humans from the earth( / we don’t have a heaven mind / so we'll be truly sad, completely destroyed by pain / we'll never forget you all our non human loved one, handicapped, non handicapped / FAITH we'll always remember you all your animal + humans friends from everywhere on earth who known / we love you so / so sorry for you little angel / rest in peace sweetie ♥ ♥♥ you must know loved ones from any species that we can never live without you your life is more precious to us than our own  you are the sun that gives us life without you we can not exist  our love will be with you always , your devoted human vegan friends , animals ♥♥♥ united against speicism ღ we live in sin ♥ we act sinful ♥ we are humans born on earth ღ we are supposed to live the best lives we can here & do what we came here for, which is to help make the lives of others better & make them enjoy their lives ღ do the best we can & be the best humans we can ღ we are just humans on earth & life is what it is ღ let us love humans ϟ let us be the best persons we can be ϟ everybody else in the world should do the same GOD? ϟ some humans become better persons  over the years ϟ let us be more pure , more loving ,kinder persons ✉ let us be the best humans we can be ♥ many humans don't become better people but worse people or the same deeply wicked people ✉ GOD YOU gave us the power in our own minds to know right from wrong ❥ only YOU know why many humans can't know right from wrong 1 do wrong thinking it's super cool and super nice ❥ or they know it's wrong in a sense but still think it's good ❥ not good like the good side but good like things which give pleasure , sadism, or they truly think it's good ❥ they think evil is goodness ❥ fashion should be stylish not cruel, not killer, no horrible, no full of blood  fashiion shouldn’t  kill  it should not be  alive  it should not steal lives away from saints animals  takes lives away, kill lives  animals are not for fashion  they arent clothing  they are LIVES with bodies ,very ALIVE with feelings, capacity of sight, earing ,feeling, walking, paws legs which walk, ears which hear ❥ reptilians see humans as food ,hamburgers ,cattle ❥ we see the animals for everything & fashion as reptilians see us humans  reptilians bring back dead humans ❥ let's try to discern the truth ❥ carnivores got a hole in their chest  where there should be a heart ❥ for the honor of animals of YAHWEH please go vegan ❥ let us find ways to communicate to the world GOD's values ❥ there's nothing an animal or human person can't accomplish with perseverance and faith ❥ vegans went through two stuff because they were naive and ignorant at first when they first became vegan : they thought most people care about animals so it woud be easy for them to convince them to go vegan✎ man were they so wrong, because most people didn’t have what humans who are against animal cruelty got ✎ it’s that you feel so much compassion it  breaks your heart when you see a vid bout animal cruelty or movie and the dog dies in the movie etc or if they see a homeless with a dog they got all depressed for the rest of the day and night ect they ain't got that ✎ so no most people don’t care about animals dying or living in horrible conditions being exploited by humans, they just don’t care at all  they saw on forums on the internet ect people in favor of hunting ect people who were vulgar, cruel, disrespectful towards animals & vegan humans, towards anything that has to do with animal rights so that's when by experience, for months or years, to read see that , that vegans realize that in fact most people don't care about animals & that it is actually really hard or impossible to make they have a heart for animals and wanna go vegan because you can't force someone who aint got no heart to have one ✎ who got no feelings whatsoever for animals to have feelings for them ✎ it’s like forcing someone to fall in love with someone they’ll definitely never fall in love with because they don’t feel a thing for them ✎pretty much the same ✎ please have emotions, feel sadness watching pictures of animal cruelty in slaughterhouses when you just don’t feel nothing for poors cows ✎ like looking for a needle in a haystack ✎ impossible ☼its posible to go vegan for those who care a lot about animals who aren’t vegans who will really easily go vegan thanks to this powerful weapon : their infinite love and compassion for animals ☼ for those who got a lil or no compassion at all for animals it’s going to be tough because they're confused ☼ they're like between two things : they care ☼ they don’t ☼ they think eating animals dead bodies is cruel but they love it ☼ they love <leather< but think it’s cruel ☼ they don’t know wat to do ☼ they’ll probably never be vegans someday☼ then vegans started to think quite the oposite of what they used to think : they used to think it's easy for people to go vegan because almost everybody are against animal cruelty & love animals to then think : most people are favorable to animal cruelty, hate animals or at least are confused and dont really have an opinion ☼ they don’t know if they are against or for animal cruelty or neuter = no opinion ☼ vegans used to be all excited and enthusiastic thinking they're gonna make the people they know and the people they met on the comps vegans super easily to later think being all depressed ,negative these humans will never go vegan even if they send them great texts with great arguments, vids with horrible images, graphic pics ☼ nothing will work that’s for sure ☼ why this change  because with all the bad reactions of insults, humans getting angry because they didnt want vegans to force them into going vegan ☼ theyre wrong ☼ vegans don’t force them ☼ they ask them politely☼ omnivores we’ re heartless  really too few of omnivores actually thought im gonna think bout this it’s interesting, maybe ill go vegan I’m not sure yet ☼ like less than 1% in many years!! We have to have faith ❤ We say humans kill animals , animals kill humans ❤ its incomparable ❤ Animals kill us because we annoyed them  we came on their natural habitat ❤ We shouldn't have gone there ❤ We should have left them alone ❤ We must not go where they are ❤ They are on one side of this world we are on another ❤ Some animals like bears, bisons, kill 1 human a year ❤ Humans kill way more humans a year ❤ Humans kill way more animals than animals kill humans ❤ Those who compare this we’re so stupid ❤ We use stupid left brains or pretend we’re stupid because how can you compare a saint creature of GOD who kill to defend their life with humans who kill animals by sadism and cruelty?? Animals are saint we're sinners ❤ Animals kill us to protect themselves to stay alive because we're trying to hurt , kill them❤ We kill them not to defend our lives ❤ They were calmly living their lives ,we go to disturb their happiness ,kill them for fashion ,science, food ,hobbies etc ❤ So we can't compare, they kill us so we can kill them ❤ That is the kind of thoughts that very very poo dumb humans we have ❤Do we even have brains? There is neither pertinence nor logic in our ideas, if those can be called ❤ideas ❤lets use all the terrorists rapists murderers of the earth as the guinea pigs. Instead of the non human Saints. They cost the tax payer millions✿ they should give back to society what they took away ✿Give harmless animals a break and target the barbarians ✿ These humans should be eliminated from the planet ✿ They are disgusting ✿ Submit them to this nonsense ✿ the research is for humans in the first place ✿ Barbarians ✿ animals should not have to go through any of that ❤ it's sickening to see ❤ Us humans are mental retards compared to YOU GOD ღ You grasp it all ღ Us nothing ღ  Maybe for us Animals are worthless , for YOU Almighty Father they are everything ღ They are very Christians , they love YOU ღ they have never sinned ღ Maybe there are more of them in the kingdom of Heaven then humans ღ Humans betray YOU ALMIGHTY GOD ღ non human Animals have never done so ღ With our human ideas we think Animals are nothing, are things to be exploited for money and survival ღ You GOD seem to always think the other way around of what mere humans think  if for us animals are not worthy of respect, dignity & life on earth for YOU GOD they are worth of love respect, protection & YOU love them as much as humans ? maybe ღ The question is for YOU GOD are animals inferior to humans , did You put them on earth to be humans slaves , assistance for everything to serve humans : animal testing, food ,help for blinds, alones ,depressed beings, humans in jail , cops, etc or Almighty Father YOU never wanted the human species to exploit , disrespect Your animals ? Humankind we are confused  We do not know what YOU want us to do with our brother animals ღ Some of us think YOU want us to kill them use them have no mercy for them as if they were pope ღ Other of Your human children think YOU want us to give the same dignity , respect that we give to humans to animals ღ What is true GOD please tell us ღ we are so desperate here ღ Let us offer our service to any people , animal people human people ♚ we have to fulfill our true purpose in life ♚ saving animals , creatures ♚ Only prejudice allows us to deny others the rights that we expect to have for ourselves ✿ Whether it’s based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or species, prejudice is morally unacceptable ✿ If you wouldn’t eat a dog, why eat a pig Dogs & pigs have the same capacity to feel pain, but it is prejudice based on species that allows us to think of one animal as a companion and the other as dinner ✿ When it comes to pain, love, joy, loneliness, fear, a rat is a pig is a dog is a human ✿ each one values her or his life & fights the knife ✿ Why love one, but eat the other ✿ non human animals are people ☃ let’s be animal advocates humankind ☃ A non human animal friend is the only Creature on earth that loves you more than you love yourselves and then any of the humans who love you love you ☃ You call them factory farms, YAHWEH & vegans call them concentration camps. You call them livestock, GOD & vegans call them animals. You call it slaughter, GOD , vegans call it murder. You call it meat, GOD & vegans call it body parts  You see them as food, YAHWEH , vegans see them as friends. You punish them, YAHWEH+ vegans want to protect them. Stop the killing spree. Go Vegan  compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character ❣ it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man ❣ so the giant part of humankind we’re have hardly any goodness in ourselves for as creatures who eat our so called friends flesh , we are very  in humane  It's so scary the day of the last judgment ✉ We think we are going to hell because of o the useless mean things we said , all the poo we thought, said , did✉ We didn't have to say them, we could have avoided that✉ our species is the way it is  we felt we couldnt prevent to say them ✉ it's easy but we are so weak ✉ everyone is human but some are too little humane , others are very humane ☏ it's easy to see who are the most humane ☏ test to see this  you say to a human or a human reads animals are very cruelly y treated in slaughterhouses ☏ Reaction of some = who cares = little heart ☏ reaction of others = what ?? this is terrible!!! can i do something for them ? = a lot of heart ☏ every time somebody feels so sorry for the suffering of others, be it for vegetables, animals, humans , really feel so bad for them that they even feel sick, traumatized, depressed, can't think about anything else = really really a lot of humanity and compassion, really not egoistic ☏ When some read, hear, someone told them some cruelty towards any living being and they don't really care, don't feel concerned or interested= very little humanity ☏ That's an easy way to see who is a real human and who isn't  ☏ we have to repent now from all our sins so that GOD You stop being disappointed with us and youll be sad to sending us to hell ❣ it's better the soonest posible than very late ❣ too late maybe ❣ let us dedicate our body and soul to our planet & our fellow beings ❣ animals are persecuted  they kill animals in the street in points of the earth like bulgaria  they abuse them  they kill them like the 21st century was centuries ago in another time  many humans witness that , humans of any age, kids  they are brainwashed by this , because they see this all the time in their countries, everywhere in the street humans killing animals ☂ How can we expect those kids to be stable in their minds when they get older they're gonna become animal abusers when they’re teens or adults?☂ not surprising ☂ Evil humans , illuminati  are trying to create a nation of complete animal killers who don't care about non human animals and who wanna do horrible things to them ☂ That's how this human spicies ,citizens,nation of earth , is becoming like bulgaria ☂ humans are so weird ☂ Does it even mean anything ☂ They make such a fuss when somebody kills a human even though it was self defense, it was themselves or that person ☂ They had to chose themselves in order to stay alive ☂ Even if its self defense they are offended ☂ They make no fuss when a human kills an animal, be it hunting , buying dead animals taxidermy food  ect how abnormal is the human mind ☂ terrible to kill humans, it’s nothing to kill animals ☂ It’s the same act ☂ Murder ☂ But when it’s the one its horrifying, a crime ☂ When it’s the other one it’s not a crime, its life, it’s just civilization, the way we live ☂ We consider non human race really inferiorly because if we 'd see them as humans we'd never take their lives ☂  For most humanity killing animals is like destroying something , destroying a pencil for instance ☂ No big deal ☂ For most humans killing humans is a terrible offense against humanity ☂ the human mind is irrational, don't make any sense ☂ please stop being evil people ∞ be good peope please ∞ the first key vegans gave you animals was to their heart, the second key was to their home  complicated this theory can be right or it can be wrong who knows  hard to know this theory: only humans who are kind to animals are truly kind  it’s obvious because if you personally know vegans and non vegans in the internet or in the earth you can notice that vegans are kinder more respectful polite pleasant, friendly than humans who don’t have respect for animals ❣ the ones who care about animals so vegans are generally kinder but really a lot more kinder than the other humans ❣ treat animals humanely ☂ The Bible lies ❣ not the Bible but those evil humans who wrote lies on it ❣ the Bible from God is the truth but is unobtainable here on earth ❣ all the versions are filled with lies of the illuminatis  like saying you have to love authority❣ oh so you have to love reptilians who kill everyone ? GOD YOU never said that  the illuminatis wrote that, invented that . liars ☂ unite against speicism, racism against all type of prejudices❣

all around the world it seems there is one problem ∞ too few shelters ,too many stray, abandoned, homeless animals∞ stray cats & dogs everywhere in the streets in many towns, almost all of them and no shelter . one shelter for lets say 50 cities ∞ you feel like you have to go to the other side of the world to go to give them a stray you found or to adopt one  you have to go too far to put there an animal or adopt ∞ solution < make way more shelters . that way we go not too far, to put the dogs from one town, we put them in a town close to it or in the very same own < if there is a shelter in that one ∞ will the authorities of each country of earth be willing to do that when we all know they don't give a toss about saints animals ∞ let us hope so ∞ so many money for stupid ' animals must they be thinking ∞ they don't even wana spend money for humans because they despise them too, so animals, let us not dream ∞ if there were loads of more animal shelters in each x country x that would be a huge relieve for volunteers because they have too many animals for a few humans to take care of them  exhausting . they can' take it anymore . it'd mean that instead of too many animals for a few volunteers & too few shelters , between many cities =no shelter , there'd be a few animals for each shelter, less work for the humans angels taking care of these saints, more shelters each more cites  for instance instead of 651 animals for 30 humans there'd be 92 animals for 30 humans ❤ easier to work in those conditions . Because they'd take many animals from shelters which are too full and put them in the new ones in order to empty them ❤ why there are too many animals in shelters < because there are too few shelters ❤ the less shelters there is < the fullest they are ❤ the more shelters there is < the emptiest they are ❤ so as there'd be everywhere little shelters easy to find , everywhere there is human life =there'd  be a shelter so it’d be easy for anyone to go to the next town = there is a shelter ❤ easy ❤ you go there you put the dogs or cat and that's it ❤ so when you'd find an angel, you won't have to drive for hours till very far from where you are but just the town next door or a few town from yours so the animals won't be sent very very very far form where he she was but close ❤ that's why they often have to send animals they found in one region in another one, in one department in another one because there is no shelter in that zone or all the shelters are already so full they have no place left not even for one single more saint ❤ so problematic ❤ all these problems created by us stupid little brainless human beings ❤ if we were clever we wouldn't have abandoned animals in the first place ❤ abandon wouldn't exist , there’d be no shelter, no strays in the streets, no suffering for all these angels , no euthanasia, no shelters ❤ shelters wouldn't exist ❤ so ?very intelligent the human species ? creating problems we could have easily not created without the need to be a genius ❤ any stupid human could understand that we don't need too much analysis or brain or effort to not create that kind of problem , the shelters, the strays, abandoned ❤ we don't even sterilize = another proof of our stupidity . what is the point  they wish full this earth with dogs cats in the streets everywhere ??? that is already the way it is!!!! any human not necessarily super intelligent would understand that if you don't want suffering + animals that make kids and more and more kids , you )))sterilize))) them ❤ simple ❤ we don't grasp that ❤ it's not that we’re stupid because we can drive, think, talk❤ if we were stupid we'd be in a special place for retards ❤ the problem is not lack of intelligence but of heart ❤ we don't care about the consequences of abandoning and not sterilizing the animals because we don't care . that is the explanation  you don't care about them, about what'll happen to them, will they die, will a vehicle kill them, will an inhumane ill treat them, will they throw them out from a bridge  humans just don't care . that's why the fact that the earth has a huge problem or overpopulation of animals goes right over our hearts  hearltess humans  please YAHWEH protect all the animals & humans families of animals of this world, the human & animals families of humans. thank YOU so much GOD . through Yeshua . Amen . please dear GOD protect all the friends of the animals, all the friends of the humans . thank YOU . through Yahshua. Amen  please family support the causes you believe in < tel all contacts about this ,please < GOD we pray for all the living beings who are all alone who have no one . give them, animal & human friends so that they don't feel alone anymore . at least those sad humans got a place to live in but animals got nowhere . the streets are their 'homes"  please YAHWEH give them places to live in + loads of friends . through Yehshua . thank YOU. Amen. let us be zealous for justice ! full of fervor for helping as much as we can those who live on earth  nobody must wish evil to no one  if we want a world of peace we have to always treat others extremely kindly . we go somewhere one day and many living beings cross our fate . the human from the plane, the ones from the hotel, the restaurant, the grocery shop ect . they all are very kind to us, the smile at us, they treat us as their own . we end up having a great day . because they all treated us as friends, kings, very considerate, it gives us the will to do the same to everyone we met . then everyone of them will want to do the same with everyone we met because we left them an amazing feeling of peace  everyone they'll met will wanna do the same so on & so forth . if we treat everyone like this, we will build a planet of friendship & fraternal . we must treat all our earth family = non blood, blood, everyone as we treat our pets, friends, families . we must treat everyone as our families . we must love everybody  this way it will makes millions of living beings being respectful nice, amicable with everyone . so the squabbles and we'll give off less bad vibes . we have to smile at life . let us not look at people with eyes of anger . we are crazy  not only do we hate the ones we mix with but also with the perfect strangers . we must stop looking at them with eyes of rebukes with no reason . we are mentally sick  poo poo poo  that will so pacify and heal this universe . be kind with all the ones you meet who are kind to you freely even though nothing nor no one compel them to do so . life, GOD, wanting to be good makes them even though they will receive nothing in exchange they are nice . be kind to all , the same way you like them to be kind with you  all the ones it means strangers , humans you know well . everyone ❤ let us stop anger, reproaches , with the face & voice ❤ let us make peace with the whole world ❤ if we love it when begins are good to us, we must be good to them ☏ it's the least one can do ❤ this is not fate, you put these humans there so they could save these lives, that’s so sure , you made something like in their head tell them you must walk there, come here , so they would find an animal / human and try to save them, thank GOD ☏ thank you for your support it means a lot ☏ the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step ☏ if we could do for another living being what non human PEOPLE did for ourselves ☏ romanian authorities : this is for you ☏ you all are illuminatis, you are cruel inhumane , you ain't humans, you are monters  how can you kill the dogs , you know they are full of love, respect, kindness and you wanna kill them all???? animal killers, crazybeings, you deserve to go to hell < if an animal kills a human = you kill the dog and all of the dogs , if a human kill a human = you kill all the humans? no! then why kill all the dogs if you perfectly know that the only way to eliminate the problem of having stray dogs in romania is to ééé sterilize ;;; all dogs ☏ you use the money for getting rich or for who knows what  you are liars because you say you use it to find a solution to the problem of stray dogs but in fact you have concentration camps for dogs like in the second world war for jewish humans  you have to stop this, right now!!! people from all over the world are against the killing of strays  not only romanians but people from many countries of planet earth, you have to listen to the People, you have to take into account their views on this important subject  you can't just do what you rich corrupted iluminati politicians want because this is not a democracy♚ you are dictators☏ you are heartless , how can you watch these wonderful creatures and wanna torture them and kill them  you were born without hearts, you must all be possessed by demons or something coz it’s impossible that anyone who cares about animals would do something like that, you'll all burn to hell  we will fight til the end for dogs to be respected , we won't let you do the crimes you're doing♚ you have no respect for living beings. can't believe you all have great lives with more money that you could ever dream of, families who love you, wives, husbands, friends  How can they love you you all are monsters!! you guys don't even deserve to be alive because you are so cruel and sick in the head , these poor  saints  defenseless dogs deserve so much more than all of you to be alive < because of you they aren't anymore and they suffered like Jesus on the cross because of you♚ Please we're begging you, stop the mass killing of strays, show that we're wrong to think you haven't got hearts, show that you care ♫ Why treating them like that, they are so kind, incapable of hurting anyone, why do you kill them? they're innocents, amazing creatures♚ ?most ?people love dogs, they are family to us, let them live so people can adopt them , sterilize them so there isn't stay dogs in romanian streets anymore ♚

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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most human beings affirm we love animals so much  lie because when they say i'm so lucky i got my family girlfriend friends wife kids boyfriend husband . we don’t say thank YOU GOD for giving me my animals  we don't put on social networks i love my animals so much but i love you dad, wife, friendz, brother , girlfriend etc  we think the best day of our existences is when they had their human kids won the lottery got married  us human beings don't think it's the day we saved animals from fire, torture, slaughterhouses ect / we didn't save any animals all those who are sure to love very much animals  that's a proof we don't like them that much because the best day of lives ain't the days we had animals . we don't have any pleasure in saving animals lives and never tried to . shows how little we love animals & how little we care for them . when we talk, think ,write stuff in social networks we don’t write about how the animal kingdom fascinates us , how truly in love we are & admiring of animals . those who had animals never put pictures of their animals or rarely but this doesn't mean love as they don't want to adopt the vegan lifestyle . they put sometimes that the love their animals & a picture of them hugging their animals / this doesn't mean a thing  many do that and don't truly love animals . they just do that because as there's no human at home they feel alone so exceptionally they take som pics of them or with them and say they love them . this just means they love their animals not animals because they don't treat all animals as well as theirs as they don't buy so called meat  of their pets, don't torture nor kill their pets, but agree for others to do so , so they can buy all these dead animals for food, animals slaughtered ,abused, for animal testing and many stuff  they are ok with that . this is not loving animals . this is just loving their animals . this sucks  prejudice  so many humans on this earth are confused about the definition of love for animals & about them not loving animals . they can't see it nor grasp it . because when you enter some place & smile at the view of an animal or go to caress them doesn't mean that you love animals . only means don't know what but not love  im too half witted  love is not caressing animals + having animals . loving the animals for real is trying everyday a big prt of the 100% time available to save them from those who are treating them like garbage . loving animals means you want to protect them from all the evil humans who exploit & kill them for stupid money and from those who want to eat them etc . loving the animals means every time you heard somebody's animal went to heaven you're so sad you’re in a very low mood , can't think nothing else but to die , that you love her him so much & you wish he she was here on earth  that is loving animals / this is with any animal, one on the internet that they say she he went to heaven and you never knew that animal , one murdered on a zoo, you didn’t know her him , one of somebody who know somebody you know, one you just see entering in the vet and the human going out from the vet without the animal etc . you got so much heart you love the billions of animals who are here on earth not only yours + those you know well . you feel sad for all of them  if somebody tells you their animal went to heaven you feel a tiny little bit sad = you don't love animals . you don't feel suicidal for weeks after that like those who adore animals . so many times humans confuse loving animals and not loving animals . just by observing the life of vegan animal activists, being with them 24 hours of one day . you think yes, i don't love animals because you realize that being has an habitat full of life almost a hundred animals+ he she save them all from humans who wanted to murder them  you realize you're not doing anything like that, you never adopted saved, you only bought . you never had any non human  you realize the love they feel is so much bigger & stronger than the one you feel for animals . vegans feel so much empathy and pain for all the animals . the rest of humans don't , a little bit of empathy only . when any animal die, for vegan animal saviors its the worst thing that could have ever happened on the universe, its the end of their lives, they can’t stop yelling and desiring to die  the billions of non vegan non animal activists don't feel like this . they can't love animals with this mentality . for them it’s just a very very very little bit sad but they forget they heard that an animal was killed or abused whereas the vegans in love with animals , cant stop thinking about this & this news has saddened their day if they were in a good mood before . they're crying and crying and crying for animals who went to heaven , a neighbor's animal, a stray animal they saw once only, crying for alive animals because they’re looking everywhere for an animal they saw on the streets and they dont know if they’re ok, alive, & theyre very much psycothing / really there’s nothing else that this trouble on their minds . all the ones who see a stray animal dont feel like this . they dont even notice her him or don’t care about her him  those in love with animals when they hear about some news that in a few days there’s a decision to be taken about a law which will decide if they’re going to exterminate or let live animals, those vegans in love with animals can’t sleep, cant eat, they are way too preoccupied . cant think about anything else, they're so worried , cant wait to have the result of all this . the non vegans who pretend they love animals dont think about this, never even hear about this as they dont love animals so don’t look for animal protection stuf on the computers .let’s face it the billions or millions proclaiming their love of animals dont love them as they got all the psychiatric profiles of those not loving animals . vegans animal advocates got everything from the psychiatric profile of those loving animals  an easy way to do this is calculating the levels of empathy of a few thousands of humans, some vegans animal activists, & the rest those carnivores proclaiming the love non human animals. the level of psychiatric empathy of those who're vegans is way higher than those of the non vegans non active beings for animal advocacy  who love animals the vegans who forgot about their own existences to offer them to the animal kingdom or those non vegans who refuse to be animals philanthropists ? vegans advocates for animal justice  lets live existences which have a purpose, which is saving +helping nn we want animals' liberty n let's be beautiful persons v ☼ on earth the ones acting responsibly smartly wisely are you non human animals, no doubt ☼ it is absolutely not us half witted species called the human ☼ what will we possibly gain from massacring innocent animals and innocent people ? our super hapy ego me !!! for we feel so much stronger us heartless half - witted omnivores when w eat the dead family even though we didn’t murder them ☼ some unknown humans murdered them ☼ we feel so strong as the prehistoric men when they had ☼ won ☼ their trophies ☼ pathetic little us so called queens kings ☼ no just demons pieces of vomit ☼ the real strongs the real queens kings are you non human animals for you fight with yourselves ☼ we don’t fight ☼ we ask other humans to fight for us ☼ we use weapons us half witted so called human begins ☼ you non human kings queens animals use your own physical strength ☼ you don’t eat us you don’t murder us you don’t wear our fur ☼ we do this to you ☼ so who got souls & who aint got no souls ☼ who are humane & who aren’t ☼ who are smart & who are half witted ☼ you non human animals got wisdom ☼ us human beings aint got no wisdom ☼ you respect everything everyone ☼ we respect hardly anything hardly anyone ☼ we got the super dumb guts to think we are geniuses intellectual the most intelligent beings of the universes hahaha when its clear the geniuses here are you the non human earth animals ☼ how pathetic !!!! us the least smart creatures of this universe think we are the smartest one hehehehehehe !!!!! bullfighting The only decent person here is the innocent bull surrounded by a crazed & cowardly crowd of vicious and ignorant sub men. Fortunately, there are kind & ethical people who want to stop it. we ask you & the authorities to do what's right. please YAHWEH don’t let all the dogs a cats from this world get euthanized because nobody wanted to be their angels + families , please make that every single dog +cat find a loving home ,please dont let no animal die of horrifying death in the street from illnesses, suffering, but put on their destiny humans angels who'll take care of them, be their foster family or adopt them, don’t let no animal person + human persons living +dying on the street, being orphans, all alone, with the danger, loneliness, depression of the street, we ask this through Christ our savior , Amen ; psychiatry that makes us be non vegan monsters = one group of living creature think they're better than everyone else & wish to oppress, enslave them, so on earth it's< the humans with the animals so humans are the ones who feel tremendously superior to the animals so that's why omnivorism exists ☼ non human animals you’re oppressed like you're nothing, like your lives don't matter ☼all those who say stuf like stop sending me these emails!!! I don’t care!!! What does it mean to you all ¿? Nothing ¿ what is GOD for you? What does the Bible means to you? What does GOD asking to help out our family means to you ¿? Nothing? we don’t get it do we! These shares are probably the most important thing we’ll ever do on our insignificant little ‘lives’ worthless demonic lives as we are so evil we refuse helping our neighbor / for us what our tiny little ego centred stuff matter so emails bout it we’d be glad to receive! But emails about saving live is nothing to us!!! our goal in life before to die is : never helping no one, never saving no one! GOD punishes!!! Those like us . we refuse those emails perhaps mean we ain’t never gon help nobody, never helped, never will til we die as those emails about love , peace, non stressful stuff, non bothering stuff, non idiotic suff , peaceful stuff, friendship stuff, humanism stuff, defense of creatures right stuff, only good stuff, marvelous stuff, we think this is idiotic ? And we call yourselves creatures of YAHWEH ? he he he please YAHWEH open our incredibly narcissistic ego centred spirits , heartless indifferent poo beings ☼ make us care , make these absolutely empty of compassion being of humanity have like a giant sap in the head in order to get what life is & that it’s not about thinking helping is bulls … but its great and make us stop disdaining philanthropy , philanthropists & make them want to receive those so important lifesaving messages ☼ As its asking money+ adopt+ be foster families+ become vegan+ help the planet etc its really necessary, very helpful but those are the evil one’s hearts so make them have Your heart YAHWEH or the one of Your Son Christ please , in Christ Jesus ‘s name / Amen / why do we hardly ever think bout the abused creatures of the earth, when we are not guilty, and when we are , like was we are not really guilty but in a sense yep, animal exploitation, in a sense we are not guilty caus we never asked for this invention+ we never asked for animals to be murdered for fashion, to nourish mankind, and ourselves etc we live our lives everyday knowing that everyday creatures of the earth are tortures, mutilated, murdered, raped U how come almost each and every human live their lives as if no oppression, no inequalities, no discriminations, no murders were going on on the earth they live in U is it that we are very egocentrics or is it that its hard to understand , too minute brains U that each life is a me , one human is me , another is me so me thinks bout me not bout the whole living creatures U so they do their activities, wash their hands, think, go on computer, empty the bin, clean the windows, walk in public places etc so they live, they are busy that prevents them from thinking about all the creatures living afflictions, that dont have and have something to do with them U so we are too confined into their own existences not caus we're egocentrics but caus you have to do stuff, live stuff, so it’s logical you are focused on you U caus each of us hear on the news armed conflicts, viruses , murders etc we know all this but we lack interest compassion humanity ? we hear about animals killed + abused for our own food, we dont feel interested, we definitely should its our own fault U we don’t think about this all U we should U not just the stuff we are responsible of like animal murders +ill treatment but also all the stuff we are kind of not responsible of like human genocide as we dont tell the military to murder creatures, & we are not murdering creatures U so as YAHWEH YOU tell us to be compassionate , active for our family, we have to pray or help if we can , if it is possible as it seems impossible to help stop the war , we can help refugees or pray for them, its help too U but we are too centered on < me< so we forget maybe theres all these genocides and viciousness going on in the same planet we are U we don’t think even though they are living their lives at the same 'time' than us U what does time mean - the void , its earth time, it means nothing as there is no time in the life after this one , nothing from here really matters, stuff from the life after have meaning, matter U year, hours, decades, seconds, are nothing U in the afterlife no watches, clocks etc U as the oppressed abused creatures are living their lives far or close to us, on the same planet, and we can not think just me my life, YAHWEH YOU 'd like us to think about the lives of others, especially the lives of the oppressed, murdered, enslaved living beings of earth U as at the same time most of our lives are great, theirs arent, they are running away from conflicts, sequestrations, wars, kidnapping, torture, they re innocent in animal testing jails, jails with humans etc so we have the duty to think about them as much as we can U for we must not think only bout the creatures who're happy we know on this earthly life caus most of those we know are like us, happy, doing great U we must absolutely think about the oppressed & pray for them, this is very important for a true good person does this , a true human who wants to please YOU YAHWEH , a good and true christian U if we dont do this , we are not real good persons, kind of good but its not enough U there is better ° that saint hero dog saved two humans from being murdered by a scooter which was driving very fast , you jumped on the way of the scooter , you lost your jaw + face , this has been a terrible damage but you 've survived ° we despise dogs us human genre !!!!! we should despise our own selves!!!! caus what you did saint dog , almost none of us human beings could've done ° we don’t have your courage your guts your hearts your open souls your poo free spirits , poo free hearts ° you are totally geniuses of wisdom + of intelligence non human animal race ° us human beings are the exact contrary ° caus we would have been so futile thinking i don't know those humans or animals who are going to get killed by the vehicle ° they aint blood related family , for us non blood related family of GOD = nobodiez , they aren’t friends, my wife my chick, my husband, my kids ect ° my life!!!! not theirs!!! if i save them i die they live ° i don’t want to save strangers ° i'd rather save me ect we are the in humanes + you non human animals are the giant humans ° we say you kill us , us liars morons ° we kill you !!! we dont say animals save us , no we see too binary ° we just think you kill us, you bother us, you are half witted ect °we put everything upside down ° we kill you, we don’t save you, we are half witted species, we bother you, we are unbearable to you ° we say we kill you caus we have to ° no , but you don’t kill us caus you don’t have to ° we kill you & dont have to !!!!! we say you are no help to us, false as always, specialist psychiatrically pathological liars us the humankind ° specialist in putting most things upside down ° we accuse you of murdering us, no !!! you save our lives!!! in many ways ° we say we help you by massacring you ° we are really taking you + human vegans for half wits ° murdering according to YOU GOD has never been a help has it ? we really think as half wits , as worthless brains ° souls bodies hearts ha haha + no, we're statutes < bodies thats it we have the gall to affirm we’re almost angels , too good , we are terribly smarter than you non human genre ° ha !!!! the other way around again ° we murder you caus we believe you’re worthless ° no, we are almost worthless, isn’t that what YOU think YAHWEH? Almost caus YOU put some of us in Heaven ° worthless caus YOU put some of us in hell ° you forgiv us in spite of all our cruel souls , seduced by sin souls , obsessed with doing wicked stuff, dumbness , soul pope , Interminable list of non virtuous satanic stuff in us human beings which make you animals worth so much more than us ° you never hesitate to save lives ° we are chickens ° we’d never save lives ° you have no fear non human animals ° we’re full of fears ° when it comes to giving our lives for others lives we have no virtue no GOD we have the enemy as god ° we forget all the lies we said about helping , saving, our fake great philosophy ° caus we say that when there’s nothing but when there’s the occasion to put our words into acts , we deny our GOD , Your philosophy, our philosophy & we don’t save, quite the reverse

humans say im a god human, why do you think i'm a bad human ♫ because of what they say and don't say, don’t do and do ♫ their animals passed away in a horrifying accident, or disease that made them suffer in their bodies horribly ♫ the human parents seem to not care ♫ they felt a little bad at first then kept on living , as if their animals never existed ♫ we ask them about their animals who went to be with YOU YAHWEH  we ask them to test the goodness of their hearts ♫ they say hardly nothing, they got nothing to say ♫ < no philanthropist ♫ they say they love animals and are good < no because those who love their animals, they got so many things to say about the love they have for their animals who are in heaven < they could talk for hours praising presenting their compliments to their loved animals ♫ instead they just say for instance he died last year , he had a heart attack ♫ full stop ♫ nothing more to say ? like i love him her so much ♚ i wish i was dead to be with her him ♚ i'm so sad, i wish he she was there ♚ my life is nothing without her him ♫ they dont say things like that ♫ they care about their animals having passed away or not ? all this is confusing beings who pretend they are very altruistic, good humans, act, behave, think, speak as if they were non good humans ♚ for instance you ask them please, you beg them please go vegan because as you say you truly love animals ♚ they say never, nothing youll say'll make me be a vegan ♫ these are great humans ????? this kind of sentences shows how heartless they are ♫ they say they adore animals!!! you ask them do you love animals . yes . do you love sheep rusters cows ect ♚ no . ??????!!!!! speciests! when you love animals you love --all --the animal kingdom . you don't prefer one or several over all the others like brown racists who love brown & hate whites blacks yellow . this is crazy , this sucks ☏ this means they hate cows and love dogs for instance ? cows didn't hurt them ☏ so unfair ♚ our minds are twisted , can’t make up our minds ☼ do they love animals or not  no ☼ because the way they behave think speak, what they write shows the obvious . don’t love animals ☼ we say they really really really love animals but when you love animals you dream of saving them ever since you could speak think ever since you were a very small child + you’re in animal rights organization+ a vegan ☼ you are all of this ✿ all those who aren't all of this don't love animals ☼ you don't want to hurt those you love, you don't want the death and murders of those you love ✿ you are a vegan ☼ you don't want inhumane tests done on those you love ✿ you don't want those you love to be inside you but on you , take them in your arms, sleep with your little angels ☼ all those who think ù meat ù is so delicious ! don't love animals ☼ if you ask some are you against or for leather, bullfighting ,hunting, animal testing ect they answer i don’t know or i have no viewpoint i m not interested in these topics <<< don't love animals & pretend they really love them ✿ you ask humans what we dreamed of being even since we were small kids  we dreamed of selfish dreams lie being a sailor, a painter, soccer players, sculptors, stuff centered on our beings << don't love animals & say we do ✿ those who love animals dreamed of stuff not really for them but for the world, they dreamed of revolutionizing this planet by saving all the animals & giving them the best lives ,making so much better their living conditions , providing them with the so important respect they deserve ☼ really nothing to do with ù me i myself ù ✿ dreams that have all to do with others than oneself so very philanthropist dream ☼ very good dreams ☼ the best dreams ever ✿ those who love animals are thinking about the suffering animals , about going out at any time of night & day all the time , always very preocupied, their nerves and minds never ok, dreaming not peacefully, being tortured day & night because thinking wow this very second how many of our friends are getting ill treated all around this world << love animals truly sincerely really ☼ all those whose minds are kinda empty of animals, animal cruelty, compassion for them <<<don't love animals ☼ think they do but are confused ☼ when comparing those who say adoring animals and those adoring animals we immediately perceive the obvious difference because the behavior of those who pretend they love animals are the behaviors of those who don't care about animals ☼ the behavior of those who love animals are the behaviors of those who care for animals way more than for themselves and who'd give their lives for them, who'll die saving them ✿ let's face the obvious truth from 100 % of beings saying they love animals tones aren't animal rights militants, aren't vegans, aren't animal savior 100% of them don't love animals ♛ all those who say they love animals and prove it with their actions, what they say, mentalities, are vegans, animal saviors = 100% of them love animals more than their bodies & soul, more than anything ☢ it means all of those who say they love animals ,aren't vegans & think one has to be crazy to be vegans don't love animals, don't have respect for animals & have little to nothing to do with those who love animals ☢ because they are the opposite of them ♛ they dont understand that what they think feel for animas is not love but nothing maybe not hatred but lack of love, lack of interest, indifference of animal torture and murders ☢ because the way they think betrays themselves & shows that when they say they love animals they're mistaken because they say humans are stronger more intelligent, superior to animals ♛ humans are like gods, they are masters on earth, they have to be ones enslaving the only other species : the non human animals  they have to exploit them, use them because we need our meat to be strong and we are so much better than animals yadi yadi yada ☢ those who say that say they love animals ♛ what a joke !! !! they think these things which are the opposite of love ☢ this is tremendous insult, this is spieicism ☢ it's like racists from one human race who think they're better than humans from other human races ♛ this is absolutely no love, this is despise ☢ they say it's healthy to eat our brothers & sisters ♛ this is a lie ☼ let's pretend it's healthy ♛ just because it's healthy to eat our family of animals, we'll eat our *loved* animals ? if we'd love them we could never eat them ☼ they love humans , this is for real ☼ they don't eat humans ☼ if human meat was great for the human health they'd never eat humans because they truly love them ♛ they don't truly love animals so they eat them to be healthy ☼ this is so self-centered ; ùùù my ùùù healh *** my *** life < eating animals < don’t love animals ☼ animals, wanting them to remain alive, well treated, happy = them them them not myself i me ♛ << philanthropists < vegans < love for animals  this is so obvious how can they still think they love animals, all the evidences are here ♛ if they don't believe , al these billions? of beings ,then they can go to humans experts on human brain, human heart, empathy, shrinks ♛ they'll say the same , way better explained with way more clever language than me the half – witted ♛ they say they so love animals ☏ when you love animals you think about helping them so much like almost all hours of everyday + you do activities, all you do is about animals, like taking care of animals you took from animal abusers, you'd bring home tones of animals you saved from death on the streets+ cruel animal shelters & pounds, you have like 50 something or at least twenty animals at home ♚ you are always going to do actions like you try to catch stray animals who don't trust humans and don't let themselves get caught, you're building animals sanctuaries for lions, cheetahs ect saved from inhumane hunters♚ you don many stuff ☏ the very few money you got you used everything to save animals  you're begging living beings to give you the horses, cows ect they want to take to the slaughterhouse, you give them all your money to save them ☏ you are always saving live, defending animals from the tremendously mean human beings who dezire to kill them torture them ♚ that is love ♛ all those who do nothing like this don' t love animals because when you love them all your lives is them ♛ nothing else nothing more ♚ you want to work with animals, you want to dedicate every seconds of your existences to save animals & to spend time with them ♚ those are truly in love with animals , no doubt ♛ all those who are nothing like this say we love animals as much as those vegans saviors love animals ♚ incredible!!!! so wrong < how can we compare two different kind of beings  like thinking a terrorist & a saint are the same ♪ all those who dream of doing stuff, nothing to do with animals, any type of stuff, in their time on earth, all the days of their lives, like geting maried having a job they love, not to tiring, having fun, having kids = don't love animals because their dreams, their aspirations, hobbies, their tastes are not to adore+ save animals ♪ nothing to do with them ♪ if you ask them what do you want to do when you got time & nothing to do or if in this universe work didn't exist & so you 'd have plenty of time to kill ♪ i'd spend time with my friends ,family, girlfriend, husband wife boyfriend ♪ us human beingz don't say i'll go everywhere on earth everywhere i can to save sharks from cruel fishermen  on slaughterhouses to steal all the animals there so they could live instead of being killed to get eaten ect ♪ us humans don't say that♪ in our souls , bodies animals are not extremely present just a little bit ♪we only like animals a little bit to have someone to be with you when you are bored & alone that's all ♪ but not like we got them in your soul skin ♪ there’s a huge difference & let us understand the gulf between kinda loving animals and adoring animals more than anything♚ humans we tend to mix these two and put them in the same place together ♚ maybe it's a human conditioning to make everyone kinda like animals ♚ not enough ♚ not crazily ♚ not with respect ♚ not more than all the other stuff they love ♪ it's like this man loves kinda this woman ♚ he is not in love with her ♚ he doesn't want to make her his wife ♚she's just some fun for him ♚ that is the difference ♚ some kinda like to play the keyboard just to kill time sometimes, others dream of becoming internationally famous acclaimed keyboard players & make this their lives, their reason for living  the goal in their existences ♚ what is your goal in your lives we ask to billions of humans ♚ they'd say to find the love of my life , to love her him all of my live and spend all my years of life with her him ♚ not I’d love to save all the animals ♚ it shows they dont love animals & those who dream with animals love animals ♚ if we don’t want to spend not even 5 minutes a day saving animals we can't love animals like those who spend like 17 hours a day saving animals because it's like we hate saving animals, as you see saving animals as an ordeal, something we hate to do ♚ whereas those in love with the Animal kingdom are so happy when they save animals ♚ they could never be happier ♚

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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: february 6 2015   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 6 Fév - 6:22

thanks for being so good to some beings , lots ? please share this all around the earth + net with as many beings as posible






























When our investigator met Olivia, she didn’t have a name. She didn’t even have a number. She was simply one of tens of thousands of birds crammed inside a chicken factory farm in North Carolina.Olivia was being raised for her meat. But she didn’t end up at slaughterhouse. Deemed too small for profitable production, our investigator was told that Olivia wasn’t growing fast enough, and that it was a waste of feed to keep her around. So she was stuffed inside a bucket, along with dead and decaying corpses of other birds that was taken out back and dumped into an open pit. Olivia was buried alive. Because of our investigation, however, other birds at this facility were spared this same gruesome fate. Shortly after our heartbreaking footage was featured in an exclusive in-depth report on CNN, Pilgrims – the second largest chicken slaughterer in the world – severed ties with this factory which subsequently shut down and ceased all operations. But the fight is far from over. This is an industry that has been allowed to abuse animals however it wants for far too long. The horrors forced upon birds like Olivia start the moment they're hatched. These animals are genetically manipulated to rapidly grow obese, which leads to painful and debilitating leg deformities. Unable to escape the filthy, feces-filled floor, they suffer severe ammonia burns on the skin of their underbellies. Every day is absolute misery. It may be too late for Olivia, but your voice is urgently needed to tell her story. Because of your support, our brave investigators are uncovering shocking abuses that the meat industry is so desperately trying to keep hidden from public view . Because of your support, the world is seeing the suffering kept hidden behind the closed doors of animal agribusiness. The bright light in this very dark world of factory farming is you. Please lend your voice to birds like Olivia by making a special year-end donation today – your gift will be matched, making twice the impact for these innocent animals.Thank you for your commitment to compassion – and for being part of our crusade for farmed animals. For the animals, There are just two more days to double your impact in our dollar-for-dollar matching challenge. Plus, with your gift of $150 or more, you’ll get a free box of chocolates! disney satanist < disne movie wish upon a star < the number of the enemy n tanks for being so inmensely nice to some or all the animals, humans, earth . please forward this to the max all around earth if it’s possible for you . Please help by sharing this with everyone . to all who receive this ; please send this to all your contacts + put this on job places ù blogz , chats ù bars ù malls ù social networks ù youtube, social networks of otherz ù walls ù offices, jobs, stores ù docs, any earth place ù you can print this all ù private mesages, skype, anywhere on the internet ù please chat about this to loads of humans etc.you can't do all of them , don't have a printer ,just do thoze you can do please ùthanks .Sovereign GOD, YOU are the source of all true wisdom. Enlighten all Your living creatures with Your Spirit so that we may grow stronger in faith day by day, learning more and more about YOU and trusting in YOU and in Your love. Amen. YAHWEH, empower us all inhabitants of Your universes to be a faithful witness to YOU and to share the Good News of your love & salvation. Amen. Dear GOD ,You are indeed triumphant and You are our king. May our thoughts and actions this day be pure and pleasing in Your sight. To worship You is our heart’s delight. we sing Your praises and we open the door of our heart so that You may enter and abide with us always. Amen. Greetings universes inhabitants , YAHWEH bless you all, hope you’re al very good. let’s feel the will of respecting, treating well every creature . fighting’s never the answer, is it? earth = something a lil like hell for humans do the worst things to all earth living creatures , & many creatures suffer because of that so earth is sort of like hell. we all make our mistakes < forgivness. please make the world safer to GOD’s Creation : so ego centered , many we forget the animals !!! make the world safer for all creatures. we al have a responsibility to ensure al animalz have a right to liv free from hurt + pain .so we must keep up the fight to giv them this right. We are their voice ☃ lets get some visibility to get the message out there. let us be persons who have the best intention in the world. Your support has made this happen. now animals need your help more than ever before. To finally stop the slaughter of sharks and the practice of fining, we need a worldwide ban on shark fins. You can change the world. support a worldwide ban on shark fins and ensure the protection of our most important ecosystems. thanks an infinite amount of times ☃ Why do we consider the recognition that individual animals are as much victims of inflicted suffering as human crime victims significant when we kill billions of sentient animals in violent and painful ways every year unnecessarily for food ?how animals are usually treated under the law: as mere property. Is that right, do you think? we as human beings should be ashamed at how we have murdered abused tortured & neglected GOD'S creations!!!!! We were put here to stand guard over theze creations not kill them for sport or greed ☃animals, we are with you, we hurt every day for all the abuse that poor animals suffer because of humans all around this world I A righteous man regards the life of animals proverbs 12:10 If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion & pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men saint francis of assisi ☃ Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way – Violence is a time bomb and can't be condoned. We need stricter laws in place to prevent poaching , abuses, safari hunting. Its all outdated as the numbers in the wildlife have been reduced to a mere fraction of their natural habitat. Preservation and conservation are the key to maintaining what's left. The best part about all awesome news for animals is that nnn you nnn nnn helped nnn! none of this could've been possible without the power of people! for every time you spoke up for chickens, sharks , elephants or any other animal — thank you! your voice has made a huge difference. Lets be kind men ☃ everythings impossible when you don’t want to act ! caus we can’t solve the problem of animal exploitation if hardly nobody wanna move the lil finger ! when you don’t want nothing, to do nothing, nothings never gonna be possible ! everythings possible when you want to do something to solve the problems ! like animal exploitation ! you have to want , if you dont want, it’s over, its game over ☃ because animals are sentient, we have a moral obligation not to view + treat them as human resources. most important thing that we can do to stop exploiting animals is to go vegan. non human animals you're so full of YAHWEH that's why vegans love you so ☃we pray dear Almighty YAHWEH for humans to stop putting innocent non human animals and human animals in jails sea world penguins orcas dolphins circuses fur farms human food farms ect in Yahshua's name h Amen ☃we pray to YOU YAHWEH to beg YOU that YOU help make every single earth human vegan veganize as many humans as posible or at least one , at least that ech vegan made one human go vegan or at least that !!! one ! vegan on the earth makes one human being go vegan, that is not a lot, but thats something h in Yahshua's name h Amen ☃once you stop learning you start dying ☃ save the nature ,the oceans.please sign share , save foxes whales from man's slaughter. please ☃let’s encourage people to go vegan. why is that, and how does that statement fit into your practice? Compassion Over Killing is excited to announce that after working with New York City Council Member Helen Rosenthal, she and CM Corey Johnson will be introducing a Meatless Monday resolution this Thursday, Jan. 22 as a way to encourage residents to protect their health, the planet, and animals by choosing meat-free meals at least one day per week. We'd love for you to join us along with Jane Velez Mitchell and countless others for a rally on the steps of City Hall at 10am to show our support for this important initiative - and to demonstrate the growing interest in heart-healthy and animal-friendly plant-based foods. What: Rally to support Meatless Monday in NYC Where: City Hall - NYC When: Thursday, January 22 at 10am You can also get more details, RSVP (optional), and invite your friends ☃ let us all oppose the massacre of seals : its time to end shameful slaughter ☃ save the seals , end seal slaughter, ☃ Working to end animal abuse til we go out of planet earth . Dear GOD , please forgive us all of the earth for all the times we have not submitted to Your will in our life. Please forgive all human beings for all our sinful actions, making agreements with the enemy, and for believing the devil’s lies. We now submit to you as our YAHWEH, dear GOD . Now we break every agreement that we have made with the enemy. Now we break every agreement that we have made with the enemy. do animals have rights? humans are living creatures, they got rights because of this _animals have rights, because they're living creatures_ if humans were objects they wouldn't have rights so neither would animals_ animals have a right that is that the whole human race is vegan , the same way a big part of the human race is (vegan( with the humans so don’t exploit ,torture ,behead ,rape, murder  ,eat etc them_ so as most humans respect humans ,let's put it that way ,then humans can be vegans towards he animals too_ it’s so easy to them to not buy humans and eat them, not buy human fur ,not buy products cruelly tested on humans ,dont go to human zoos ,human fightings etc they can very easily be vegans with the animals_ it's not a choice, it's an obligation, its a law YAHWEH right? it's compulsory_ the whole human race is obligated to be vegan ,, our GOD, where are our hearts? impossible to understand the mentality of a person who would do this to an animal. it is disgusting. let freedom reign, YAHWEH bless Your earth,, during this lifetime let us dedicat ourselves to this struggle of the animal liberation , let us cherish the ideals of a democratic free society in which all persons live in harmony &with an equal opportunity, it is an ideal which we all hope to live for &achieve? ☃ we’re live stealerz ☃hope you're all having a great great day, hope everythings going very well in your life and even if some things are not so well at the moment, you feel down and low and everything is just shitty at the moment, remember that tomorrow is a new day x tomorrow might be better and if not you have always the day after tomorrow to work things out and to reprove yourself and to make things better, that's the key of happiness, you have to be happy ,you have to work and fight for your happiness ☃only a true love can make somebody ☃ let us chill on the negativity ☃YHAVE are YOur abused creatures lives worth living. give peace a chance ; animals animals, human animals, us human animals are a pain in your existences . please give us forgiveness .the day may come when humans perceive less separation between themselves & other living beingz than the law now reflects. Brotherz , have a blessed life . dream, hope and live it . the earth such a lovely place ? MOON alain williams ill treated you n if you got a heart you will never go to bullfights + if you can you will act against it thank you so much < that bullfighter is laughing smiling because he feels hapiness of seeing the little angel bull sufering !!! he's such an inhumane being ! it is so hard to ask for food without being able to speak n monkey experimentation , they're sent to labs in air france planes
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: april 17 2015   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Avr - 13:05

april 17 2015

singers sing to GOD's enemy




association for abolition of animal experiences

: www.animalexperiments.ch/  

singers who gave heir lives souls to the evil spirits & evil one, who sing about their love of the evil one & evil spirits oscar de leon , ricky martin, pedro infante, joe arroyo, hector lavoe, tommy olivencia, la india, shakira, calle 13, diego torres, don omar, bob dylan, snoop doddy dog, eminem, mickael jakson, kiss, celia cruz rolling stones, the Beatles, madonna, la kripta, sodom, juanes, katy perry , marylin manson, las águilas, wisin y yandel, motley crue, ironmaiden,


they fight for animal experiment end *please help them * please give them dough * thanks so infinitely

abuse in major foie gras producer www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qwQZXtWyeg&feature=youtu.be


































Please contact those meurderes to tell them how mad you are for they abuse rabbits for angora














? u food ? ! are you loons! us veals, cows food of you? we got ears noses skulls legs souls ect , !just like you all! if you humans not our food, us animals not your food < animal no men , cat, human , no difference, all GOD's creatures, animal experiments = men experiments = inhumanity of demons, evil one & of men filled up with demons, evil one I GOD how can we be fond of so called enterntaiment like this , bruning poor creatures of Yours < please don't buy nothing that supposedly %% needed % that animal experiments be realized ; peta= satanist please don't trust peta list, seems like they have it all worng, liars? working for evil one? if you all got souls like good children of GOD who just discovered animal eperiments & ain't got no clue what to buy to replace things tested on animals, be too careful caus all lists of brands not testd on animals are not good : in some , loads of brands tested on animals are in lists of brands not tested on animals! rat in stereotaxic device, incision on head
; dogfighting please don't participate in this because this could make GOD so mad at you & decide to make you all burn into hell for all eternity

please if you love too much animals who aren't men , stop pigging out on them, please eat veggies nothing else, thanks, you'd be giving them such a gift which is : love, you don't know what to pig out on : stop worrying x internet look for vegan nutrition, you'll find all the best to live ethically & with amazing health : animal testing , we bed YOU GOD that YOU make all men see non men animals like men , for them o eliminate from earth for example : all testing on animals ; sickly, hunched rat I this logo mean = wasn’t tested animals ✦please always check that all product you all buy have any logo like this one or this logo thanks ✦ if you refuse products which haven’t been tested animals & desire to carry on ignoring this demonic thing GOD ‘ll punish you all _ horrible, we eat our brethrens , what terrible nightmare inhumane abuse of the enemy inside us, his dolls, we act completely filled up with him every time we purchase, scoff or murder animals in slaughterhouses ✦we men wouldn’t like it if they ‘d put us in places like this between machines which ‘d make us go insane and abuse us in that manner, then ¿ why we purchase this abomination of the other one : hell I horrible testing in Your creatures GOD♡ please if you wish to help : eliminate from earth : every purchase of products which have been tested animals which you guys buy, and please buy vegan products, thanks a lot : without any animal testing, without any animal proceeding ingredient


Made Alive in Christ As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh[a] and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Jew and Gentile Reconciled Through Christ  Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision” (which is done in the body by human hands)— remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Footnotes: Ephesians 2:3 In contexts like this, the Greek word for flesh (sarx) refers to the sinful state of human beings, often presented as a power in opposition to the Spirit.

famous humans in hell, for loving the enemies enemy of GOD : selena , celia cruz, mickael jackson, sandro , somebody saw those souls in hell, and she told that selena told her tell my family to not sing for the world but for GOD because the world won’t save them, GOD will save them, all those beings are full of worms, all burnt, suffering, saying get me out of this place! I can’t bare it no more! Christ Jesus was there crying, they are burning,1 in 3 women worldwide will suffer violence in their lifetime I no more violence, make it happen, change lives for good, action ! I some we think are humans are reptilians: madonna , rihanna I these singers are of Your enemy GOD 702, spice girls, s club seven get activ for animals please ,animals need our help I let's stand together for animal rights I an animal is a precious gift from GOD , not a piece of garbage x hi every inhabitant of universes, worlds, planets, may GOD not send you all to hell, may He love you , not hate you, not be mad at you, may GOD protect you from all evil creatures, evil one, evil spirits, sin ect, may you have wonderful moments, 'days 'on earth , thank you so much if you help a little at least with all this x this is way too important to not share, maybe if we do not share it's one sin against GOD, for the last judgement which will be so hard for us men!!!! thank you inifnitely if you share this entire thing x thanks for your goodness if you share, or give dough, help, adopt, are foster beings ect x if you do, you're filled up with GOD or His angels or Holy Spirit something like that x Is this of trust? Are they deceiver working for Your enemies GOD?? Why do they all had plastic surgery the humans singing ??? they worship the evil ones and evil one ?? why seems like one singer is doing a demonic hand sign at one point at the end vid ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwzQuTRzu4c why ? they all lie or something? GOD who are the ones telling truth!!!??? all of those preaching about hell, so called Christians: why do they all have fake nose, why did they all have face surgery??? if they were Christians, why do they have same type o faces than celebs who had lots plastic surgery??? how can we believe them ??? caus the moral of all the stories of those preachers is : without Christ, if you don't worship Him, you'll be in hell, but GOD seems to want all humankind to worship HIM, GOD, not Yahushua, so why they say we got to accept Christ, we can love him as our bro, but not our GOD isn’t it? so all those humans who had plastic surgery who are in all these videos on youtube, some of them famous, some others sort of, they all brainwash us into believing if we don’t want hell we got to love Yahushua but as GOD not as we love our human brethrens, so maybe they're all maybe satanists and pretending to be Christians, caus its not sure we got to deny Yahsushua as our GOD but, what makes us believe this is 1 their plenty plastic surgery 2 the fact in their sermons about hell and sermons in general they just totally ignore GOD, the Father so Yahushua and of us all, the Creator of everything! so its too eird, for those 3 reasons its hard to believe hem caus maybe they were sent by evil one, evil spirits, in order to teach us a wrong thing caus only if this is real: if GOD asks us to worship only Him and Yahushua is one being and GOD is another one, then if we worship His Son, He's be so mad he'll sent us to hel caus we'll pray and love and adore Yahushua and not GOD, and so maybe as the evil one created maybe internet computers so he knew too many human beings billions probably in earth are using youtube and so will watch all his garbage his lies, of all types of stuff, among them : a teaching that you all got to accept Christ as your Lord or you can't be saved from hell, but what about GOD? we got to reject GOD and worship Yahushua? they don’t even say to worship YAHWEH and Yahushua, but: Yahushua, and they don't really mention GOD's name very often! but You're GOD!!!! we should speak to YOU, mention Your name! no, they just mention tremendously often exaggeratedly often the name of His Son, Yahushua!!!! what is this ? an evil one's trickery ? GOD we beg YOU to give us the answer: must humankind worship Yahushua , must be pray Yahushua, must we perceive Him as YOU, YOU & Him as one or what ?? is he only Your messenger, or is He YOU YAHWEH? caus why do they do not say : if YOU reject GOD GOD will put you all to hell, why do they focus on Yahushua, why do they say all these real? false ? preachers: you got to live in Yahushua, why do they not say you have to live in GOD ! they think, speak, as if YAHWEH never exited and Christ was GOD the Creator or all !!!! no!!!! maybe those preachers d be real if they speak about loving adoring YAHWEH and Yahushua or just YAHWEH, and not all of they had plastic surgery, caus some of them it’s obvious got totally real faces, but, they can be wrong too caus made blind indoctrinated as any human is indoctrinated by evil one, as we're always too indoctrinated by him, so they can become to any satanic cult or not work for illuminatis or evil one or demons ect but also have been deceived by them their entire earth brainwashings, so they believed the evil one's lie teaching us to to worship Christ? caus in Bible too many times if we concentrate very well on words, seem like Yahushua speaks, behave like a non GOD, but like Son of GOD, and never says He' s His Father GOD but that He's His Son, and really speaks like he's sent by GOD, that all He says don’t come from Him He didnt invented anything but GOD told Him so if He was GOD it wouldn’t be the case so it’s so confusing, please tlel us all if we have to worship Yahushua caus if we do the mistake of worshipping Yahushua and YAHWEH prohibits that : hell for us all! if YAHWEH order us to worship Yahuhusa and we didn’t, YAHWEH ll be mad at us and hell for us all!!! GOD YOU said we must worship no one who’s in Heaven, just YOU, if Yahsuhua and YOU were 1, YOU would have told us to never worship anyone in Heaven but YOU & Yahushua isn’t it ? but YOU just said: apart from : YOU, why Chrsit never say He’s GOD but Son of GOD, sent by My Father in Heaven ect ? how do we must love Yahushua? As YOU GOD? Like a GOD?

We all or almost have chosen the evil one & his friends as our god and gods, w deny it but his mark is in our soul, hands, forehead, caus we ‘re crazy in love with his & their teaching, & we’re expert, excel in obeying his their teachings, and we have no clue why we’ll go to hell !!!! jajaja we’re too mongoloid, too unwise , we’re so not like Yahushua : all our poor friends, loved ones who are now burning in hell, they’ve sadly been so unwise so mongaloid on earth, have chosen the evil one and didn’t even know that! They’ve listened to the evil one commanding them to be non Christians, atheists, fake Christians, Satanist, Satanists proclaiming themselves Christians, bad religious humans having sex with beings or raping beings ect all sorts of brethrens are in hell now ,, so sad, but very fair,, we’re like them, they were on earth they’re now in hell, we are on earth we’ll then be into hell, they were on earth not giving a toss about YOU GOD and about Your teachings & believing hell is unreal & You’re unreal or You’re real but all ways lead to The Heavens ect or sinning thinking I’m a christian, all Christian go to Heavens, only Satanists, atheists to hell,, they been on earth our poor brethrens behaving as Satanists sinners, mongoloid, unwise, not even being aware of their evil ways, evil sins, evil minds & lives they’ve chose, we are doing the same thing now, so they went to hell because of this, we’ll go to hell because of this too, we’re just like them, only difference w till are on earth, but soon we’ll be in hell , unless we change, there still is a chance , if we turn to YAHWEH now, one he problem is we do not know if we are obliged to worship Jesus, a human being, the Son of GOD, or not ,, we deny we’re evil, we deny we’re sinners, we deny we rejected YAHWEH long ago, even if we’re christians, don’t mean we accepted YAHWEH, not at all: YAHWEH sent into hell too many Christians , : ‘christians’ , christians, the real good ones, who try to be angels in the eyes of YAHWEH , GOD sent them to : His eternal Kingdom, the Heavens, ‘christians’ & Christians have nothing to do with each other, 2 too different type of beings , Christians try to be the best they can be for GOD, ‘christians’ we just sin & live a life without GOD, rejecting or ignoring consciously unconsciously ? He’s real & is here with us always , “christians’ are really like atheists & Satanists : living for the evil one & his pales & have given their love, hearts, soul to the evil one & evil spirits , most of humans

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Jeu 10 Sep - 13:43, édité 4 fois
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: may 3 2015   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Avr - 8:32





















































baby elephant trained to be enslaved in curcuses



please earthling brethrens please for the love of YAHWEH spread this, rememebr if you do'nt, YAHWEH could be so mad at you all ✦ this is the milk of us veals, not of you human milk robbers, you don't suck our mommis brasts, we do, we veals transform mil of our mommies? no, please think with logic , we veals don't drink the milk of human mommies, we don't transform the milk of humans, we are veals drink the milk of cows, you are humans drink the milk of humans , we are veals=babies, you are not babies humans so please stop drinking any milk plastik surgery satanists? animanaturalisAida Gascón Bosch
surgery? satanists? GOD YOU said YOU’re pleased with Christ: if HE = YOU, how can YOU be pleased with YOUr own self I YOU are Your dad a Your Son YAHWEH? We eat odd things, sulfites, gluten, aromas, lecithin, this is abnormal, this shouldn’t be food for living beings , let us wake up!!!! The evil one created this so called food to murder us? Yeshua in contemporary Bible book of john You said: I tell you for certain that the Son can’t do anything on his own, He can do only what He sees the Father doing, He does exactly what He sees the Father do @ then Christ You are not YAHWEH? If YOU are YAHWEH how can’t YOU do nothing on Your own? @
Not of evil one so please give them Money please please!!!! Thank you too much !!!!!!!


Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 At daybreak he appeared in the Temple again; and as all the people came to him, he sat down and began to teach them. 3 The scribes and Pharisees brought a woman along who had been caught committing adultery; and making her stand there in the middle 4 they said to Jesus, 'Master, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery, 5 and in the Law Moses has ordered us to stone women of this kind. What have you got to say?' 6 They asked him this as a test, looking for an accusation to use against him. But Jesus bent down and started writing on the ground with his finger. 7 As they persisted with their question, he straightened up and said, 'Let the one among you who is guiltless be the first to throw a stone at her.' 8 Then he bent down and continued writing on the ground. 9 When they heard this they went away one by one, beginning with the eldest, until the last one had gone and Jesus was left alone with the woman, who remained in the middle. 10 Jesus again straightened up and said, 'Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?' 11 'No one, sir,' she replied. 'Neither do I condemn you,' said Jesus. 'Go away, and from this moment sin no more.' 12 When Jesus spoke to the people again, he said: I am the light of the world; anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the light of life. 13 At this the Pharisees said to him, 'You are testifying on your own behalf; your testimony is not true.' 14 Jesus replied: Even though I am testifying on my own behalf, my testimony is still true, because I know where I have come from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from or where I am going. 15 You judge by human standards; I judge no one, 16 but if I judge, my judgement will be true, because I am not alone: the one who sent me is with me; 17 and in your Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true. 18 I testify on my own behalf, but the Father who sent me testifies on my behalf, too. 19 They asked him, 'Where is your Father then?' Jesus answered: You do not know me, nor do you know my Father; if you did know me, you would know my Father as well. 20 He spoke these words in the Treasury, while teaching in the Temple. No one arrested him, because his hour had not yet come. 21 Again he said to them: I am going away; you will look for me and you will die in your sin. Where I am going, you cannot come. 22 So the Jews said to one another, 'Is he going to kill himself, that he says, "Where I am going, you cannot come?" ' 23 Jesus went on: You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. 24 I have told you already: You will die in your sins. Yes, if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins. 25 So they said to him, 'Who are you?' Jesus answered: What I have told you from the outset. 26 About you I have much to say and much to judge; but the one who sent me is true, and what I declare to the world I have learnt from him. 27 They did not recognise that he was talking to them about the Father. 28 So Jesus said: When you have lifted up the Son of man, then you will know that I am He and that I do nothing of my own accord. What I say is what the Father has taught me; 29 he who sent me is with me, and has not left me to myself, for I always do what pleases him. 30 As he was saying this, many came to believe in him. 31 To the Jews who believed in him Jesus said: If you make my word your home you will indeed be my disciples; 32 you will come to know the truth, and the truth will set you free. 33 They answered, 'We are descended from Abraham and we have never been the slaves of anyone; what do you mean, "You will be set free?" ' 34 Jesus replied: In all truth I tell you, everyone who commits sin is a slave. 35 Now a slave has no permanent standing in the household, but a son belongs to it for ever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free. 37 I know that you are descended from Abraham; but you want to kill me because my word finds no place in you. 38 What I speak of is what I have seen at my Father's side, and you too put into action the lessons you have learnt from your father. 39 They repeated, 'Our father is Abraham.' Jesus said to them: If you are Abraham's children, do as Abraham did. 40 As it is, you want to kill me, a man who has told you the truth as I have learnt it from God; that is not what Abraham did. 41 You are doing your father's work. They replied, 'We were not born illegitimate, the only father we have is God.' 42 Jesus answered: If God were your father, you would love me, since I have my origin in God and have come from him; I did not come of my own accord, but he sent me. 43 Why do you not understand what I say? Because you cannot bear to listen to my words. 44 You are from your father, the devil, and you prefer to do what your father wants. He was a murderer from the start; he was never grounded in the truth; there is no truth in him at all. When he lies he is speaking true to his nature, because he is a liar, and the father of lies. 45 But it is because I speak the truth that you do not believe me. 46 Can any of you convict me of sin? If I speak the truth, why do you not believe me? 47 Whoever comes from God listens to the words of God; the reason why you do not listen is that you are not from God. 48 The Jews replied, 'Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and possessed by a devil?' Jesus answered: 49 I am not possessed; but I honour my Father, and you deny me honour. 50 I do not seek my own glory; there is someone who does seek it and is the judge of it. 51 In all truth I tell you, whoever keeps my word will never see death. 52 The Jews said, 'Now we know that you are possessed. Abraham is dead, and the prophets are dead, and yet you say, "Whoever keeps my word will never know the taste of death." 53 Are you greater than our father Abraham, who is dead? The prophets are dead too. Who are you claiming to be?' 54 Jesus answered: If I were to seek my own glory my glory would be worth nothing; in fact, my glory is conferred by the Father, by the one of whom you say, 'He is our God,' 55 although you do not know him. But I know him, and if I were to say, 'I do not know him,' I should be a liar, as you yourselves are. But I do know him, and I keep his word. 56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to think that he would see my Day; he saw it and was glad. 57 The Jews then said, 'You are not fifty yet, and you have seen Abraham!' 58 Jesus replied: In all truth I tell you, before Abraham ever was, I am. 59 At this they picked up stones to throw at him; but Jesus hid himself and left the Temple. evening prayer to God the Father O eternal God and Ruler of all creation, You have allowed us to reach this hour. Forgive the sins we have committed this day by word, deed or thought. Purify us, O YAHWEH, from every spiritual and physical stain. Grant that we may rise from this sleep to glorify You by my deeds throughout my entire lifetime, and that we be victorious over every spiritual and physical enemy. Deliver us, O YAHWEH, from all vain thoughts and from evil desires, for Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever. Amen I tb joshua is a fake pastor because he seems to have had plastic surgery ? some prophets on youtube, who don’t seem famous, who have only a few thousands views on youtube, could belong to the evil one for they seem to plastic surgery like chrislasala? seems like in videos from 2013 his face was different from his 2015 vids? he says a lot of truths, who is honest who isn’t , GOD? Among all those who pretend they are Christians on youtube, telling us the ? truth , or not ? to save our souls x GOD please we pray to YOU to reveal to us, among all of these preachers, who tell the world the truth, who lies, thank YOU so much, because if we believe them liars: hell for us all , in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen I must we pray saying GOD or lord or YAHWEH? Father, forgive these people, they don’t know what they’re doing = Christ You said this when you were being nailed on the Cross : why do You speak to GOD , why do You ask Him this if You are Him, You want something different from You? If You want to forgiv these humans, why do You ask Your own self to forgive them , as if you were talking to someone else ? the Spirit is the one who gives life, humans strength can't do nothing Jesus said  : kirk Cameron real Christian ? illuminati? Ex actor now Christian preacher ? how weird : GOD help us to stop sinning caus we don’t know how to, help us to love worship YOU GOD caus we feel like we can’t, help us to stop doing the same sins all over again caus we can’t stop. In the name of Jesus. Amen. We’ll be hell : GOD why did YOU put me here, i never killed any brethren : yep but we got divorced several or 1 time, got married several times or twice I GOD why did YOU put hell, I never raped or killed : yep but : we sinned!!!! a lot!!! mortally ! maybe GOD ‘ll tell us those are reasons why we’ll be there ☂ We cant just give up, never give up without a fight ☂ you have missed the whole point of life all those who gave your love life to enemy caus none of the stuff he could’ve gave you could give you happiness, the stuff that only GOD gives give happiness, so you never were happy earth, you’ll never be happy earth, you’d have been happy on earth if you’d have given souls hearts idolatry to YAHEH, poor you alls satanists, we pray GOD for YOU to make a giant miracle making them all des – indoctrinate ,all fall in love with YOU, live for you til 23 september 2015 if that is day of end times , so they all repent, all feel terribly sorry deeply sorry for all their sins, for their satanism, and all try to learn about YOU as much as can ☂ Bible, prayer every single day, big part of time everyday til 23 september so YOU GOD send all now ex satanists to Your eternal Kingdom ☂ we pray this through Yahushua our Savior Amen ☂ we got so much no heads: how to pray, invent words, how ? internet sucks, there ain’t no prayers for too many things ☂ we don’t know, we can’t just say I pray for blab la and that’s it ☂ that can’t be the prayer ☂ but there aint no prayer on internet about many stuff we want t pray for ☂ we ain’t no expert about prayer, we’re ignorants ☂ if we don’t know how to pray, we’ll pray badly and it’ ll be of no use and so we couldn’t ask YOU YAHWEH the stuff so we couldn’t help others ☂??how to pray ?? just choosing a prayer that ain’t got anything to do with the favor we wish to ask YOU and that’s it ? like praying the our Father several times to ask you for example the end of all horses abuse all around earth? Will YOU give us the miracle even though we couldn’t find no prayer about horses abuse ? example: prayer for all satanists to repent become Christians, what if we don’t fin prayer about it, we pray any prayer? It’ll work? We invent? how???!!! everything on this planet is so hard!!!!!! let’s put compassion into action < We got no sense of reality, no sense of nothing ☂ please everyone go farms labs free animals please!!! if you refuse to do this, please give dough to these demons so they give you the animals so they don’t murder them ☂ thank you all so very much ☂ Procter & gamble , unilever practice animal experiments ☂ pleas do not buy anything from procter & gamble, unilever thanks very much ☂ you need to look on the products if it's noted procter & gamble or unilever ☂ if that is noted, it's 100% clear it's animal experiments ☂ zumba is of the evil one ??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x2MR-Sy3BE  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Xxk20wLUCg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxmUnTYrsQo what a sin !! they wear clothes which look like evil one !!!!! halloween = evil one!!!! abomination ☂ may YOU GOD forgive them, they don't know they are doing things of Your enemy!!!! let us stop sinning and turn to GOD ☂ we pray for YOU GOD to give us miracles for YOU to erase the evil one from us because it's because we wished him to be in us that we are being malevolent abusing enslaving animals for their fur so please free us from evil one in order for us to stop buying fur, producing fur, "working' for the evil one in fur slaughterhouses, fur farms, make us be good to all non humans like Jesus Christ is , in the name of Jesus Christ we pray Amen ☂ we pray for YOU YAHWEH to take away evil one from us for as he's in us , we can not become interested addicted to YOU GOD, we can't wish to love YOU, exist for YOU but we're only in love with him, so interested him, it seems impossible for us all the human beings to want to walk with YOU if Your enemy is in us for he makes us reject YOU , despise YOU and find You boring, stupid, evil ect and find him cool, great ect so please make us see, as we've been blinded by him, we can't be Christians in those conditions, so please put him out of us all so we can be of YOU GOD and of Christ , in the name of Christ Amen + hi everyone, hope GOD make you all be very well , very happy + please can you all spread this at the max all around this planet & net @ thank you thousands of times @ end times 23 or 24 or between 23 28 september 2015 perhaps @ may GOD send no one of you into hell, let us pray for that @ how , so hard to pray, almost imposibe to concentrate, no imagination, how to invent prayers, too imposible to find prayers for things + thanks you for all the work you do for brethrens, you are filled with Holy Gohst + GOD makes you do all the good things you do for brethrens + thank you inmensely + thank you for all shares , for taking so much time to do so, to take so much time to sign petitions , for putting all your soul, mind, heart, into helping out brethrens + thanks +GOD bless

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Mar 14 Juil - 8:05, édité 1 fois
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: july 16 2015   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Juil - 4:13

stop eating orlotans! 30 000 are murdered each year in france, we must portect those birds & stop this illegal hunting, the less we eat them the more we save them ✦ the cruelty acts in the hatchery chicks got to stop ✦ poor lil bulls, murdered for bullfghts, so affectionate✦ Procter and Gamble carry out animal test on big brand names✦ procter & gamble belongs to the beast = the serpent , hell, murderers ✦ you pay for this, please be careful!!! procter & gamble work with so many brands, if on the packaging the is p&g or procter & gamble, look everywhere on the packaging, then it has been tested on animals, look carefully please ✦ join global boycott against this wicked company, which is responsible for the painful death of thousands of animals each year, try to remember all the brands of procter & gamble or make a list of all these, and bring it with you every time you do shopping, so you look on the list if a brand you were about to buy is in the lsit so you please never buy it again ✦ animal experimentation✦ Can you all please propagate this everywhere on tones of internet places , word of mouth thank you millions of times  forums ✦ sites ✦ msn chat, chats ✦ private messages ✦ emails ✦ skype chat ✦ social medias ✦ comments of articles, or videos, of anything ✦ chats ✦ blogs ✦ ect ✦ if you can you print for those who refuse to give their emails to stranger neighbors ✦ if you do this GOD & JESUS will definitely reward you for your marvelous help ✦ thank you so much ✦ hi , hope you’re doing very fine ✦ JESUS & GOD bless you all , forgive you all, make you all enter the Heavens, forgive you all, never hate you, always love you ✦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrwkKxngTLA

Please do not pray the sinner’s prayer who tell you to ask to put Jesus into your heart caus you’ be calling evil spirit!!! http://settingcaptivesfree.me/2011/11/05/asking-jesus-to-come-into-your-heart-produces-a-false-conversion/












french hippophagie = english hypophagy = eating GOD’s horses






viande chevaux french = horse meat english



plastic surgery, reptilian ? fake prophet ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHJa-isFAXw
















reference to the enemies & enemy’s brainwashing of demonic presence in them, not alter egos 10 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj9wMAh-48E

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Juil - 5:07

Revelation 1 Bible 1 This is what God showed to Jesus Christ, so that he could tell his servants what must happen soon. Christ then sent his angel with the message to his servant John. 2 And John told everything that he had seen about God’s message and about what Jesus Christ had said and done. 3 God will bless everyone who reads this prophecy to others,[a] and he will bless everyone who hears and obeys it. The time is almost here. 4 From John to the seven churches in Asia.[b] I pray that you will be blessed with kindness and peace from God, who is and was and is coming. May you receive kindness and peace from the seven spirits before the throne of God. 5 May kindness and peace be yours from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness. Jesus was the first to conquer death, and he is the ruler of all earthly kings. Christ loves us, and by his blood he set us free from our sins. 6 He lets us rule as kings and serve God his Father as priests. To him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen. 7 Look! He is coming with the clouds. Everyone will see him, even the ones who stuck a sword through him. All people on earth will weep because of him. Yes, it will happen! Amen. 8 The Lord God says, “I am Alpha and Omega,[c] the one who is and was and is coming. I am God All-Powerful!” A Vision of the Risen Lord 9 I am John, a follower together with all of you. We suffer because Jesus is our king, but he gives us the strength to endure. I was sent to Patmos Island,[d] because I had preached God’s message and had told about Jesus. 10 On the Lord’s day the Spirit took control of me, and behind me I heard a loud voice that sounded like a trumpet. 11 The voice said, “Write in a book what you see. Then send it to the seven churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.”[e] 12 When I turned to see who was speaking to me, I saw seven gold lampstands. 13 There with the lampstands was someone who seemed to be the Son of Man.[f] He was wearing a robe that reached down to his feet, and a gold cloth was wrapped around his chest.14 His head and his hair were white as wool or snow, and his eyes looked like flames of fire. 15 His feet were glowing like bronze being heated in a furnace, and his voice sounded like the roar of a waterfall. 16 He held seven stars in his right hand, and a sharp double-edged sword was coming from his mouth. His face was shining as bright as the sun at noon. 17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet like a dead person. But he put his right hand on me and said: Don’t be afraid! I am the first, the last, 18 and the living one. I died, but now I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys to death and the world of the dead.[g] 19 Write what you have seen and what is and what will happen after these things. 20 I will explain the mystery of the seven stars that you saw at my right side and the seven gold lampstands. The seven stars are the angels[h] of the seven churches, and the lampstands are the seven churches. Footnotes: a. 1.3 who reads this prophecy to others: A public reading, in a worship service. b. 1.4 Asia: The section 1.4—3.22 is in the form of a letter. Asia was in the eastern part of the Roman Empire and is present day Turkey. c. 1.8 Alpha and Omega: The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, which sometimes mean “first” and “last.” d. 1.9 Patmos Island: A small island where prisoners were sometimes kept by the Romans. e. 1.11 Ephesus. . . Laodicea: Ephesus was in the center with the six other cities forming a half-circle around it. f. 1.13 Son of Man: That is, Jesus. g. 1.18 keys to death and the world of the dead: That is, power over death and the world of the dead. h. 1.20 angels: Perhaps guardian angels that represent the churches, or they may be church leaders or messengers sent to the churches. Contemporary English Version (CEV) Bible book of JOHN : I was there and saw the Spirit come down on him like a dove from heaven. And the Spirit stayed on him. 33 Before this I didn’t know who he was. But the one who sent me to baptize with water had told me, “You will see the Spirit come down and stay on someone. Then you will know that he is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.”34 I saw this happen, and I tell you that he is the Son of God.” JOHN why did’nt you say HE is GOD? 2 bible book of john : Because of all that the Son is, we have been given one blessing after another.[b]17 The Law was given by Moses, but Jesus Christ brought us undeserved kindness and truth. 18 No one has ever seen God. The only Son, who is truly God and is closest to the Father, has shown us what God is like” so it’s true then GOD? Yashua=GOD? Or Your enemy wrote this instead of Son of GOD? Nathanael said, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God and the King of Israel!”why did you say Son of GOD, why didn’t you say GOD? 50 Jesus answered, “Did you believe me just because I said that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see something even greater. 51 I tell you for certain that you will see heaven open and God’s angels going up and coming down on the Son of Man.” Jesus, why didn’t YOU say on GOD? Please help Animal Defenders International save Cholita, an elderly Andean bear, and bring her to the US. Suffering from severe alopecia, where Cholita should have thick, black fur she has none – her body is bald, so she is barely recognisable as an endangered Spectacled bear. Kept illegally by a circus, Cholita’s fingers had been cut down to stumps to remove her claws and her teeth were broken, leaving her defenceless. The Peru authorities confiscated her and placed her in a small zoo until she could be found a permanent home. The owners know she should be somewhere better and the Peruvian authorities agree, but they have looked all over Peru and cannot find a home to take her. There is nowhere for Cholita in Peru. How your gift will help save Cholita £5 will help us build a travel crate for Cholita £15 will go towards transport costs for ADI to bring Cholita to our rescue centre £25 will contribute towards the cost of her holding cage £35 will help ADI provide veterinary care for and feed Cholita £70 will help pay for her place on the flight to freedom £1,000 will sponsor Cholita’s travel crate which will be constructed in Lima Cholita has just one chance – to join the 33 lions rescued from circuses on the ADI Spirit of Freedom Flight to the US. Your gift can get her to safety in the US. This is her last and only hope. The Peruvian and US authorities are working now to ensure that the paperwork is in place to enable Cholita to fly with us. We must be ready to act. But we need to be ready to act fast – that means transport, travel crate, holding cages and veterinary care costs. Only with your support will we be able to act! Make a donation today to save Cholita. This is her last and only hope. Thank you. Yours for the animals You-helped-us-rescue-nearly-forty-animals-now-help-us-feed-them-ealert.jpg Pepe & Valerie relish the freedom of their new jungle home! The monkeys, kinkajous, and coatis that ADI has rescued from all over Peru are free in their new jungle homes today! Animal Defenders International (ADI) teamed up with Peru’s armed forces to relocate nearly forty wild animals to new homes in the Amazon rainforest. The monkeys, coatis and kinkajous were saved from circuses and the illegal wildlife trade as part of ADI’s groundbreaking rescue mission, Operation Spirit of Freedom. For months ADI has been building habitats for the animals in the rainforest at Pilpintuwasi Sanctuary near Iquitos – an incredibly challenging £70,000 project with building materials coming up the Amazon and construction in the forest. Then we had to take our precious cargo by land, air and river, to their new home with the Peruvian Air Force providing a flight for the animals and the ADI team. But it has all been worth it to see our monkeys swing through the trees and explore the forest floor. £12.76 will keep Pepe & Valerie in peanuts for a week £27.66 will feed Pepe for a month £35.65 will feed Pepe and all his friends for a day £249 will feed Pepe and all his pals for a week £664 will feed Pepe and Valerie for a whole year £1,079 will feed Pepe and all his friends for a month PanchitaSwings.jpg Jan Creamer, President of Animal Defenders International, said “Many of these animals were snatched from their families in the wild and it is incredibly moving to see them back in the jungle where they belong. Our utmost thanks go to Peru’s First Lady, the armed forces, the authorities, Pilpintuwasi and our supporters who have made this complex mission possible. Please donate now to raise £12,684 to feed all the animals for the next year. Watch the rescue video here This Earth Day life has never needed you more. By 2050 we face a world with no fisheries, no reefs, no rainforests, failing oceans and 9 billion people struggling over what remains. Fortunately we know how to solve this problem and create a world that works for all species. Step one is understanding the problem –

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Juil - 14:00

so we are releasing Revolution online and in theaters in New York and LA today with a renegade strategy - to bolster conservation movements worldwide. By sharing Revolution you can raise funds for amazing conservation initiatives like Fin Free, Ocean Unite, Earthjustice, PangeaSeed, and Kurmalliance. if people understood the problems we face, our morals would engage, we'd hold each other accountable and we'd be able to create a world that works, but we need to act fast. We have the biggest movement that’s ever existed, and billions of people connected through social networks. Help save the world we depend on for survival – the oceans, sharks, forests, and life. Please watch Revolution, get educated on what’s really going on out there, and share it with your community. Inspire youth to be all they can be to tackle this challenge. Help make some heroes. Today is a celebration of the environment – Earth Day - and this our greatest hope to generate the support and word of mouth necessary to save it. Would you please help us spread Revolution by sharing this link? ykr.be/2042asgrjq and sign up here if you want to share Revolution to fund your own initiatives http://therevolutionmovie.com/index.php/affiliate-program/ Get involved and #revolutionchallenge your friends to get educated on the environment by watching Revolution. We also bought Sharkwater back with the help of LUSH and are releasing it for free through much of the world, to support conservation efforts and ensure the whole world goes #finfree. Please watch and share Sharkwater: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pXN2F4EPb8 Excluding Canada We’re so close to the tipping point, but need you now more than ever. Thanks for your help. In gratitude, PRAYER For All Those Who Face Abortion Dear Heavenly Father, God Almighty of the whole Universe, may thy Light, Life and Love fill the expanse of thy Creation, and assist all those who consider or have gone through this Soul Destroying ordeal. May Peace be spoken to their Hearts, minds, and Souls, and may they repent with power. May we have the strength to Choose the Right, regardless of the consequences. May all mothers considering this horrible action be granted a vision, however brief, of their unborn children, realizing how precious they really are. And remember the commitments that we made to each other before coming to this earth. Protect them from the Adversary Father. Lead them in the Path of Eternal Life. May my fellow brothers feel the Power of the Holy Ghost and be convinced of their duty, honor, and obligation to their unborn children, and be the strong shoulder to lean on that thy Daughters need so badly. May those men and brothers radiate true manhood: the kind that is as strong as steel and yet as tender as linen. May they have the courage, honor, and fortitude to support their wives or girlfriends and children as thou has ordained. May their Hearts remember their commitments in the Grand Counsel. Please, please, please Father, forgive those Daughters who have already done this, to know of thy Love, personally; to receive an answer to their prayers for forgiveness, that they can be filled with knowledge that surpasseth all understanding. Thank you for the Sacrifice of thy Son and our older Brother, Jesus Christ, and His Atonement. May every knee bow, and tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ. Amen. Mark 9:14-29 when they came to the disciples, they saw a great crowd about them, and scribes arguing with them. And immediately all the crowd, when they saw him, were greatly amazed, and ran up to him and greeted him. And he asked them, "What are you discussing with them?" And one of the crowd answered him, "Teacher, I brought my son to you, for he has a dumb spirit; and wherever it seizes him, it dashes him down; and he foams and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid; and I asked your disciples to cast it out, and they were not able." And he answered them, "O faithless generation, how long am I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him to me." And they brought the boy to him; and when the spirit saw him, immediately it convulsed the boy, and he fell on the ground and rolled about, foaming at the mouth. And Jesus asked his father, "How long has he had this?" And he said, "From childhood. And it has often cast him into the fire and into the water, to destroy him; but if you can do anything, have pity on us and help us." And Jesus said to him, "If you can! All things are possible to him who believes." Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, "I believe; help my unbelief!" And when Jesus saw that a crowd came running together, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, "You dumb and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him, and never enter him again." And after crying out and convulsing him terribly, it came out, and the boy was like a corpse; so that most of them said, "He is dead." But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose. And when he had entered the house, his disciples asked him privately, "Why could we not cast it out?" And he said to them, "This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer." pleas born again tell us the truth! Ask GOD & JESUS please!!! Some believe the book of revelations is a lie, that we should flee from it, for its full of numbers, kabalistic symbolism, they say it’s the Satanists book, how come? That it’s useful only to them, we know the Yahweh from the Old Testament is really the devil, so some say we should not read it, but everything in the old testament is a lie? From the 1st to the last line? Which books of the Bible are true ? which ones GOD do YOU want us to read? They say evil people who hate GOD and JESUS have had an agreement to replace the true name of GOD by jeovah or Yahweh or yahve in the Bible, and that all those genocides and inhumanities have never been GOD’s work but the devil’s work , appearing or talking to the people pretending to be GOD, so the people believed he was GOD, but he is the devil, and so they have reversed the places of GOD and the devil in the old testament! That is why we feel horrified if we read the Old Testament for “god” appears to be so cruel!!! But he is not GOD, and in the rest of the Bible, GOD is goodness, the so called god of the old testament, so the devil is self centered, jealous, proud , nothing that GOD is, and he never talks badly of the devil, as he is the devil! He doesn’t ask to repent, he just asks to murder animals +humans as repentance & forgiveness! When JESUS said GOD is not pleased with sacrifices! charity for hell! Why one must give nothing to telethon & products tested on animals : for tortured animals & sick beings, here is never holiday , no party, no fun vivisection is to the science of the 20th century what adolf hitler was to the 20th Century  In France 1 animal dies every 12 seconds telethon < Makes you want to abandon many illusions & makes those who donate cry , and the sick and their loved ones who are waiting so desperately for solutions of science and those poor 3 million innocent animals cruelly massacred every year for nothing! The “success” of torture of animals is reliable only from 37 – 50%. The researchers of antidote Europe say: it’s as random as flipping a coin  the animal experimentation is the simplest & fastest way for those who want to make a career & for the industrials who want to make believe of the innocuousness of their products  the modern sensible and progressive researchers raise the alarm, we have to use substitutive ways, faster and less expensive, that exist since forever! Despite all this, afm continues, ever since 25 years, to assassinate animals, to waste a very precious time and the money of donations, for the telethon  we hide the considerable subventions that the government deposit to the afm  telethon is a system which gives money to many satellites: industry of lab animal breeding, and people who are established in a 5 star comfort, none of them want to renounce this  telethon : cats decapitated in formalin  they are experimented them for their vocal cords  genetic diseases remain incurable because the methods of research are inapplicable to the animals  may the hollers of the animals arrive to the afm so that science progresses and stops this abomination  telethon the director buys herself a house and remunerations up to 100 000 euros with your donations  we donate for nothing, animals donate their lives for nothing  all those telethon people will certainly be thrown up into hell  The methods of research of the telethon are expired and no use  the scandal of telethon, tens of thousands of millions of euros for the telethon, thanks to the generosity of the people, unicef france also, asks money to the generous people, when it supports horrifying torture of bulls, in public, goes to towns, to do the fiesta with them, during the bullfightings, contributing to pervert kids, and lead them to violence, which is no pedagogic mission  afm recollects considerable amounts of dough, for hypothetical results, which leads to think  let us be numerous to ask a modern, ethical, efficient, science please bocott telethon + unicef = they both work for the devil, no doubt  if you give them money knowing this and ignoring this, you perhaps sin against our GOD and you will be giving dough to His enemy  they are lying ? please born gain saints who speak to GOD & JESUS & JESUS and GOD answer you, please this is too important, they could be deceiver, they could be truth speaker, we don’t know!!! If we do not do what GOD says in this thing it’s a terrible sin, but if this is not GOD and those people are taking us for naïve beings ? Please ask GOD, is this true? Isn’t YAHUVEH one of satan’s name??? for if yhave & Yahweh are satan’s name & he wanted us to think this was GOD’s name, then yahuveh is also satan’s name? Please, born again saints help !!! for this will be sent to many people of this planet! We do not want them to or sin by praying in the name of JESUS , or if this is a lie, sin by praying in the name of YAHUSHUA, if they are liars, then it means YAHUSHUA is not the name of JESUS ? but of satan? Please born again, is YAH the name of satan? Ask GOD please!!!! We do not want to pray to satan!!!! http://amightywind.com/sacrednames/index.htm it's too confusing, who is lying? fake prophets accusing fake prophets? some people say amightwind are satanists, other say sherry shriner is a reptilian satanist, amightywind accuse herry shriner, sherry shriner accuses amightwind, GOD tell us please! who can we trust? sherry believes in aliens: it seems like aliens do not exist, but amightwind say YAHUVEH which is one of satan's name isn't it? so they could both be satanist liars fake prophets? http://www.amightywind.com/whatsnew/lesbianshriner.html maybe they are such liars deceivers brainwashers that they are friends, and pretend to fight each other like satanic politicians who supposedly run against one another but really are all in the same satanic cult & mates! Human saints , is kickboxing of the serpent? Is it martial arts? Looks like martial arts but seem it is not martial art caus it is focused on sports, not on combat, it’s just for cardiovascular exercise, not for competition, it has some satanic moves? Please ask YAH & YEHUSHUA saints of YAH thanks

~ if we truly believe YAH = YESHOUA , then why do we believe YOU both talk as 2 distinct creatures, & that certain things are YAHOUSA’s work, certain things are YAH’s work? Humanity as a whole we believe YESHOUA will fight the serpent, we do not think YAH will fight serpent ~ we believe YESHOUA has 1 throne, YAH another throne, we do not believe there’s 1 body 1 mind 1 throne 1 being? We believe YESHOUA is our attorney for some believe YAH is cruel, YESHOUA is not, or less, YAH is way stricter, less merciful than YESHOUA ~ if we believe they are 1, then why do we ask YESHOUA to ask YAH to get us out of hell or not make us go there? We are asking YESHOUA to ask Himself, or asking YAH to ask Himself? We truly believe YAH & YESHOUA are different, when Bible say they are the same in every way ~ why do we think YAH gives commands to YESHOUA? Like sending YESHOUA to fight against serpent? If many Christians believe they are 1? YAH sends HIMSELF to fight serpent? YAH ‘ll send Himself on earth on September 14 or 23 of this year? ~ we believe that YESHOUA cries & is sad for all those in hell & that YAH doesn’t care about those in hell ~ not possible if they are the same 1 ~ mankind as a whole believes YESHOUA wished every sheep to go to Heaven & that if HE was the judges of each sheep, all ‘d be in YAH’s kingdom ~ or that there ‘d be an humongous less quantity of sheep in hell ~ not possible if YAH & YESHOUA are the same in every way & are 1 ~ what about HOLY SPIRIT ~ in the subconscious of humankind as a whole : HOLY SPIRIT don’t judge, YAH judges, HOLY SPIRIT doesn’t have a throne ~ we do not believe HOLY SPIRIT YOU will fight the beast in august 7 2022 ect ~ 2GOD’s in 1, 3 GODS in 1 ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5umwQX6fbl8

they are with lucifer? can we donate? http://www.ad-international.org/take_action/donate.php




Deceiver? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppOLPHwDgZc
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Juil - 14:02

Mark 13 Contemporary English Version (CEV) The Temple Will Be Destroyed 13 As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Teacher, look at these beautiful stones and wonderful buildings!” 2 Jesus replied, “Do you see these huge buildings? They will certainly be torn down! Not one stone will be left in place.” Warning about Trouble 3 Later, as Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives across from the temple, Peter, James, John, and Andrew came to him in private. 4 They asked, “When will these things happen? What will be the sign that they are about to take place?” 5 Jesus answered: Watch out and don’t let anyone fool you! 6 Many will come and claim to be me. They will use my name and fool many people. 7 When you hear about wars and threats of wars, don’t be afraid. These things will have to happen first, but that isn’t the end. 8 Nations and kingdoms will go to war against each other. There will be earthquakes in many places, and people will starve to death. But this is just the beginning of troubles. 9 Be on your guard! You will be taken to courts and beaten with whips in their meeting places. And because of me, you will have to stand before rulers and kings to tell about your faith. 10 But before the end comes, the good news must be preached to all nations. 11 When you are arrested, don’t worry about what you will say. You will be given the right words when the time comes. But you will not really be the ones speaking. Your words will come from the Holy Spirit. 12 Brothers and sisters will betray each other and have each other put to death. Parents will betray their own children, and children will turn against their parents and have them killed. 13 Everyone will hate you because of me. But if you keep on being faithful right to the end, you will be saved. The Horrible Thing 14 Someday you will see that “Horrible Thing” where it should not be.[a] Everyone who reads this must try to understand! If you are living in Judea at that time, run to the mountains. 15 If you are on the roof[b] of your house, don’t go inside to get anything. 16 If you are out in the field, don’t go back for your coat. 17 It will be an awful time for women who are expecting babies or nursing young children. 18 Pray that it won’t happen in winter.[c] 19 This will be the worst time of suffering since God created the world, and nothing this terrible will ever happen again. 20 If the Lord doesn’t make the time shorter, no one will be left alive. But because of his chosen and special ones, he will make the time shorter. 21 If someone should say, “Here is the Messiah!” or “There he is!” don’t believe it. 22 False messiahs and false prophets will come and work miracles and signs. They will even try to fool God’s chosen ones. 23 But be on your guard! That’s why I am telling you these things now. When the Son of Man Appears 24 In those days, right after that time of suffering, “The sun will become dark, and the moon will no longer shine. 25 The stars will fall, and the powers in the sky[d] will be shaken.” 26 Then the Son of Man will be seen coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27 He will send his angels to gather his chosen ones from all over the earth. A Lesson from a Fig Tree 28 Learn a lesson from a fig tree. When its branches sprout and start putting out leaves, you know summer is near. 29 So when you see all these things happening, you will know that the time has almost come.[e] 30 You can be sure that some of the people of this generation will still be alive when all this happens. 31 The sky and the earth will not last forever, but my words will. No One Knows the Day or Time 32 No one knows the day or the time. The angels in heaven don’t know, and the Son himself doesn’t know. Only the Father knows. 33 So watch out and be ready! You don’t know when the time will come. 34 It is like what happens when a man goes away for a while and places his servants in charge of everything. He tells each of them what to do, and he orders the guard to keep alert. 35 So be alert! You don’t know when the master of the house will come back. It could be in the evening or at midnight or before dawn or in the morning. 36 But if he comes suddenly, don’t let him find you asleep. 37 I tell everyone just what I have told you. Be alert! Footnotes: 13.14 where it should not be: Probably the holy place in the temple. 13.15 roof: See the note at 2.4. 13.18 in winter: In Palestine the winters are cold and rainy and make travel difficult. 13.25 the powers in the sky: In ancient times people thought that the stars were spiritual powers. 13.29 the time has almost come: Or “he (that is, the Son of Man) will soon be here.” BOOK mark chapter 14 33 Jesus took along Peter, James, and John. He was sad and troubled and 34 told them, “I am so sad that I feel as if I am dying. Stay here and keep awake with me.” 35-36 Jesus walked on a little way. Then he knelt down on the ground and prayed, “Father,[e] if it is possible, don’t let this happen to me! Father, you can do anything. Don’t make me suffer by having me drink from this cup.[f] But do what you want, and not what I want.” YAHSHUA YOU are GOD? If YOU are GOD Father at the same time as Son of YAHUVEH, how can YOU have a different will than YAHUVEH? If YOU are YAHUVEH? YOU are asking YAHUVEH to not let YOU suffer, be nail on Cross , aren’t YOU? But YAHUVH wants YOU to go through that time of suffering, than YOU YAHUSHUA ae not YAHUVEH? How could YAHUVEH tell himself, please don’t make me drink from that cup, keep me from suffering? If YOU are exactly like YAHUVEH, but not just exactly lik HIM, but HIM ^YOU don’t want to be nail on Cross, YAHUVEH wants YOU to be nailed on Cross, YAHUVEH wants YOU to drink wine, YOU don’t really want to ^YAHUVEH YOU don’t ask us to be saints, perfects, do YOU? YOU ask us to sin a little, we sin too much! YOU ask us to try to sin way less, we sin exaggeratedly un purpose too much! YOU ask us to make some efforts to be less sinful & have less evil in our hearts souls consciences ect, we do not do effort! We do nothing to deserve Your Kingdom then ^or too little ^ please pray for our sister beyoncé knowles, she is not evil it seems, she wants to go out of satanism!!!! Mark 1 Bible The Preaching of John the Baptist 1 This is the good news about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.[a] 2 It began just as God had said in the book written by Isaiah the prophet, “I am sending my messenger to get the way ready for you. 3 In the desert someone is shouting, ‘Get the road ready for the Lord! Make a straight path for him.’” 4 So John the Baptist showed up in the desert and told everyone, “Turn back to God and be baptized! Then your sins will be forgiven.” 5 From all Judea and Jerusalem crowds of people went to John. They told how sorry they were for their sins, and he baptized them in the Jordan River. 6 John wore clothes made of camel’s hair. He had a leather strap around his waist and ate grasshoppers and wild honey. 7 John also told the people, “Someone more powerful is going to come. And I am not good enough even to stoop down and untie his sandals.[b] 8 I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit!” The Baptism of Jesus 9 About that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and John baptized him in the Jordan River. 10 As soon as Jesus came out of the water, he saw the sky open and the Holy Spirit coming down to him like a dove. 11 A voice from heaven said, “You are my own dear Son, and I am pleased with you.” Jesus and Satan 12 Right away God’s Spirit made Jesus go into the desert. 13 He stayed there for forty days while Satan tested him. Jesus was with the wild animals, but angels took care of him. Jesus Begins His Work 14 After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee and told the good news that comes from God.[c] 15 He said, “The time has come! God’s kingdom will soon be here.[d] Turn back to God and believe the good news!” Jesus Chooses Four Fishermen 16 As Jesus was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew. They were fishermen and were casting their nets into the lake. 17 Jesus said to them, “Come with me! I will teach you how to bring in people instead of fish.” 18 Right then the two brothers dropped their nets and went with him. 19 Jesus walked on and soon saw James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in a boat, mending their nets. 20 At once Jesus asked them to come with him. They left their father in the boat with the hired workers and went with him. A Man with an Evil Spirit 21 Jesus and his disciples went to the town of Capernaum. Then on the next Sabbath he went into the Jewish meeting place and started teaching. 22 Everyone was amazed at his teaching. He taught with authority, and not like the teachers of the Law of Moses. 23 Suddenly a man with an evil spirit[e] in him entered the meeting place and yelled, 24 “Jesus from Nazareth, what do you want with us? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are! You are God’s Holy One.” 25 Jesus told the evil spirit, “Be quiet and come out of the man!” 26 The spirit shook him. Then it gave a loud shout and left. 27 Everyone was completely surprised and kept saying to each other, “What is this? It must be some new kind of powerful teaching! Even the evil spirits obey him.” 28 News about Jesus quickly spread all over Galilee. Jesus Heals Many People 29 As soon as Jesus left the meeting place with James and John, they went home with Simon and Andrew. 30 When they got there, Jesus was told that Simon’s mother-in-law was sick in bed with fever. 31 Jesus went to her. He took hold of her hand and helped her up. The fever left her, and she served them a meal. 32 That evening after sunset,[f] all who were sick or had demons in them were brought to Jesus. 33 In fact, the whole town gathered around the door of the house. 34 Jesus healed all kinds of terrible diseases and forced out a lot of demons. But the demons knew who he was, and he did not let them speak. 35 Very early the next morning, Jesus got up and went to a place where he could be alone and pray. 36 Simon and the others started looking for him. 37 And when they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you!” 38 Jesus replied, “We must go to the nearby towns, so that I can tell the good news to those people. This is why I have come.” 39 Then Jesus went to Jewish meeting places everywhere in Galilee, where he preached and forced out demons. Jesus Heals a Man 40 A man with leprosy[g] came to Jesus and knelt down.[h] He begged, “You have the power to make me well, if only you wanted to.” 41 Jesus felt sorry for[i] the man. So he put his hand on him and said, “I want to! Now you are well.” 42 At once the man’s leprosy disappeared, and he was well. 43 After Jesus strictly warned the man, he sent him on his way. 44 He said, “Don’t tell anyone about this. Just go and show the priest that you are well. Then take a gift to the temple as Moses commanded, and everyone will know that you have been healed.”[j] 45 The man talked about it so much and told so many people, that Jesus could no longer go openly into a town. He had to stay away from the towns, but people still came to him from everywhere.

Mark 2 BiBLE Jesus Heals a Crippled Man 2 Jesus went back to Capernaum, and a few days later people heard that he was at home.[a] 2 Then so many of them came to the house that there wasn’t even standing room left in front of the door. Jesus was still teaching 3 when four people came up, carrying a crippled man on a mat. 4 But because of the crowd, they could not get him to Jesus. So they made a hole in the roof[b] above him and let the man down in front of everyone. 5 When Jesus saw how much faith they had, he said to the crippled man, “My friend, your sins are forgiven.” 6 Some of the teachers of the Law of Moses were sitting there. They started wondering, 7 “Why would he say such a thing? He must think he is God! Only God can forgive sins.” 8 Right away, Jesus knew what they were thinking, and he said, “Why are you thinking such things? 9 Is it easier for me to tell this crippled man that his sins are forgiven or to tell him to get up and pick up his mat and go on home? 10 I will show you that the Son of Man has the right to forgive sins here on earth.” So Jesus said to the man, 11 “Get up! Pick up your mat and go on home.” 12 The man got right up. He picked up his mat and went out while everyone watched in amazement. They praised God and said, “We have never seen anything like this!” Jesus Chooses Levi 13 Once again, Jesus went to the shore of Lake Galilee. A large crowd gathered around him, and he taught them. 14 As he walked along, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus. Levi was sitting at the place for paying taxes, and Jesus said to him, “Come with me!” So he got up and went with Jesus. 15 Later, Jesus and his disciples were having dinner at Levi’s house.[c] Many tax collectors[d] and other sinners had become followers of Jesus, and they were also guests at the dinner. 16 Some of the teachers of the Law of Moses were Pharisees, and they saw that Jesus was eating with sinners and tax collectors. So they asked his disciples, “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” 17 Jesus heard them and answered, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor, but sick people do. I didn’t come to invite good people to be my followers. I came to invite sinners.” People Ask about Going without Eating 18 The followers of John the Baptist and the Pharisees often went without eating.[e] Some people came and asked Jesus, “Why do the followers of John and those of the Pharisees often go without eating, while your disciples never do?” 19 Jesus answered: The friends of a bridegroom don’t go without eating while he is still with them. 20 But the time will come when he will be taken from them. Then they will go without eating. 21 No one patches old clothes by sewing on a piece of new cloth. The new piece would shrink and tear a bigger hole. 22 No one pours new wine into old wineskins. The wine would swell and burst the old skins.[f] Then the wine would be lost, and the skins would be ruined. New wine must be put into new wineskins. A Question about the Sabbath 23 One Sabbath Jesus and his disciples were walking through some wheat fields. His disciples were picking grains of wheat as they went along.[g] 24 Some Pharisees asked Jesus, “Why are your disciples picking grain on the Sabbath? They are not supposed to do that!” 25 Jesus answered, “Haven’t you read what David did when he and his followers were hungry and in need? 26 It was during the time of Abiathar the high priest. David went into the house of God and ate the sacred loaves of bread that only priests are allowed to eat. He also gave some to his followers.” 27 Jesus finished by saying, “People were not made for the good of the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made for the good of people. 28 So the Son of Man is Lord over the Sabbath.”

Bible mark chapter 10 The Request of James and John: James and John came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, will you do us a favor?” Jesus asked them what they wanted, and they answered, “When you come into your glory, please let one of us sit at your right side and the other at your left.”[e] Jesus told them, “You don’t really know what you’re asking! Are you able to drink from the cup[f] that I must soon drink from or be baptized as I must be baptized?”[g] “Yes, we are!” James and John answered. Then Jesus replied, “You certainly will drink from the cup from which I must drink. And you will be baptized just as I must! But it isn’t for me to say who will sit at my right side and at my left. That is for God to decide.” YASHUA YOU are GOD? Then how can YOU say it’s not for YOU to decide if YOU are GOD Father and GOD Father is YOU YASHUA? Here YOU ‘re saying YOU are not Your Father? In Bible GOD says about YOU YASHUA : YOU are GOD , It’s confusing, the beast said in Bible YOU are not GOD & YOU are? The beast in Bible said YOU are GOD, pretending to be GOD and YOU are not? YOU seem to be saying several times YASHUA that YOU are not GOD, when YOU lived, that is what’s in Bible but GOD said YOU are GOD ; YOU are or not , YAHSHUA? Jesus and the Ruler of Demons : Jesus went back home, and once again such a large crowd gathered that there was no chance even to eat. When Jesus' family heard what he was doing, they thought he was crazy and went to get him under control. 22 Some teachers of the Law of Moses came from Jerusalem and said, “This man is under the power of Beelzebul, the ruler of demons! He is even forcing out demons with the help of Beelzebul.” Jesus told the people to gather around him. Then he spoke to them in riddles and said: How can Satan force himself out? 24 A nation whose people fight each other won’t last very long. And a family that fights won’t last long either. 26 So if Satan fights against himself, that will be the end of him. How can anyone break into the house of a strong man and steal his things, unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can take everything. 28 I promise you that any of the sinful things you say or do can be forgiven, no matter how terrible those things are. 29 But if you speak against the Holy Spirit, you can never be forgiven. That sin will be held against you forever. 30 Jesus said this because the people were saying that he had an evil spirit in him. YESHUA YOU are Holy SPIRIT? for if Your sheep can blaspheme YOU but not HOLY SPIRIT & YOU are triune GOD, then they can’t and can blaspheme YOU YESHUA, can & can’t blaspheme HOLY SPIRIT? Jesus and the Ruler of Demons 20 Jesus went back home,[f] and once again such a large crowd gathered that there was no chance even to eat. 21 When Jesus' family heard what he was doing, they thought he was crazy and went to get him under control. 22 Some teachers of the Law of Moses came from Jerusalem and said, “This man is under the power of Beelzebul, the ruler of demons! He is even forcing out demons with the help of Beelzebul.” 23 Jesus told the people to gather around him. Then he spoke to them in riddles and said: How can Satan force himself out? 24 A nation whose people fight each other won’t last very long. 25 And a family that fights won’t last long either. 26 So if Satan fights against himself, that will be the end of him. 27 How can anyone break into the house of a strong man and steal his things, unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can take everything. 28 I promise you that any of the sinful things you say or do can be forgiven, no matter how terrible those things are. 29 But if you speak against the Holy Spirit, you can never be forgiven. That sin will be held against you forever. 30 Jesus said this because the people were saying that he had an evil spirit in him. YESHUA YOU are Holy SPIRIT? for if Your sheep can blaspheme YOU but not HOLY SPIRIT & YOU are triune GOD, then they can’t and can blaspheme YOU YESHUA, can & can’t blaspheme HOLY SPIRIT? Must pray for our well know brothers sis but not caus well known, like all we care about are those we put pedestal: friends relatives sentimental couple, public figures, no, we should pray for our well known brethrens , only because they are going to hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not because they’re more than all our other regular brethrens or caus they are almost gods, they are not!!!!! There is definitely evidence that well known sheep of YAHWEH will go to hell, because Bible says so! YASHUA YOU said this for fishing murdering angel marvelous fish is sin? Jesus Chooses Four Fishermen 16 As Jesus was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew. They were fishermen and were casting their nets into the lake. 17 Jesus said to them, “Come with me! I will teach you how to bring in people instead of fish.” 18 Right then the two brothers dropped their nets and went with him. Horrible sin that e do not fast? GOD it’s so terrible for heath, for our gallbladder we could die! Your sheep who workout, 3 days without eating & working out!!!! GOD YOU are so mad at us for not fasting? YOU command us pray on our knees or any position is ok? We need to do the hand sign, of putting our hands together or we can pray without arms hands? of course, as sheep of GOD we are so selfish, ain’t no prayer to help Satanists to repent on internet,, do YOU GOD pray for Your sheep? Or does only YAHSHUA prays to YOU for us? Intercede, interceding= praying? Holy SPIRIT lives in YEHSHUA :does this mean HOLY SPIRIT IS YEHSHUA? HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD’s SPIRIT & YEHSHUA’s SPIRIT? They both have the same SPIRIT? JESUS CHRIST YOU seem to say in Bible that we can not call anyone on earth our dad , but we can call anyone we like our mom, sis, bro, ect friends uncles grandpas, cousins, nephews too? Or just sis mom bro? YOU say this because GOD is Your Father is our Father and so we can only call women our momys but to men our daddys and we can call the creatures who are obedient to GOD our bros and sises , but not those who are obedient to GOD are dads because GOD is not our bro or sis nor mommy but our Daddy, & those obedient sheep are not our dads for only GOD is our Dad? That is what YOU meat beloved dear JESUS? JESUS YOU are our Father, husband, brother? If YOU are against homosexuality, all Your sheep are Your wives? All men sheep+ women sheep? What does this mean? Spiritual wives and YOU CHRIS spiritual husband, what is it, we must like YOU how?
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Juil - 14:08






Here YESHUA YOU are speaking about 7 years of tribulations of the apocalypse : The Temple Will Be Destroyed 24 After Jesus left the temple, his disciples came over and said, “Look at all these buildings!” 2 Jesus replied, “Do you see these buildings? They will certainly be torn down! Not one stone will be left in place.” Warning about Trouble 3 Later, as Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, his disciples came to him in private and asked, “When will this happen? What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world?” 4 Jesus answered: Don’t let anyone fool you. 5 Many will come and claim to be me. They will say that they are the Messiah, and they will fool many people. 6 You will soon hear about wars and threats of wars, but don’t be afraid. These things will have to happen first, but that isn’t the end. 7 Nations and kingdoms will go to war against each other. People will starve to death, and in some places there will be earthquakes. 8 But this is just the beginning of troubles. 9 You will be arrested, punished, and even killed. Because of me, you will be hated by people of all nations. 10 Many will give up and will betray and hate each other. 11 Many false prophets will come and fool a lot of people. 12 Evil will spread and cause many people to stop loving others. 13 But if you keep on being faithful right to the end, you will be saved. 14 When the good news about the kingdom has been preached all over the world and told to all nations, the end will come. The Horrible Thing 15 Someday you will see that “Horrible Thing” in the holy place, just as the prophet Daniel said. Everyone who reads this must try to understand! 16 If you are living in Judea at that time, run to the mountains. 17 If you are on the roof[a] of your house, don’t go inside to get anything. 18 If you are out in the field, don’t go back for your coat. 19 It will be a terrible time for women who are expecting babies or nursing young children. 20 And pray that you won’t have to escape in winter or on a Sabbath.[b] 21 This will be the worst time of suffering since the beginning of the world, and nothing this terrible will ever happen again. 22 If God doesn’t make the time shorter, no one will be left alive. But because of God’s chosen ones, he will make the time shorter. 23 Someone may say, “Here is the Messiah!” or “There he is!” But don’t believe it. 24 False messiahs and false prophets will come and work great miracles and signs. They will even try to fool God’s chosen ones. 25 But I have warned you ahead of time. 26 If you are told that the Messiah is out in the desert, don’t go there! And if you are told that he is in some secret place, don’t believe it! 27 The coming of the Son of Man will be like lightning that can be seen from east to west. 28 Where there is a corpse, there will always be buzzards.[c] When the Son of Man Appears 29 Right after those days of suffering, “The sun will become dark, and the moon will no longer shine. The stars will fall, and the powers in the sky[d] will be shaken.” 30 Then a sign will appear in the sky. And there will be the Son of Man.[e] All nations on earth will weep when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 At the sound of a loud trumpet, he will send his angels to bring his chosen ones together from all over the earth. A Lesson from a Fig Tree 32 Learn a lesson from a fig tree. When its branches sprout and start putting out leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So when you see all these things happening, you will know that the time has almost come.[f] 34 I can promise you that some of the people of this generation will still be alive when all this happens. 35 The sky and the earth won’t last forever, but my words will. No One Knows the Day or Time 36 No one knows the day or hour. The angels in heaven don’t know, and the Son himself doesn’t know.[g] Only the Father knows. 37 When the Son of Man appears, things will be just as they were when Noah lived. 38 People were eating, drinking, and getting married right up to the day that the flood came and Noah went into the big boat. 39 They didn’t know anything was happening until the flood came and swept them all away. That is how it will be when the Son of Man appears. 40 Two men will be in the same field, but only one will be taken. The other will be left. 41 Two women will be together grinding grain, but only one will be taken. The other will be left. 42 So be on your guard! You don’t know when your Lord will come. 43 Homeowners never know when a thief is coming, and they are always on guard to keep one from breaking in. 44 Always be ready! You don’t know when the Son of Man will come. Faithful and Unfaithful Servants 45 Who are faithful and wise servants? Who are the ones the master will put in charge of giving the other servants their food supplies at the proper time? 46 Servants are fortunate if their master comes and finds them doing their job. 47 You may be sure that a servant who is always faithful will be put in charge of everything the master owns. 48 But suppose one of the servants thinks that the master won’t return until late. 49 Suppose that evil servant starts beating the other servants and eats and drinks with people who are drunk. 50 If that happens, the master will surely come on a day and at a time when the servant least expects him. 51 That servant will then be punished and thrown out with the ones who only pretended to serve their master. There they will cry and grit their teeth in pain. Footnotes: 24.17 roof: In Palestine the houses usually had a flat roof. Stairs on the outside led up to the roof, which was made of beams and boards covered with packed earth. 24.20 in winter or on a Sabbath: In Palestine the winters are cold and rainy and make travel difficult. The Jewish people were not allowed to travel much more than half a mile on the Sabbath. For these reasons it was hard for them to escape from their enemies in the winter or on a Sabbath. 24.28 Where there is a corpse, there will always be buzzards: This saying may mean that when anything important happens, people soon know about it. Or the saying may mean that whenever something bad happens, curious people gather around and stare. But the word translated “buzzard” also means “eagle” and may refer to the Roman army, which had an eagle as its symbol. 24.29 the powers in the sky: In ancient times people thought that the stars were spiritual powers. 24.30 And there will be the Son of Man: Or “And it will be the Son of Man.” 24.33 the time has almost come: Or “he (that is, the Son of Man) will soon be here.” 24.36 and the Son himself doesn’t know: These words are not in some manuscripts. Cholita snuggles into her straw nest, a pleasure previously denied her, which gives her huge comfort at the ADI Spirit of Freedom rescue centre in Peru. Following ADI’s expert vet team’s advice that Cholita is too frail and elderly to fly to sanctuary in the US, we are planning to build her a lovely jungle home in Peru so she can live out her final years in the peace and ease she so deserves. And we need to raise £50,000 to do it! Your gift today will give Cholita the best possible care in a home purpose built and designed to meet her every need! PLEASE DONATE NOW! • £5 will provide food for Cholita whilst she is at our temporary rescue centre • £15 will go towards Cholita's care costs while she is at our temporary rescue centre • £35 will help towards Cholita's travel costs to her forever home • £70 will help us to build her forever home • £1,000 will sponsor a travel crate to fly a big cat to freedom in Thank you! Yours for the animals, Please LORD GOD, bless all the people, and have them put words that YOU wrote in the Bible into their heads, and to make sure that they are saved and that they have eternal life in YOU GOD And that they always believe, and that they always cherish your moments and everything YOU write in the Bible to the heart, make sure that every time that they think that they’re low & that they can’t do anything anymore , that YOU can give them the strength and the will to do what they need to do , in Your Holy Son YEHUSHUA’s name, AMEN have blessed days every brethren & may you be blessed each & every day = we Pray I the name of YESHA that you do have eyes to see & hears to hear & receive this message AMEN= demons take residence up in your belly, they don’t want to leave , they fight =when you’re doing drugs, you’re entertaining spirits of witchcraft & sorcery when you’re doing drug you’re suing something that is a mind altering things, it’s connected with witchcraft & sorcery, here are demons connected to that I GOD YOU perhaps wish us to worship YESHUA because its hard to grasp, but perhaps for YOU GOD, YESHUA is YOU, H isn’t really Your Son, HE is You, the Father? He is The father of the Father, the Father of the Son, the Son of the Father & the Son of the Son, as Yeshua = YAHUVEH The Father & YAHUVEH The Father = The Lamb who is The Son ? for GOD YOU tell us to put our faith in YESHUA, so faith without prayer and without worship is odd , or perhaps that YOU’re telling us GOD , is to worship YESHUA + pray to YESHUA + put our faith in YESHUA, this makes more sense ii for us Christians we’re lamentably divided, for some CHRISTIANS see YOU YAHUVEH The Father as the only GOD, and YESHUA as Your Son, like jeovah Witnesses, heard other CHRISTIANS, such as Catholics & Baptists, evangelical Christians, ect see YESHUA The Lamb and YOU YAHUVEH The Father as the same one ii it seems like YAHUVEH in Bible YOU said JESUS CHRIST is GOD ii nobody added this? It’s truly YOU GOD who said this? Then YESHUA is GOD ii but what’s odd, is that, in books of Bible, YESHUA has some things He says, does, & YOU GOD others , and they both say His name & Your name, for instance they say the Son & not too far after that they say The Father ii why would they express themselves in this manner is we’re talking about the same being ? in Bible, YOU YESHUA did some things, then YAHUVEH The Father You did other things, they don’t say YEHSUA did the things GOD FATHER YOU did and vice versa, as they use specially Your name YESHA for the things YOU say & do, and the Father’s name for the things HE says & do , so why if YOU are the same being who does says believes ect the same things, who got 1 spirit, the same spirit ect ? YOU got 2 separate spirit in 2 different bodies but who really are 1 spirit ? 2 different bodies but with 1 mind for the ? 1 will, one thoughts ect, no thoughts of YESHUA , different from thoughts of The Father and vice versa? For Christians we’re confused as we say GOD The FATHER and GOD the Son, this is not possible, we are mistaken: those who believe GOD FATHER & GOD Son= the same, we can’t possibly believe GOD the FATHER AND GOD the SON!!!! As its 2 different statues, as we believe YOU really have all the same, same mind same spirit same desires same anger same everything so saying one is FATHER and the other one is Son is saying YOU are 2 distinct creatures, then we shouldn’t think we believe YOU both are 1 only, for we truly believe YOU are two, as we often speak to Jesus for certain things, GOD for other things, e think fo YOU GOD in one manner, of YOU YESHUA in a different manner, we truly don’t see YOU as 1 us Christians, for deep down we really see YOU who as with different ideas, different characteristics of what? Everything, don’t know, like we believe GOD THE SON is more merciful that GOD THE FATHER, GOD FATHER stricter, more full of wrath , he Son more clam, all this is earth conditioning ? Collective unconscious, so we contradict ourselves by believe YOU two are 1 but YOU two are also 2 ! what do we believe ? we don’t even know! For if we say no such thing as GOD FATHER & GOD SON but GOD, the 2 are GOD, just GOD, or GOD the Father is Father and Son, and Jesus is Father and Son, then we truly believe Son=Father=Father=Son ♩ that is too often what happens in the BIBLE? THAT4S WHY the confusion in our heads, for in Bible, when there is not just Jesus or GOD but both, they say like GOD Father is in one place, Lamb Son in another place, how come ??? they are supposed to be 1!!!! Or GOD Father said 1 thing, then later Lamb Son say one other thing : why do they precise GOD Father & then the Lamb? Confusing for they are supposed to be talking about 1 being aren’t they ♩ so why The Father and the Lamb ? why don’t they say only the Father throughout every story or only the Lamb throughout every story uu for humans say GOD Father has a certain role and GOD the Lamb has a different role u not possible if we agree that GOD Father and GOD Son are in fact 1 ♩ then GOD FATHER & GOD SON have same role, there is no such thing as GOD The Almighty does certain things & GOD THE SON does different things, or differences of decision or of anything uu or , if we disagree on this, then we believe GOD FATHER is GOD and the LAMB is not GOD but Son for we can’t believe that if they are not the same equal they are both GODS because GOD in Bible YOU say several times there is just YOU as GOD and nobody else, and we should worship YOU only, or something like this uu so or we believe GOD FATHER + SON are GOD , not GODS, but GOD & equals , so do the same things, believe the same things, decide the same things , or we believe GOD FATHER is GOD & So LAMB is Son of GOD but not GOD , so they decide, believe, ect different things, have each one 1 spirit, because when believing that GOD SON & GOD FATHER are the same but do different things, have different roles, it doesn’t make any sense, for we say the same being, who is GOD things different things from Himself ??? does, believes, different things from Himself, disagrees with Himself ??? it’s too odd to think GOD FATHER & GOD SON for this formulation seems to be referring to 2 GODS!!!! 2 different GODS! When GOD always said He was the only true GOD ♩ unless He meant HE and His Son were the only ii 1 ii GOD , 2 beings in 1, have YOU ever said this GOD? Myasis horrific disease, seems demonic I with so much activity of demons all around this planet, no wonder I not so much info on the net about this I its different from the american myasis I the european myasis I please share for too many saint animals of YAH die every day in terrible pain I all those diseases when maggots are inside the living creatures bodies , are horrifying!!!! Let us pray that all the human beings who live with non human animals will protect them all very well, and be informed by the HOLY SPIRIT of all this, with the help of kind hearted human brethrens who share!!!! So much on the net+ word of mouth, to all the brethrens they bump into, acquaintances, companies, in the name of YAHUSHUA Amen I YAH YEHSUHUA HOLY SPIRIT YOU make miracles!! Thank you so much! For YAH YEHUSHUA HOLY SPIRIT YOU put the will in our hearts to spread the word, on the net, so the infos arrive to people who knew nothing about horrible stuff, such as myasis, then they protect the animals , result: the animals who were going to suffer from myasis won’t: victories!!! AMEN! It attacks a lot : bunnies, dogs, farm animals, pets, but not fish I it’s very dangerous, be very careful that no human, no baby, no child enters in contact with the animals who are infested with myasis / what is it / this : flies attack the hamsters, cats, rabbits, dogs, ect, & any other type of wild animal, & they put their eggs on the anus or some wound of the animals I everything happens so quickly: in a few hours the eggs have hatched out, they are now transformed into worms / the worms are thousands , just for a few flies! Then more & more flies come because they are attracted by the noise or smell or something that the other flies are doing / so now they’re like 40 flies on the body of the animal / so there is in less than 24H thousands or millions of maggots eating the poor creature / inside their bodies eating all rogans, everything inside the bodies!!! So much pain, so much suffering / it’s in humane / the humans do not see anything do not know anything : the maggots are well hidden behind the fur / between the legs, next to the penis, or vagina, ect / they do not fall : the animal runs, walks, ect : the maggots are so well hung up !!!! that is why the animals have been having myasis for days & we don’t suspect anything!! The more days go by, the more the animal become like a veggie: don’t want to walk, move, do nothing, he she is very tired / we do not know why / the animal can have a wound, that’s why the flies put the eggs / it doesn’t happen to any animal without any reason / it happens to : animals who have wounds and its summer or spring, that’s when flies attack with this illness called myasis, or the animal is too weak, or too old so too weak, or too sick, or so dirty, or smells really bad , or is full of poo united kingdom = poop united states , or the animal is healthy, clean but has eaten something, or poo, where flies have put their eggs / so healthy & unhealthy animals can become infested with myasis / or the flies put their eggs on the body of the angel animal of YAH = GOD, or on food, or poo because the healthy animal can have eaten something that an uncaring disrespectful human creature has thrown on the floor on the street, instead of on the bin, where are their brains??? Or the humans do not pick up the poo / pope of the animals in their gardens, the flies put their eggs inside the poo pope, or the disrespectful uncaring humans in the streets, do not pick up the poo pope of their dogs, cats, ect / or humans give food in the garden to their animals, instead of at home / very dangerous for the flies, in spring summer, put their eggs on dog cat food! So please for the love of YESHUA & YAH, don’t you ever give food to animals outside! Beach, street, garden, park, anywhere outside no! at least in summer spring time / then winter autumn, maybe you can / but it’s not clear when flies attack with this: from march to October ? may to September? When it’s super hot , & there’s so much sin, for this is what enables them to put their eggs & create their maggots / be so careful caus then you’re going to be psycotying, desperate, becoming loon! By checking everywhere, caus your animals sleep with you in your bed, sofa, ect you’re gonna think there’s maggots all over the place! If you discover that your animal or animals are infected with that illness/ unfortunately, most humans discover this too late, days after! No chances of survival probably for the poor angel animal / you’re going to wash your hands so much, feeling I think I got maggots in my arms ect! Very traumatizing experience / please let us be caring, for others it’s like you have been sexually abused by some men, but as this race, the human being, we are so selfish , we do not care that the human who sexually harassed us could harass other beings / our animals had myasis, we do not care that it could happen to other animals ect / so we should be caring, right YAH & YEHUSHUA? Caus when there’s an evil stuff, Your rule YAH & YESHUA is not to keep I to ourselves, silent, but to propagate it to the entire human race! For keeping it to ourselves: sin, right YAH & YEHUSHUA? We just care about our own existence or the existence of the animals & human beings we love, that is why we think, no! I a not going to spread the word, the lives of the others are the lives of the others! No, this is not Christian! We must care!!! read the Bible!!! We should every day check the body of the animals, during all those months, let’s say march – October, never give them food out, never let them not even one day smelling bad, never letting them super dirty, never letting them eat anything they find out on the ground ect / check with gloves, never with bare hands / every single part of their bodies / look very carefully, open the hair / what is was again? Never wash the animals & leave them outside or something ? for if the animals are wet, it attracts the flies / if the animal has myasis, never wash it & let him her out!!! It will be worse! More flies are going to come, plenty more, & they will attack the poor animals, & they will go to YAH’s Kingdom!!! We got to let them inside/ as soon as you discover the animals have myasis, please let them in the home /don’t worry: the maggots won’t go all around the place, for they keep hung on the animals always / you can go to the vet so he she tells you what to do, & it’s better that she he removes them / it’s better if YESHUA YAH made you miracle, or like your voice in your head but really the HOLY SPIRIT voice told you, don’t know why, but I want to watch the body of my animal / then you discover the horror / it’s better if YAH blessed you to discover the thing the very same day, then if lamentably, you discovered it 2, , 4, 6 ect days after / poor animals / they do not want to eat, to get up / it’s like they are in some weird state, sort of like unconscious / you notice a change / you call them, you applaud, they do not evne look at you / they sleep, sleep sleep / you know something wrong is going on / they are like not themselves, no energy / because millions of worms are eating them, on the inside!!! The poor animals are like hypnotized, like awake but asleep, really you do not know if they are unconscious, or asleep, for they keep closing their eyes / during hours , stretched out, eyes closed, you don’t even know if they are alive! That is very difficult to know that the animals have myasis for they can move around, do anything they want: you do not see the maggots! They are very well hidden I only if you wash the part of the body of the animals or animal, will you discover the maggots, for they will fall / you got to remove them, they won’t move! It’s like supernatural: they do not want to move!! They want to stay there! I this disease is like when flies put their eggs on a piece of “meat”, animals are not meat they are our fellow brethrens!! Or on a dead body: they put their eggs, and the maggots appear no long after / but in this case, we are talking about alive animals! Or sometime humans / so unfair / so atrocious / they do this on sick animals, who we wonder, should we take them to the vet caus so sick so old, but as we are so selfish with our love, even if the animal was 19 we wouldn’t want to take them away , but YAH said we are forbidden to murder / that is also why so many old animals have myasis : because maybe they shouldn’t be alive in that state, caus they were very sick, & the flies have that like supernatural power to feel this / if the animals are old please do not let them out from march-october, if they are truly old + ill, if they are just kind of old, not so sick you can leave them out, let them out for a few hours < but as soon as when you look at them, you feel like they are almost dead, you can’t believe they are still alive for they are so weak: then please don’t you ever let them out! Only from January –February, November-december you can let them out / if they are truly sick, no matter what age they are, please do not let them out march-october, for they will definitely contract myasis < as soon as you discover animals have myasis, please go to the vet, if YAH wants, HE will save their lives < please do not waste any time : this is a matter of life & death < it’s easy to avoid myasis : we just need to never put the animals out from the 1st day of march to the last day of october, to never give them food out, to never let the tremendously ill animals out, or tremendously old , or tremendously old +ill, ect I we can put them out when there is no sun at all I as soon as the sun goes out : we put them inside I at night we can put them out: flies that do myasis do not attack when there is no sun I they attack only where it’s very sunny I you just need to make the animals be in all day long from march to october, and put them outside nights+ very early in the morning where there is no sun / for instance if sun goes out at 12 pm, then you can leave them out from 7-12 I then at 12= put them in I it’s very sunny til 21: then at 21-til 24 you can leave them out I this is only for those animals who stink out, or are so weak, of so ill, or so old ect I you can let the animals go out if they are healthy but be careful because they could have myasis because of the food they find on the ground out I so we must not be careful & have a constant vigilance only on the stinky, old, ill , who our wounded, ect but also on any animal who has none of these problems but who ate poo pope , or food from the ground I so please be tremendously vigilant with all the animals I thank you all so dearly I Is this true GOD? Some believe YOU have made Your human beings a vegan kind, have YOU made Your human beings to be all eating kind? Peter went up on the roof of the house to pray and became very hungry. While the food was being prepared, he fell sound asleep and had a vision. He saw heaven open, and something came down like a huge sheet held up by its four corners. In it were all kinds of animals, snakes, and birds. A voice said to him, “Peter, get up! Kill these and eat them.” But Peter said, “Lord, I can’t do that! I’ve never eaten anything that is unclean and not fit to eat.” The voice spoke to him again, “When God says that something can be used for food, don’t say it isn’t fit to eat.” This happened three times before the sheet was suddenly taken back to heaven. Peter was wondering what all of this meant. It’s odd for in some Bible parts GOD YOU said men can’t eat animals who crawl, for they are abominations, or something , then here the voice, probably JESUS voice, says to eat snakes , but GOD YOU hate all animals who crawl? At least serpents, crocodiles, they are Your enemies? They are like Your enemy? Then how come YOU desire men to eat snakes?

It's hard to believe, but only 0.4% of the world's fresh water supply is available for us to use. What's more, 783 million people currently don't have access to any clean water. This Sunday, the United Nations recognizes "World Water Day," an opportunity to address how water allows all life on Earth to survive and thrive. It quenches our thirst, supports our crops, helps prevent the spread of disease and provides a huge source of electric power. But when the already limited supply suffers, people suffer, too. From severe droughts and flooding to polluted waters and inadequate sanitation, the challenges are massive. Conservation International's Tracy Farrell believes the global community can rise to meet them. Senior technical director of CI Greater Mekong, she offers a three-step solution that involves understanding, managing and valuing water — because as long as we view it as a "free" resource, we will fail to protect it sufficiently. Bible the acts of the apostles chapter 2 this is what God had the prophet Joel say, “When the last days come, I will give my Spirit to everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will have dreams. In those days I will give my Spirit to my servants, both men and women, and they will prophesy. I will work miracles in the sky above and wonders on the earth below. There will be blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will turn dark, and the moon will be as red as blood before the great and wonderful day of the Lord appears. Then the Lord will save everyone who asks for his help.” Now, listen to what I have to say about Jesus from Nazareth. God proved that he sent Jesus to you by having him work miracles, wonders, and signs. God had already planned and decided that Jesus would be handed over to you. So you took him and had evil men put him to death on a cross. But God set him free from death and raised him to life. Death could not hold him in its power. What David said are really the words of Jesus, “I always see the Lord near me, and I will not be afraid with him at my right side. Because of this, my heart will be glad, my words will be joyful, and I will live in hope. The Lord won’t leave me in the grave. I am his holy one, and he won’t let my body decay. He has shown me the path to life, and he makes me glad by being near me.” My friends, it is right for me to speak to you about our ancestor David. He died and was buried, and his tomb is still here. 30 But David was a prophet, and he knew that God had made a promise he would not break. He had told David that someone from his own family would someday be king. David knew this would happen, and so he told us that Christ would be raised to life. He said that God would not leave him in the grave or let his body decay. God has raised Jesus to life! Jesus was taken up to sit at the right side of God, and he was given the Holy Spirit, just as the Father had promised. Jesus is the one who has given the Spirit to us, that is what you are now seeing and hearing. David didn’t go up to heaven. So he wasn’t talking about himself when he said, “The Lord told my Lord to sit at his right side, until he made my Lord’s enemies into a footstool for him.” Everyone in the world should then know for certain that God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ, even though you put him to death on a cross. When the people heard this, they were very upset. They asked Peter and the other apostles, “ what shall we do?” Peter said, “Turn back to God! Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven. Then you will be given the Holy Spirit. This promise is for everyone. It is for everyone our Lord God will choose, no matter where they live.”. He said, “I beg you to save yourselves from what will happen to all these evil people.” 41 On that day about three thousand believed his message and were baptized. They spent their time learning from the apostles, and they were like family to each other. They broke bread and prayed together. Life among the Lord’s Followers Everyone was amazed by the many miracles and wonders that the apostles worked. All the Lord’s followers often met together, and shared everything they had. They would sell their property and possessions and give the money to whoever needed it. Day after day they met together in the temple. They broke bread together in different homes and shared their food happily and freely, while praising God. Everyone liked them, and each day the Lord added to their group others who were being saved. right side: The place of honor and power. broke bread: They ate together and celebrated the Lord’s Supper.
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Juil - 14:10

Your gift is needed urgently to fund the huge rescue mission to get Cholita, the elderly Andean bear with no hair, and 70 other animals to safety! The scars of Cholita’s past are vivid – she is bald, with only patches of hair left, her teeth are broken and to remove her claws, her fingers were brutally cut down to stumps. CHOLITA HAS ONE CHANCE – ADI’S SPIRIT OF FREEDOM FLIGHT taking our 33 rescued lions to the US. I took the decision last week to delay the flight to make sure Cholita is on the ADI chartered aircraft – The ADI Spirit of Freedom Flight. Everyone is working hard to do the right thing for Cholita and we hope to take her into ADI’s care in the next few days. This weekend, I need your help to enable us to undertake Cholita’s rescue. This will involve a 60 hour, 600 mile round trip in temperatures up to 36 degrees. We will plan Cholita’s loading carefully to avoid the worst heat of the day. Every day we delay the flight costs an extra £442 in animal food costs alone. I need to call on your generosity once again to give Cholita her one chance of freedom! Please make a donation NOW to save Cholita. Together, we can transform the lives of Cholita and over seventy rescued animals! Yours, for the animals Jan Creamer ADI PresidentHow your gift will rescue Cholita £1,000 will sponsor Cholita’s travel crate which will be constructed in Lima £442 will help us feed the animals whilst we drive to Cholita’s rescue £70 will help pay for her place on the flight to freedom £35 will help ADI provide veterinary care for and feed Cholita £15 will go towards transport costs for ADI to bring Cholita to our rescue centre £5 will help us build a travel crate for Cholita Animal Defenders International Millbank Tower Millbank, London SW1P 4QP 020 7630 3340

Each year tens of thousands of seals, many of whom are still babies, are massacred. It’s time to demand a permanent end to canada’s cuel seal slaughter. End canada’s seal slaughter!!! Save the seals!! Try telling the rabbits for example, it’s just a little fur trim: rabbits & other animals are often beaten and skinned alive for their fur: boycotte fur!!!if the problem is a diabolical disorientation, the solution, is a Heavenly orientation ) We have to turn away from the direction of the devil, and turn back to the direction of GOD, to turn back to the direction of Heaven, us faithful have to amend our lives, ask pardon for our sins, we must not continue to offend our LORD ABBA anymore because HE is already too much offended ) what we must do is amend our lives ) and to stay on the right course ) that means avoiding the occasions of sins, doing our daily duty, the entire world was created by GOD, and oriented to the end of being with GOD ) so it concerns every soul born into the world Thank you so much all of you who make blogs, sites ect about respecting the animals, you think you do not do enough, caus you don’t belong to any group, you ‘only’ write articles about investigations, what is cruel, what is not, no, you are helping others to save animals! For they become vegans thanks to you, or veggies, or to no longer use several or 1 cruelty, that is why, with all the info you provide us you ‘ve helped us, for example you tell us that colgate does tests on animals so we stop buying this brand, YAH bless you all, and reward you for your compassionate actions of making those articles in your blogs ect, you help a lot the people to become aware, and the animals, you do not help 1 person, many! Hopefully ^we need to Please everyone in this world stop buying colgate they do tests on animals, it’s satanic they have demons in their bodies & heads when they do these things, !!!! please boycott colgate, they lie, they say they’re working on regulating, yea right! Satanists! Let us pray that Abba awaken their minds to come out of that All of this concerns every soul born into the world , Veganism the practice of non – violence ;please never let animals in a vehicle, please be vigilant, always be parked at the shade , please never forget that the sun turns ♡ please let 2 opposite windows ajar ♡ please put a a dish of water in the vehicle ♡ the temperature of a vehicle in the sun can go up to 70 degrees ♡ the life expectancy of an animal confined in a vehicle is of 30 minutes ♡ False prophet? For yahuveh is the name of lucifer so the RUACH HA KODESH could’ve never said these things, but it’s perhaps true that the RUACH HA KODESH is a woman, but SHE is not GOD’s wife but GOD’s spirit innit? http://amightywind.com/prophecy/proph89.htm Let’s pray for : Laurent fabius, ségolène royal, we can not believe that ABBA = GOD YOU are cruel for YOU are not, because it’s not being cruel to make us suffer intensely during 7 tribulation years, but it’s jj justice jj for that’s only what we deserve, it’s fair, we deserve to live those 7 years, because GOD told us to have as 1st love Himself, we didn’t listen to Him, e listen to serpent telling us your first love must be worldly things! So as we chose as god the serpent, then GOD has to punish us with so much suffering: the 7 years apocalypse, that’s logical, that’s 100% fair, We are against YOU GOD forgive us 1st commandment YOU shall love YOUr GOD with all Your heart , and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength: this is the first commandment. Its not love sex, tv, fashion , the serpent’s garbage, friends, fornicating, relatives, more than Your GOD!! Disobeying kids of YAHWEH < listen to what the spirit = JESUS says to the church! to all the humans of earth who have ears! Most of us brothers sisters don’t have ears! Don’t have eyes! Only a few are wise enough to listen! GOD bless family of YAHUVEH! There will be a cataclysm, demons are everywhere, unfortunately, often in our heads, bodies, & we do not know that! so let us defend ourselves, you can search for prayers for protection against demons, satan, spiritual warfare, demon buster is an amazing site, it ll help you so much if you have demons at your place , body, mind, spirit, you can contact exorcist, or true Christians with strong faith who can cast out the demons you have

prayers of protection against demonic forces/ In the Name of the Abba, and of the Son, and of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Oh Glorious Heavenly Abba , defend us in “our battle against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Come to the assistance of those You Heavenly ABBA have created to Your likeness, and whom You have redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. The Holy Church venerates You GOD as her guardian and protector; to You, GOD has entrusted the souls of the redeemed to be led into heaven. We Pray, therefore, to You God of Peace to crush Satan beneath our feet, that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to the Church.We offer our prayers to You GOD , the Most High, that without delay they may draw Your mercy down upon us; take hold of “the dragon, the serpent of old, which is the devil and Satan,” bind him and cast him into the bottomless pit “that he may no longer seduce the nations” (Revelations 20:2–3).In the Name of the Abba, and of the Son, and of the RUACH HA KODESH Amen. let us be benevolent beings, loving, righteous ♢ this article is not right believing that the GOD of the entire Bible is the evil one, but only the so called “god’ of the old testament, but the GOD of the new testament is our true Abba= Father, but some things in this article are true: that when people read the ot = old testament they just think: it’s the stuff Satanists & Lucifer would do, not something GOD would do http://www.enkiptahsatya.com/41-anu-yahweh-the-true-devil.html View Online ealert-header-THE-RACE-IS-ON.jpg Animal Defenders International (ADI) has declared that “the race is on” for legislators in the UK to act after a consultation on the use of wild animals in circuses revealed there is huge distaste for such acts among the public. The response published today by the Scottish Government shows that 98% think wild animal performances should be banned. ADI President Jan Creamer said, “The people of Scotland have spoken and the race is on to secure legislation to protect wild animals from circus suffering. We urge Governments in Scotland, Wales and England to act swiftly to meet the will of the British public and safeguard animal welfare.” The consultation “Should the use of wild animals in travelling circuses be banned in Scotland?” was launched last January and its findings reflect those of a 2010 Defra consultation in which 94.5% of respondents supported a ban. In the consultation analysis the Government notes that, “The issue of wild animals in travelling circuses has been a source of longstanding unease to many people.” Scottish nutritionist, presenter and author Gillian McKeith urged people to take part, highlighting the “terrible price” paid by animals in circuses, a form of entertainment that Scottish actress Annette Crosbie describes as “Victorian” and “endangers and degrades helpless animals.” PLEASE HELP MAKE WILD ANIMAL ACTS HISTORY! Read the consultation findings, contact your elected representative today and urge them to push forward legislation to prohibit wild animal circuses. Yours for the animals lion-eALERT-HEADER.jpg GREAT NEWS, PLEASE SHARE! The Chipperfield lion act scheduled for the Herefordshire Country Fair on August 2nd has been cancelled! ADI revealed plans for the ‘Victorian’ circus act on Friday and over 12,000 of you joined us in calling on event organisers to cancel the performance. This is a great victory to start the week, but there is still work to be done. The big cat circus trainer plans to tour the UK with his ‘An Evening with Lions and Tigers’ – which is in Powys until Friday. Until the Government brings in the long-promised ban on wild animals in circuses then the suffering of circus animals will continue in Britain despite the clear public opposition. Please write to Prime Minister David Cameron today urging him to bring forward the legislation to ban wild animals in circuses. Also, if you live in the UK, ask your MP to sign EDM 192 today! THANK YOU! Jan Creamer ADI President PS: Can you donate to help the campaign to stop circus suffering . We must keep up the pressure! Why YOU ABBA GOD & YEHUSHUA JESUSCHRIST YOU will torture us so much us “Christians”, during tribulations, because we are untrue Christians, for if we make a comparison between untrue Christians & true Christians, they seem to be saints! We live demonic existences , they live saint lives, for example: true Christians refuse to have demonic stuff at their places, we untrue Christians refuse to believe that GOD command us to throw them away, we refuse to throw them away for we think it cost us money, so we love those objects more than we love GOD, those true Christians do not curse, we curse, true Christians do not watch tv unless its non demonic documentary, we refuse to obey GOD who commands us to no longer watch music shows = satanic music, soaps = satanic, tv news= satanic brainwashing ect , true Christians never dress with short clothes, we untrue Christians wear those clothes, we every 5000 years think oh I believe in GOD I had forgotten! We throw HIM out of our hearts thoughts existences, true Christians live in YOU GOD, they can never forget YOU, Your are their best friends , they can’t stop thinking of YOU, even more than somebody who’s in love with somebody can’t stop to think of them , we live for passion activities, for meeting our friends, our relatives, our job, lover, the stuff we need to do, the stuff we wish to do , me me, we think more about the myself than about JESUS YAHUSHUA & GOD Abba! That is why those demons are going to eat us, torture us, or something, for we haven’t lived in GOD, that’s why those true Christians are going to be protected by GOD & YAHUSHUA JESUS CHRIST for they have been so good, they have obeyed to all His commandments, so their reward, for all those true Christians who are going to stay in planet earth, they may be not attacked eaten alive ect by demons, for example if the neighbors of 87 are untrue Christian and 87 is a true Christian, the demons are not going to attack 87, but they are going to attack his her neighbors, perhaps = because we untrue Christians do not deserve a reward = true Christians are like sisters, they keep on praying , studying & learning by heart the Bible, praying & fasting, they have knowledge of what is demonic & know too many things are demonic & they have thrown all those stuff away of their activities, places, ect, whereas us untrue Christians, we refuse to believe GOD 1 His Servants, when they tell us to throw ou of our lives the demonic stuff, tv stuff , video games ect for we do not believe our own GOD!!! We do not read the Bible : never, we untrue Christians, we do not pray, or pray a bit, not every day, those true Christians keep GOD & YEHUSHUA HA MASCHIACH JESUS always in them, them constantly have the RUACH HA KODESH HOLY GOSHT in their spirit, we untrue Christians do not, they have a total obedience of GOD’s commands, we untrue Christians do not, we disagree so much wth GOD’s word, with the Bible, with JESUS, we deny this fact, but it’s true for if GOD says we must forgive for example, we do not sya I disagree with GOD, we should not forgive, but we say, I think we should not forgive, so at that particular moment of that idea, we were not thinking of GOD, but it’s clear that we disagree with GOD, if GOD says love Your neighbor, we do not, GOD says we must never hate none of our neighbors, we think it’s ok to hate certain neighbors, we have this right, ect, whereas true Christians try to truly obey those commands, if they hate, they repent, they fast, they pray, they feel so bad about it, they try to no longer hate nobody < GOD seem to want us to go to see, if we can, every single person we have never forgotten, even if you haven’t seen them in decades or years, we refuse to do this, even if we know where they live , or have found their phone number, true Christians do this probably, we refuse to believe that many stuff at home we buy are from satan and bring thousands of demons at our place, then we refuse to bless our homes against demons, and then when the demons will come, they will attack us, untrue Christians, caus GOD believes certain things, and ask certain things, and we refuse to believe, like get rid of all the thigns of satan which are in our places, for even if you agree to bless your places, the demons who are already there because of the things of satan, won’t leave, so you have to throw them, break them, so that you can truly protect your home from them, but we think all this is nonsense, so we sin against GOD for we call Him a liar for GOD says in the Bible not to have to do anything with demons, HE doesn’t tell us all the stuff & objects of this world which belong to satan but HE tells His goof servants, the true Christians, & we do not listen to them!!! So the demons can enter our homes & eat our pet animals & us! Because we are welcoming them, we have opened the door to them by being happy to have these stuff & objects where we live! That is why demons won’t attack all the homes, probably, for certain beings are true Christians, they are wise, & have protected their homes against demons, & they have no stuff of satan at home, which stuff to get rid of, too many! Example : all nike stuff, all cd = satanic music, all dvd = satanic movies, all objects representing demons : false gods, like the sun, ect, all stuff with an eagle, movies dvds like harry potter, the passion of Christ, mystic jewels, satanic public figures images & posters , all disney stuff, disney of satan, ect = and maybe if we try to be like the true Christians, read the Bible, everyday hours, for example instead of watching satan’s tv 5h a day we watch 0 tv a day & read the Bible 5 hours , I we pray 2-3h or more a day, GOD will see this change, will reward us, for we have never done such things in the past, we have never cared about our Abba GOD even if we are “Christians”! so perhaps, only perhaps, will HE & YEHUSHUA protect us during the tribulations, at home, when we’ll refuse to go out, to open the windows, for there will be plenty of demons outside, but they can go through the walls, so it doesn’t matter if we go out or not, they will probably get us all or almost all = but if we start a prayer life, Bible life, in GOD & YEHUSHUA, repent , go to call see or write ect every single neighbor we can remember whom we have never forgotten, we tell them all the evil thoughts we had against them, like I wished to kill you, I used to wish you were dead, ect, & we sincerely say we are sorry, and we pray so GOD forgive us, but perhaps praying 3 m for GOD to forgive us for not forgiving & for our evil thoughts is not enough, maybe it’s better to pray every day hours, for this, & fast = for it’s not that easy, I just say to GOD I repent, forgive me, I repent for not forgiving & that’s it! No we need to do more work than this = that’s the reason why we are untrue Christians 90 or 80 percent of all 100 percent of earths Christians, sadly, for all our ideas, deeds, behavior, wickedness, true Christians are not wicked, also when you’re a true Christian, you feel the SPIRIT of GOD in you, us untrue Christians, we do not feel this, when you’re a true Christian, you do not doubt of your faith, you know you have so much, we untrue Christians, we do not know, we doubt, we are afraid we do not have any or not enough faith = if you doubt of your faith ,it perhaps means you don’t have much faith, but if you do not doubt of your faith, it could mean you have true faith = We pray that all our neighbors make sure every morning you get up, you are looking for the Adonai, you are looking for His return in the name of YAHUSHUA JESUS AMEN: but the Bible say we should not wait for YEHUSHUA’s return for the day of the Adonai Lord is a terrible day = be careful family of ABBA GOD, too many fake satanic? Prophet, better not to follow prophets, but GOD & JESUS YAHUSHUA ♡ let us pray for mercy and forgiveness, & the return of those who have left us in the name of JESUS YAHUSHUA AMEN ♡ we pray in the name of YEHUSHUA JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth, that our neighbours who live on the earth will agree to obey GOD who say to get rid of all demonic thing & to protect our homes from the devil & the demons, & that they will agree to turn to YESHUA & to YOU GOD, & they will agree to share those emails even though they think it’s garbage fake, that they will believe in all these stuff, for if they do not believe, they are believing YOU GOD & YOU JESUS are liars, make a huge sin, because all of these stuff Your servants say & share and beg for our neighbors to share are 100% true, so if they do not believe YOU GOD, it’s terrible, for it’s YOU GOD who tell Your servants to write these things, make these websites, vids, ect please help them to believe, take away from their heads all deceiving spirit who prevent them from believing in all these things that are coming , thank YOU YEHUSHUA, thank YOU GOD ABBA, Amen ♡ we make fun of them think they are nuts : we make fun of GOD & YEHUSHUA & saying they are nuts for they are telling us these things through their children♡ sin sin sin!!! We have to love our neighbors, the non human animals are our neighbors, we must have respect for them, love , altruism, humanity, philanthropy for them ♡ we pray that GOD ABBA YOU’ll protect all the non human animals during 2015 2022 rein of the beast, for people or demons or what are going to eat, kill, torture, rape the non human animals: pets, & only YOU know what other animals, we pray that YOU GOD send a hedge of protection around each & every non human animal of this world, strays, abandoned, those who live with human bengs, wwild animals, woods animals , all animals, in the name of JESUS YEHUSHUA AMEN,Sid roth Satanist? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t0ei52mERY it’s hard to believe them, for in the public, you see loads of people who have had plastic surgery! They are supposed to be normal people! All the guest of sid roth’s show look like they ‘ve had plastic surgery! They’re deceivers working for the enemy ? that’s the worst ironic thing! Beings being Satanist pretending to be Christian ministers, Christians, Christian who have special healing powers ect! I respect their traditions they respect mine, in their nations they eat certain animal, I respect this, in my nation we eat certain animal, they respect this : ????? such satanic philosophy!! This is against YOU both YESHUA & YAH isn’t it? We respect their traditions & ours ? ! oh alright then if our traditions or theirs is to abuse exploit cut into pieces rape human beings, will we respect their our traditions????????? How can we be so blaze! This is of the beast! They eat dogs in Africa china: we respect ,its their lives they can do whatever they wish to ! = ???? YESHUA YAH forgive us, for we are so passive in this philosophy, its nto even philosophy! We hate being active even in our ideas! Or actions! No, its not something totally normal that we eat certain animals in our individual nations & that our brothers of other nations eat certain other animals: its never normal to murder t olive!!! May YOU both YEHUSHUA & GOD Almighty forgive us for murdering for YOU have prohibited us to murder YOU shall not kill < read the Bible!!!!! In Bible YOU say that we must not only oppose the cruel unjust beings & their actions, but expose them: this philosophy of I don’t care! not my life! Not me! Of letting them murder & eat dogs, cats & any other animal, is the philosophy the beats taught us, so we can not ay we are of YEHUSHUA! For it’s the total contrary of the philosophy YAH & YEHUSHUA taught us in the bible!!! Which is = don’t expose the cruel unjust, let them live with the satanic & Christian philosophy of: live & let live! Its good & evil : vegetarians & vegans have this philosophy, live & let live, and people who are in favor of letting others have demonic sexuality: letting being being gays ect: live & let live, you are a Satanist, you murder animals, you rape, you kidnap, you take drugs, you do evil stuff: I live & I let live: this is so new age so new world order so the stuff the beast taught u & put in our brains & hearts!!! So this is a good & evil philosophy! It depends on the context! If you say i do note at <<< anyone << who has a spirit, who can reason, who can see , sleep, breath, get sick, so a living creature, so I live & I let live, for I am a vegan : this is not the beast teachings, this is YEHUSHUA & YAH’s teachings, this is good < but I let others murder cut into pieces skin alive, cut heads of animals humans, murder kidnap, animals, homeless humans, steal human babies, human kids, for satanic rituals ect : I let them do what they want with their existences, it ain’t my existence: I live & let live: wait for GOD’s judgment!!! It’s the 1st time you see all this animal abuse done by men , you do not believe, men cn’t be that evil : when humans cut humans heads, abuse, rape, do terrorists attack do you believe, yes you do, when seal hunt, fur, zoos, animal experiments, you do not believe, fake videos fake pics we believe, no, true everything: its for we aren’t in the places of abuse: if we were there, we will see with our eyes, we would believe : if men we are capable of doing the worst stuff to our brothers the human beings, we are capable of doing this to the our brothers the non humans , the animal beings < gossiping sin against YSHUA + YAH for like YESHUA said only if you have never committed any sin, throw the first stone at the sinners, such as incestuous creatures, liars , rapists, drug sellers, gossipers, beings who take drugs, sexual deviants, prostitutes, angry beings, humans who have sex with animals , robbers, communitarian sectarians ect for we see other brethrens with their sins, we are not capable of seeing our own elves with our sins, but like a saint, conceived without sin: what a joke I we do have sins! Plenty! I so as we were conceived as sinners, we have no right to judge our fellow brothers for they have committed sins, we have committed sins, for any one who has committed any sin , and more than 1, and plenty of times ha committed sins, can’t judge their brothers, for that’s how disgusting how scornful how wicked we are,: we hang out with a bunch of human beings, we start chic chcu chcu chu chu, talking behind the backs of those we see a scandalous, for there was some scandal, e learned the being had an affair with somebody else who is not his her boyfriend girlfriend for example, so they are coworkers, school, neighbors, we start gossiping: GOD YESHUA in Bible teach us it’s a sin to gossip! Its waste of time! Let us not gossip! Let us read Bible or confess our sins to our ALMIGHT Abba, or let us help our fellow beings! This is time super well wasted, gossiping is being with the beast & its evil I caus let us not talk behind our brothers back! Let us not judge! The one who must & has right to judge= YESHUA + YAH for they are without sin! Caus if we are going to make trial for those who cheated on others, those who eat their hair, incestuous people, anorexic, Satanists, strip teasers, ect, then they can do our trial too! If we claim we belong to YAH + YASHUA, why do we obey satanic bible of the dragon= the old snake= the evil one the box called tv? Caus we have no personal personality, personal thinking, everything of our so called <brains< comes from what has been seen on tv: by mimicry we repeat, we obey what beast tells us to do inside the box I for in all those garbage satanic stuff called movies, shows, series we always see the same mongolian stuff: there has been a scandal in the existences of certain souls I so all the other souls, so evil, for instance at wok, start speaking evilly about the issue of that being I or even call the press, caus they do not care about nobody else than the ones they love+ themselves, and of course with satanic communitarianism, you do not care about anybody else than couple or couple relatives or couple friends relatives ect so that being for you is garbage it’s just a co worker, so who cares! That you will destroy their lives, caus all photographs & journalists are going to harass that brethren! Caus they all want to know if its true that ::::: = the scandal, like is it true you have stolen a baby caus you can’t have one, or is it true your father & you had a relationship & you liked it ect I we have no respect! We are so evil that even being so communitarian apartheid with loved ones, even if the scandal had happened to one or several loved ones, we would betray them! We are heartless! Even if we do not call the press, we still gossip & the people are not deaf blind, they see us talking evilly, that hurts I that’s free evilness I maybe if it was people we love, pupils from school or co workers we like, even then would we betray them, sin against YEHUSUA & YAH by gossiping I please brethrens never gossip it’s a sin!!!!!!!!!! Rather than gossiping, let’s pray for the peace in the lives of those going through horrible scandals I it’s clear YESHUA & YAH YOU prohibit us to watch most tv garbage because it taught us, & we learn! It taught us the evil ideas, evil philosophy, evil actions I gossiping, for example, many other stuff! Tv series: kids threatening other kids telling them to give hem dough, beating them : we watch those satanic Mongolian things, first thing we do is become a bully too! Series: have sex without condom , or do not think, do not hesitate, have sex even though you want to remain a virgin but satanic Mongolian peer pressure: tv series, the character has sex, against his her convictions, and without condom then sexual disease: we are brainwashed we do the same thing! ect ect / the box= tv only teach us, most of the time, the worst sins, tv teaches us to sin!!!!! All the peculiarity, all the worst evil ways of mankind, all the worst decisions, the worst evil hearts, ect, this is the box! It belongs to the evil one, doesn’t it YAH? We can watch certain programs, very few, which appear to be 100 demonic free, no brainwashing : documentaries about travels, about animals, like tigers, jungle, or about their protection, or about food, cultures, of other ‘nations’, ect I this, seems to have no satanic symbols, ideas, mind control < but nothing ain’t never sure < don’t do this it’s a sin! It’s terrible for you! Unfortunately us who sort of have no brain & sort of have one, or conscience or don’t know what: everybody does it! On t! and at school! In the world! = ¿???? Have we got personal personalities personal will or are we zombies without brains??? What is this demonic law that is a large group of people does we do! It’s wicked! Wicked not in the sense of evil but in the sense of awesome I The HOLY SPIRIT will be given to everyone who has faith in YOU YESHUA < YESHUA said I tell you for certain that if you obey My Word, you will never die < YESHUA said you claim that My Father is your YAH, even though you don’t really know Him =YESHUA said I came to judge the people of this world, I am here to give sight to the blind, to make blind everyone who sees < are we blind, they asked YESHUA < YESHUA replied , if you were blind you would not be guilty, but now that you claim to see, you will keep on being guilty= YESHUA said I tell you for certain that the Father will give you whatever you ask for in My name, You must ask in My name, then it will be given to you so that you will be completely happy < YAH THE Abba = GOD the Father loves you because you love Me, & you believe that I have come from Him <
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Juil - 14:13

AN INDISPENSABLE DEMAND EUROPEAN ALLIANCE FOR CCTV IN SLAUGHTERHOUSES Dear animal friends, this time it's not about dogs or cats that need to be rescued. There is still a very important issue, which is close to our hearts: It's about the horrible end of the slaughter animals after their miserable lives. To protect the live stock from daily horror and cruelty during slaughter, we have launched an EU-petition and urge you to support it with your signature. We need your help to make this petition known in all European member states. Please pass this email on to all responsible and animal loving people you know of please also on facebook and twitter. In addition if it is feasable please set our petition LINK onto your website - this would be very helpful! We would be delighted if we could gain you in addition to numerous animal welfare organizations and associations as well are representatives of the industry as a major supporter of our petition. You would be in good company. Please have a look: Europe-wide video surveillance at slaughterhouses and documentation http://www.petitionen24.com/european_alliance_for_cctv_in_slaughterhouses#form PETICIÓN VIDEOVIGILANCIA EN LOS MATADEROS EUROPEOS www.petitionen24.com/peticion_videovigilancia_en_los_mataderos_europeos#form You find more information on our Webside http://www.europewide-cctv-in-all-slaughterhouses.eu Please vote for the helplessly delivered slaughter animals. Your support and forwarding determines the success! Every vote counts (would be ideal if all friends and family members would sign)!! Together we create change! Thank you in advance! Kind regards Martina Patterson und Lisa Boldizsar EUROPEAN ALLIANCE FOR CCTV IN SLAUGHTERHOUSES Jane Goodall Institute - Austria End Ecocide Org - Austria Scotland for Animals - UK Viva Org - UK KAALE Kent Action against Live Exports (Velika Britanija)- UK SAV Serbian Voice for Animals (Velika Britanija) - UK ARAN Animal Rights Action Network - Ireland ADDA ONG – Spain Animal Equality – Spain Animals Voice - Romania FNPA Federatia Nationala pentru Protectia Animalelor – Romania ROLDA Foundation - Romania VOCAL CRETE – Greece ANIMAL LIFE - Switzerland EPAR-OIPA SRBIJA - Serbia Veganska iniciativa - Slovenia EYES ON ANIMALS - Netherlands ETN e. V. - Protection of Animals and Nature in Europe - Germany PROVIEH VgtM e.V. - Germany Martina Patterson (Individual capacity, Germay) Lisa Boldizsar (Individual capacity, Austria) It is always the right time to do te right thing.. (Martin Luther King)

Bible book of john : GOD only listens to those who love , obey Him / YAH doesn’t listen to sinners= We must all go to the LORD, all of us = We must pray for the children because they are murdered for satanic rituals , because they are innocent, not corrupted by the worldly things = Romans 10 Bible Dear friends, my greatest wish and my prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be saved. I know they love God, but they don’t understand what makes people acceptable to him. So they refuse to trust God, and they try to be acceptable by obeying the Law. But Christ makes the Law no longer necessary for those who become acceptable to God by faith. Anyone Can Be Saved / Moses said that a person could become acceptable to God by obeying the Law. He did this when he wrote, “If you want to live, you must do all that the Law commands.” But people whose faith makes them acceptable to God will never ask, “Who will go up to heaven to bring Christ down?” Neither will they ask, “Who will go down into the world of the dead to raise him to life?” All who are acceptable because of their faith simply say, “The message is as near as your mouth or your heart.” This is the same message we preach about faith. So you will be saved, if you honestly say, “Jesus is Adonai Lord,” and if you believe with all your heart that God raised him from death. God will accept you and save you, if you truly believe this and tell it to others. The Scriptures say that no one who has faith will be disappointed, no matter if that person is a Jew or a Gentile. There is only one Adonai Lord, and he is generous to everyone who asks for his help. All who call out to the Adonai Lord will be saved. How can people have faith in the Lord and ask him to save them, if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear, unless someone tells them? 15 And how can anyone tell them without being sent by the Lord? The Scriptures say it is a beautiful sight to see even the feet of someone coming to preach the good news. 16 Yet not everyone has believed the message. For example, the prophet Isaiah asked, “Lord, has anyone believed what we said?” 17 No one can have faith without hearing the message about Christ. 18 But am I saying that the people of Israel did not hear? No, I am not! The Scriptures say, “The message was told everywhere on earth. It was announced all over the world.” 19 Did the people of Israel understand or not? Moses answered this question when he told that the Lord had said, “I will make Israel jealous of people who are a nation of nobodies. I will make them angry at people who don’t understand a thing.” 20 Isaiah was fearless enough to tell that the Lord had said, “I was found by people who were not looking for me. I appeared to the ones who were not asking about me.” 21 And Isaiah said about the people of Israel, “All day long the Lord has reached out to people who are stubborn and refuse to obey.” Footnotes: 10.4 But Christ makes the Law no longer necessary: Or “But Christ gives the full meaning to the Law.”  let us help our brethrens! GOD will give us our reward with Heaven perhaps! thank you all so much! please give as much as you can + YAH & YAHUSHUA HA MASCHIACH bless you all = Anything is possible for someone who has faith in YAHUSHUA, like casting out the demons who are in living creatures : You can say this perhaps, YESHUA aid this in Bible to cast out demons who kept a boy from talking , I order you to come out of him her , don’t ever bother him her again , in the name of YESHUA AMEN! If you travel you can always bring stuff, vegan food, clothes, Bibles, stuff you do not need, to give to the poor beings if you travel to the poorest part of planet earth caus that is not facultative, this is a command isn’t it YAH? For with all the humongous sins we have done all our days+ never repent+ so called Christians + no faith + no love for YAH ect + disliking to help brethrens ect ect & never helped, this is our chance to compensate for all the lost time, and now, for 1st time help big time! YAH & YASHUA will give us rewards! So please buy water bottles, Bibles, things that animals, human beings truly need, but no school stuff & stuff like that caus tribulations! Is there even going to be school? This is too late, this is no longer important, work ect, but food, and becoming Christians this is so important, so you can buy then vegan shoes, give them money for the vet ect => things we can do for the Kingdom of CHRIST & of GOD that they probably ask us to do : street preaching for animal rights, for faith in CHRIST & in GOD, manifestations against animal cruelties, write to brands who could be doing animal experiments to ask they if they do, give money to organizations who are good for real, who truly care, and are not full of the devil, go in front of stores, fast foods, & ask them to watch a vid in a cell phone or I pad , maybe they won’t go to that satanic cruel restaurant any longer, show a vid to each & every person who goes into a fur store, leather store, any cruel satanic store, they work for satan for all that is cruel is from him & is not from GOD => ❣ be sure to keep on reading the scriptures & worship ❣ don’t stop preaching & teaching ❣ be careful about the way you live & about what you teach ❣ keep on doing this and you will save not only yourself but the people who hear you ❣ the Bible says this , in timothy caper 4 : we save ? others + ourselves? Isn’t it YAH + YESHUA who save? Bible book of mark chapter 10 : people who are like little children belong to the Kingdom of YAH : I promise you that you can not get into YAH’s Kingdom unless you accept it the way a child does * : good teacher what can I do to have eternal life , a man asked to YESHUA * YESHUA replied why do you call ME good, only GOD is good, you know the commandments , do not murder, be faithful in marriage , do not steal, do not tell lies about others , do not cheat, respect your father & mother , the man replied I have obeyed all these commandments ; YESHUA said there’s one thing you still need to do go, sell everything you own give the money to the poor, & you will have riches in Heaven, then come with me * when the man heard YESHUA said this, he went away gloomy sad, because he was very rich YESHUA said it’s hard for rich people to get into YAH’s Kingdom * to get into YAH’s Kingdom, it’s terribly hard to get into YAH’s Kingdom , it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for  rich person to get into YAH’s Kingdom < his disciples said how can anyone ever be saved : YESHUA said there are some things that people can not do, but YAH can do anything * peter replied remember we left everything to be your followers * YESHUA said you can be sure that anyone who gives us home, or brothers or sisters, or mother or father or children or land for ME & for the good news, will be rewarded * YESHUA , Son of david, have pity on us! We want to see! Hurray for the Son of david! YAH bless the one who comes in the name of the LORD! YAH bless the coming of our ancestor david! Hurray for YH in Heaven above! Have faith in YAH, if you have faith in YAH & don’t doubt you can tell this mountain to get up & jump into the sea < YOU are the MESSIAH the Son of the glorious YAH!YESHUA said in book of mark Bible soon you will see the Son of man sitting at the right side of GOD all powerful & coming with the clouds of Heaven *Let us pray that GOD our Father & our LORD YESHUA be kind & merciful to YOU < may they bless you with peace: in Bible they say something like this, so this signifies YAH YOU are somebody other than YAH YESHUA? Because if YOU are 1 with 2 names, then we’d say we pray that Our Father YAH be kind & merciful to YOU or : we pray that Our LORD YESHUA be kind & merciful to YOU < it’s too incomprehensible : in about 3 different part of the Bible, they say: JESUS is really GOD , and JESUS , who is truly GOD, and JESUS is GOD, something like that : then why they always say JESUS <<< and <<< GOD? In Bible they say nobody ever saw GOD < but we know some have seen YESHUA < so if YESHUA is YAH, some have seen YESHUA & no one has ever seen YESHUA ?? some have seen GOD & no one has ever seen YAH ?? everything YAH created is good < if you teach YAH’s things to other followers, you will be a good servant of YESHUA < don’t have anything to do with worthless senseless stories < work hard to be truly religious < religion helps you in every way < it promises life now & forever < let us put our hope in the living YAH who is the Savior of everyone, but especially of those who have faith < that’s why we us work & struggle so hard < You bodies are not ours, they are Yours YAH so let us use our bodies to honor YOU YAH , as Bible says Book of Corinthians chapter 7 K We must not drink of the cup of he serpent & of cup of YAH, so YAH YOU prohibit us to do demonic sports , eat demonic food, eat animals humans sacrificed for evil beings, for luciferianism, do unclean sex, have long hair if we are men , not cover our heads when we pray if we women, have all types of unclean sex, mistreat Your bodies GOD, ect <There are loads of ways to help : spread the messages of truth of GOD, messages of protection of the Animals, that is for GOD, for GOD never asked to torture & massacre His children in the Bible, you can help animals who have survived from disaster, become a volunteer, build homes for the homeless children of GOD, give an annual gift of money for a cause of animal torture or any ethical cause for the earth or the humans, as long as it’s not give money for cruel medicine, tested on animals, or cruel food of the devil : dead animals, abused , instead of money for vegan organizations which give vegan food to the poorest humans, monthly donation, put an animal or any philanthropic organization in your will, Bible seem to say it’s too hard for humans to go to Heaven because almost every single thing we do is evil and we believe it’s too easy for humans to go to Heaven, its because we believe we do a little evil, we do a lot of evil, we believe we are a little wicked, we are extremely wicked, we is understood this for we don’t see the meaning of wickedness as YAH & YESHOUA said, maybe we have never given attention to Bible or maybe we read it misinterpretating it all , for our belief are so far from the truth, our beliefs are a lie, of the serpent, that he biggest part o human beings go to Heaven, that our evilness is goodness ect If YESHUA YOU are YAH why do we humans do not think say pray  YESHUA YAH Almighty? But say this to YAH : YAH Almighty, if HOLY GOHST YOU are YAH, why do we not think pray say HOLY GOHST LORD YAH , HOLY GOHST YAH ALMIGHTY? Why do we say YAH & the Lamb, why do we not say YAH? Or the LAMB? If they are 1? And= several beings, without and = 1 being x why do we not think say : YAH is the LAMB or the LAMB is YAH? We never think pray say HOLY GOHST YOU are the LAMB, the LAMB YOU are the HOLY GOHST? the book of revelation says if you read it to others you will be blessed : its curious, people read Bible to others? Isn’t it supposed to be people reading the Bible ? please, if you haven’t got heart issues, throat, voice issues, please read the book of revelations= book of apocalypse to others, so YAH will bless you!!!! Thank you so much everyone: RUACH HA KODESH = HOLY SPIRIT? WE believe YESHUA YOU intercede for us to YAH it means if YOU are 1 then YOU GOD intercede to Yourself for us? YOU YESHUA intercede for us to YOURSELF?  We worship YAH in YOU YESHUA, means YOU are not YAH? Caus we don worship YOU YESHUA bu in YOU * if YOU both are 1, YOU intercede for us YEHSUA=YAH to YORUSELF YAH? YESHUA YOU intercede to YORUSELF YESHUA? We are definitely not Christians, we have just been baptized and gone church in the past: we do not go there any longer, we do not pray any longer, we do not like Bible, think crazy beings liars people who belong to cults wrote it, all the supernatural stuff of Bible we do not believe, humans wrote in Bible what YESHUA YAH said, so we call YOU both liars, so we reject the things YOU both said but we love & worship YOU??? We do not even know if we worship YOU, we are a joke, an excuse for Christians, we do not want to face the truth,: we worship people, stuff, we are not Christians, we do not worship YOU, one cant worship those they deny all the time! Every time there’s a law, like GOD sends al homosexuals robbers prostitutes alcoholics hell: we say, no its no true, GOD sends most humans, sinners, Christians, non Christians to hell : no we sya no, GOD refuses us to do this that: no we believe, ect , we are calling YOU liar! And YESHUA! Sin!!!!! Hell!!!!! We do not even have a life in YESHUA & YOU YAH, we really believe we are Christians, its insane!!!! We have nothing of Christian sin our souls or maybe 1%! The only thing of Christians w got: baptism, that’s it! GOD says hate worldly things, we love them, YOU say pray so much, we refuse, YOU say don’t lie, lairds go to hell, we say its not true GOD dint say this ect : if YOU believe the GOD you supposedly love is lying all the tie, or people who are a little better Christians say GOD say this that and its true, they aint no lairs, and you believe they lie, or they know the bible by heart caus they try to be Christians for real, and you’ ve never been interested in Bible, hey try to pray so much, you don’t try even a little, and you believe you are a much a Christian as them : no, we’re jokes! They are Christians! Things that YAH , YASHUA have said= we believe they never said, Bible= we do not believe, then we say we believe, we sya we do not trust Bible but catholic church! We do not trust GOD’s WORD but men! Then we say Bibl is true, then we say many lies in Bible, coming from YAH & YESHUA’s mouth, if we deny what YOU say, we are not CRHSITIAN, we do not belong to YOU, so its serpents worldwide brainwashing of : making many believe truly they’re sincere Christians but it’s odd we do not get we are untrue Christians caus its so clear! In your face! Like you don’t spend time with YAH, or like 6 m a day, you refuse to buy, read Bible, but you trust everything said in church=lies from men, church refuses at masses to read important parts of Bible, but read unimportant parts that teach us, tell us no message, on a day, on a week, month year, you haven’t spent time with YAH, people tell you, you do not want to change this, you do not desire YAH in your life, so its clear serpent has brainwashed us caus no time with YAH, no life for YAH, distrusting Your Word, Your Sacred Book, ect, saying there’s no such thing as paranormal: YAHSUHUA walked water! Multiplied food! Cast out demons! No such thing as paranormal???? denigrate YAH & YAHUSHUA!!!! Sin!!!!! Hell!!! That is why we’ll tell YAH, but YAH I was a Christian, why are you putting me in this horrible place=hell, caus we found excuses to believe we are Christians, we never were, we got to worship YAH, no will to worship YAH, we got to pray, no will to pray, we got to praise YAH in our prayer, we don’t, we only have requests & more requests, this is not worship, worship is like as, when you worship money, tv, husband wife ect, worship is like praising YAH everyday in hours of prayer, so that is why we existed in denial our entire life saying an insane untrue scatterbrain lie, existed in lie : I’m a Christian! So we’ll say YOU YAH why do you put them in Your dwelling place= Heaven and us Christians in here???caus they aren’t excuses for Christians, they are real Christian, all we do not do, refuse to, they do, all the minute faith love, for YAH, they have abundantly, all the denial of YAH’s laws, all the disdain of YAH’s law, all the will to disobey YAH ect, they have the contrary, so they deserve Heaven, & we deserve tribulation, so YAH will not come for the millions of earths Christians= all the earth Christians, as most of us we are fake Christians , that is why they won’t live tribulation but go to Heaven as reward for excellent life in YAH $ they ate sin try to stay away from it, us fake Christians love it, we are very found of serpent’s laws, all of this is denial, even if true Christians tell us you really should start living in YAH right now caus hell awaits: we take this as a joke, we have no fear of YAH, bizarre $ we compare ourselves to them : we believe we are as good as they are, as true Christians as they are $ how could beast fool us like this, deceive us like this : ears & eyes closed! Caus this life, this mentality , this description is not of Christian life at all! We believe we are like preachers, nuns, priests ?? jajaja ! if this scatterbrained definition of “Christian is far from the real definition, no need to be rocket scientist to differentiate terrible for true definition of this, then how come we believe we deserve to be in book of life when we seem to not, and that we are almost sin free , when we are not, and our true being corresponds to definition of non Christian! Or atheist! This scatterbrained definition of ‘Christian’ is really the definition of something like atheist, people disdaining GOD, or people not desiring YAH in their lives, or people hating YAH! How an we be so far from truth??? Fake Christians because of our obsession with worldly things, worldly music, worldly tv, worldly cell phones, worldly activities, satanic activities, we deny satanism controlling this planet, we deny we love satanic things, deny we do satanic things, we deny we don’t really love YAH, we deny we are truly in love with worldly satanic things, we deny worldliness is our real love, replacing YAH in our hearts ect, no matter what wise Christians tell us, to seek YAH before its to late, we refuse, reject this idea , for our eyes ears=totally closed blind! Deaf! So what awaits us is not rapture! But tribulation+ hell! We are so deaf blind we believe YESHUA will come for all f us all the ones self calling ourselves “Christians” so all the true +fake Christians, for enormous amount of souls: no, YESHUA will come for a few only : how can we believe HE will come for us all : we can’t see we have no spiritual life in YAH??? We believe we have? We ‘ll have such a disappointment, caus YESHUA won’t take us , unless we change => Come on! We’ve been unfair our entire existences and we continue??? Ask people to pray for our country??? For the entire earth!!!!!!!!!!! Right now at this point in this situation we should really stop following the evil thoughts of the serpent and become like YAH! The whole planet earth is going to suffer, even the animals perhaps, pray for y family, pray for my country : so cruel!!! No! pray for all people! For all the countries! Islands! Every single part of this world! Every single living creature! Even at the end of times we carry on our old devil way evil mentality??? Evil souls! We are so not like YOU YAH! Forgive us! Like there’s going to be a disaster in new York so if you know human from new york pray for them : ???? so all the others who know nobody from new York must not pray for all the new york people???? It’s cruel! It’s nonsense! Its not fair! What we should do is perhaps when we do not find prayers, invent them , use the word that comes from our souls spirit hearts ABBA LORD YAH, we ask YOU to be in the life of our suicidal fellow sisters brothers, make them see suicide isn’t the answer, and that YOU are the answer, Your love, the love they are supposed to feel for YOU, their first love, death is not supposed to be their 1st love, make them be scared of YOU more than they are scared of life, for if they kill themselves their suffering is going to be billions of tie bigger than heir earth suffering for they’ll end up in hell, definitely, make them love life because YOU are in their lives, make them wish to stay alive, to live o do Your Will, only Your Will, not theirs, make them see life is so amazing because YOU exist, YOU love them, in the name of YAHSHUA AMEN = No animal testing, please buy these instead of the things tested on animals that you buy thank you so much = Hierbas del Oasis, Piel Vital, Pomme Verte, Oms, Lindon = Horrible, new world order everywhere: you watch so called Christian v channel, it aint Christian it is satanic! They make you pray the sinner’s prayer, you’re atheists, they make you believe that you’ll be saved just by becoming a Christian for the 1st time in your lives just with 1 prayer ???!!! it not even Christian, its satanic!!!! We need more than 1 prayer to be saved! We need repentance, good deeds, life with less sin, efforts, faith in YAH & YESHUA ect! And this prayer is not to YASHUA its to a demon whose name is something like Emanuel sananda jesus! So satanic is so everywhere that when you truly believe you’re doing something od YAH, something of good, in fact you’re doing something demon which is you praying to demons, calling them to enter your hearts! Like in the satanic prayer the sinner’s prayer! Please don’t you ever pray it, spread the word!!! So no one of our bro sis makes fake conversion, cau then the demon isha or sananda imanuel jesus will enter their hearts!!!! Poor them! They do that too much! Making us believe some things are are really of good, are really wicked, like tv, tv shows about singers singing and you give money public watching the show and its for some super cool cause! No its for the beast!!!! And all those on those tv shows are very probably satanists! fake nuns who got places of torture & death for the poor, ect! Just evil looking good! The serpent pretending to be YAH! Don’t let yourselves be deceived, as YASHUA said = We pray for YOU to protect all Your children during 2015 2022 apocalypse, make no beast, no human, no nephilim, no demonic being rape none of Your children , make none of Your human beings rape none of Your non human beings, make none of Your humans become pregnant because some non human demonic creature or human or animal creature has raped them, please, in the name of YAHSHUA AMEN meditation to GOD is good for the soul * we want animals liberty! every one of us can make a difference every day with very little effort * compassion is the foundation for every moral, until one has loved an animal , a part of one' soul remains unawakened , animal welfare is education towards humanity= Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent result of violent repression. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all. Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity. It is right and it is duty. Peace, peace, peace and only peace! Peace must reign between God and man and between men => We must not pray to saints, mary, angels, because they are not our GOD & GOD is the only GOD & GO hates idolatry so very much : praying= idolatry, GOD can hear the prayers of everyone living in this planet at the same time, mary, saints, angels can’t & they have no power , only GOD has a power, HE is GOD!!!! They are not!!! Praying to them is satanic? For we do not pray to them, those creatures of YAH, but to evil spirits who steal their names ?  But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen => Satanic new world order of the beast everywhere: wigi board, satanic music of all the earth, it has demonic power in it, horoscopes, yoga, , it is everywhere because beast knows his time is short & he wants to apart any soul in all the earth from YAH , and send us all to hell => It is possible the brand OE caresse doesn’t practice animal experimentation=> If we believe YAH & YESHOUA are not 1, that YESHOUA is less angry at us humankind for our wicked deeds, lack of consciences, minds, souls, hearts, lack of heart & soul, words, & YAH way angrier at us for this all, we do not know whether this is true or isn’t but we have to know that YESHOUA is humongously furious at us , HE ‘s love & mercy & all, but HE’s terribly furious at us for our wickedness sinful way of being * so let us not believe YESHOUA = JESUS will come like all happy: HE’ll probably be in a terrible mood when HE’ll come for HE’s probably so unhappy that HE would not come to talked us all! Or at least billions, but like 600? 800? Humans only!!! Who are from 6 to more than 100 years old, but HE would probably come in total, for more humans , only caus there are so much babies+ kids from 0 to 5 in this earth, but without counting the, just counting beings from 5 to more than 100 : HE won’t come for many of them! For it’s so weird, because of satanic new world order & serpent, the more times goes by the more wicked we are as humankind, for example 2012= less wicked than beings from 2105 , begins from 99 less cruel than 2014 ect , maybe it isn’t our fault, maybe fault of new world order, serpent % humans were really kind in all the pasts, it’s for new world order has more power over human beings, each year? Not just more cruel, more wicked, but more vulgar, in behavior, look, language, attitude, life, more disrespectful, ect, it’s so weird, its smells so much like apocalypse!! Because if they were sort of cruel sort of disrespectful, then we’d think apocalypse is far fro us, in 30 years or something, but right now world is crazy!!! Too much cruelty! Even children & abuse animals! Even very old people who are 90 year old 70 something! Teens! Adults! Abuse humans, animals destroy places, this wasn’t like this in past, else, so the more situations is like this the closer to apocalypse, we’re so close: 14? 22? September 2015!!

we pray to YOU YEHUSHUA for YOU to help us to be of GOD+ if the Bible says CHRIST is our attorney to the Abba Father, then CHRIST can’t be The Abba? For You can’t be the attorney+ the Abba? Abba Hebrew = Father english =GOD is love, the Adonai= Lord is merciful = Everything this person says is not true, GOD is good, CHRIST is the Son of GOD, but what is true in this article, is that there was a humongous lie made to brainwash humanity, that is to make us believe the so called deity who calls himself yahweh, in the old testament, is satan, he pretends to be ABBA, our GOD, and he does exactly what GOD and JESUS say to not do, Yahweh wanted animal & humans sacrifice, rape, eating humans, animal cruelty ect, perhaps did he appear to the people pretending to be god, or the people only heard his voice, or perhaps all that story where he says to moses that his name is yahweh is a pure lie, or that he truly appeared to moses, and moses believed he was GOD, or that moses knew he was not god, but was satan trying to deceive him, we do not know, but if we compare old testament & new testament, it’s clear that our loving good perfect GOD, is not yahweh I satan pretended to be GOD, as we are brainwashed mindless dolls, we haven’t noticed the humongous difference between yahweh of the old testament and GOD of the new one ^that’s so annoying, that when you try to be open eyes open ears, not a doll, hat you always find new info about the truth & the leis, the wickedness & the good, you try to remove all wickedness, all lies, of your lives, in order to do like GOD wants us to do, and eventually, you end up doing evi! Believing in lies! There is no balance between good & evil, no , there is way more evil than good, for every time you thought you had learned about which are the lies, and removed them of your minds? lives, beliefs, then you discover you were doing evil!!! For the so called truth, the so called good you were doing was another lie of the evil one! He’s such a deceiver that even in the things you believed were the truth, he is there! That’s really unbearable for now we’re going to live in paranoia: always thinking we are doing the wrong things, living in lies, for example how can we pray!!! If as there is much more of the evil of the evil one than good, way more lies of the evil one than truths of GOD and YAHUSHUA, we do not even know who to pray! For which are the names of the one who was crucified for us and of the creator of the universe??? If the evil one steals ??? all?? The names of those two! Then it’s impossible to live like this! We are going to say in prayer: YOU in Heaven??? YOU who created the universe? I don’t know how to call YOU! For the evil one calls himself god, yahweh, father, ect! Just like YOU are called you in Heaven! Can we even say GOD??? Father? Abba? Abonai ?? or the demons & the evil one call themselves like this??? We thought we should not call & pray to our GOD saying GOD and LORD for the demons & the evil one call themselves like this, and that it was not as powerful as saying yahweh or yahve , so we replaced god by yahweh and lord by nothing, and thought we replaced the name of the evil one by the true name of god, but no! we replaced one name of the evil one by another name of the evil one! This is hopeless!!!! it’s like there was out of 100 things, 99 lies! You just look for truth, but you find only lies! You try not to be deceived by certain lies, and you finally find something that seems to be true truth, but is again another lie of the beast! Vicious circle! Please stop praying to yahweh yahve yhavé, please pray to , ??? who??? GOD? Perhaps you can say GOD, Father, Abba, perhaps it’s better if we say Abba for it’s Hebrew, it’s the true language that perhaps everyone should use to pray, instead of the words in their respective languages, can we say LORD when we pray to the son of GOD and to the one who created the universe? Which are the names of the only son of GOD??? The evil one has stolen all of his names? YAHSHUA, YEHUSHUA ,YAHUSHUA, YESHUA, + those words which HA MASCHIACH ^ it’s so terrible how we are conditioned to be more inclined to believe in the great deceiver= the beast, than in GOD!! F GOD speaks to us we believe or it’s a deceiving spirit, or we must not believe “crazy people”, who are of total sound mind, that’s scandalous: if we learn a truth, we believe the doubt in our heads is a deceiving spirit! no, as this is a truth!!! If we learn a lie, we believe that lie, because of a deceing spirit in our head! As soon as we learn a truth, the deceiving spirits enter our brains in order to tell us, don’t believe this, these people are loons, or liars , but as soon as we learn a lie, we refuse to listen to the HOLY SPIRIT entering our brains, saying this is the truth, believe! So we just think, I’m nuts! What a I thinking, no, I can’t believe this! So no, no balance between truth & lies, wrong, & good, for we are so upside down! That we only want to hear lies, believe in the great deceiver, its very rare that we accept a truth ^that’s horrible, this signifies we have been praying to satan!!! All this time! Please share this with everyone , at least with all the Christians, because they have to know they must not pray saying yahve yahwhe yahvé but GOD!!! Or Abba or Father!!! But as for confirmation in prayer, we ask the ones who sits in the throne, whatever Your name is, please, send us Your Holy SPIRIT to live in our spirit, to guide us, send us the spirit of discernment, open our ears , our eyes, do not let us be deceived by the great deceiver, prevent us from believing in all types of lies about the Bible, Your name, the names of Your Holy Son, about faith, ect, please, make us believe only in Your truths, tell us Your names or name please! We do not want to make Your furious at us, creator of the universe, for praying to Your enemies!!! We didn’t know! We wanted to pray to YOU & to Your Son, the ones who was crucified for remission of our sins, please forgive us, help us to know all Your true names, in order for us to pray to You & to Your Son, the one who was crucified on a cross, our Savior, and let us know please, with the help of Your wonderful HOLY SPIRIT, which are the names of the deceiver, please help Your entire human race to discover all of this, please inform them, Creator Abba, please tell us which names are Your names, that also the beast uses for himself & his demons! Thank You so much Heavenly ABBA Creator of the universe, in the name of Your Son who died for us on a cross, AMEN / the thing is, there’s one person who in an article on her site wrote about people becoming Satanists without their will, it’s just what happened to those who prayed to yahweh believing he was GOD, so, they became Satanists!!!! But they were truly Christians!!!! So, that person in her article, said that even if those people became satanists without knowing this, GOD was furious, but why? if they were unaware , not guilty? Because they had been invited at parties, they didn’t know evil satanists had invited them, so they went to the parties, girls, boys, and there, were rape 24 7, and the Satanists told them we will no longer rape you if you agree to repeat this sentence in this piece of paper, so the people agreed to read the sentence: the sentence, in latin or another unknown language, in tongues, was saying something like, the people agreed to give their souls to satan . they didn’t know what this sentence meant, so then, I don’t know hat, changed in their behavior, minds, they really changed, & the next thing you know, they were really bizarre, true Satanists, having multiple personalities, or whatever, violence, or abnormal mind & behavior ect, just like all Satanists, and they didn’t know why these changes, didn’t know it all started since that party, poor neighbors = brothers sisters!!!! Let us pray for them to be able to escape or that our Creator sends them His HOLY SPIRIT in order for them to feel something in their minds telling them don’t go there, I feel danger! So is this true GOD, if we can call YOU GOD, that YOU reject those children of Yours, YOU depart from them, YOU do not perceive them as Your children any longer, because they had become Satanists, not even knowing anything? For if YOU GOD, reject Your Satanists who, willingly desired to become what they are, understandable, but those who were ignorant about their fate of becoming Satanists, such as those praying to the name yhaweh, believing they were praying to YOU!!! Do YOU truly reject them, hate them, and just do not want to protect them, care about them any longer? Ditto those who did martial arts, yoga ect ? people might think, yes but you were really praying to GOD, for you can’t ask good things to the evil one! Like please make us no longer be evil, no longer hate to help others, no because what matters is the name you use!!! You used yahve yahweh! So lamentably, yes, you were praying to the evil one! We really need to seek information, carefully, about what is truth what is a lie, for let us remember that the evil one is way more present in most stuff of this planet, than GOD, in a sense that you look at something, and you ask yourself, is it of the evil one, evil, or is it of GOD, good? Examples :tv , GOD is in it or evil one ? evil one, definitely, music, evil one ? GOD? Evil one! Churched? Evil one! Ect , not only is he way more present, for GOD let his children do whatever they want and the evil one is his child, but also he is the god of this world, disgusting!!! That is what the Bible says!! But he is not a god, but people , without even knowing, worship the evil one, in many different ways, for example non Christians, praying to the evil one instead of to GOD, even if you didn’t know, loving the stuff made by the evil one, doing certain sports of the evil one, ect, that Is why Bible calls him the god of this world, for if many, the almost total of human race, worships him, than he is considered as a god, but the only god is GOD! Please be so careful when you pray, and when you do anything!!! For the evil one’s things are almost everywhere! We have our eyes and ears closed, that is the reason why we see good or GOD in everything , but no, in evil things, we see 100 % good, 0% evil, for example, people believe the god of old testament is the same than the GOD of the new testament = blinds deafs! See no evil in football on tv = witches Satanists! See no evil in music shows such as x factor= pure evil mindless satanic dolls! Ect! See no evil in unicef, red cross, all those famous organizations where you supposedly help others, no you just help the serpent & his new world order! Bible say YOU GOD have made us stubborn, to believe the lies, to hate the truth, to turn away from YOU , things like that: why? Don’t YOU want us to know YOU, worship YOU, disdain all that is evil & of the serpent? We do not get this! GOD is the source of love = GOD is the epitome of love & benevolence = let us pray for our neighbors= brothers sisters to be saved ✈thomas fisher , sid roth , todd white fake prophet? They all look like celebs, celebs have had plenty plastic surgery, those prophets looks sort of like them , noses, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JfB-R4w1PQ , todd white has a very different face then years ago, false healing? With the power of evil spirits? Is this true that anyone can heal? It doesn’t matter if people have faith or not, they can heal anyone? It doesn’t matter if the sick person believes in YESHUA & YAH, the healing works anyway because it don’t depend on the faith of the one who needs healing, but on the faith of the healer? Maybe those ministers who do healing on the streets, have paid or told tot the people ,say this, that, pretend I have healed you, pretend you used to have a pain on your back, knee ect? Because it’s incredible: if they say to the friend of the ones who needs healing say that the pain goes sin JESUS’ name, and the person doesn’t even have a tiny faith, how can this work? Is it possible? Healing works only with faith , doesn’t it? Is it true that all sicknesses comes from the dragon= the evil one? That YAHWEH never wanted for us to have sicknesses & that if YAHWEH wanted for us to be sick, then YESHUA would oppose YAHWEH by healing when YAHWEH never wanted healing? That is what todd white believes I but in the Bible, it seems like it says something else I that YAH gave certain people sicknesses, so that YESHUA could help His prophets put their faith in the LORD YAHWEH, by being witnesses of YESHUA’s healing miracles I it’s true, many sicknesses come from the dragon, but not all of them ? maybe some of them are punitions like we do not forgive, refuse to forgive certain people = YAHWEH gives us the punishment of being sick or having a pain ? if it’s true that YESHUA YOU gave this healing power to everyone, or at least to everyone who put their faith in YOU, please brothers, all of you, who are YESHUA’s followers, please heal everyone, do public places healing, street healing, pleas heal all Your acquaintances, dear ones, anyone who has a painful pain, or sickness I Christians let us not be deceived, let us not believe YESHUA is a liar: certain Christians believe demons and the spirits realm is unreal, that no disease comes from the dragon & his demons I that they only come from health stuff or YAHWEH I no I please do not slander YESHUA! It’s a sin! YEHSUA did healing, cast out °°° demons @@ who had given physical pains, physical mental sickness to the people! we believe demons used to live in this world, now they came back to hell : no I Christians, please, believe in the TRUTH!!!! This is the dragon deceiving you! Please try, but if you don’t have that much faith, try to make silence, close your eyes, try to have faith! Try to heal brethrens, yourself please I it would be wonderful if we could heal any soul we bump into, everywhere we go, just heal everyone! Everyone living without pains, without sicknesses! AMEN! It’s true: evil spirits give sicknesses, pains, mental issues, we have to call out the name of YESHUA, and perhaps, we will all heal our brethrens + our own selves I never forget this: it’s not you healing our brothers, it’s YESHUA or YAH innit? We don’t do this just like that: we do this : in YESHUA’s name I so do not forget please to say: in YESHUA’s name I YESHUA want us to be like HIM, HE healed, HE helped, HE did miracles, let’s try to help to I but it’s not us doing the miracles, it’s the power of YESHUA in us / Hallelujah !!!!!!!!! for example : drugs , it’s occult I it’s witchcraft , for it changes stuff in your head I so it’s not going to see people who can heal you from drug addiction, no, it’s asking to a very faithful Christian or to an exorcist, or something, to ::: cast out all the wicked spirits ::: who are in your belly or something because of your whatever addiction , like eating your hair, drugs, food, ect / YAH tell us : hey say you have done occultism, you have to close the door, do not expect for a minister to close it for you I for he she didn’t open the door to the spirits, but yourselves I then how come pastors close the door for other people ? and it works, or they are liars ? that is really bad that we are not like YESHUA, & that we believe we are for prayer son internet: for anorexic for example: sectarianism! I pray for my anorexia friends or friend! Why ? what if there are many anorexic in this planet ? that are strangers I so we would not pray for all the sick, or suffering, just the one or ones we know & love who are sick ect I if we know people who are sick, who have anorexia demons for example, but we do not like them, we do not pray for them I Christians are supposed to be free of apartheids I so YESHUA & YAH YOU want us to pray for the beings in general of this world, it don’t matter if they are watching tv and we are in the tv, praying for them if they are in the studio, in the public, if they live close to us & we do not know us but we feel that some people close to us physically in the same town are experiencing pains, demons ect, or if they are in the other side of this planet, or if we do not know them, or know them love them or not I for this power of praying for others, is supernatural power I so it works for anyone, like if you pray for all the beings in all the hospitals of this planet, even if you do not know them or are terribly far from them I so what YAH YOU ask us perhaps is to not pray double standard,: why would I pray for homeless if I do not know any homeless, why would I pray for those cutting themselves, I do not know anybody cutting themselves, caus this is the dragon deceiving us isn’t it? Making us perceive some wicked non just, double standard comunitarianism as something wonderfully nice I like those ministers or Christians or preachers, who give Bibles in the street : they do not try to be apartheid non just, giving Bibles to those they love, they would give Bibles to those they don’t know & love, to those they dislike, to those they disdain, to strangers ect I those healing in the streets: they do not heal those they love& know : they heal strangers I they also heal those they love, those they know & don’t love, ect but they would heal : any sick being experiencing pains suffering of any sort ect I so that is why we should not try to heal those we love, but ever brother, not pray for those who have a certain problem, only if we know someone or someone’s who have that problem, and not pray for the if we do not know anyone having that problem but for everyone for it’s unfair , is that what YOU THINK YAH I those are truly kind for we are wicked if we heal or pray only for those we love & have certain issues, and not for those we know & dislike who have the same issues or if you hear some stranger walking down the streets saying my neck hurts, or on the internet, & think I do not have to pry for them, yes we do! For YAH You could we angry that we know people we like who have neck issues and we do pray for them I this means if at your school you know several anorexic, some of them you like some of them you don’t: you will pray only for your anorexic friends! That’s unfair! That’s like saying we wish the other anorexic we do not like carry on doing this wicked stuff to YAH’s Temple!! Carry on suffering, carry on having demons living in them! I renounce the spirits of wick craft & sorcery, in the name of YESHUA HA MASCHIACH, I renounce anger, in the name of YESHUA HA MASCIACH, I renounce resentment, in the name of YESHUA, I command everyone of you unclean spirits to get out of him in the name of YESHUA HA MASCHIAHC I witchcraft & sorcery go! in the name of YESHUA I anger & resentment go, in in the name of YESHUA, right now, get out of them her him, you can’t have them him he, in the name of YESHUA ! he she they have renounced you! He she believes that YESHUA is Lord , they she he is are humbling themselves, get out & don’t come back ! you can’t have them her him! YESHUA is LORD! I speak peace over you right now! In YESHUA’s name! I command you, he has renounced you, right now, in the name of YEHUSHUA HA MASCHIACH everyone one of you unclean sprits to get out of him in YEHUSHUA’s name, YESHUA is LORD, lose your hold of him them her right now, you can’t have her him, I take authority over you, right now, I am the righteousness of YAH in YEHUSHUA HA MASCHIACH, not because of my own righteousness, but because of the righteousness of YEHSUHSUA HA MASCHIAHC, so I take that authority over you right now, et out of him right now in YEHSUA’s name, every unclean spirit, go! GOD we thank YOU, in YEHUSHUA’s name, we cross cancer, in YEHUSHUA’s name, we command it to leave the bodies, right now, Abba, we thank You for every joint, every bit of arthritis we curse it, & command it, let go right now! In YEHUSHUA’s name! Abba, we thank YOU for all mental disorders, right now, for bipolar, for schizophrenia, I command you to let them go right now, in YEHUSHUA’s name, Abba, we thank YOU for amazing breakthrough in every area of mental incapacity, to make it a capacity of the Kingdom of GOD, in YEHUSHUA’s name I we pray that you ✈Commandment of GOD = to in no more, YESHUA told us to be as perfect as His Abba I faith= only way to please GOD ° Those who do sins are of the old snake = Lucifer, because he always sinned ° that is why YESHUA cae, to destroy the old snake’s work ° Bible says this °Whoever is born of YAH doesn’t do sin ° if we sin against our brethrens we do not love them so we violate YAH’s Law of loving our neighbors like we love our own self ° YAH’s commandant : to love Him more than anyone anything : we sin , for we transgress this Law, for we do not love our YAH too much ° so when YESHUA teaches us to stop sinning, He means this : respect YAH’s Law so 1 love Your YAH more than anything anyone o much 2 love all your neighbors as much as you love yourself : we sin against Your Law YAH , we sin against YOU ° so when YESHUA YOU command us to respect YAH’s LAW YOU mean : love YAH our Abba with all our minds, souls, strength, heart + love our neighbors to bits, as much as we love ourselves ° but what do we do, in this 21st century, there is the love your own self demonic trend, created by the old snake ° probably because of the public figure disseminated worldwide, for there is no one part of this planet where people do not care about public figures, do not give them attention love ° so perhaps, by seeing so many of them in the newspapers, magazines talking about me me, theater , tv movies, the main character so self centered, tv interviews of those public figures: me me, I’m too cool, I love myself too much , telling their life stories, as if we cared & had anything else to do but to listen to them talking about themselves, & this trend extended to the people, for if celebs take pictures of themselves in certain pauses with certain looks like look at my triceps, I look so hot, I’m so cool, then us, the unknown, do the same, so self love with pix and many other things ° for example you buy an exercise book and in the cover is written I love me ° no I love YESHUA or YAH ° of course! Disgusting! Satanic! So we love our own self more tan YAH+ more than our neighbors so do we respect YAh’s commandments ¿ no ° pray and release the healing angels over our neighbors : LORD YEHUSHUA, we thank You so much for Your presence here, we thank YOU for all the people that are praying right now, especially those LORD that are suffering in their body or in their minds , Abba we pray now that YOU released healing angels, right into the room where they are, LORD we pray that they carry that healing power, right from YOU, from the very throne YOU’re in LORD, Abba we pray especially for those going up down the back, spinal, so we just pray LORD right now, in Your name, that all those backs would just come into alignment, and all that healing, LORD, that YOU sent with the Holy angels, would just come into all our neighbors right now , AMEN I LORD we pray for those broken hearts to be healed I we just pray now that those healing angels would bring you the strength, emotional strength, & healing of your heart in your deep mind, to experience that peace and renewal I in YEHUSHUA’s name I Amen I Let us pray for our neighbors to have a deeper experience with GOD ✈ characteristics of the last days = malicious gossips, without self control, brutal haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of YAH 2 thimothy 3:2-5 in the last days perilous (exceedingly fierce) times will come 2 thimothy 3:1 let us pray for people that their mind be relooked to the Word of YAH, for the mind is where the main attack takes place : Abba, in the name of YEHUSHUA we pray LORD right now for people whose mind is under assault I the enemy is trying to pave a road into their mind and to bombard them with lies about their self image, about their health, about their marriage, Abba we pray that they would listen to the Word of GOD, & that everyone of those lives would be uprooted and removed from their minds, in the name of YEHUSHUA Amen: Please even if you do not exist in Europe but somewhere else, please spread the word, share this email social networks blogs, anywhere you can, for you can find people on the internet who exist in Europe, or known beings who live in Europe, thanks you from the deep of our soul / those stuff have been tested on animals it seems <: Colgate, Kolynos, Odol , Palmolive, Polyana, Odex : pet food,: Hill's Pet Nutrition , Mars : human food + pet food,. They test balanced meal for animals in the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition, Mars propriety, maker of pet food Pedigree y Whiskas. If ONLY JESUS or GOD YOU would have given us the name of lucifer in the Bible = barrack obama, ? all ? our neighbor would believe he is lucifer , let us pray for all the well known neighbors like beyonce, for they are good, they were good or very good Christians or even sort of “Christians” but they weren’t attracted by evil, but were indoctrinated, against their will, but are good deep down, and hate being satanists, but they got very wicked very dangerous people around them, like jay z, who make them live in misery in fear, this ain’t no life, they may have nightmares, giant anxiety, desperation, fear 24/7, let us pray that you GOD & JESUS will let them go to Your Kingdom, for they are victims, they are no evil, beyoncé, and who ? Britney? rachel stevens, lindsey felton? Who knows, can we pray for jay z or he is so evil and will never repent and You GDO and JESUS have already decided to throw him into hell & plenty others, bill gates? Can we pray for barrack obama? Maybe he’s possessed by satan and he is a real human being, victim of demonic possession so maybe barrack is a nice person? There’s going to be 7 trumpets, and each are a torture for us the human inhabitants of this planet = GOD wants people to send such mails ? perhaps, for we must not do our will but His Will, and this is not for 1 human, it’s for each human who receives this to send to their hundreds of contacts, them got to send those to their hundreds or thousands of contacts,  so on so forth, so help inform about super important issues for all humanity, so if humans say its spam and GOD perhaps say no, if they say we don’t want those messages and GOD perhaps aks us to send them caus if you & many others don’t want to read them, what a pity, caus its no evil, it’s to help, to be good, to do what GOD & YAHUSUA JESUS always said int he Bible helping others, as with, so if you don’t want to read i beg you to send this to all your contacts, for if every being who says to stop receiving these messages, then its a loss of thousands or more!!! humans to become informed! so they will never be informed, and its to try to save their souls!!! for we live in sin humans and couldn’t care less, and we live abusing the animas we don’t even notice or know! so it’s a shame when humans don’t want these messages, its gotta to be that satan is in them for they hate good, and every time one asks the to do good, it’s horrible for them , so if they say that they wish to not be receiving these emails and GOD wants us to send them, we got to send them % for stop sending them = doing evil, sending them against them = do good, right GOD? For we got to obey YOU Creator of the universe, not to brothers who are keen on evil %how can they possibly not wish to receive thse if this is not to destroy them but to help them % they’ll thank us when they’ll be in Heaven perhaps % if they do not know GOD or hate JESUS & GOD, his is a help for them, or if they don’t hate but just aren’t interested in GOD, or have forgotten they used to like GOD a little in the past, or have never helped any brethren in their lives, and GOD tell each & everyone of his children to help others, this is an occasion for them to help, or if they didn’t know about the tribulations, now this will totally help them, as they will know they must refuse mark of the beast, so if you send them these stuff, you could seriously be almost saing their lvie,s if thanks to you, they refuse the mark of the beast % ect % so please, never listen to them who ave the devil living in them, for it’s him talking for them, it’s him telling you good beings, that you must not ask them to give dough, sign petitions, join a beings defense group, to become Christians ect , it’s the devil speaking % for he control us & tell us what to do and we obey him sadly & we do not realize how wicked we are , for we hate that people help us, and tell us to help brethrens, or to become closer to JESUS & GOD, for we are so full of lucifer % and we’re happy like that, so disgusting % so we must not obey them, for we’d be obeying lucifer % it’s not surprising, their bad reaction to these kind compassionate emails, for the Bible says in the end times, people will hate good, will hate helpers, good living beings, will understand stuff upside down : good people are idiots annoyers, evil people are so cool ect % they will have eyes closed, you can have heated debates stressed out wasting so much energy during hours with the closed eyes, they will never listen to the opened eyes, this is the end times conditioning of brains, so their reaction corresponds to this , to refuse to receive the emails, but if the emails were full of evil, become Satanists , freemasons or illuminatis, or belong to skull & bones, destroy others, do not help others, be wicked to the Animals, do all that the Bible forbids, ect they will be too glad to receive the emails % how cruel the human we are: in the end time, the more the end time approached, the more not interested we are in altruism, solidarity, the more malevolent we are, the more we experience happiness when others live tragedies , if living beings are massacred we experience joy, even when men from other times , like 20th century, even being far from the end times, humans used to not care, the entire contrary of selfless, always, centuries ago, thousands of years ago, but especially now, in 2015, for the end times starts this year , september, incredible, we are so upsde down brained that even “Christians”= bad Christians , refuse those emails , you will think about those you believe are idiots loons, when you’ll be in hell , for example we tlel you GOD wants you to stop being lesbians, and you insult us or tell us that you do whatever you want, then in hell, you’ll think I sould’ve listen to those so called idiotic loons, for they had wisdom and were GOD’s messengers!! We tell you please stop going to bullfighting stop giving money to satan for bullfighters live with satan, and you say I love bullfighting, so ‘I’ll go till I die, then you’re in hell, why didn’t I listen to those so called brainwashed weirdoes free spirits animal protestors , or do not accept to have on your forehead or hand lucifer’s mark, what a joke those people , there ain’t such a thing as rdif chip! you think, they should be living in hospitals for nutties, then you’re in hell you think I should’ve listen to those kind hearted brothers! They told you GOD wants you to follow CHRIST + HIM, & to obey THEM, you think there is no such thing as CHRIST+GOD, or You already are their ‘followers’ = bad followers, do not realize their existence, do no remember them, do not give them your hearts, just baptized, and to church once every 5 years let’s say, reading Bible? ? ha ha, you haven’t even seen one, then you’re in hell, why didn’t I listen to my family in Abba telling me to become a << true%% follower of GOD & of His Holy Son, or I was one but I disobeyed so much to their rules, those nutties telling me don’t just be a so called follower of GOD & CHRIST like most of us, but == obey === them!!!! We end up in hell , us hypocrite followers of GOD+CHRIST for we didn’t follow their rules! For GOD It ain’t enough to follow Him & His Son, but HE wants us to == love << HIM + obey HIM!!!! What’s the point in being only ‘followers’ if there is inexistent love faith obedience ect ????? ???????? that’s our biggest issues : we are just “Christians” but we don’t have a true will of being : Christians! For instance, just mere altruistic emails, we injure those emails & those who write them! We insult our family in GOD saying that the true Christians belong to odd fake Christian cults! Oh we are so wrong! We the Catholics, or the jeovah witnesses, mormons, ect, we are in the fake Christian cults! Satanic cults! And we say those who are the true Christians are the fake Christians who believe in another GOD, another JESUS, upside down everything! The liars on the internet who do not believe in mark of satan ect we think those are cool, those have the truth! Those who believe in lucifer’s new world order, we believe those are the zombies, the ones in the wrong, upside down again % those we believe are not zombies, are the zombies, those we believe have the truth, live in lies, we say do not believe what people say, that’s the problem, when we think those you can believe, it’s the fake Christians who worship saints, angels ,
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe   help animals, apocalypse GOD & YESHUA mad at humankind septe - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Juil - 14:21

Mary, or who obey to men , or those, you can believe, because they do not believe in the secret demonic universe on earth, in the supernatural that satan & his demons do, without mankind noticing, so those they say those we can believe are the brainwashed who do not search for truths, who do not search anything, they only believe the 1st thing they hear, whereas those who investigate, and believe in the very non conformist truths, just because those ideas are unpopular, not trendy at all, we say those are the weird cults, zombies, we create fake stories we want to believe! So we only believe the zombies that are as brainwashed as we are, just because they same the same than we say, for example we say there is no such thing as objects you buy and bring at home & that bring you demons, so they say just what you say, so you say don’t believe everyone says but believe them, but those who say to not buy certain objects, plenty, who bring demons, those you say: do not believe what everyone + those say! We detest the truths! We so often believe in the false stories of the ones who live in a false reality of this planet % but very soon we’ll know all those stuff were true, and that we are the brainwashed zombies, for we are cowards, for we do not believe in those stories, not just because they are un believable, but also because we are so terrified, that those stuff could be true % think about this : so many supernatural stories in the Bible! The Bible doesn’t speak only about good, saying wickedness and the wicked one do not exist ect, no, Bibl speaks openly about the devil, demonic spirits, and their danger of bringing to hell many, brainwashing many, all the human race!! Entering the bodies, possessing demonizing, entering the heads ect , having powers, controlling our heads, deeds & ideas , the Bible speaks about human woman who had children with fallen angels, making a species half human half demonic % soon we’ll see these things, soon well know how unwise we have been % how evil for GOD will judge us for every evil word we have said because << we <<< wanted to, we could have shut up % for we insult those good wise people we do not believe % we could’ve only told them we do not believe in their beliefs, but we had to injure them of course! If we insult, we can go to hell: read the Bible please ツ if we say you’re an imbecile, moron, ect we can go to hell % please never say those stuff to nobody, it’s so wicked, and it hurts % please forgive us GOD & JESUS for all those evil words we have said % we did not realize that this came from demons, from hell, only YOU GOD & YOU JESUS CHRIST can use this vocabulary, for You’re the only ones who have a right to judge the human beings ツ In YAHUSHUA’s JESUS ‘s name . Amen % Please sing praises to GO, sing praises to our king, for GOD is KING of all the earth ツ during the time of noah, you destroyed all the Animals GOD, why ? YOU were so sad, so upse , for all Your humans were so malevolent, so YOU regretted YOU had ever made them in the 1st place, why didnn’t YOU let all the non human angels = the Animals, live on earth, all alone? They were wicked too? It’s similar what is going to happen soon : YOU will destroy many for we are too malevolent, and we wallow in this, we are not filled with remorse, just like the people who lived in the time of noah, so YOU GOD rewarded noah for HE was the only one and his wife I think, who was good, so YOU love noah , so YOU didn’t destroy him, that’s what’s going to happen with the rapture: YOU are very happy with Your good kids, who represent noah, so YOU will spare them the punishment, for just like noah, they do not deserve a punishment AMEN! Just like ni noah’s time, we do not care about YOU GOD & about YOU CHRIST JESUS, we insult YOU both, we do all the worst wickedness as if we were Lucifer, we drink, we party, we get pregnant, we get married, we live, and then Your wrath on us so soon! September 14 or 22 or 23 ツ just like in noah’s time, no wisdom, no love no interest in YOU CRHSIT JESUS & GOD ツare calitlin montana , the outer limits, home improvement , so weird, satanic shows ° this would be amazing if we’d take advantage of the last years we will live in this dimension to rescue as much animals as possible ° for example, perhaps YAH YOU wish for us to be heroes : to go to bullfights, enter without paying evidently, go with a knife or something, to run into the bullring, try to take the bull , but YOU YAH prohibit violence, we can not use the weapon to stab the humans who try to hold us ? the guards, the bullfighters ect? Is it ok YAH if we use violence in special cases? Caus if we just enter without weapons, and just try to take the bull, several humans are going to run towards us, try to take us, and we got nothing to prevent them form taking us, & they’re gonna kill the bulls , several bulls! Or can we at least have a weapon only to threaten them but not to use it? They will never stop these things, prohibit it in all this plane,° the only way to prevent it, is for us vegan spirits protesters, to go to rescue the animals, with Your SPRIT YAH in us ° please YAH let us: do YOU ask us to let them murder the bulls & others, or to enter to those satanic places of abuse, & take the animals , for Your Laws Your justice YAH are the true Laws justice, it is totally opposed to man’s so called k justice and ° laws ° ° it us pure evil I justice and laws in their heads means dictatorship depravation ^so what must we do YAH? For if us vegan spirits do not rescue those animals, nobody will, and nobody will d a thing, and they will all die ¨¨ YAH we know certain good souls , saved souls, wish to remain on earth during the tribulations to help neighbors : is this what YOU want YAH or just what they want ¨can vegans do this too with the animals ? or will most of the animals be dead ? for if vegans have =saved) animals in the past, during the new world order, but in a world which was less demonic than it’s going to be soon, they must continue with this heroic task now, til their last breath YAH? How are we going to help the non human neighbors, if we won’t have enough physical strength how are we going to provide them with food, medicine, if we won’t even have for ourselves humans ? the neighbors first, always, this is Your doctrine YAH & YEHSUA’s for who care about prison! If we had saved animals before the beginning of new world order, = prison, if we save animals during new world ore=r prison! Whatever happens, so what stops us = the new world order stared in 1945 or something, but it will really start in 2016, that’s what people say = so ti’s gonna be so much worse than 1945 215 ! ! ! for the human kind is going to be a third world planet!!!! No dough no food no water no sun ect! So evidently Your non human animal angles are going to suffer certainly incredibly more than us people, because during all times of this planet, men we have been so selfish, in all this earth life when we always have had dough, not so much, we are not rich, but we’ve had money to survive & more than to survive and : have we given to animal & other causes ? no! nada! And we had more than to survive!!! So now that we will all be so poor, like the people from 3rd world nations, even the millionaires perhaps, so now, we are going to give money for the non human angels ??????????

ajajajaja of course not, if in normal “ times we are selfish, now in this desperate times we are going to be billions of time more selfish = let us see if we will keep all the promises us vegan spirits have made to the animals , that we’ll die for you, that if we got nothing for ourselves, we’ll give everything to you animals = for example if in so called ‘normal k times there were all around this planet tones of strays , now it’ll be worse ??????? or there is going to be something chemical that will kill all dogs all cats, so all the remaining will not be able to have kids and they’ll die, so there will be none dogs cats in the face of the earth? What about birds ect ? for all the ecosystem will be destroyed!!! For how can living beings live if there is no water sun good quality food ect! Humans will die! Become sick! Animals! Madness! Please DO NOT buy Nestlé = illuminati satanic cruel with humans, animals, make animal experiments ツYAH is good, HE is amazing ^Let us truly walk with YAH, have complete faith* unfortunately its not that easy, it’s not praying +read Bible and that’s it, caus we can have demon not letting us pray, praying without love, without faith, not concentrating, sleeping while praying, praying all our life with no faith, reading bible with no faith, and self condemnation all the time for we feel we are not good enough for GOD for YESHOUA, and that we are just sinners ect so it’s not easy at all to get saved, for its not just praying and studying Bible: its praying & studying Bible having a huge love & faith in GOD & YESHOUA, so if you don’t have faith or love for GOD, please pray Him & YESHOUA to give you a humongous love & faith in them both, queen of England = Satanist, german nazi, she’s the head of the serpent, pope juan Pablo II has murdered the jews 2nd wolrd war, Satanist , all kings = heads of beast , all the new kings who are going to rule from 2015 2022= apocalypse, are heads of the beast, Satanists, not humans? Probably demons, all this is ib the bible ù in the time of noah, the fallen angels were having kids with human women , a animals, that is why YAH = GOD YOU killed all the animals & said that humans should not have sex with animals % this is going to be like this again during 2015 2022 apocalypse: fallen angels nephilim or something having sex with woman, humans having sex with animals, because they are not real animals? But mix of fallen angels with animals? So the humans are not really going to be humans but mix of fallen angel & animal & human? The satanic new world order has been creating monsters half animal half fallen angel? Or half animal half human , and they said when they were gonna do this, not long after there will be apocalypse, that’s true, people heard rumors about these crazy things done in secret labs not too long ago like 2013 or something, and apocalypse starts 2015 * YAH if YOU hate Your enemies, why don’t You kill them all ? why did YOU let the beast exist for millenniums? Why do YOU let beast reign for 2015 2022 if YOU hate Him? Why didn’t YOU make him stop existing or going to hell millenniums ago & all his demons so they could not hurt animals, humans ? it’s incredible that if they’re so different from YOU & YOU YAH let them often act, do terrible things, this means YOU love what they’re doing? Even though they are opposite to YOU? Is it ti punish us? But at the same time, those enemies of Yours are happy, so YOU punish us perhaps but they are so happy that YOU ‘re letting them to genocides, evil, murders, letting them create monsters half animals half humans half demons ect % If YOU hae all they do, why don’t YOU stop them? They perhaps think YOU GOD are not that strong, for they know YOU’re letting them so many evil, atrocities, with dna ect , that they must believe YOU are powerless ù we can not believe it doesn’t matter to know if YESHOUA is YAH & if YAH is YEHSOUA, it is important, for we need to know if YAH YESHOUA is YOU, YOU obviously command us to worship YESHOUA, not as a 2nd GOD but as YOU µ we pray that YOU send us all Your SPIRIT to tell us the answer to that * for we need to know if YOU are 2 separate being so 1 caus when they say GOD and JESUS are talking: GOD is talking to GOD? JESUS is talking to JESUS? If YOU are 1 µ GOD is coming September 14 or 23? JESUS intercedes ofr us to GOD = GOD intercedes for us to GOD, JESUS intercedes for us to JESUS? GOD sent His Son YESHOUA to fight the beast 2022 = GOD sent Himself? JESUS sent GOD? JESUS sent JESUS? JESUS YOU are Your Son, Your Dad, YAH YOU are YOU, you are YOUR Dad, Your Son? JESUS YOU are JESUS? Does it make send sense YAH the Father YAH the SON? There is one YAH? So its YAH, not YAH Father YAH Son ? YAH YOU are our FATHER, so we can’t believe there is YAH SON, so YAH SON is really YAH FATHER, so JESUS IS not Son but Father? for we can’t have YOU YAH as Father and as brother? We are children of YESHOUA? not brothers of YESHOUA? GOD & CHRIST YOU both are against the apartheid of friendship, partner love, blood family love right? Caus JESUS according to YOU, every good Christian is your sisters, brothers, mother, so it’s terrible that us false christens sinners believe, like how crazy would I am to love all humans if they are nobodies, help them is thy are nobodies, or at least brothers sisters how come across out path, we come across their path, by computer, streets, ect, GOD You focus on Your family=all Your children, not on the enormous amount of blood related families, and couples, and families, couples & friends, that is how recognize true Christians: thev’ spoken a few times many time once ect life or computer, they love you, pray for you, fast for you, they call everyone sister brother, if any being attack them, they tell them I love you, I’ll pray for you , ect, they have no evilness in them, they are the true creatures of GOD, they love their partner, friends, family but they have companion love tenderness kindness toards everyone else! So everyone are their family, so they’re the only beings, the only true Christians woh truly have GOD’s doctrine in their souls, and who truly think like GOD! For if we are for instance in apocalypse and you got kids, of your blood and skin, and there are kids, you don’t know them, they are so hungry, you are looking for food for your kids, you look at those kids like with disdain, you have food, you don’t even give to them a bit, caus they are not oo your uu kids, but yy kids yy you see for the first time, they are about age of your kids, they could be your kids! Christians? No! now true Christians doctrine of GOD: everybody are my aunts, my cousins, my sisters, my grandparents, grandmas of others are my grandmas, my uncles are everybody’s unless, everybody is my family, so they see kids, they think those kids are my kids, but they are not theirs, so they give them food, or that old lady, she’s wounded, I got medicine stuff, here’s my grandpa with me, you cure your wounded grandpa, look at that old lady with disdain or something, you won’t help her, caus she’s not your grandma but what if your grandpa was not your grandpa and hat old lady was your grandma, you wouldn’t help your grandpa but that lady, false Christians, sinners, those true Christians believe that old lady is my mother, my sister, my grandma ect! So you help, for example you believe those Christians got demons, me praying for them, I don’t know them! I just talk to them on net, fasting for them? I don’t even fast for the creatures I love or me, evil sinners so called Christians, true Christians, so full of goodness just like JESUS: please pray for me I got demons please help me fast for me talk to GOD for me, of course dear beloved brother or sister, I love you, I’m so sorr for your suffering, I’ll help you gladly as much I can, love you, true Christians caus the only inhabitants of planet earth who truly believe wha YOU say is true, GOD, truly agree with YOU in everything! Truly think like YOU! All the others we are hypocrite we don’t think as Christians, we don’t have Christian existences, we disagree so much with GOD, you should see everyone as CHRIST, you should see your brother CRHSIT is everybody, that is why everybody we should see as our family, everybody! So example humans or animals in need, caus if we refuse to see them as our family & to help them if they are wounded in need dying getting raped we are not acting as a good kid of YAHWEH, we are not behaving as a good family member, we are making GOD very mad, we are sinning against JESUS & YAHUVEH, why because GOD YOU do not agree for us to have apartheids of love, do YOU? THOSE true Christians don’t just call all the Christians they personally know as brothers sisters, but everyone, even non Christians, even beings who insult, disdain them attack them ect , we think as evil one, bt how could I love them all those for instance I see in subway, streets, I see them for 1st tie, so what, they are our family! According to GOD!!! We disobey to think as GOD??? Sin!!!!! This dents mean having o deny blood related family, sentimental partner, friends, but we must love them the same as our kk real rr family, for example they pray for all the ones who put comment on their vids, for all their subscribers, and for everyone living on earth! But we say this caus we are with evil one, caus first day work school, new job, you don’t think they’re not my partner friends family, no caus in 2 or 3 days, you already are friends, with them, so like family, even if you met the 3 days ago! You already are inseparable, you have created new friendship so fast, new family members! And if we think ye but everyone on earth my family,? It s odd! Ok but lets say all the ones you know , + all the ones who frequent: there’s the beings we frequent e like, beings we frequent we dislike, you hang out with your friends + friends of your friends = you dislike friends of your friends, friends+ their family+ their partners= you like friends, dislike families & partners

We say my human dad is my dad, GOD’s not my dad, my true dad is that human who adopted or made me = sin against GOD! We say we’re Christians, we do not have CHRIST in our souls! If we were christians we’d think as CHRIST! We deny CHRIST’s teachings! CHRIST teaches GOD is Your Abba Father, and when our human father dies we are so much more in pain than when CHRIST our Father died for us! We do no care about CHRIST we care about our respective human dads! That is not Christian doctrine, that is fake Christian doctrine, but if you love your entire family of GOD whom are your frequentations, friends of your partner, friends of your family, family of GOD you met on internet once in life, once, internet or live, few times or many, never, all the beings, you love them all, with pure fraternal love, no evilness, not just your family is = your friend partner family or your family partner or your blood related family but everyone, and if you believe GOD & CHRIST are my Father and not your human father caus he’s your bro, then you are true Christians maybe and you obey CHRIST when HE tells us to think like Him and not like mankind! Caus fake Christians and mankind we think like mankind which is thinking against the teachings of CHRIS which is thinking like serpent’s teachings, We Indians feel proud about the great and diverse ecosystems that form a large part of the country. The Great Himalayas, which stretch across our Northern borders provide home to a large amount of flora and fauna. But the fragile ecosystems of the Himalayas are under threat from indiscriminate constructions and projects. GreenpeaceX is a project of Greenpeace India. This platform empowers citizens to start and run their own campaigns aimed at protecting the environment or social justice. You can start a campaign here The following are two of the petitions started in and won with GreenpeaceX. With the continuous effort of citizens and activists, the eco-tourism project proposed at Kondapur Reserve Forest near Madhapur, which had not received Environmental Clearance was rejected by the government. Another campaign was able to move the Karnataka High Court to halt the illegal construction of a parking zone in Lalbagh in Bengaluru. Start your own campaign Like us, other online campaigning organisations too are supporting people’s fight to protect citizens from unfair legislation. Change.org was successfully able to generate public support to stop the Government from repealing the Handloom Reservation Act which protects traditional Handloom weaves. Avaaz in collaboration with WWF delivered a 150,000-people strong petition to pressurize the Greek government to withdraw a bill that would have allowed private companies to exploit the country’s beautiful coastlines. You too can be the voice of change. You too can show the power of people in making the change India deserves. You too can play a part in protecting India from unfair, unregulated, exploitative constructions and projects. Be a changemaker – start your petition Hoping for more campaigns and support from you, can humankind listen to these GOD? Are these against YOU ? Deborah cox << who do you love < , brownstone I if you love me I heather nova – london rain ( nothing heals me like you do )I , sugar as bad as cigarette alcohol, processed food ✈

GOD help us to give YOU time, for we don’t want YOU to stop loving us because we refuse to give YOU time and tell YU we have no time I please forgive us for pretending we have no time for YOU when we really have time for YOU I help us to have strength to give it to YOU because all th stuff w give time to are so insignificant compared to YOU I so give us mental strength to just stop suddenly all the stuff We're doing, giving them so much time, and go to pray & read Bible I please GOD help I Thank YOU GOD & amenツWe pray for YOU GOD to not reject, hate & send to hell those who reject YOU I atheist, Satanists & Christians who reject YOU I all the ones who reject YOU I forgive all the ones who mock YOU, insult YOU , used to love YOU, then denied YOU I please forgive them all, continue giving them love & please send them to Your Kingdom I through Jesus. Amen ツso weird, GOD ¿ ¿ YOU??? Were sacrificed o cross? But You’re GOD, how come? It’s hard to grasp for us humans I if YOU are GOD then YOU could just have not been sacrificed, YOU could have the power of not living this, and if You’re GOD then YOU can’t suffer? Then how could YOU suffer on cross? Why in Bible john says in Jesus is no sin : if Jesus YOU’re GOD, how come do we need to say that in YOU is no sin, everybody knows in GOD there is no sin , so Jesus You ain’t GOD? We do not say in GOD there ain’t no sin, we say in Jesus there ain’t no sin , so why ? because Jesus You’re a man, the Son of GOD? And caus GOD is GOD? I Jesus YOU’re GOD, hy do YOU say I I don’t come on my own, but the Father sent me : if You’re the Father, YOU came on Your own, and YOU sent YOU? Why if You’re GOD, every time they insult YOU, why don’t YOU tell them You’re GOD and could send them all to hell ? caus YOU’re not GOD? Jesus said x don’t work for food that spoils, work for food that gives eternal life oo the Son of man will give you this food, because GOD the Father has given Him the right to do so oo what exactly does GOD want us to do , the people asked oo Jesus answered oo GOD wants you to have faith in the one He sent oo JESUS said I tell you for certain, that moses was not the one who gave you bread from Heaven oo my Father is the one who gives you the true bread from Heaven oo the bread that GOD gives is the one who came down from Heaven to give life to the world oo I am the bred that gives life oo no one who comes to me will ever be hungry oo no one who has faith in me will ever be thirsty oo everything & everyone that the Father has given me will come to me & I won’t turn any of them away oo I didn’t come from Heaven to do what I want, I came to do what the Father wants me to do oo He sent me & He wants to make certain that none of the ones He has given me will be lost oo instead He wants me to raise them to life on the last day oo My Father wants everyone who sees the Son Him to have faith in Him and to have eternal life oo then, I will raise them to life on the last day oo no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me makes them want to come , if they do come, I will raise them to life on the last day oo the only one who has seen the Father is the one who has come from him oo no one else has ever seen the Father oo I tell you for certain that everyone who has faith in me has eternal life oo I am the bread that gives life oo Your ancestors ate manna in the desert & later they died oo but the bread from Heaven has come down so that no one who eats it will never die oo I am that bread from Heaven oo everyone who eats it will live forever oo My flesh is the life-giving bread that I give to the people of this world oo I tell you for certain that you won’t live unless you eat the flesh & drink the blood of the Son of man oo if you eat my flesh & drink my blood you will have eternal life & I will raise you to life on the last day oo my flesh is the true food , my blood is the true drink oo if you eat my flesh and drink my blood you are one with me & I am one with you oo the living Father sent me, I have life because of Him oo everyone who eats My flesh will live because of me oo the bread that comes down from Heaven is not like what your ancestors ate oo they died but whoever eats this bread will live forever oo the Spirit is the one who gives life oo human strength can’t do nothing oo the words that I have spoken to you are from that life giving spirit but some of you refuse to have faith in me oo you can not come to me unless the Father makes you want to come oo YESHUA JESUS YOU said anyone who eats that bread will live forever oo Jesus you have more mercy than GOD? Caus if at some brethrens say is true, you wish GOD to take His creatures away from hell but He don’t want to so you are more merciful than GOD? How come , isn’t GOD the most merciful of all living beings? Our progenitors didn’t gave us life, GOD YOU gave us life, our progenitors aren’t gods, YOU are GOD GOD I Thanks for giving us life I sorry for using our lives so badly messing p everything making such a chaos of our lives I we’re truly sorry for waste our lives, using it for the worship of evil one’s things & him, not even knowing we’re worshipping his stuff & him, sorry for living the lives YOU GOD landed to us for evil & almost just evil , and truly wrong wiked stuff , we ask for Your forgiveness , from now on e Your slaves servants wish to use the earth life earth time YOU lend us for doing Your stuff, only righteous good right just stuff ツGOD we pray for YOU to help us to put Yourself in us for we don’t want YOU in us . Help us to stop rejecting Your Will, YOU, Your teachings, Your Son. ALMIGHTY GOD we pray for YOU to stop all shark massacre worldwide putting angels & Your Spirit into many animal activists I we pray for YOU to put an end to human genocides worldwide made probably by o them o , o him o & his friends sprits of evil. In the name of Christ. Amen . we pray that our sis davina isn’t satanic, tha she is alive and Christian, and that plenty other persons belle perez, iran Castillo, vonda shepard, maria arredondo, mandy moore, beth hart, billie Meyers, zhané, maren ord, onya Mitchell, joy williams, turn to YOU both GOD & YESHUA , in Your Holy Name YESHUA , for they have had certain success, those singers, they might be Satanists, or not, only YOU know YESHUA & YOU GOD, please give them forgiveness for being satanists all those years , for loving fame, money, more than YOU GOD & than YOU YESHUA, for loving all sorts of immoralities and for rejecting YOU both, Amen < this song sounds satanic davina , raekwon : so good
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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praise ye the ADONAI lord ALL YOU people, all ye servants of the LORD, praise the name of the ADONAI, Revelation 1 Bible 1 This is what God showed to Jesus Christ, so that he could tell his servants what must happen soon. Christ then sent his angel with the message to his servant John. 2 And John told everything that he had seen about God’s message and about what Jesus Christ had said and done. 3 God will bless everyone who reads this prophecy to others,[a] and he will bless everyone who hears and obeys it. The time is almost here. 4 From John to the seven churches in Asia.[b] I pray that you will be blessed with kindness and peace from God, who is and was and is coming. May you receive kindness and peace from the seven spirits before the throne of God. 5 May kindness and peace be yours from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness. Jesus was the first to conquer death, and he is the ruler of all earthly kings. Christ loves us, and by his blood he set us free from our sins. 6 He lets us rule as kings and serve God his Father as priests. To him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen. 7 Look! He is coming with the clouds. Everyone will see him, even the ones who stuck a sword through him. All people on earth will weep because of him. Yes, it will happen! Amen. 8 The Lord God says, “I am Alpha and Omega,[c] the one who is and was and is coming. I am God All-Powerful!” A Vision of the Risen Lord 9 I am John, a follower together with all of you. We suffer because Jesus is our king, but he gives us the strength to endure. I was sent to Patmos Island,[d] because I had preached God’s message and had told about Jesus. 10 On the Lord’s day the Spirit took control of me, and behind me I heard a loud voice that sounded like a trumpet. 11 The voice said, “Write in a book what you see. Then send it to the seven churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.”[e] 12 When I turned to see who was speaking to me, I saw seven gold lampstands. 13 There with the lampstands was someone who seemed to be the Son of Man.[f] He was wearing a robe that reached down to his feet, and a gold cloth was wrapped around his chest.14 His head and his hair were white as wool or snow, and his eyes looked like flames of fire. 15 His feet were glowing like bronze being heated in a furnace, and his voice sounded like the roar of a waterfall. 16 He held seven stars in his right hand, and a sharp double-edged sword was coming from his mouth. His face was shining as bright as the sun at noon. 17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet like a dead person. But he put his right hand on me and said: Don’t be afraid! I am the first, the last, 18 and the living one. I died, but now I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys to death and the world of the dead.[g] 19 Write what you have seen and what is and what will happen after these things. 20 I will explain the mystery of the seven stars that you saw at my right side and the seven gold lampstands. The seven stars are the angels[h] of the seven churches, and the lampstands are the seven churches. Footnotes: a. 1.3 who reads this prophecy to others: A public reading, in a worship service. b. 1.4 Asia: The section 1.4—3.22 is in the form of a letter. Asia was in the eastern part of the Roman Empire and is present day Turkey. c. 1.8 Alpha and Omega: The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, which sometimes mean “first” and “last.” d. 1.9 Patmos Island: A small island where prisoners were sometimes kept by the Romans. e. 1.11 Ephesus. . . Laodicea: Ephesus was in the center with the six other cities forming a half-circle around it. f. 1.13 Son of Man: That is, Jesus. g. 1.18 keys to death and the world of the dead: That is, power over death and the world of the dead. h. 1.20 angels: Perhaps guardian angels that represent the churches, or they may be church leaders or messengers sent to the churches. Contemporary English Version (CEV) Bible book of JOHN : I was there and saw the Spirit come down on him like a dove from heaven. And the Spirit stayed on him. 33 Before this I didn’t know who he was. But the one who sent me to baptize with water had told me, “You will see the Spirit come down and stay on someone. Then you will know that he is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.”34 I saw this happen, and I tell you that he is the Son of God.” JOHN why did’nt you say HE is GOD? 2 bible book of john : Because of all that the Son is, we have been given one blessing after another.[b]17 The Law was given by Moses, but Jesus Christ brought us undeserved kindness and truth. 18 No one has ever seen God. The only Son, who is truly God and is closest to the Father, has shown us what God is like” so it’s true then GOD? Yashua=GOD? Or Your enemy wrote this instead of Son of GOD? Nathanael said, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God and the King of Israel!”why did you say Son of GOD, why didn’t you say GOD? 50 Jesus answered, “Did you believe me just because I said that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see something even greater. 51 I tell you for certain that you will see heaven open and God’s angels going up and coming down on the Son of Man.” Jesus, why didn’t YOU say on GOD? Please help Animal Defenders International save Cholita, an elderly Andean bear, and bring her to the US. Suffering from severe alopecia, where Cholita should have thick, black fur she has none – her body is bald, so she is barely recognisable as an endangered Spectacled bear. Kept illegally by a circus, Cholita’s fingers had been cut down to stumps to remove her claws and her teeth were broken, leaving her defenceless. The Peru authorities confiscated her and placed her in a small zoo until she could be found a permanent home. The owners know she should be somewhere better and the Peruvian authorities agree, but they have looked all over Peru and cannot find a home to take her. There is nowhere for Cholita in Peru. How your gift will help save Cholita £5 will help us build a travel crate for Cholita £15 will go towards transport costs for ADI to bring Cholita to our rescue centre £25 will contribute towards the cost of her holding cage £35 will help ADI provide veterinary care for and feed Cholita £70 will help pay for her place on the flight to freedom £1,000 will sponsor Cholita’s travel crate which will be constructed in Lima Cholita has just one chance – to join the 33 lions rescued from circuses on the ADI Spirit of Freedom Flight to the US. Your gift can get her to safety in the US. This is her last and only hope. The Peruvian and US authorities are working now to ensure that the paperwork is in place to enable Cholita to fly with us. We must be ready to act. But we need to be ready to act fast – that means transport, travel crate, holding cages and veterinary care costs. Only with your support will we be able to act! Make a donation today to save Cholita. This is her last and only hope. Thank you. Yours for the animals You-helped-us-rescue-nearly-forty-animals-now-help-us-feed-them-ealert.jpg Pepe & Valerie relish the freedom of their new jungle home! The monkeys, kinkajous, and coatis that ADI has rescued from all over Peru are free in their new jungle homes today! Animal Defenders International (ADI) teamed up with Peru’s armed forces to relocate nearly forty wild animals to new homes in the Amazon rainforest. The monkeys, coatis and kinkajous were saved from circuses and the illegal wildlife trade as part of ADI’s groundbreaking rescue mission, Operation Spirit of Freedom. For months ADI has been building habitats for the animals in the rainforest at Pilpintuwasi Sanctuary near Iquitos – an incredibly challenging £70,000 project with building materials coming up the Amazon and construction in the forest. Then we had to take our precious cargo by land, air and river, to their new home with the Peruvian Air Force providing a flight for the animals and the ADI team. But it has all been worth it to see our monkeys swing through the trees and explore the forest floor. £12.76 will keep Pepe & Valerie in peanuts for a week £27.66 will feed Pepe for a month £35.65 will feed Pepe and all his friends for a day £249 will feed Pepe and all his pals for a week £664 will feed Pepe and Valerie for a whole year £1,079 will feed Pepe and all his friends for a month PanchitaSwings.jpg Jan Creamer, President of Animal Defenders International, said “Many of these animals were snatched from their families in the wild and it is incredibly moving to see them back in the jungle where they belong. Our utmost thanks go to Peru’s First Lady, the armed forces, the authorities, Pilpintuwasi and our supporters who have made this complex mission possible. Please donate now to raise £12,684 to feed all the animals for the next year. Watch the rescue video here This Earth Day life has never needed you more. By 2050 we face a world with no fisheries, no reefs, no rainforests, failing oceans and 9 billion people struggling over what remains. Fortunately we know how to solve this problem and create a world that works for all species. Step one is understanding the problem – so we are releasing Revolution online and in theaters in New York and LA today with a renegade strategy - to bolster conservation movements worldwide. By sharing Revolution you can raise funds for amazing conservation initiatives like Fin Free, Ocean Unite, Earthjustice, PangeaSeed, and Kurmalliance. if people understood the problems we face, our morals would engage, we'd hold each other accountable and we'd be able to create a world that works, but we need to act fast. We have the biggest movement that’s ever existed, and billions of people connected through social networks. Help save the world we depend on for survival – the oceans, sharks, forests, and life. Please watch Revolution, get educated on what’s really going on out there, and share it with your community. Inspire youth to be all they can be to tackle this challenge. Help make some heroes. Today is a celebration of the environment – Earth Day - and this our greatest hope to generate the support and word of mouth necessary to save it. Would you please help us spread Revolution by sharing this link? ykr.be/2042asgrjq and sign up here if you want to share Revolution to fund your own initiatives http://therevolutionmovie.com/index.php/affiliate-program/ Get involved and #revolutionchallenge your friends to get educated on the environment by watching Revolution. We also bought Sharkwater back with the help of LUSH and are releasing it for free through much of the world, to support conservation efforts and ensure the whole world goes #finfree. Please watch and share Sharkwater: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pXN2F4EPb8 Excluding Canada We’re so close to the tipping point, but need you now more than ever. Thanks for your help. In gratitude, PRAYER For All Those Who Face Abortion Dear Heavenly Father, God Almighty of the whole Universe, may thy Light, Life and Love fill the expanse of thy Creation, and assist all those who consider or have gone through this Soul Destroying ordeal. May Peace be spoken to their Hearts, minds, and Souls, and may they repent with power. May we have the strength to Choose the Right, regardless of the consequences. May all mothers considering this horrible action be granted a vision, however brief, of their unborn children, realizing how precious they really are. And remember the commitments that we made to each other before coming to this earth. Protect them from the Adversary Father. Lead them in the Path of Eternal Life. May my fellow brothers feel the Power of the Holy Ghost and be convinced of their duty, honor, and obligation to their unborn children, and be the strong shoulder to lean on that thy Daughters need so badly. May those men and brothers radiate true manhood: the kind that is as strong as steel and yet as tender as linen. May they have the courage, honor, and fortitude to support their wives or girlfriends and children as thou has ordained. May their Hearts remember their commitments in the Grand Counsel. Please, please, please Father, forgive those Daughters who have already done this, to know of thy Love, personally; to receive an answer to their prayers for forgiveness, that they can be filled with knowledge that surpasseth all understanding. Thank you for the Sacrifice of thy Son and our older Brother, Jesus Christ, and His Atonement. May every knee bow, and tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ. Amen. Mark 9:14-29 when they came to the disciples, they saw a great crowd about them, and scribes arguing with them. And immediately all the crowd, when they saw him, were greatly amazed, and ran up to him and greeted him. And he asked them, "What are you discussing with them?" And one of the crowd answered him, "Teacher, I brought my son to you, for he has a dumb spirit; and wherever it seizes him, it dashes him down; and he foams and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid; and I asked your disciples to cast it out, and they were not able." And he answered them, "O faithless generation, how long am I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him to me." And they brought the boy to him; and when the spirit saw him, immediately it convulsed the boy, and he fell on the ground and rolled about, foaming at the mouth. And Jesus asked his father, "How long has he had this?" And he said, "From childhood. And it has often cast him into the fire and into the water, to destroy him; but if you can do anything, have pity on us and help us." And Jesus said to him, "If you can! All things are possible to him who believes." Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, "I believe; help my unbelief!" And when Jesus saw that a crowd came running together, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, "You dumb and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him, and never enter him again." And after crying out and convulsing him terribly, it came out, and the boy was like a corpse; so that most of them said, "He is dead." But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose. And when he had entered the house, his disciples asked him privately, "Why could we not cast it out?" And he said to them, "This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer." pleas born again tell us the truth! Ask GOD & JESUS please!!! Some believe the book of revelations is a lie, that we should flee from it, for its full of numbers, kabalistic symbolism, they say it’s the Satanists book, how come? That it’s useful only to them, we know the Yahweh from the Old Testament is really the devil, so some say we should not read it, but everything in the old testament is a lie? From the 1st to the last line? Which books of the Bible are true ? which ones GOD do YOU want us to read? They say evil people who hate GOD and JESUS have had an agreement to replace the true name of GOD by jeovah or Yahweh or yahve in the Bible, and that all those genocides and inhumanities have never been GOD’s work but the devil’s work , appearing or talking to the people pretending to be GOD, so the people believed he was GOD, but he is the devil, and so they have reversed the places of GOD and the devil in the old testament! That is why we feel horrified if we read the Old Testament for “god” appears to be so cruel!!! But he is not GOD, and in the rest of the Bible, GOD is goodness, the so called god of the old testament, so the devil is self centered, jealous, proud , nothing that GOD is, and he never talks badly of the devil, as he is the devil! He doesn’t ask to repent, he just asks to murder animals +humans as repentance & forgiveness! When JESUS said GOD is not pleased with sacrifices! charity for hell! Why one must give nothing to telethon & products tested on animals : for tortured animals & sick beings, here is never holiday , no party, no fun vivisection is to the science of the 20th century what adolf hitler was to the 20th Century  In France 1 animal dies every 12 seconds telethon < Makes you want to abandon many illusions & makes those who donate cry , and the sick and their loved ones who are waiting so desperately for solutions of science and those poor 3 million innocent animals cruelly massacred every year for nothing! The “success” of torture of animals is reliable only from 37 – 50%. The researchers of antidote Europe say: it’s as random as flipping a coin  the animal experimentation is the simplest & fastest way for those who want to make a career & for the industrials who want to make believe of the innocuousness of their products  the modern sensible and progressive researchers raise the alarm, we have to use substitutive ways, faster and less expensive, that exist since forever! Despite all this, afm continues, ever since 25 years, to assassinate animals, to waste a very precious time and the money of donations, for the telethon  we hide the considerable subventions that the government deposit to the afm  telethon is a system which gives money to many satellites: industry of lab animal breeding, and people who are established in a 5 star comfort, none of them want to renounce this  telethon : cats decapitated in formalin  they are experimented them for their vocal cords  genetic diseases remain incurable because the methods of research are inapplicable to the animals  may the hollers of the animals arrive to the afm so that science progresses and stops this abomination  telethon the director buys herself a house and remunerations up to 100 000 euros with your donations  we donate for nothing, animals donate their lives for nothing  all those telethon people will certainly be thrown up into hell  The methods of research of the telethon are expired and no use  the scandal of telethon, tens of thousands of millions of euros for the telethon, thanks to the generosity of the people, unicef france also, asks money to the generous people, when it supports horrifying torture of bulls, in public, goes to towns, to do the fiesta with them, during the bullfightings, contributing to pervert kids, and lead them to violence, which is no pedagogic mission  afm recollects considerable amounts of dough, for hypothetical results, which leads to think  let us be numerous to ask a modern, ethical, efficient, science please bocott telethon + unicef = they both work for the devil, no doubt  if you give them money knowing this and ignoring this, you perhaps sin against our GOD and you will be giving dough to His enemy  they are lying ? please born gain saints who speak to GOD & JESUS & JESUS and GOD answer you, please this is too important, they could be deceiver, they could be truth speaker, we don’t know!!! If we do not do what GOD says in this thing it’s a terrible sin, but if this is not GOD and those people are taking us for naïve beings ? Please ask GOD, is this true? Isn’t YAHUVEH one of satan’s name??? for if yhave & Yahweh are satan’s name & he wanted us to think this was GOD’s name, then yahuveh is also satan’s name? Please, born again saints help !!! for this will be sent to many people of this planet! We do not want them to or sin by praying in the name of JESUS , or if this is a lie, sin by praying in the name of YAHUSHUA, if they are liars, then it means YAHUSHUA is not the name of JESUS ? but of satan? Please born again, is YAH the name of satan? Ask GOD please!!!! We do not want to pray to satan!!!! http://amightywind.com/sacrednames/index.htm it's too confusing, who is lying? fake prophets accusing fake prophets? some people say amightwind are satanists, other say sherry shriner is a reptilian satanist, amightywind accuse herry shriner, sherry shriner accuses amightwind, GOD tell us please! who can we trust? sherry believes in aliens: it seems like aliens do not exist, but amightwind say YAHUVEH which is one of satan's name isn't it? so they could both be satanist liars fake prophets? http://www.amightywind.com/whatsnew/lesbianshriner.html maybe they are such liars deceivers brainwashers that they are friends, and pretend to fight each other like satanic politicians who supposedly run against one another but really are all in the same satanic cult & mates! Human saints , is kickboxing of the serpent? Is it martial arts? Looks like martial arts but seem it is not martial art caus it is focused on sports, not on combat, it’s just for cardiovascular exercise, not for competition, it has some satanic moves? Please ask YAH & YEHUSHUA saints of YAH thanks ~ if we truly believe YAH = YESHOUA , then why do we believe YOU both talk as 2 distinct creatures, & that certain things are YAHOUSA’s work, certain things are YAH’s work? Humanity as a whole we believe YESHOUA will fight the serpent, we do not think YAH will fight serpent ~ we believe YESHOUA has 1 throne, YAH another throne, we do not believe there’s 1 body 1 mind 1 throne 1 being? We believe YESHOUA is our attorney for some believe YAH is cruel, YESHOUA is not, or less, YAH is way stricter, less merciful than YESHOUA ~ if we believe they are 1, then why do we ask YESHOUA to ask YAH to get us out of hell or not make us go there? We are asking YESHOUA to ask Himself, or asking YAH to ask Himself? We truly believe YAH & YESHOUA are different, when Bible say they are the same in every way ~ why do we think YAH gives commands to YESHOUA? Like sending YESHOUA to fight against serpent? If many Christians believe they are 1? YAH sends HIMSELF to fight serpent? YAH ‘ll send Himself on earth on September 14 or 23 of this year? ~ we believe that YESHOUA cries & is sad for all those in hell & that YAH doesn’t care about those in hell ~ not possible if they are the same 1 ~ mankind as a whole believes YESHOUA wished every sheep to go to Heaven & that if HE was the judges of each sheep, all ‘d be in YAH’s kingdom ~ or that there ‘d be an humongous less quantity of sheep in hell ~ not possible if YAH & YESHOUA are the same in every way & are 1 ~ what about HOLY SPIRIT ~ in the subconscious of humankind as a whole : HOLY SPIRIT don’t judge, YAH judges, HOLY SPIRIT doesn’t have a throne ~ we do not believe HOLY SPIRIT YOU will fight the beast in august 7 2022 ect ~ 2GOD’s in 1, 3 GODS in 1 ?
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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they are with lucifer? can we donate? http://www.ad-international.org/take_action/donate.php





Deceiver? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppOLPHwDgZc
Liars ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkCk8qida0Y

Mark 13 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

The Temple Will Be Destroyed 13 As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Teacher, look at these beautiful stones and wonderful buildings!” 2 Jesus replied, “Do you see these huge buildings? They will certainly be torn down! Not one stone will be left in place.” Warning about Trouble 3 Later, as Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives across from the temple, Peter, James, John, and Andrew came to him in private. 4 They asked, “When will these things happen? What will be the sign that they are about to take place?” 5 Jesus answered: Watch out and don’t let anyone fool you! 6 Many will come and claim to be me. They will use my name and fool many people. 7 When you hear about wars and threats of wars, don’t be afraid. These things will have to happen first, but that isn’t the end. 8 Nations and kingdoms will go to war against each other. There will be earthquakes in many places, and people will starve to death. But this is just the beginning of troubles. 9 Be on your guard! You will be taken to courts and beaten with whips in their meeting places. And because of me, you will have to stand before rulers and kings to tell about your faith. 10 But before the end comes, the good news must be preached to all nations. 11 When you are arrested, don’t worry about what you will say. You will be given the right words when the time comes. But you will not really be the ones speaking. Your words will come from the Holy Spirit. 12 Brothers and sisters will betray each other and have each other put to death. Parents will betray their own children, and children will turn against their parents and have them killed. 13 Everyone will hate you because of me. But if you keep on being faithful right to the end, you will be saved. The Horrible Thing 14 Someday you will see that “Horrible Thing” where it should not be.[a] Everyone who reads this must try to understand! If you are living in Judea at that time, run to the mountains. 15 If you are on the roof[b] of your house, don’t go inside to get anything. 16 If you are out in the field, don’t go back for your coat. 17 It will be an awful time for women who are expecting babies or nursing young children. 18 Pray that it won’t happen in winter.[c] 19 This will be the worst time of suffering since God created the world, and nothing this terrible will ever happen again. 20 If the Lord doesn’t make the time shorter, no one will be left alive. But because of his chosen and special ones, he will make the time shorter. 21 If someone should say, “Here is the Messiah!” or “There he is!” don’t believe it. 22 False messiahs and false prophets will come and work miracles and signs. They will even try to fool God’s chosen ones. 23 But be on your guard! That’s why I am telling you these things now. When the Son of Man Appears 24 In those days, right after that time of suffering, “The sun will become dark, and the moon will no longer shine. 25 The stars will fall, and the powers in the sky[d] will be shaken.” 26 Then the Son of Man will be seen coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27 He will send his angels to gather his chosen ones from all over the earth. A Lesson from a Fig Tree 28 Learn a lesson from a fig tree. When its branches sprout and start putting out leaves, you know summer is near. 29 So when you see all these things happening, you will know that the time has almost come.[e] 30 You can be sure that some of the people of this generation will still be alive when all this happens. 31 The sky and the earth will not last forever, but my words will. No One Knows the Day or Time 32 No one knows the day or the time. The angels in heaven don’t know, and the Son himself doesn’t know. Only the Father knows. 33 So watch out and be ready! You don’t know when the time will come. 34 It is like what happens when a man goes away for a while and places his servants in charge of everything. He tells each of them what to do, and he orders the guard to keep alert. 35 So be alert! You don’t know when the master of the house will come back. It could be in the evening or at midnight or before dawn or in the morning. 36 But if he comes suddenly, don’t let him find you asleep. 37 I tell everyone just what I have told you. Be alert! Footnotes: 13.14 where it should not be: Probably the holy place in the temple. 13.15 roof: See the note at 2.4. 13.18 in winter: In Palestine the winters are cold and rainy and make travel difficult. 13.25 the powers in the sky: In ancient times people thought that the stars were spiritual powers. 13.29 the time has almost come: Or “he (that is, the Son of Man) will soon be here.” BOOK mark chapter 14 33 Jesus took along Peter, James, and John. He was sad and troubled and 34 told them, “I am so sad that I feel as if I am dying. Stay here and keep awake with me.” 35-36 Jesus walked on a little way. Then he knelt down on the ground and prayed, “Father,[e] if it is possible, don’t let this happen to me! Father, you can do anything. Don’t make me suffer by having me drink from this cup.[f] But do what you want, and not what I want.” YAHSHUA YOU are GOD? If YOU are GOD Father at the same time as Son of YAHUVEH, how can YOU have a different will than YAHUVEH? If YOU are YAHUVEH? YOU are asking YAHUVEH to not let YOU suffer, be nail on Cross , aren’t YOU? But YAHUVH wants YOU to go through that time of suffering, than YOU YAHUSHUA ae not YAHUVEH? How could YAHUVEH tell himself, please don’t make me drink from that cup, keep me from suffering? If YOU are exactly like YAHUVEH, but not just exactly lik HIM, but HIM ^YOU don’t want to be nail on Cross, YAHUVEH wants YOU to be nailed on Cross, YAHUVEH wants YOU to drink wine, YOU don’t really want to ^YAHUVEH YOU don’t ask us to be saints, perfects, do YOU? YOU ask us to sin a little, we sin too much! YOU ask us to try to sin way less, we sin exaggeratedly un purpose too much! YOU ask us to make some efforts to be less sinful & have less evil in our hearts souls consciences ect, we do not do effort! We do nothing to deserve Your Kingdom then ^or too little ^ please pray for our sister beyoncé knowles, she is not evil it seems, she wants to go out of satanism!!!! Mark 1 Bible The Preaching of John the Baptist 1 This is the good news about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.[a] 2 It began just as God had said in the book written by Isaiah the prophet, “I am sending my messenger to get the way ready for you. 3 In the desert someone is shouting, ‘Get the road ready for the Lord! Make a straight path for him.’” 4 So John the Baptist showed up in the desert and told everyone, “Turn back to God and be baptized! Then your sins will be forgiven.” 5 From all Judea and Jerusalem crowds of people went to John. They told how sorry they were for their sins, and he baptized them in the Jordan River. 6 John wore clothes made of camel’s hair. He had a leather strap around his waist and ate grasshoppers and wild honey. 7 John also told the people, “Someone more powerful is going to come. And I am not good enough even to stoop down and untie his sandals.[b] 8 I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit!” The Baptism of Jesus 9 About that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and John baptized him in the Jordan River. 10 As soon as Jesus came out of the water, he saw the sky open and the Holy Spirit coming down to him like a dove. 11 A voice from heaven said, “You are my own dear Son, and I am pleased with you.” Jesus and Satan 12 Right away God’s Spirit made Jesus go into the desert. 13 He stayed there for forty days while Satan tested him. Jesus was with the wild animals, but angels took care of him. Jesus Begins His Work 14 After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee and told the good news that comes from God.[c] 15 He said, “The time has come! God’s kingdom will soon be here.[d] Turn back to God and believe the good news!” Jesus Chooses Four Fishermen 16 As Jesus was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew. They were fishermen and were casting their nets into the lake. 17 Jesus said to them, “Come with me! I will teach you how to bring in people instead of fish.” 18 Right then the two brothers dropped their nets and went with him. 19 Jesus walked on and soon saw James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in a boat, mending their nets. 20 At once Jesus asked them to come with him. They left their father in the boat with the hired workers and went with him. A Man with an Evil Spirit 21 Jesus and his disciples went to the town of Capernaum. Then on the next Sabbath he went into the Jewish meeting place and started teaching. 22 Everyone was amazed at his teaching. He taught with authority, and not like the teachers of the Law of Moses. 23 Suddenly a man with an evil spirit[e] in him entered the meeting place and yelled, 24 “Jesus from Nazareth, what do you want with us? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are! You are God’s Holy One.” 25 Jesus told the evil spirit, “Be quiet and come out of the man!” 26 The spirit shook him. Then it gave a loud shout and left. 27 Everyone was completely surprised and kept saying to each other, “What is this? It must be some new kind of powerful teaching! Even the evil spirits obey him.” 28 News about Jesus quickly spread all over Galilee. Jesus Heals Many People 29 As soon as Jesus left the meeting place with James and John, they went home with Simon and Andrew. 30 When they got there, Jesus was told that Simon’s mother-in-law was sick in bed with fever. 31 Jesus went to her. He took hold of her hand and helped her up. The fever left her, and she served them a meal. 32 That evening after sunset,[f] all who were sick or had demons in them were brought to Jesus. 33 In fact, the whole town gathered around the door of the house. 34 Jesus healed all kinds of terrible diseases and forced out a lot of demons. But the demons knew who he was, and he did not let them speak. 35 Very early the next morning, Jesus got up and went to a place where he could be alone and pray. 36 Simon and the others started looking for him. 37 And when they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you!” 38 Jesus replied, “We must go to the nearby towns, so that I can tell the good news to those people. This is why I have come.” 39 Then Jesus went to Jewish meeting places everywhere in Galilee, where he preached and forced out demons. Jesus Heals a Man 40 A man with leprosy[g] came to Jesus and knelt down.[h] He begged, “You have the power to make me well, if only you wanted to.” 41 Jesus felt sorry for[i] the man. So he put his hand on him and said, “I want to! Now you are well.” 42 At once the man’s leprosy disappeared, and he was well. 43 After Jesus strictly warned the man, he sent him on his way. 44 He said, “Don’t tell anyone about this. Just go and show the priest that you are well. Then take a gift to the temple as Moses commanded, and everyone will know that you have been healed.”[j] 45 The man talked about it so much and told so many people, that Jesus could no longer go openly into a town. He had to stay away from the towns, but people still came to him from everywhere.
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