please stop eating sheep 🐩 inmense thanks

many thanks , pleaze , hiya 🐩 i hope you’re all doing fine 🐩 you’d be filled with altruizm goodness , open-handedness , empathy, generozity , humanity, pity, philanthropy, compassion, solidarity , ect if you’d pass this on around the internet , mobile phones < cellphones 🐩 on instagram , watsap , email to all your email contacts , facebook to each and every one of your facebook contacts , facebook chat 🐩 twiter , coments of < blogs , facebook, youtub 🐩 blogs, forums , sites , internet pages 🐩 to plenty of human beingz that you don’t know, to all your contacts , to all your neighbors 🐩 to all the human beings you know , to each and every one of your co workers , schoolmates , everyone of your classmates , each and every one of your friendly relations 🐩 each and every single one of your < family memberz , boss, teachers , your company , each and every single one of your fellows of the classes you take after work or after school , each and every single one of your family members by marriage , etcetera 🐩

You have the power 🐩 help make cruelty a crime


With fear in her eyes, Marta is dragged off of the transport truck by a rope tied around her neck. She tries her hardest to resist, but she is too weak. Once at the killing floor, she is thrown to the ground and forcibly held down, while a worker slits her throat leaving her to bleed out. While all of this happens, Marta is still conscious. Animal Equality investigators witnessed Marta, along with many other lambs and sheep, brutally killed in backyard pens and underground slaughterhouses during a recent investigation in Mexico. Because these slaughterhouses are operating illegally, there are no inspections or sanctions, leaving these animals unprotected. And even in government-owned slaughterhouses, the regulations in Mexico City are loosely enforced, leaving countless animals to be killed in ways that cause them extreme fear and pain. Animal Equality investigates these facilities to expose what is hidden behind closed doors. Animal Equality has presented an initiative to the Congress of Mexico City that could help put an end to some of the most egregious animal slaughter practices that cause prolonged and painful deaths. If passed, individuals who run unregulated slaughterhouses would face up to 5 years in prison. While it’s too late for Marta, countless animals need your help. Please donate now to support this vital work.


Make a gift today and it will be instantly DOUBLED by a generous supporter! Your support is critical to exposing this cruel industry and will help us work with lawmakers to make historic changes for animals. I know that together, we can work to stop this cruelty and hold abusers accountable for their actions. Countless animals brutally killed in backyard slaughterhouses need your help! Please make a donation today to help stop this cruelty and hold abusers accountable.