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 dolphins / dolfines / dauphins

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Fév - 9:02

Este articulo fue escrito el 19 de mayo de 2007.

El sufrimiento de los amigables delfines

Capítulo aparte merecen los delfines, pues al decir de Plutarco, “sólo en el delfín nos ofrece la naturaleza lo que han buscado los filósofos: la amistad desinteresada”.

El delfín es un animal muy amistoso con el hombre, suele acompañar con sus retozos a las embarcaciones y son muchos los relatos de personas salvadas por delfines, e incluso de algunos que espontáneamente se han acercado a las playas a jugar con los bañistas.

Su cerebro es muy semejante al nuestro, algunos científicos creen que su coeficiente de inteligencia es potencialmente muy superior al del hombre, tiene gran habilidad para la imitación y el aprendizaje, es capaz de comprender frases sencillas de hasta 5 palabras y se cree que hasta podrían llegar a comunicarse con nosotros.

¿Puede usted creer que este animal que ingenuamente se acerca a las embarcaciones ofreciendo amistad, es cruelmente arponeado, algunas veces para ser usado como carnada (en la pesca del cazón) y por venganza porque han roto las redes de los pescadores?

Esos mismos pescadores son capaces de cortarles las aletas, y así mutilados, pero vivos son arrojados de nuevo al agua, donde mueren desangrados. Para su desgracia los delfines suelen acompañar a los cardúmenes de atún, y son atrapados en las redes, pero como necesitan subir a la superficie para respirar, mueren ahogados y son arrojados por la borda cuando se recoge la pesca. Por esta causa murieron en el Pacífico Oriental sólo en 1986, 129 mil delfines. Hoy, gracias a las protestas y al boicot mundial a la industria atunera, se redujo ese número a 27 mil en 1991, pero depende de todos que esa cifra llegue a cero.

A los delfines se les ha entrenado para hundir barcos enemigos llevando cargas explosivas sujetas en sus cuerpos, pagan así con su vida la desinteresada amistad que ofrecen.

Pero hay otra actividad depredadora del hombre que, por no ser sangrienta, es menos espectacula y totalmente desconocida, ¿sabe usted que hay empresas que se dedican a capturar delfines para surtir los acuarios y parque acuáticos? Se cree que con ese fin son capturados unos 30 mil delfines al año, incluyendo hembras preñadas y crías, de los cuales mueren 2 por cada uno que sobrevive, el cual tampoco tendrá larga vida, pues creadas para la libertad, estas criaturas no soportan el cautiverio y, aún con grandes cuidados, a penas llegarán a los 8 años, siendo su promedio de vida en la naturaleza de unos 40 años.

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Dim 30 Jan - 18:15, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeMer 2 Sep - 7:02

Noticia del 15 de junio de 2009

Save Japan dolphins

I hope you'll join me in this campaign to stop the killing of dolphins in Japan. Most people in Japan don't have any idea that the dolphin slaughter is even happening. If we can spread the word around the world - and especially in Japan - we can expose the secret of Taiji and force the Japanese government to stop it. We can win this issue - but we need your help!

Things you can do:

* Help us get the word out.
Help us get the word out in Japan, and pressure our leaders to take action. Send a letter to President Obama, Vice President Biden and the Japanese Ambassador to the US. Your message will be displayed on social networks, web sites and blogs in Japan, along with information from the The Cove.
* Make a pledge: don't go to dolphin shows.
Don't pay to see or swim with dolphins in captivity.
* Donate now.
Help our campaign to stop the killing of dolphins in Japan, and the sale of captured dolphins around the world.
Show your support.
* Go see The Cove.
The secret is out. Spread the word. The more people who see the new documentary The Cove, the greater the pressure around the world to end the killing of dolphins and whales. Visit the official film site for locations and information on group sales.
* WAZA has the power to stop the slaughter in Taiji.
Pressure them to take action now.
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeMer 2 Sep - 7:02

Help Save Japan's Dolphins

Target: President Obama, Vice President Biden and Japanese Ambassador to the United States Ichiro Fujisaki
Sponsored by: TakePart.com/TheCove and SaveJapanDolphins.org
In The Cove, a team of activists and filmmakers infiltrate a heavily-guarded cove in Taiji, Japan. In this remote village they witness and document activities deliberately being hidden from the public: More than 20,000 dolphins and porpoises are being slaughtered each year and their meat, containing toxic levels of mercury, is being sold as food in Japan, often times labeled as whale meat.

The majority of the world is not aware this is happening. The Taiji cove is blocked off from the public. Cameras are not allowed inside and the media does not cover the story. It's critical that we get the word out in Japan. Once the Japanese people know we believe they will demand change.

Send a letter to President Obama, Vice President Biden and Japanese Ambassador to the United States Ichiro Fujisaki urging them to address this issue. Everyone who signs the letter will be able to have their name displayed in a widget that will be posted on top social networks, web sites and blogs in Japan. The widget will link to actions people there can take to make a difference.


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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeMer 2 Sep - 7:13

Noticia del 30 de julio de 2009

The cove


Shallow water. Deep secret.
FIVE THINGS you can do now

Write to our leaders and help get the word out in Japan.


Learn more about dolphins in captivity.


Choose the safest fish to eat.


Help Save Japan’s Dolphins efforts on the frontlines.


Support the filmmakers with your donation.

The Cove
Currently in Theaters

Visit Official Site Visit Official Site Visit Official Site

Winner of audience awards across the world, including Sundance, SilverDocs and Hot Docs, The Cove follows a team of activists and filmmakers as they infiltrate a heavily-guarded cove in Taiji, Japan. In this remote village they witness and document activities deliberately being hidden from the public: More than 20,000 dolphins and porpoises are being slaughtered each year and their meat, containing toxic levels of mercury, is being sold as food in Japan, often times labeled as whale meat.

The majority of the world is not aware this is happening. The Taiji cove is blocked off from the public. Cameras are not allowed inside and the media does not cover the story. It's critical that we get the word out in Japan. It's critical that we get the word out—everywhere. We believe that once the Japanese people know, they will demand change.
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeMer 2 Sep - 7:18

Un site sur les dauphins maltraités au Japon. Il y a des photos chocantes :

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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeMer 2 Sep - 7:19

26 janvier 2009

Objet: Cruel abattage de dauphins et de baleines au Danemark

Depuis des années, dans l'État membre de l'UE qu'est le Danemark, des globicéphales noirs, des baleines à bec d'oie et des dauphins sont torturés et massacrés de la manière la plus abominable qui soit. Ces faits se produisent surtout dans les Îles Féroé, sous le couvert d'une tradition viking. Souvent, des centaines d'animaux sont attirés dans une baie et éventrés vifs, de sorte qu'ils se vident lentement de leur sang. Des familles entières sont ainsi décimées, ce qui met aussi gravement en danger le patrimoine génétique de ces espèces.

Les Îles Féroé appartiennent au Royaume du Danemark et ce dernier leur accorde des subventions, au lieu de mettre un terme au massacre. Bien que les habitants de l'île soient danois et vivent sous le drapeau danois, le Danemark invoque l'autogestion et l'autonomie culturelle de l'île. Il affirme qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un pays membre de l'UE et que ces îles ne doivent dès lors pas être traitées comme tel.

1. La Commission a-t-elle connaissance des faits susmentionnés?

2. Est-il envisageable que les Îles Féroé doivent être traitées comme un pays tiers, et que l'UE ne puisse dès lors pas agir contre ces méfaits ni en vertu de la convention de Bern, ni au titre de la convention de Bonn?

3. Quelles mesures la Commission prévoit-elle de prendre contre les maltraitances des animaux qui ont lieu au Danemark?
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeMer 2 Sep - 7:20

Japon : un enfer pour les dauphins

Journée de protestation internationale
contre le massacre des dauphins au Japon
Ce 10/11/02 à l'initiative de l'association Sea Shepherd

Un plongeur achève une mère et son enfant. Copyright Sea Shepherd novembre 2003.

A Bruxelles devant l'Ambassade du Japon ce mercredi 10/12/03 à 11 heures
avenue des Arts 58, 1000 Bruxelles
Les autres manifestations dans le monde à la même date et à la même heure

Ce matin, dès 11 heures et jusqu'à 13 heures 30, une dizaine de défenseurs des dauphins se sont regroupés devant l'Ambassade du Japon à Bruxelles. Armés de panneaux dénonçant le massacre des cétacés à Taiji et ailleurs, les manifestants ont distribué des centaines de tracts aux nombreux passants de cette avenue très fréquentée ainsi qu'à des résidents japonais de l'immeuble. Ceux-ci semblaient sincèrement désolés de ce que les exactions de quelques pêcheurs puissent nuire à ce point à l'image du Japon.

Des agents de sécurité puis la Police de Bruxelles ont encadré d'un bout à l'autre cette petite manifestation, de manière vigilante, certes, mais avec bienveillance : de toute évidence, la cause des dauphins touche le cœur de chacun, même de la police belge !

Je tiens à remercier tout particulièrement Caroline, Nicole, Isabelle, les délégués de Bite Back et de GAIA dépêchés sur place ainsi que tous les autres qui nous ont aidé ce jour- et surtout ces adolescents venus des écoles voisines qui ont tenu spontanément à distribuer des tracts avec nous.
Ce fait m'a beaucoup ému car il prouve que la jeunesse se soucie, quoiqu'on en dise, de l'avenir de la planète et de ses habitants.

YG Décembre 2003

Des lycéens distribuent spontanément nos tracts aux passants qui circulent devant l'ambassade du Japon

Comme chaque automne, la saison de la chasse a repris au Japon.
Du 1er septembre 2003 jusqu'au 31 mars 2004, près de 20.000 dauphins périront une fois encore dans des souffrances atroces. Leur abattage est mené de deux manières :

* En pleine mer, les pêcheurs transpercent la chair des cétacés à l'aide de harpons - parfois électriques - et les remontent par grappes encore vivants et tressautant de douleur sur le pont du bateau.

* Le long des côtes, les pêcheurs rabattent les dauphins vers les plages afin qu'ils s'y échouent puis ils les mettent à mort à coups de piques dans le crâne, en les égorgeant, en les noyant sous un filet ou en les laissant mourir d'étouffement sur le sable.

La viande d'un "ishiiruka" ou marsouin de Dall peut être vendue au prix de 20.000 Yens. La chair est ensuite bouillie dans un ragoût ou mise en gelée, tandis que le coeur du dauphin est souvent mangé cru. Il ne s'agit là que d'une industrie marginale mais que certains défendent avec vigueur au nom du respect des "traditions locales".

Afin d'alimenter ce marché, le Japon persiste aujourd'hui encore à mettre à mort plus de 500 baleines par an, élargissant même son prétendu «programme scientifique de pêche» à des espèces protégées, tels le cachalot et le Rorqual de Brydes.

Pour leur part, les pêcheurs côtiers massacrent chaque année près de vingt mille petits cétacés (dauphins, marsouins de Dall, pseudorques, globicéphales, dauphins de Risso, etc.) d'une manière extraordinairement cruelle.
En moins de deux décennies, le Japon a ainsi réussi à éliminer de ses eaux plus de quatre cent mille petits cétacés, à l'heure où la vie de ceux-ci est déjà gravement menacée par les prises accidentelles en filets dérivants, la famine et la pollution.

Par ailleurs, l'industrie des delphinariums a connu une expansion énorme ces dernières années.
Partout, de nouveaux bassins sont construits pour accueillir des cohortes de dauphins et d'autres cétacés, dont bon nombre ont été sélectionnés à l'occasion de ces «chasses au rabattage» le long des côtes.

Le prix du dauphin pêché a de ce fait augmenté de manière majeure, ce qui encourage les pêcheurs à démultiplier leurs chasses. A ce jour, les pays les plus demandeurs sont la Corée, le Japon, la Chine, Taiwan, la Thaïlande, Hong Kong, la Polynésie Française, le Mexique et les Etats-Unis, notamment.

A lui seul, le Delphinarium géant de Nagoya (Japon) représente l'un des plus gros importateurs de cétacés captifs au monde. La plupart des visiteurs qui nagent avec ces dauphins si souriants ou apprécient leurs cabrioles au travers des cerceaux ignorent évidemment que ces animaux ont été capturés dans une mer de sang...

Alors que le Japon bénéficie en Europe d'une excellente image de marque et jouit de l'estime de tous, ces massacres insensés nuisent gravement à sa réputation. Ils menacent également la survie des cétacés sur cette planète. Ils heurtent enfin l'éthique universelle.

Nous demandons donc instamment au gouvernement japonais de bien vouloir prendre toutes mesures qui s'imposent pour mettre fin à toute mise à mort de cétacés tant le long de ses côtes qu'en pleine mer et de mettre en place un programme de reconversion de ses pêcheurs vers des activités de «whale-watching» et d'éco-tourisme autrement plus rentables que ces chasses révulsantes.

Comité pour une Belgique sans Delphinarium

10 décembre 2003
Tous devant l'ambassade du japon !

10 décembre 2003
Message d'un européen à ses amis japonais

Delphinariums et méthodes de capture au Japon
Un dossier du WDCS

Photos de l'Aquarium Géant de Nagoya

Lettre-type à adresser à l'ambassade

Dear Ambassador,

I am writing to express my condemnation of Japan's ongoing dolphin hunts, including the drives currently being conducted in Taiji, in Wakayama prefecture. I strongly believe that the Governemnt of Japan should end this unacceptably cruel, unnecessary and unsustainable practice.

Almost 100 small whales and dolphins have been killed so far in Taiji this season. Many of these were striped dolphins, which have been subject to such huge exploitation in the past that Japan's ongoing hunts have drawn the repeated criticism of the International Whaling Commission which has called in two separate resolutions for the hunt to end. Yet, the hunts continue.

I am also deeply troubled about Japan's hunts of other 'small cetaceans', including the hand held hapoon hunts of tens of thousands of Dall's porpoises, which are sometimes dispatched by electrocution; and the 'small type whaling operations' that target Baird's beaked whales and other small whales. Japan's various methods of killing dolphins, porpoises and small whales would not be permitted in any modern abbatoir. Yet dolphins are no less subject to fear and pain than other mammals killed for food.

These tens of thousands of social and sentient animals are killed in unacceptably cruel ways in Japan to provide tonnes of human and animal food, and fertilizer.
Yet, as the governmen of Japan is aware, many of them contain such high levels of contaminants, like mercury, that they exceed advisory levels set in Japan for human consumption.

Ambassador, your government is subsidising a cruel and unsustainable practice that would not otherwise be economically viable, in order to provide potentially toxic meat to vulnerable and unwitting consumers.

I strongly urge the Government of Japan to bring an immediate end to the brutal and inhumane dolphin drive fisheries that are now occurring in Taiji, and the other dolphin hunts in other parts of Japan; to withdraw all dolphin meat from sale and to take immediate action to warn consumers about the health risks of eating contaminated dolphin meat.

Letre rédigée par la WDCS
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeMer 2 Sep - 7:20

Noticia del 27 de junio de 2009

Dolphins in Captivity

In the United States and internationally, there are tourist attractions where people are able to visit and interact with Captive dolphins. These include swim-with-dolphin programs, aquariums and dolphinariums.

Learn more about these facilities by reading the Dolphins in Captivity brochure and form your own opinions about performing dolphins.

Click here to view the Dolphins in Captivity Guide.

The world outlawed commercial whaling in 1986. And yet, dolphin hunts remain legal because, although dolphins and whales are members of the same family and share similar traits of intelligence and self-awareness, so far the members of the International Whaling Commission have not agreed to protect so-called “small cetaceans”.

What's Really Happening in the Cove: A Quick Intro to Dolphin Hunts :

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeMer 2 Sep - 7:22

Cet article a été écrit le 15 décembre 2008.

Demandons instamment à Singapour de ne pas soutenir la capture des Dauphins sauvages


Les îles Salomon ont été impliquées dans le traitement cruel et insoutenable de la capture de dauphins dans la nature pour les fournir à la captivité de l'industrie du divertissement. Après la capture et avant leur vente à des parcs marins les animaux sont cruellement enfermés dans des enclos d'eau de mer inadéquats qui sont surpeuplés avec des animaux souffrant de faim. Les enclos d'eau de mer voyagent souvent des heures par bateau - un voyage physiquement et émotionnellement stressant pour ces mammifères marins intelligents et sensibles. Les dauphins sont entrainés et ensuite expédiés outre-mer dans différentes installations, condamnés à passer le reste de leur vie dans de petits aquariums. La WSPA a appris que Singapour recherche à acheter des animaux de cette cruelle et insoutenable industrie pour un parc marin qui ouvrira ses portes dans leur pays en 2010.

S'il vous plaît écrivez à l'ambassadeur Chan Chee Heng à l'ambassade de Singapour aux États-Unis et demadez-lui poliment que Singapour prenne une position ferme contre cette cruelle pratique de la capture et du confinement des dauphins sauvages.

Passez à l'action

S'il vous plaît prenez un moment pour écrire une lettre à l'Ambassadeur Chan. Vous pouvez utiliser l'exemple de lettre ci-dessous, mais gardez à l'esprit que des lettres personnalisées sont beaucoup plus efficaces, aussi, ajoutez vos propres commentaires si possible.

Voici la lettre type que vous enverrez en signant cette pétition :

"Honorable Ambassadeur Chan Heng Chee,

Je vous écris pour exprimer mon opposition à la considération du gouvernement de Singapour de permettre le commerce des dauphins sauvages issus de la cruelle et insoutenable capture dans les Îles Salomon pour des installations en captivité dans votre pays.

Pendant le processus de capture les dauphins sont violemment pris de l'état sauvage et transportés sur de grandes distances dans des enclos d'eau de mer où ils sont soumis à la famine et à la surpopulation. Ces mammifères très sensibles font face à de graves difficultés, de la souffrance, de la douleur et beaucoup meurent finalement.

Tous les aspects de cette pratique sont extrêmement cruels et inhumains et les individus qui survivent au processus de capture sont vendus à des parcs marins où ils font face à une pauvreté et une réduction considérable de leur durée de vie en captivité.

En donnant aux Îles Salomon un marché pour le commerce des dauphins sauvages, Singapour contribuera directement à l'abus de ces animaux intelligents et sensibles.

Je prie instamment le gouvernement de Singapour d'écouter la voix de la communauté mondiale et d'interdire le commerce de dauphins vivants pour l'exposition en captivité et le divertissement qu'ils viennent des îles Salomon ou de tout autre pays.

Merci d'avoir examiné et de transmettre mon message à votre gouvernement."

PETITION : http://capwiz.com/wspausa/issues/alert/?alertid=12278211

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/smiles5f396ki.gif) pour les Dauphins
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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeMer 2 Sep - 7:23

estoy a japon massacre des dauphins
poner en mi facebook

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeMar 6 Avr - 13:50

September 20, 2009

Marine Mammal Parks: (global)–Like in rodeos, I used to think there wasn’t much harm done to these wild animals, and it was fun and interesting to visit them. But, just as in rodeos, circuses, or any other forum where animals are used for entertainment, there was a far uglier side to these chlorinated prisons for some of the world’s most intelligent mammals.

Families torn apart:

Just like in elephant herds, capturing even one wild orca or dolphin disrupts the entire pod. To obtain a female dolphin of breeding age, for example, boats are used to chase the pod to shallow waters where the animals are surrounded with nets that are gradually closed and lifted onto the boats. Unwanted dolphins are thrown back. Some die from shock or stress, and others slowly succumb to pneumonia when water enters their lungs through their blowholes. Pregnant females may spontaneously abort babies. In one instance, more than 200 panicked dolphins who had been corralled into a Japanese fishing port crashed into boat hulls and each other, becoming hopelessly entangled in nets during their attempt to find an escape route; many became exhausted and drowned.

Orcas and dolphins who escape the ordeal of capture become frantic upon seeing their captured companions and may even try to save them. When Namu, a wild orca captured off the coast of Canada, was towed to the Seattle Public Aquarium, he was insured by Lloyd’s of London, according to the BBC, for “various contingencies including rescue attempts by other whales.”

Adapting to an Alien world In the wild, orcas and dolphins swim up to 100 miles a day. But captured dolphins are confined to tanks that may be only 24 feet long, 24 feet wide, and 6 feet deep. They navigate by echolocation—bouncing sonar waves off other objects to determine their shape, density, distance, and location—but in tanks, the reverberations from their own sonar bounce off the walls, driving some dolphins insane. Jacques Cousteau said that life for a captive dolphin “leads to a confusion of the entire sensory apparatus, which in turn causes in such a sensitive creature a derangement of mental balance and behaviour.”

Captivity’s Tragic Consequences If life for captive orcas and dolphins is as tranquil as marine parks would have us believe, the animals should live longer than their wild counterparts. However, while captive marine mammals are not subject to predators or ocean pollution, their captivity is nevertheless a death sentence.

It has been documented that, in the wild, dolphins can live into their 40s and 50s. But more than 80 percent of captive dolphins whose ages could be determined died before the age of 20. Wild orcas can also live for decades—some have been documented to be more than 90 years old—but those at Sea World and other marine parks rarely survive for more than 10 years. Florida’s Sun-Sentinel examined 30 years of federal documents pertaining to marine animals and found that nearly 4,000 sea lions, seals, dolphins, and whales have died in captivity, and of the 2,400 cases in which a cause of death was listed, one in five animals died “of uniquely human hazards or seemingly avoidable causes.” Captive marine mammals have died from swallowing coins, succumbing to heatstroke, and swimming in contaminated water.

A former trainer at Hersheypark quit because she saw “a lot of frustrated animals that would die from ulcers.” A marine mammal behavioral biologist in Seattle says that “dolphins in captivity can exhibit self-inflicted trauma” and that some drift at the surface of the water and chew on concrete until they’ve destroyed their teeth. The stress is so great that some commit suicide. Jacques Cousteau and his son, Jean-Michel, vowed never to capture marine mammals again after witnessing one captured dolphin kill himself by deliberately crashing into the side of his tank again and again

Who’s fighting it: IDA, LCA (Last Chance for Animals), Sea Watch Foundation, CETFREE (Cetacean Freedom Alliance), HSUS/Humane Society International, Cetacean Society International, International Dolphin Watch, ACRES, WSPA, PAWS, Earth Island Institute, downbound.com, animalsvoice.com.
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeMar 6 Avr - 14:05

April 02, 2009

Whale and dolphin slaughter: (Japan, Norway, Iceland)– yes, this still goes on, against world protest; over a thousand whales killed this year alone, in spite of the International Whaling Comission’s (IWC’s) banning it. The Japanese, who kill the most by far, exploit a loophole in the ban which was meant for a small number to be allowed killed for research, and they continue to increase their slaughter numbers each year. At the same time, they continue the Taiji annual dolphin slaugher of 23,000 (2nd photo), capturing some of the babies for export to marine parks and swim-with-dolphin parks. Everyone who pays to do that has swam with a dolphin whose parents were murdered in front of their babies.

Who’s fighting it: Sea Shepherd, Greenpeace, IDA, AWI, WSPA, Save the Japan Dolphins Coalition, Campaign Whale, Elsa Nature Conservancy, Ocean Care, Humane Society International, ALF, Sea Watch Foundation, Animals Australia, Earth Island Institute, Oceanic Preservation Society, Whaleman.org, Whalecall.org, All-Creatures.com, savejapandolphins.org

This year the Japanese fleet will kill another 1,000 whales off the coast of Antarctica, in what they are calling a “feasibility study” for expanded “research” whaling (no other scientists on the planet agree that killing so many whales is warranted for scientific or any other purpose). The IWC agreed to a moratorium on commercial whaling that came into effect in 1986. In 1987, Japan continued killing whales, calling it “research”, and continues to sell the mercury-laden result of this “research” in shops and restaurants, and even to schools for children’s lunches, in spite of evidence that the meat contains heavy metals and other toxins from human pollution.

Carl Sagan once said, “We are searching for extra-terrestrial intelligence to communicate with; wouldn’t it be a good idea to learn how to communicate with an intelligent terrestrial species– the whales?” We humans have just barely begun to understand the rich and complex language of whalesong. Whales and dolphins are also sacred to many indigenous peoples like the “whaledreamer” Mirning aborigines of Australia, who have practiced whale-watching rituals for centuries. Every whale killed is one less that will visit their shores.

Captain Paul Watson and his Sea Shepherd Society volunteer crews have been making annual trips to Antarctica to stop them. The killing area lies almost entirely within Australia’s Antarctic Territory, yet they do nothing to stop the Japanese, a powerful trading partner. Their navy will eagerly pursue Patagonian toothfish poachers, but turn a blind eye to the Japanese whalers. In fact no government in the world has taken a stand against them. While Greenpeace harasses them, only Sea Shepherd and their ship, the Farley Mowat, actively tries to stop them.

It’s time to put an end to cetacean murder forever.

Recent progress: While governments are doing nothing to stop the killing, activists are taking matters into their own hands. “The Cove” documentary film by Rick O’Barry, of Japan’s annual slaugher of dolphins in Taiji cove, has released this summer of 2009. It is raising awareness of not only the Taiji slaughter but the cosy bond between trafficking in live dolphins for aquariums and swim-with-the-dolphins programs and the that of the dolphin massacres. Also broadcasting summer 2009 is season 2 of “Whale Wars”, Animal Planet’s hugely popular serial documentary show of the Sea Shepherd’s fight against the Japanese whalers in the antarctic. Finally the word is getting out mainstream.
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 11:46

September 28, 2010

Defiance In Japan -- first dolphin kill at Taiji
Message from RIC O'BARRY

It’s with a heavy heart that I write today’s post. The Japanese government remains defiant and has allowed the first dolphin kill of this season at Taiji. A group of 15 Risso's dolphins was brutally killed and taken to the slaughterhouse.

I can't tell you how angry this makes me. And I know it makes you angry, too. Many of you will be frustrated, but I don’t want you to lose hope. I am more convinced than ever that our campaign to generate worldwide pressure for an end to the slaughter is right and must succeed.

We must be vigilant and turn up the heat. The Japanese government's defiance must not be allowed to stand.

Change does not happen overnight, and we have only just started to get the word out to the Japanese people.

We are working to keep people on the ground in Taiji to monitor the Cove and report back to the world. Take a look at this video done by one of our dedicated volunteers, Leilani Münter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkH8xXaTSRw&feature=player_embedded

We are also ramping up efforts with our Japanese distributor to get thousands of copies of the Japanese version of THE COVE into the hands of the Japanese public. The Japanese people themselves can end the slaughter, especially if the Japan government can no longer hide the killing from them.

One of our volunteers in Tokyo recently interviewed several people about THE COVE and the dolphin slaughter – she found all of them had now heard about the issue, quite a change from just a few months ago when nobody knew anything about the dolphin hunts.

US President Barack Obama is going to Japan in November. We are moving quickly to get him and his administration to urge attention to this matter. We'll provide more details on this in the days ahead.

If you can donate to help this work continue, it is most appreciated. Go to:
http://www.savejapandolphins.org/donate.php and/or the Cause Fundraising campaign below.

Check out our blog for more details of the Save Japan Dolphin Day activities on October 14th and other updates. http://www.savejapandolphins.org/blog.html
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 11:48

December 7, 2010

Give meaningful gifts this holiday that will help protect endangered animals.
This year, adopt wildlife through Oceana's adoption center. Friends and family will enjoy gifts that make a difference, and you will know that your gift is helping to save the lives of endangered wildlife.
And as a special thank you for your support this year, we’re offering a 15% discount on your order to help you maximize your gift-giving this season. Just use the code: THANKYOU
Some of the creatures your adoption helps:

Stop destructive fishing practices that kill endangered sea turtles. Adopt a sea turtle »
Save sharks by helping put an end to shark finning and destructive fishing. Adopt a shark »
Help protect the polar bear from climate change and oil and gas development. Adopt a polar bear »

Protect dolphins from deadly diseases caused by ocean pollution. Adopt a dolphin »
Help save seal from losing their homes due to climate change. Adopt a seal »
Save orca and other marine creatures from oil and other pollution dumped into the ocean. Adopt a killer whale »

Each gift works to protect the oceans and save endangered animals by helping us:
Prevent oil spills that kill threatened sea turtles and harm our coasts.
Put an end to shark finning and destructive fishing practices.
Help protect the polar bear from climate change and oil and gas development.
Oceana also offers unique honor cards that lets friends and family know about the gifts you made in their honor. It's a perfectly packaged gift that will make their holiday bright. These cards are environmentally friendly: printed with soy ink on recycled paper and produced with 100% wind power.
This year, give gifts that give back -- choose Oceana gifts to help protect the oceans.
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 11:50

December 7, 2010

Give meaningful gifts this holiday that will help protect endangered animals.
This year, adopt wildlife through Oceana's adoption center. Friends and family will enjoy gifts that make a difference, and you will know that your gift is helping to save the lives of endangered wildlife.
And as a special thank you for your support this year, we’re offering a 15% discount on your order to help you maximize your gift-giving this season. Just use the code: THANKYOU
Some of the creatures your adoption helps:

Stop destructive fishing practices that kill endangered sea turtles. Adopt a sea turtle »
Save sharks by helping put an end to shark finning and destructive fishing. Adopt a shark »
Help protect the polar bear from climate change and oil and gas development. Adopt a polar bear »

Protect dolphins from deadly diseases caused by ocean pollution. Adopt a dolphin »
Help save seal from losing their homes due to climate change. Adopt a seal »
Save orca and other marine creatures from oil and other pollution dumped into the ocean. Adopt a killer whale »

Each gift works to protect the oceans and save endangered animals by helping us:
Prevent oil spills that kill threatened sea turtles and harm our coasts.
Put an end to shark finning and destructive fishing practices.
Help protect the polar bear from climate change and oil and gas development.
Oceana also offers unique honor cards that lets friends and family know about the gifts you made in their honor. It's a perfectly packaged gift that will make their holiday bright. These cards are environmentally friendly: printed with soy ink on recycled paper and produced with 100% wind power.
This year, give gifts that give back -- choose Oceana gifts to help protect the oceans.
Thank you for your continued support!
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 11:51

September 17, 2010

No Dolphin Kill Policy Holds in Taiji, Japan...thus far in September
Dear Cause members,
Hans Peter Roth and Kyoko Tanaka, dedicated members of our Save Japan Dolphins Team from, respectively, Switzerland and Japan, are in Taiji checking the activity in the infamous Cove. Hans Peter reports:

“I returned alone to the cove about 2 pm. Things had completely quieted down. The nationalists had gone. But still five police cars were parked there. I had come not a moment too soon. Fishermen were just about to open the last, outermost net that had sealed off the Cove, as I unpacked the camera. Six hunting boats took position outside the cove. At first the bottlenose dolphins did not realize that they were free. Then they did and started taking off slowly, then ever faster. The hunting boats started driving them out to sea in a sort of reverse drive hunt, but not as violently as they had driven them in the day before. In the end the dolphins were just literally flying towards the open ocean, thrashing up a lot of white water. This could be seen for miles before they disappeared towards the horizon.“

The “no-kill” policy continues to be in effect in Taiji. Several dolphins, unfortunately, have been collected to be sold to zoos and aquariums around the world. That's a tragedy in itself. The rest are being released.

Our recent trip -- worldwide press attention,-- and continued presence in Taiji are intensifying pressure on Japanese government to stop the dolphin slaughter. The worldwide dolphin captivity industry is also coming under withering attack for their continuing role in the Taiji tragedy.
We must keep up the pressure.
Check the full blog for further details…

Meanwhile, Dr. Lori Marino has a great interview against the captivity of dolphins posted on the Animal Planet website at:
http://animal.discovery.com/tv/blood-dolphins/dolphins/opposition-dolphins-captivity.html Don't miss it!

And finally, the concluding episode of Animal Planet’s “Blood Dolphin$” features Ric, Lincoln and the EII team achieving a breakthrough for dolphins in the Solomon Islands. Episode info at: http://www.earthisland.org/blooddolphins
Thanks for your continued help. It is making a huge difference.
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 11:53

September 20, 2010

To: Members in "The Cove" - Save Japan Dolphins
A Major Victory; And A Path Forward
On this past weekend’s episode of BLOOD DOLPHINS, our Earth Island team successfully negotiated an END to a 450-year tradition of killing dolphins with three of eight tribes in the Solomon Islands! Watch for yourself here:

A tense negotiation:

This is a HUGE victory for the dolphins and will result in thousands of lives saved. The Solomon Islands is right behind Japan in terms of the number of dolphins brutally killed each year. It is so engrained in local customs that the teeth are used for currency. The team went there unsure of what to expect. So we listened, heard local concerns and together came to a reasonable conclusion. As a result, we have agreed to help them develop sustainable long-term solutions to dolphin hunting. And they will stop killing dolphins.

We have a hard commitment from them for 2 years. But we must help them build viable alternatives that will allow them to thrive beyond that point, and serve as an example for other tribes. Can you make a donation to help us in these efforts?


Please also consider signing the petition to stop the trade of live dolphins from the Solomon Islands:


The Solomon Island’s could be a shining beacon of what’s possible for other countries – specifically, Japan and the Faroe Islands. Solomon’s is far more primitive and remote then either of these places. If they can adapt, can’t modern day Japan and Denmark?

We believe they can with your help.

As always, thanks for your support,
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 11:54

September 10, 2010

Tune-in Alert Tonite and Action Request to save Solomon Islands dolphins
SOLOMON ISLANDS, PART ONE is tonite’s episode of “Blood Dolphin$” on Animal Planet Channel (9pm E/T).
In it, Lincoln and Ric go undercover to expose rundown backyard pools where dolphins are being held captive in hopes of mega-bucks sale to foreign dolphin dealers. The polluted and inhumane pens are as bad as Ric has ever seen.

Even if you can't watch tonite's episode, you can help take action to convince the Solomon Islands gov't to confiscate these dolphins and shut down this operation. Sign the petition and your signature will be delivered to the Ministry of Fisheries:

Tonite’s episode will be rebroadcast on Friday September 17th at 8pm E/P!

For Cause members outside of the US, we will keep you posted about when “Blood Dolphin$” will show around the world. Check out www.earthisland.org/blooddolphins

PS: Here is the link to the Animal Planet “Blood Dolphin$” episode guide and schedule:
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 11:54

September 28, 2010

San Francisco
Dolphin Demo At Japanese Consulate - October 14
Please join In Defense of Animals (IDA) and Earth Island Institute for a rally at the Consulate of Japan in San Francisco on Save Japan Dolphins Day.
What: Peaceful and lawful protest of the annual dolphin slaughter in Japan, as depicted in the Academy Award-winning film The Cove and the Animal Planet series Blood Dolphins.
When: Thursday, October 14, noon - 2 p.m.
Where: Consulate General of Japan, 50 Freemont Street, San Francisco
The Japanese government issues 23,000 permits annually to coastal communities to kill several species of dolphins. A few are sold, at great profit, to aquariums and swim-with-dolphins programs around the world.
The captive dolphin industry subsidizes the slaughter, during which the majority of the pod is killed for meat. The meat is contaminated with mercury and other pollutants, exceeding the Japanese government’s own health limits. This is a human rights issue as much as an animal protection issue.
Demonstrations will take place throughout the world in front of Japanese embassies and consulates on October 14. Please join your fellow environmentalists and pro-animal activists in protesting the hunts and urging Japan to switch to more sustainable and less cruel methods of profit, such as eco-tourism and dolphin-watching cruises (ironically becoming more popular in Japan every year).
For more information, please contact Melissa@idausa.org.
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 11:58

December 18, 2010

Sign this protest list to the Danish Government!
Help us to bring awareness to the Danish government to stop the Killings of Dolphins On The Faeroe Islands, Please sign our petition and tell all your friends to do the same! Follow this link and please also write down your words!!


Stop killing the Dolphins on the Faroe Islands!
Every year on the Faroe Islands (Denmark) 2,000 to 3,000 Dolphins are brutally murdered in a ‘traditional’ ceremony. This ‘tradition’, which goes back to 1584, involves, every year. The Dolphins are bound and dragged till they are beached. Next comes a general butchery which turns the sea blood-red as young men harpoon the victims and extract their entrails. The killing is a ceremony rite for young men to show there virility!!

The historical and geographical status of the Faeroe Islands:

Self-rule was established 23 of March 1948. That law defines the Faeroe Islands as an autonomous region of Denmark with a large measure of legislative independence,

The Perfect World will take action and put an end to this cruel and barbarian custom, which has nothing to do with humanity and the twenty-first century. Please sign the list for protest and donat to the end this killings!

Join the cause on causes.com by clicking here!

The Perfect World kindly ask you to sign our petition that we will bring to the Danish Government to stop this barbarian killings! Sign to end this Now! Please also add your words to the Goverment.

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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 12:02

October 13, 2010

REPORT FROM THE GROUND: Dolphins killed, take action now!
Leilani Münter, green race car driver and volunteer for Save Japan Dolphins, called me yesterday. She is in Taiji with a camera crew, holding vigil over The Cove.

She confirmed the sad news: a pod of 15 dolphins has been killed.

Fearless and resolute, Leilani followed the fisherman to the slaughterhouse. Here is her video account of the ordeal:


“I just got close up photos of them cutting up the dolphins inside the slaughterhouse,” Leilani reports. “They left a door slightly open, and I stuck my camera under it. One of the fishermen eventually spotted me from the grocery store across the street and shut me down, but I got them cutting off the dolphins’ fins and chopping up the torsos. It was one of the hardest, worst things I have ever seen.”

We couldn’t agree more.

Tomorrow, Thursday Oct. 14,is International Dolphin Day and we will be protesting at Japanese Embassies and Consulate offices around the world. Please join us if you can. Check for your city on our blog here (it could be the second entry down – just look for the list of cities):


Can’t make it? Consider making a call. You can find numbers to most offices here:


Please be respectful and polite. Ask them to please reconsider their policy of killing dolphins.

Let’s show them that we aren’t giving up anytime soon.

As always, thanks for your support!
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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 12:03

December 11, 2010

Please Sign our Petitions!!!
Please sign the petitions on The Perfect Worlds new webpage to bring awareness to governments to stop killing the Dolphins on The Faeroe Islands.


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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 12:04

December 30, 2010
We're still roughly $140,000 from our end-of-year goal to help stop aerial gunning of wolves in Idaho and protect other wildlife. And we're not just fighting to save Idaho wolves... In 2011, we'll be working hard every day to Save Something Wild.

Will you join the more than 2,011 caring people who have already stepped up this week to support our vital wildlife-saving efforts?

Donate as little as $5 right now to help us Save Something Wild!

Help Us Keep Fighting
for Wildlife in 2011

The rare lobo is just one of the animals your donation will help save.

Dear Aurélie,

I won’t sugarcoat it: In 2011, we’re going to need your support to save endangered animals and the habitat they need to survive.
Just 42 wild Mexican gray wolves roam free in Arizona and New Mexico… and state officials now want to eliminate life-saving protections for them.
Alaska’s polar bears are teetering on the brink of extinction due to climate change and habitat loss. They could be extinct within our lifetimes.
Some of the last true, wild American bison exist in Yellowstone. Yet these mighty prairie kings face hazing and slaughter when they leave the safety of the park.
Sea otters are imperiled by oil spills and other pollution, habitat loss and other human-caused threats.
Save Something Wild! Make a tax-deductible year-end donation -- for as little as $5 -- now to Defenders of Wildlife save these and other imperiled animals.

For nearly seven decades, Defenders of Wildlife has been at the forefront of wildlife conservation, protecting wildness and saving imperiled animals from extinction in the wild.

We led the fight to reintroduce wolves to the Northern Rockies and Greater Yellowstone. We helped ban deadly pesticides that kill bald eagles and other birds. And we helped win vital protections for dolphins and other marine mammals.

But our work is hardly finished.

Each day, wildlife is threatened by habitat loss, climate change and human-caused damage. In short, our wildlife still desperately needs Defenders like you!

Your tax-deductible contribution will help Defenders…
Fight on the ground, in the courts and in Congress to ensure that our wildlife is protected;
React quickly to wildlife emergencies, as we did in the face of 2010’s Gulf oil disaster, and get wildlife the help it needs when it needs it;
Post rewards to catch those who will kill our threatened and endangered wolves, bears and other wildlife;
Apply creative conservation solutions like our pro-active predator coexistence projects which stand to benefit wolves, polar bears and lions in the New Year; and
Much, much more.
We can’t save wildlife without your help! Please consider making a year-end tax-deductible donation now of whatever you can afford now to Save Something Wild.

Time is running out to make your year-end contribution – so please make your donation today and help save something wild.
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 12:07

December 5, 2010

Thank you for an epic year!
It's hard to believe the year is drawing to an end, and what a year it has been!

Your support has led to some of our most important successes - things that just two years ago I wasn't sure would be possible: Here are just a few of the highlights:


We opened "The Cove" in Japan despite intense opposition, and received unprecedented coverage of the issue. Before "The Cove" came out, I was beating down the doors of media in Japan begging them to cover the story. After "The Cove," they met me at the airport and followed us to almost every location. Our press conference was attended by over 100 media representatives, including every major broadcast outlet. We still have a lot of work to do, but the secret is now out!

Japan is one of three nations hunting dolphins. The other two are The Faroe Islands and The Solomon Islands. Because of your support, we were able to negotiate a deal that ENDS the majority of hunting in The Solomon Islands after 450 years. We estimate that around 2000 dolphins will now be saved each year.

You all took unprecedented actions. Almost 100 of you went back to Japan with me at the beginning of the hunting season to present our petition signatures (1.7 million at the time.) More still called or showed up at Japanese Embassies and Consulate offices in Miami, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Seattle, San Francisco, Atlanta, New York, London, Toronto, Ottawa, Dublin, Cape Town, the Philippines, Canberra, Hong Kong, and more. Activists from all over the world and many different organizations are now on the ground monitoring the fisherman daily.

We were called to Egypt, where we found four dolphins from Taiji languishing in someone's backyard pool. Working with local activists from HEPCA we were able to get them moved and the city passed a ban on all imports from Taiji.

Again, and I can't say this enough, we couldn't do any of this without YOU. And we still have a long way to go - in Japan especially - but know that with your continued support we'll be able to do much more.

Thank you for all that you do!
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: dolphins / dolfines / dauphins   dolphins / dolfines / dauphins Icon_minitimeLun 3 Jan - 12:07

The Dolphins Is Crying! Make 2011 The Year Of Change!
More than 2.000 Dolphins was brutally murdered on the Faeroe Islands 2010 and new slaughters are planed 2011. Please Tell all your friends to join our cause to bring awareness to the governments in Denmark and EU to make a change! Please also sign our petitions on www.theperfectworld.com Thank you all for your support and Happy New Year!
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