please don't trust in luzbel ( satan] nor in his satanist children (illuminatis) 🎸 don't beleive in their fake '' reality" please !! ♪ stop being luzbel's kids please!! ♪ stop listening to luzbel and to '' them" [the illuminatis = satanists who control this planet[ ♪ please all ya'll brethren of this planet, please, get out of beelzebuth's fake reality! ♪ before it's too late! earhtlings, you've been so indoctrinated, so brainwashed, so spirit washed, so conscience washed, heart washed, sub conscience washed ect, thagt you beleive almost every single stuff luzbel teaches you, tells you ♪ seems like he lives in your soul or somehting, in your mind, brain, heart, head ect ♪ beelzebul is a liar ♪ dad of all lies ♪ he ain't to be trusted; he ain't to be listened to ♪ he's your enemy, brethren earthlings ♪ he hates you and lies to you since you were small kids, for he wants to send you to his dark kingdom of hell 🎸 what is luzbel's false reality 🎸 if you beleive luzbel ain't real, hell, the Holy Scriptures ( Bible{ aren't real, that there ain't such thing as GOD, as new world order, as luciferians whoo massacre animals, humans, babies , who worship unclean spirits [demons[, 🎸 if you believe nobody'll go to hades ( hell(, if you believe there ain't such stuff as ternal death = hell, Eternal life = Kingdom of GOD, if you beleive YESHUA HA MASCHIACH [JESUS CHRIST] never existed, that there wo'nt be mark of the beast, false prophet, antichrist, apocalypse, great tribulation 🎸 if you beleive celebs + politicians + bilderberg, Rockefeller, rotschild, as just rich
brethren, and not luciferians, if you beleive trends are not made below the water in the sea by the '' queen of the coast < luzbel { satan{ , that luzbel the queen of coast has sexual intercourse with luciferians, and that luzbel appears as a beautiful mermaid ect ect 🎸 if you don't beleive in Holy GOD's and Holy JESUS CHRIST's judgement, in evil things of darkness of luzbel,, and good, holy things of Holy GOD, holy angels, Fallen angels, ect, 🎸 if you beleive evil elite, called illuminati , satanic rich humans, rule this planet, slaughte,r kill, massacre, animals + human beings, all across this world, and lie to us in every single thing, and kill us with viruses 🎸 diseases like aids, cancer, which they have created because they're so incredibly wicked, 🎸 that they have created kiza, h1n1, that they have done the 9/11 terrorist Attack with an hologram of a plane, with blue beam project, ect, 🎸 if you do'nt beleive in these conspiracies, then you belong to beelzebul { satan] and you live totally drowned in his fake " reality " and he totally lies to you and you totlaly beleive him 🎸 and you totally beleive what his children the illuminatis have done, said, brainwashed you with 🎸 you're totally beelzebul's slaves 🎸 you are totally his zombies and his illuminatis zombies 🎸 may Holy GOD de hardne your eharts, open your spiritual eyes, for you're completely blinded by your god your father your chief your master beelzebul 🎸 may JESUS and GOD both be merciful unto you , forgive you, and make you see the real Truth !! for these conspiracy theories are 100 % real 🎸