saveallGOD'sAnimals Admin
Nombre de messages : 25268 Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007
| Sujet: more than 99%of earth's celebs worship satan illuminati cult Jeu 27 Fév - 13:09 | |
| if you had old illuminati luciferian celebs links of youtub vids, from 2010 – 2020, and now you click on them = ! not there anymore ! why ? cause lucifer knows how smart God has made his human creatures and satan his demons and illuminati worshippers don’t want human creatures of planet earth to discover the truth about this planet, about the occult, the luciferian secret society that control the earth, controls humans, celebs ect so they delete not all the vids, thanks to Holy Father God, but they delete )))) most (((( of the vids; this sucks terribly ! cause now we can’t really convince anyone to believe in the existence of lucifer, and his illuminati luciferian children slaves worshippers may God who is )))) al powerful ))) and has infinitely more power than satan demons the illuminati luciferians, prevent satan from removing the videos of truth seekers that inform us against the luciferian illuminatis God please we’re begging here, don’t let them delete the truth seekers vids, the lucferian conspiracy theories vid, the hell vids, the m k ultra vids, the Bible end time prophecy vids and don’t let lucifer close the youtub or internet accounts, sites, pages ect of philanthropic good beings against the luciferians illuminati ect ect ! ! in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Holy Name, amen! unless it’s your will, we don’t know
why, mere human creatures of You Holy Father that your luciferian enemies delete these vids cause some human creatures really wanna know the truth, nothing but the truth ! !! ! lucifer’s slaves are totally censoring boycotting all the truth seekers videos against satan, luciferism illuminati, about hell, Christian vids about humans who’ve visited hell, Heaven, the Jesus is coming soon vids, the great tribulation vids etcetera so now if you search for example satanic celebs vids, you find hardly nothing only vids of humans who really don’t know jack bout the truth cause they only say maybe, people say; but they do not say, yep, these famous humans are luciferians so what’s the point and they really don’t know that much at all a waste of time these vids there used to be tones of awesome against illuminati vids but where are they ?? wow it’s clear we’re in the end times, so close to the punishment of God : apocalypse, since they’re deleted all the conspiracy theories vids!!! and closing their youtub accounts!!! wow apocalypse 2023 ? ? 25 ! ! Christ Jesus is coming!!!!!!! in 2023 ? all famous human creatures eat poop piss they massacre torture rape innocent animals for lucifer and demons almost all the earth’s celebs belong to the illuminati luciferian cult they sell their souls to satan and demons
they worship them, they’re under heavy luciferian mk ultra mind control please research it on youtub most of them go to hell and most human creature sin general go to hell only a few former luciferians have received forgiveness of their sins, salvation of their soul ; now since God’s punishment is about to come < the great tribulation, = apocalypse, satanists that control the world and the internet have removed many videos about te illuminati about mk ultra ect so now it’s hard to find vids about these things also deleted all the videos about antichrist barak obama and luciferian false prophet of the apocalypse jorge bergoglio so watch the vids before satanists delete them all !!!!! they eat humans, cut hands of human babies, rape human children, drink innocent animals and innocent baby human’s blood ; they’re so brainwashed by satan they don’t know what they’re doing when famous humans talk in interviews and say they have an alter ego, it’s a demon possessing them and making them behave very differently from how they truly are like cuss a lot or say to people that they’re gonna murder them, like in an old video of like 2008 that satanists have deleted niki minaj was possessed and the demon was manifesting, and she was saying to the cameraman in a radio show that she was gon kill him, shouting like a mad
human and laughing like a demon so creepy but the radio guy ‘s awareness so blind dead mute dead asleep that he was laughing he thought this was a joke nope this was real demonic possession certain luciferian well know singers torture murder innocent chickens hens in their concert and the indoctrinated people in the public with their souls full of puke piss poop detritus don’t disagree, aren’t outraged, they’re just so happy, excited to see all this cruelty celebs are into witchcraft they do terrible things they have rejected God, blaspheme God they’re so wicked !!!!! they torture humans, they kidnap probably homeless or prostitutes and sacrifice them to satan they sacrifice their progenitors or siblings, ect to satan that’s why so often, celebs parents die young, in their 40s and all of a sudden two or three celebs relatives die at the same time or in a short period of time all that for a new movie, cd etcetera but they’re forced to cause illuminati tell em you either murder your progenitors for example or we murder you if you refuse wow when satanic celebs disobey, satanists can give them cancers , accidents , murder them whenever they like with voodoo witchcraft they their vehicle, bike, plane ect and the satansit celeb die of a so called ‘ accident’ which obviously isn’t or of a so called ‘ suicide ‘
when satanic illuminati have used witchcraft voodoo little dolls with needles to control their spirit to make them murder themselves against their will they murder satanist celebs every single year they rape celebs celebs are forced because of this satanic secret society to have sexual relations with many humans against their will for a even a tiny role in a movie, soap, series , sitcom ect so imagine the really famous really successful celebs like demi moore, sharon stone ect they’re forced to have sexual relations with television producers, episodes producers ect hen you look at their movies, series, pictures, it’s filled with luciferian mk ultra mind control, luciferian hidden occult subliminal messages; that really hurt our souls they’re totally against their Holy Creator God , working for satan, being slaves of satan their lives are horrible; so so many celebs have )))) never )))) committed suicide it’s an illuminati sacrifice that’s what it truly is they’re so unhappy if they wanna get of the the illuminati luciferian cult < they’re murdered
many thanks , pleaze , hiya i hope you’re all doing fine you’d be filled with altruizm goodness , open-handedness , empathy, generozity , humanity, pity, philanthropy, compassion, solidarity , ect if you’d pass this on around the internet , mobile phones < cellphones on instagram , watsap , email to all your email contacts , facebook to each and every one of your facebook contacts , facebook chat twiter , coments of < blogs , facebook, youtub blogs, forums , sites , internet pages to plenty of human beingz that you don’t know, to all your contacts , to all your neighbors to all the human beings you know , to each and every one of your co workers , schoolmates , everyone of your classmates , each and every one of your friendly relations each and every single one of your < family memberz , boss, teachers , your company , each and every single one of your fellows of the classes you take after work or after school , each and every single one of your family members by marriage , etcetera | |
saveallGOD'sAnimals Admin
Nombre de messages : 25268 Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007
| Sujet: Re: more than 99%of earth's celebs worship satan illuminati cult Jeu 27 Fév - 13:13 | |
| film the videos with phones , camera , or something, so you can have a copy and put it on youtub !! hurry please ! befor lucifer tells his satanic illuminati kids to delete )))) them all ))))) !!!! thnaks you loads !!!!!!
marshel bruce mathers III , brian hugh warner , justin bieber, michelle Pfeiffer, selena gomez, demi moore, demi lovato, madonna louise veronica ciccone, britney spears ect are luciferian illuminatis
poop eating satanic celebs satan has deleted this or he asked his slaves to delete this what a pity, it was an excellent video if only someone had filmed or recorded it poop eating satanic celebs part one this is february 2020 and the video is still here alleluyah, thank you Holy Father and thank you Holy Jesus ! amén ! but it could get deleted later …. the link below dis video dont work ! of course ! satanists have deleted it ! lucifer dont want any human soul on earth to know this ! poop eating satanic celebs part two secret society of illuminati celebs who are illuminati members so many famous humans sold their souls to satan these days fr fame and fortune
secret satanic rituals celebs must peform to stay in the spotlight
all celebs eat poop cause they’re luciferians kimberly kardashian eats humans for satanic rituals illuminati celebrities selling their soul to luciferrian contract kisah contract luciferian illuminati slave contract, conspiracy the truth | |