mateo 10 38 Sagradas Escrituras 1569 madero = Cruz

Y el que no toma su madero, y sigue en pos de mí, no es digno de mí.

mathieu 10 38 Bible roi jacques

38 Et celui qui ne prend pas sa croix et ne me suit pas, n’est pas digne de moi.

King James Bible

And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

this could mean that : if you don't love JESUS and do what He says and what His Father wants < you're not worthy or eternal life , in Heaven 💧 you're not worthy of being a disciple of CHRIST 💧 or something 💧 could mean : if you aren't willing to suffer for JESUS, every single day, isn't worthy of being with CHRIST forever in the Kingdom of Heaven 💧 and if you don't deny yourselves, you don't truly care bout JESUS, you care more about your desires of your flesh, your passions ect , you're not worhty of belonging to CHRIST 💧 is that it Holy Father ?

Biblia Sagradas Escrituras 1569 juan 6 35

Y Jesús les dijo: YO SOY el pan de vida; el que a mí viene, nunca tendrá hambre; y el que en mí cree, no tendrá sed jamás.

king james Bible john 6 35

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

Bible roi jacques jean 6 : 35

35 Et Jésus leur dit : Je suis le pain de vie : celui qui vient à moi n’aura jamais faim, et celui qui croit en moi n’aura jamais soif.