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 what is GOD's Name , satan has invented names for GOD that a

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

what is GOD's Name , satan has invented names for GOD that a Empty
MessageSujet: what is GOD's Name , satan has invented names for GOD that a   what is GOD's Name , satan has invented names for GOD that a Icon_minitimeMer 14 Oct - 9:58

satan has invented names for GOD that are satan's ? the whole humankind beleives that those are GOD's name but they're satan's? jeoa jeovah yahweh yahvé yahve yah the eternal GOD, the ost high, the ost high GOD, GOD all powerful ect ?

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what is GOD's Name , satan has invented names for GOD that a
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