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 television = illuminati

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

television = illuminati Empty
MessageSujet: television = illuminati   television = illuminati Icon_minitimeLun 18 Nov - 17:19

television is amassive massive mass hypnotist to the global mind and whathapens?it is implenting beliefs in reality by the meaning.and then,once we take on thar belief ,implent it when information enters the eyes we edit it on the basis of that belief.and so when the globl population is subjected to suffering from is actually litterally mass hypnosis.When we talk bout people who kinda start to see things ,manipulation they couldn't see before,what do we say about them?what do they saybout themselves?they say Iwoke up.Exactly what they've done.whenpeople start going 'hey i can see it now"someone has gone along like the hpnotist and clikc their fingers and its like 'oh i can see it now".Mass hypnosis and that is the greatest hypnotist on the planet and that's the basis of why it was created

this is an apple,i can taste it, it's a potatoe,no it's an apple,the implanted belief is,it's an apple so that's where you are getting,nw simbolically that's what's happening to the world,the human population is eating a potatoe thinking it is an apple.Because they've been told from birht to death it's a freaken apple,it ain't

turn off the tv:when u start to research the subliminal and advertising telivision,this is an interesting point, experiments have shown that bout one and a half second before the conscious mind decides to take action or moveits arm or whatever ,speak,one and a half secondbefore it conscious decides to do that,the electrical signals have been going in the brain to do it.The conscious level is the expperienza,an observer of reality,but the subconcious is the creator of it,the generator of it.And this is why the illuminati want the subconcious mind through subliminal.What does subliminal mean?it means threshold,its beyond the threshold.The conscious mind picks up,the subconcious mind picks everything up like a sponge,and therefore they're implanting these thoughts into the subconcious which they fill it down into the conscious,and we'think we're having our own thoughts and in fact they're implanted thoughts down the subliminal level

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25268
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

television = illuminati Empty
MessageSujet: Re: television = illuminati   television = illuminati Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 4:49

this movie isilluminati,it hasonly juststarted and t the sentence GOD is deadappars


this movie only start and theres already illuminati simbolims with sentence GODi s deadt his isa blasphem terribl sin,movies are there to brainwash and hipnotize humanity so we stop having values&morals,andbe completely deppravated,corruptedwith sex,violence,lackofrespect,racism,hating our GOD,worshiping illuminatiswithoutevenbeinconciousof that ect losing all ourprincipleslikin murder,rape ect theypretend they make these movies to help us understand life,have better ones,its a lie,its to make us wicked,evil,bad humans,make us suffer,make us go far from GOD and close to satan and to transform us into little puppets,sheep.we must notwatchtv,never!we must not have theirhuge influence on our minds,they put whatever they want in our heads, only lies.we're so stupid naive we beleiv everythin they say.we must not listentomusic=satan's music an singer in this planet isilluminati

the vocabulary used in the movie:save the children,havent been brainwashed yet ,thefuturekindandqueenof our brave new wolrd',inteligent adult human beings = wata coincidence,all of this has to do with the illuminati,when sumone talk bout illuminati they use this vocabulary words like"new world order",'brainwashed' 'human beings' ect ,its a way for illuminati to reveala lil bit of their plan inside movies but why do they want us to know?they have everything to lose if we know.why human beigns?becoztheydontseehumansas people,persons but theirsieces :human beings and lik stuff,or shep,clones,robots not like one person,another one,and anotherone,with individuality,lives,past,stories,soulsectjust one,only one=thehuman sieicesnot like thousandsso 1alone,another 1,1 many diffrent peole,lives,no,like onelikebillions peole=1people which is so insultin coz we all are different beings!not one!
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television = illuminati
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