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 vegan Kinder bueno🐓why do earthlings love mistreating anima

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

vegan Kinder bueno🐓why do earthlings love mistreating anima Empty
MessageSujet: vegan Kinder bueno🐓why do earthlings love mistreating anima   vegan Kinder bueno🐓why do earthlings love mistreating anima Icon_minitimeMar 31 Oct - 9:59

il existe pas de recette végétarienne de Kinder Bueno? https://www.pinterest.fr/amp/pin/131589620346546452/

http://thetastyk.com/2017/07/28/vegan-kinder-bueno/ http://thetastyk.com/2017/07/28/vegan-kinder-bueno/



 https://www.google.fr/amp/s/www.pinterest.cl/amp/pin/742531057285199964/there is no vegan kinder bueno recepie on the net? what a pity, of course! animal murderers! as we love abusing animals! we're obsessed with that! we just hate to eat veggies ! not because we hate veggies, but because we hate to not kill, to not be cruel, to not exploit, to not slaughter, to not steal lives away ! so, we want to kill, be cruel, be violent, exploit, kill, slaughter living creatures of GOD at each and every single meal! an obsession with killing, torturing, being evil, barbaric, inhumane ect! just like our daddy satan
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vegan Kinder bueno🐓why do earthlings love mistreating anima
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