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 cruelty in animal shelters

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: cruelty in animal shelters   cruelty in animal shelters Icon_minitimeMer 24 Avr - 12:24

april 24 2013


DEMAND an investigation on Shelter Manager - Betty Crumley
Posted to Let's turn Facebook Orange for… by Jayne CvetanoskiApr 1Invite Friends
To: Governor Bill Haslam of Tennessee, William Baird- Mayor Campbell County, Campbell County Police
We the undersigned DEMAND a full investigation into the Shelter Manager of

Adrion W Baird Animal Center - BETTY CRUMLEY!

Among other cruelties, Campbell county animal shelter's director does NOT use tranquilizers when putting dogs down and only uses 1/3 the amount of fatal plus so animals lay there and suffer.

Then it is shown that they are placed in freezer alive!

Betty Crumley needs to be removed from her position immediately and a full and thorough investigation held before MULTIPLE animal cruelty charges are laid on not only her but any of the Shelter staff that have been participating in this cruelty at the Adrion W Baird Animal Center.

Please watch the video for proof of what is occurring>>

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