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 important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 12:54

stop bullfighting schools 💫 5 year old children torture, slaughter animals in private school 💫 no a las escuelas de tauromaquia 💫 niños de 5 años maltratan masacran toros en escuelas privadas


este perrito ha sido quemado con aceite 💫 esta entre la vida y la muerte 💫 this little dog has been burn with oil he's between life & death

https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/justice-poca/58978unmnisterio pa los derechos de los animales, we want a minsitery for animal rights


we want a debate about animal experimentation 💫 queremos debate concerniente experimentación en animales


salvemos los pulmones de la tierra 💫 let's save theearth's lunges


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 12:55

philip plein : deje de vender pieles ✿ philip plein stop selling fur


firmen pour = por el cierre de esta cría industrial de 17 000 cerdos =chanchos ✿ sign for = pour the closing of this industrial raising of 17 000 pigs


no a la cría de gallinas en jaula ✿ en francia el 69 por cien de gallinas son criadas en jaula ✿ su vida es un infierno, nunca han conocido libertad ✿ solo han conocido el piso de alambre de su jaula ✿ no to raising hens in cages : in france 69 percent of hens are raised in cages ✿ their lives is hell ✿ they've never know freedom ✿ they've only known the wire floor of their cages


vote for = pour the creation of an animal police to help the animals ✿ voten por < pour la creación de una policía animal pa ayudarles



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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 12:58

un criador de ovejas ha masacrado dos perros porque dice que esos perros han atacado a sus ovejas 🍹 es mentira 🍹 por lo que dejen de pensar de que los criadores de ovejitas no son violentos, malos, inhumanos, violentos con los animales y con las ovejas : si que lo son 🍹 a sheep breeder has slaughtered two dogs 🍹 he says these dogs have attacked the sheep 🍹 he's lying 🍹 stop believing sheep breeders aren't violent, mean, inhumane, to te animals and to sheep : yes they are


more than 160 farmsare breeding lions for slaughter 🍹 this year, 15000 will die killed by hunters, trophy hunting is considered to be a leisure 🍹 más de 160 granjas están criando leones para masacrarlos 🍹 este año 15 000 leones serán matados por cazadores 🍹 la caza de trofeo es considerara como afición


dos personas han atacado a este pobre animal queriendo matarlo peor sin poder hacerlo 🍹 tiene un ojo perforado y su cuerpo está mal 🍹 two people have attacked this poor animal, trying to kill him but couldn't 🍹 he has a gouged out eye and his body isn't healthy


salvemos a los animalesque sufren por las pieles 🍹 let's save animals who suffer for fur


stable in danger of being demolished , horses in danger 🍹 caballeriza en peligro de demolición , caballos en peligro


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 13:02

salvemos este parque natural 🍹 let' s save this natural park


este zoo quiere tener morsas, pingüinos, tigres blancos osos polares 🍹 no a este proyecto 🍹 this zoo wants to have walruses, white tigres, penguins , polar bears 🍹 no to this project

let's help abandonned cats 🍹 ayudemos a los gatos abandonados


this association is soon goingto be in the streets, help them 🍹 esta asociación va a estar en las calles , ayudemoles


protect stray cats from cruelty from malicious people 🍹 protegemos a los gatos callejeros de la crueldad de personas maliciosas


retiren esteperro al inhumano 🍹 este perro se muere de sed, de hambre, vive afuera 🍹 esta infestada por parásitos, llena de heridas y ulceras de decúbito 🍹 take this dog away from this inhumane 🍹 this dog is starving and thirsting to death, lives outside 🍹 is infested with parasites, is full of wounds, bedsores

los ladrones ahora queman a los perros con acido para poder robar 🍹 robbers burn animals with acid to be able to rob homes


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 13:09

it 's very cold & thousands of people have nowhere to live 💫 hace bastante frio y miles de humanos no tienen donde vivir


millones de jovencitas no tiene acceso a la educacion 💫 millions of young girls don't have access to education


no mas violencia de los estados , han habido muertos 💫 stop state violence, there's been dead


toxic substances in diapers = nappies 💫 substancias toxicas en pañales


la causa animal debe ser parte del gran debate , voten si < oui 💫 animal cause should be a part of the big debate, vote yes = oui


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 13:20

situacion catastrofica, inaceptable en lo relativo a los animales 💫 catastrophic unacceptable situation concerning the animals


no al salon de perro 💫 animales estresados durante semanas en las rutas, y en exposiciones ruidosas 💫 no to the dog exhibitions 💫 animals stressed for weeks on the roads , and in noisy expositions



we want the end of circuses with animals 💫 queremos el fin de circos con animalitos


justicia para Lacko 💫 justice for Lacko


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Fév - 13:52

sacan a los zorros de sus madrigueras 🚨 los matan con crueldad 🚨 no more blocking of foxes 🚨 they get the foxes out of their earths , they kill them cruelly 🚨


dejen de los tejones 🚨 la tortura no es una aficion 🚨 stop badgers- baiting 🚨 torture is not a pastime


en una explotacion agricola han encontrado a ocho ovejas muertas, dejadas alli, cerca a otros animalitos vivos 🚨 los perros las han devorado 🚨 in an agricultural holding 8 dead ewes have been found , left there, next to other live animals 🚨 dogs have devoured them

tenemos que prohibir las trampas que matan animales 🚨 we need to prohibit tramps which kill animals


abolition of animal circuses 🚨 abolicion de circos con animales


liberemos a este elefante🚨 hace 41 años que vive encarcelada en un zoologico en canada donde las temperaturas pueden bajar hasta - 20 grados en invierno 🚨 clima incompatible con las necesidades de un elefante 🚨 let's free this elephant 🚨 she's been imprisoned in this zoo in canada for 41 years 🚨 where temperatures can fall down to - 20 degrees in winter 🚨 this climate is incompatible with the needs of an elephant

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeDim 3 Fév - 9:00

liberemos a los elefantes 🍸 lets free all elephants


no more angora 🍸 no mas angora


let’s save this dolphin 🍸 salvemos a este delfín


stop training dogs with violence , cruelty 🍸 dejen de amaestrar perros con crueldad y violencia


no más animales salvajes en los circos 🍸 no more wild animals in circuses


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeDim 3 Fév - 9:02

non a l’ouverture de plus d ‘ antirabique 🍒 no to the opening of any more anti-rabies


on veut une loi contre la maltraitance des animaux 🍒 we want law against mistreatment of animals


on ne veut plus que les animaux soient sacrifiés dans les fourrières 🍒 no more sacrifices in pounds


ils ont tué des chiens errants de façon inhumaine et lâche 🍒 they killed stray dogs in an inhumane, coward way


justice pour ce chien blessé gravement 🍒 justice for this seriously wounded dog


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeDim 3 Fév - 9:04

interdisons la chasse sur terre 🍑 let’s ban hunting in all the earth


non au massacre de chiens 🍑 no to dog slaughter https://www.sosvox.org/es/petition/investiguen-la-masacre-de-perros-en-morelos.html

libérons les animaux de ce cirque 🍑 let’s save the animals of this circus



we need an emergency number for animals 🍑 nous avons besoin d ‘un numéro d’urgence pour animaux


interdisons les feux d’artifice parce qu’ils tuent énormément d’animaux et ça les terrifie et les traumatisent 🍑 lets ban fireworks, because they kill lots of animals, terrifies them and traumatize them

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeDim 3 Fév - 9:05


we want an ambulance for stray animals 🍬 nous voulons une ambulance pour animaux errants


retrouvons ceux qui ont empoisonné ces chiens 🍬 let’s find those who have poisoned these dogs


teach respect to animals in schools 🍬 enseignez respect des animaux dans les écoles


horses killed in this festival 🍬 chevaux meurent dans ce festival


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeDim 3 Fév - 9:06

we want a campaign against animal mistreatment ⛵ on veut une campagne contre maltraitance sur animaux



let’s find who put poison to murder stray dogs ⛵ trouvons qui mettent du poison pour tuer chiens errants


fermons cet endroit car ils y maltraitent les animaux ⛵ lets close this place for there animals are abused


we have no right to hunt animals ⛵ on a pas l’droit de chasser les animaux


salon de toilettage maltraite animaux ⛵ this dog grooming parlor mistreats animals


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeDim 3 Fév - 9:15

perros sin correa matan a perros 🍊 saquenlos con correas 🍊  dogs without leashed kill dogs 🍊 take them for a walk with a leash united states = lead united kingdom 🍊 chiens sans laisse tuent des chiens 🍊 sortez les en laisse


fue atropellado en la verreda 🍊 he was run over by someone on the sidewalk united states = pavement united kingdom 🍊 il fut écrasé sur le trottoir


no vendan animales en leboncoin , es un sitio internet 🍊 don’t sell animals on leboncoin 🍊 it’s a website


no al cierre de la gatteria 🍊 no to the closing of this cattery 🍊 non à la fermeture de cette chatterie


queremos seguridad social pa animales 🍊 we want social security for animals


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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠    important petitions against meaness violence murder of in🐠  - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 4 Fév - 12:00

stop aux concours de massacre d'animaux sauvages 🍊 no a los concursos de masacre de animales salvajes


no more animals experiments in universities 🍊 no mas experimentos en animales en universidades


dejemos de pegar animales vivos 🍊 stop glueing live animals


no more animals in captivity in jardinland 🍊no mas animales captivos en jardinland


casino , stop encouraging cruelty to animals 🍊 casino, deje de fomentar crueldad a los animales

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