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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 23 Juin - 16:57

JUNE 21ST OF 2013

Animal testing ban sparks rise in new alternatives to cruel animal tests
Cruelty Free International is delighted to report that cruel animal tests are a step closer to being a thing of the past this month with the development of three new alternative tests for cosmetics and other products.

Since the EU banned the sale of animal tested cosmetics in March, scientists have been forced to plough more resources into developing non-animal techniques. As a result, they have come up with modern and innovative tests that are proving to be quicker, cheaper and more reliable. Read more about the three new tests here: 
Michelle Thew, Cruelty Free International Chief Executive said, “We are delighted that after 20 years of leading the campaign for the EU ban, we are now beginning to witness it’s full impact.  Not only has it put an end to the suffering of animals for beauty products, it is also challenging researchers to do better science - to the benefit of everyone.”

Road to progress in China
Cruelty Free International has been in China this month to meet with key decision-makers responsible for cosmetics testing in the country. Currently animal testing is still required for all cosmetics imported into China, but we at Cruelty Free International are doing all we can to end this practice.

Our talks about allowing non-animal tests were met with positivity, and we are hopeful that the Chinese authorities are beginning to seriously consider these alternatives.  But until that day, Cruelty Free International will keep pushing for positive progress for animals in China.
We can’t do it without you! Get involved and help us end animal testing for cosmetics worldwide:
- Sign and share our global pledge to end animal testing for cosmetics worldwide.
- Join the Cruelty Free International community on Facebook and Twitter.
Give a gift to help end animal testing for cosmetics forever.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 23 Juin - 16:59

Animal testing ban sparks rise in new alternatives for skin allergy
JUNE 14TH 2013

Cruelty Free International has today welcomed the rise in the development of alternatives to testing on animals for cosmetics and other products. Since the EU banned the sale of animal tested cosmetics in March, there have been reports in the media of three different alternative tests for skin sensitisation which is an allergic reaction caused by certain products. 
Scientists in Portugal have developed a cell-based alternative using cells grown from mouse skin in the lab. When exposed to skin sensitisers, a reaction inside the cells is triggered that can be analysed to indicate that an allergic response is occurring. Evaluation of the test on 18 compounds has apparently shown that it can correctly identify 92% of actual sensitisers.1,2
Another cell-based test, which has been jointly developed by researchers from BASF and Promega, involves the creation of an entirely new cell line that ‘lights up’ when it comes into contact with a sensitiser. Scientists managed to link specific genes inside human skin cells with luminescent light signals that can easily be detected. This exciting new ‘luciferase’ test has been submitted to the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) for validation and hopefully regulatory acceptance.3 
Finally, scientists from Newcastle University have developed another ground-breaking test that uses real human skin and immune cells to show a wide range of skin reactions, such as rashes or blistering, as well as immune responses. The test, called Skimune™, has apparently been successfully tested by a number of large pharmaceutical companies using drugs in development and provides a reliable result within just two weeks.4
Currently, the skin sensitising potential of substances is estimated based on cruel and crude tests on mice and guinea pigs.  As animal studies on cosmetic ingredients for the European market have now been banned, scientists have been forced to plough more resources into developing non-animal techniques. As a result, they have come up with modern and innovative tests that are proving to be quicker, cheaper and more reliable.
Michelle Thew, Cruelty Free International Chief Executive said, “We are delighted that after 20 years of leading the campaign for the EU ban, we are now beginning to witness it’s full impact.  Not only has it put an end to the suffering of animals for beauty products, it is also challenging researchers to do better science - to the benefit of everyone.”
1. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/03/130327133705.htm
2. Development of an in vitro dendritic cell-based test for skin sensitizer identification. (2013). Chemical Research in Toxicology, 26(3): 368-378. Original study found here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23445166 
3. http://www.basf.com/group/pressrelease/P-13-217
4. http://www.ncl.ac.uk/press.office/press.release/item/new-safety-test-predicts-reactions-to-novel-drugs-and-cosmetics#.Uas33VxwbIU 
- See more at: http://crueltyfreeinternational.org/en/a/Animal-testing-ban-sparks-rise-in-new-alternatives-for-skin-allergy#sthash.AyYHWOe2.dpuf
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 2 Juil - 15:12

JULY 1ST OF 2013



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Abaixo-assinado Petição contra o uso de testes em animais pelo Centro de Farmacologia Pré-Clínica de Florianópolis/SC

Para:Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil; Congresso Nacional do Brasil; Supremo Tribunal Federal; Ministério Público Federal

Esta petição visa impedir que o primeiro Centro de Farmacologia Pré-Clínica de ponta do país, instalado em Florianópolis no Parque de Inovação Sapiens, realize testes de toxicidade em animais como ratos, cães, coelhos e macacos, entre outros.

Apesar do enorme número de cobaias sacrificadas para testar a eficácia e os efeitos colaterais de novas substâncias, 95% dos fármacos aprovados em animais acabam descartados nos testes em voluntários humanos e não chegam ao mercado.

Conforme descrito por TRÉZ & GREIF (2000), os efeitos indesejáveis frequentes, como tonturas, mal-estar, confusão mental, dor-de-cabeça, formigamento e outros, não podem ser expressos em animais de laboratório.

Além do que, a fisiologia humana é diferente da fisiologia animal e a maioria das doenças humanas não são contraídas por animais, o que torna estes testes ainda mais INEFICIENTES, apenas fazendo com que se tenha a FALSA ILUSÃO de que os fármacos foram testados com segurança.

E também, há grupos de cientistas que dizem que testes animais impedem que a ciência evolua, mantendo-a num ciclo arcaico de práticas sem razão. De acordo com o médico norte-americano Ray Greek, entusiasta desta teoria, em entrevista a Veja em 2010:

“As drogas deveriam ser testadas em computadores, depois em tecido humano e daí sim, em seres humanos. Empresas farmacêuticas já admitiram que essa será a forma de testar remédios no futuro”.

Pedimos que este assunto seja tratado com a devida importância que merece.

FRADA – Frente de Ação pelos Direitos Animais de Joinville/SC e Instituto Ambiental Ecosul de Florianópolis/SC, com o apoio das seguintes instituições de proteção animal:

:: ACAPRA – Associação Catarinense de Proteção aos Animais - Florianópolis
:: Ajapra – Associação Jaraguaense Protetora dos Animais - Jaraguá do Sul
:: AMA Bichos – Pomerode
:: Aprablu – Blumenau
:: Apracri – Associação Protetora dos Animais de Criciuma – Criciúma
:: Crueldade Nunca Mais – São Paulo
:: Focinho Feliz - Blumenau
:: FNPDA - Fórum Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Animal – São Paulo
:: Fundo Viralata de Garopaba – Garopada
:: Hachi Ong Proteção Animal – Blumenau
:: Instituto Ambiental Ecosul – Florianópolis
:: Mia Vida - Joinville
:: ONG Viva Bicho - Balneário Camboriú
:: OSCIP SOS Peludinhos – Itajaí
:: PROANIMA - Associação Protetora dos Animais do Distrito Federal
:: RESA – Rede Catarinense de Solidariedade aos Animais – Florianópolis
:: Voluntários amigos dos Bichos – Chapecó

The purpose of this petition is to stop the Centro de Farmacologia Pré-Clínica – Florianópolis /Brazil from carrying out animal tests against toxicity in rats, rabbits, dogs and monkeys.

In spite of the great number of animals killed to test the efficacy and side effects of new substances, 95% of the drugs tested positively in animals end up being discarded in tests involving human volunteers and never reach the market.

According to description made by TRÉZ & GREIF (2000), the frequent unwanted effects such as dizziness, uneasiness, mental confusion, numbness and tingling among others, cannot be described by laboratory animals.

On top of that, human physiology is quite different from animal physiology and as most of human diseases are not contracted by animals the inefficiency of these tests become more evident, creating a false illusion that the drugs have been safely tested.

There are renowned scientists who state that animal testing prevents science from evolving, keeping it in an archaic cycle of meaningless practices. According to the North-American doctor Ray Greek, an enthusiast of this theory - "Drugs would be much safer for patients if they were tested not in animals but in human tissues, human DNA chips, computer models of human organs and finally in risk-free micro-dose studies in human volunteers”.


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This petition has been created by Frada – Action Front for Animal Rights, Joinville/Brazil and Ecosul Environmental Institute, Florianópolis/Brazil, and supported by the following Brazilian Animal Protection Institutions:

:: ACAPRA – Associação Catarinense de Proteção aos Animais - Florianópolis
:: Ajapra – Associação Jaraguaense Protetora dos Animais - Jaraguá do Sul
:: AMA Bichos – Pomerode
:: Aprablu – Blumenau
:: Apracri – Associação Protetora dos Animais de Criciuma – Criciúma
:: Crueldade Nunca Mais – São Paulo
:: Focinho Feliz - Blumenau
:: FNPDA - Fórum Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Animal – São Paulo
:: Fundo Viralata de Garopaba – Garopada
:: Hachi Ong Proteção Animal – Blumenau
:: Instituto Ambiental Ecosul – Florianópolis
:: Mia Vida - Joinville
:: ONG Viva Bicho - Balneário Camboriú
:: OSCIP SOS Peludinhos – Itajaí
:: PROANIMA - Associação Protetora dos Animais do Distrito Federal
:: RESA – Rede Catarinense de Solidariedade aos Animais – Florianópolis
:: Voluntários amigos dos Bichos – Chapecó

Os signatários

O Abaixo-assinado Petição contra o uso de testes em animais pelo Centro de Farmacologia Pré-Clínica de Florianópolis/SC, para Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil; Congresso Nacional do Brasil; Supremo Tribunal Federal; Ministério Público Federal foi criada e escrita pela comunidade A FRADA – Frente de Ação pelos Direitos Animais de Joinville/SC e Instituto Ambiental Ecosul de Florianópolis/SC.
Este abaixo-assinado encontra-se alojado na internet no site Petição Publica Brasil que disponibiliza um serviço público gratuito para abaixo-assinados (petições públicas) online.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 14 Juil - 16:35

November the 2nd of 2012

► 1. http://bit.ly/OqrOLj –
This beautiful tabby cat endured horrific torment for months in cruel and useless "sound localization" experiments at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW)—deadly experiments that have been supported by more than $3 million in tax dollars !!!
SEE BREAKING NEWS: PETA has obtained never-before-seen photos of horrific cat experiments from a lab at University of Wisconsin-Madison!( see picture at => ►https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151149550854586&set=a.55746449585.62921.5647744585&type=1&theater)
-Published on Sep 12, 2012 by officialpeta
PETA reveals horrific pictures of cruelty at a UW-Madison laboratory, where a tabby cat named Double Trouble was tormented for months in a taxpayer-funded experiment before being killed and decapitated.
►► https://youtu.be/hTaS7Z3z4e0
Experiments done at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are angering animal rights advocates. The experiments in question are being preformed on Rhesus monkeys because of their similarities to humans. In these experiments, baby monkeys are separated from their mothers right after birth and later subjected to scary tests to provoke fear and anxiety. The monkeys are then killed and dissected and their brains are studied..
Jane Velez-Mitchell moderated a first of its kind debate on maternal deprivation experiments. Eric Sandgren, Director of the Research and Animal Resources Center at University of Wisconsin-Madison and Rick Bogle of Madison, Wisconsin’s Alliance for Animals who organized a campaign to stop these experiments debated both sides of the argument. Opponents to the experiments have started a site
➨ MORE DETAILS-PICTURES ON MY FRIENDS LINK http://www.occupyforanimals.org/university-of-wisconsinndashmadison-conducts-horrific-experiments-on-cats.html
Thank You~ Tony Zadel, Copyright(©)
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 17 Juil - 14:46

Jyylu the 1st of 2011

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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Juil - 9:42

UVA Dean School of Medicine: Stop Cruel, Outdated Trainings On Cats

june 23 2012


Ethics in Pediatrics Training

The use of live animals in pediatrics residency training was once a common practice. Today, however, the vast majority of these courses use nonanimal teaching tools.

Animals in Pediatrics Residencies

The primary emergency procedure taught in pediatrics residency training is endotracheal intubation, a medical procedure in which a tube is placed into the windpipe (trachea) through the mouth, or sometimes through the nose. In the past, most pediatrics residencies used cats or ferrets to train their residents in this procedure.
Animals are typically used over and over for intubation training. Animals used in these training procedures often suffer tracheal bruising, bleeding, scarring, severe pain, and even death. The anatomical differences between these animals and humans render this type of training ineffective.
Moreover, specifically developed simulators can completely replace the use of animals in pediatrics residency programs. In fact, studies have shown that these simulators are educationally superior to the crude and outdated methodology of using live animals. Read more>
Premie HAL is used to demonstrate how caregivers can properly care for a compromised newborn.

PCRM’s Survey of Pediatrics Residencies
In 2008, PCRM began a survey of pediatrics residency programs in the United States. Because of the large number of facilities involved, the survey is ongoing, but so far the results have been encouraging. See the current results>
PCRM urges the minority of programs that continue to use live animals to end this inhumane and outdated practice at once in order to provide a better educational experience for their trainees and to save animals from unnecessary pain and suffering.
PCRM will employ the same strategies in this campaign that have been so successful over the years in ending the use of live animals in medical schools and in Advanced Trauma Life Support courses in over 95 percent of universities and other facilities that offer this training.
Three cats, Alley, Fiddle, and Kiki, need our help. They have been used in cruel trainings for seven years. For the University of Virginia to be deliberately inflicting pain and suffering on defenseless animals in the name of medical education is inappropriate, unjustified, inhumane and archaic. As a practicing pediatrician with years of experience, I have profound concern for the health and well-being of all children, including the smallest premature infants. As a medical school faculty physician with many years experience in pediatric education and training, I have equal concern for the quality of training that aspiring pediatricians receive during their residency. One of the more challenging aspects of this training is acquiring skills and proficiency in performing procedures, especially in very small infants. The importance of perfecting tracheal intubation (passing a breathing tube into the windpipe) cannot be overly emphasized, as it is truly lifesaving.
Many years ago this procedure was taught by practicing on animals (cats, kittens, ferrets, rabbits) whose anatomy was very different from that of a human infant. This ineffective method of training has been replaced in modern times due to new technology in the form of human patient simulators. These simulators, including premature infant models are astonishingly realistic, anatomically correct, and can be used over and over again without causing harm to an animal or human baby. The infant simulators cry, breathe, and turn blue when their airway is blocked. In view of this I find it incomprehensible and disturbing to learn that the University of Virginia pediatric residency program still uses Alley, Fiddle, and Kiki to train pediatric residents.
The overwhelming majority of pediatric residency programs in the U.S. and Canada – 95% in fact – have ceased using animals for training. The path of modern training has moved from animals to more effective human-based medical simulation. Why is it that the University of Virginia refuses to make the change and continues to be in the extreme minority who are holding onto this outdated practice? During their training, residents in their program repeatedly force breathing tubes down the throats of cats, sometimes as many as 19 – 22 times in one day, This can cause bleeding, bruising, scarring, permanent injury and significant residual pain. At least two cats have had their teeth broken and another had adverse effects lasting days. Cats are used over and over again. People who have had a breathing tube inserted for anesthesia during surgery will often tell you that recovering from the tube was as bad as recovering from the surgery. Please sign this petition encouraging UVA to do the right thing. I have over 25 years experience working in Pediatrics at Duke University, Marshall University, East Carolina University, and Carolinas Medical Center.  Based on my extensive knowledge in this field, I can confidently say that the University of Virginia does not need to continue to abuse Alley, Fiddle, and Kiki. By switching to medical simulation, not only will these cats be spared suffering but the resident training will be superior and their future pediatricians able to provide better care for their patients.

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Lun 1 Sep - 8:30, édité 1 fois
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 24 Juil - 9:28


Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Lun 1 Sep - 8:31, édité 1 fois
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 24 Juil - 15:38

March 14, 2011

Animal testing : We need to stop this abuse right now

University of Utah — and how the school's laboratories purchased stray and homeless cats and dogs from animal shelters for use in deadly experiments. Because of the support of friends like you, the University of Utah has announced that it will no longer use shelter animals in its experiments, marking the end of pound seizure in the state of Utah:This is a great victory, but our fight is far from over. We recently learned that the University of Michigan's (U-M) Survival Flight course for nurses still torments cats in cruel intubation training exercises and kills pigs. This abuse continues even though U-M already uses state-of-the-art human-patient simulators to teach the same skills in other courses for nurses and physicians. Like the University of Utah, U-M has obtained cats for this laboratory from animal shelters in the past.Please help us save all animals (no matter the source) from the clutches of animal experimenters and all other animal abusers! For animals trapped in university laboratories like those at U-M, there is no time to waste. As our investigation at the University of Utah revealed, animals relinquished to universities soon face scalpels, drills, chemicals, and worse:
Dogs sold to the university by the North Utah Valley Animal Shelter had holes cut into their chests and necks and pacemakers attached to their hearts in order to induce irregular heartbeats. The dogs were then killed and dissected.
Cats from animal shelters had holes drilled into their heads in one experiment. They also had hard plastic tubes forced down their delicate throats for archaic intubation training exercises even though the University of Utah — like U-M — has access to modern simulators.
We need to stop this abuse right now. Please make a generous gift today to help PETA expose and stop cruelty to animals wherever it occurs.Campaigns like this one are urgent — and expensive — efforts. An undercover investigation such as the one that revealed the atrocities that were inflicted on animals at the University of Utah costs tens of thousands of dollars. Now we need urgent funding to help ensure that our campaign at the University of Michigan will result in real change and that PETA can continue all its lifesaving work for animals.You can be proud of the victory that we just won for shelter animals in Utah. Our success will prevent many homeless dogs and cats from suffering and dying in laboratories — and it is all because of the support of caring individuals like you.But for every animal we've saved, there are many more who are still suffering. These defenseless dogs, cats, and other animals deserve our full commitment.Please speak out for them by making a lifesaving gift right now. If people like you and me don't raise our voices in behalf of animals, the cruelty will never end.animals need your help today to stop the University of Michigan from tormenting cats and mutilating pigs in its training courses. As we saw at the University of Utah, we can achieve success through the power supporters like you. Please make a special gift to support our work for all animals right now.


Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Lun 1 Sep - 8:33, édité 2 fois
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Juil - 6:58

MARCH 11 2011

Universities Should Educate, Not Abuse

University of Utah — and how the school's laboratories purchased stray and homeless cats and dogs (including Rufus, pictured here) from animal shelters for use in deadly experiments. Because of the support of friends like you, the University of Utah has announced that it will no longer use shelter animals in its experiments, marking the end of pound seizure in the state of Utah!
This is a great victory, but our fight is far from over. We recently learned that the University of Michigan's (U-M) Survival Flight course for nurses still torments cats in cruel intubation training exercises and kills pigs. This abuse continues even though U-M already uses state-of-the-art human-patient simulators to teach the same skills in other courses for nurses and physicians. Like the University of Utah, U-M has obtained cats for this laboratory from animal shelters in the past.
Please help us save all animals (no matter the source) from the clutches of animal experimenters and all other animal abusers!
For animals trapped in university laboratories like those at U-M, there is no time to waste. As our investigation at the University of Utah revealed, animals relinquished to universities soon face scalpels, drills, chemicals, and worse:
Dogs sold to the university by the North Utah Valley Animal Shelter had holes cut into their chests and necks and pacemakers attached to their hearts in order to induce irregular heartbeats. The dogs were then killed and dissected.
Cats from animal shelters had holes drilled into their heads in one experiment. They also had hard plastic tubes forced down their delicate throats for archaic intubation training exercises even though the University of Utah — like U-M — has access to modern simulators.
We need to stop this abuse right now. Please make a generous gift today to help PETA expose and stop cruelty to animals wherever it occurs.
Campaigns like this one are urgent — and expensive — efforts. An undercover investigation such as the one that revealed the atrocities that were inflicted on animals at the University of Utah costs tens of thousands of dollars. Now we need urgent funding to help ensure that our campaign at the University of Michigan will result in real change and that PETA can continue all its lifesaving work for animals.
You can be proud of the victory that we just won for shelter animals in Utah. Our success will prevent many homeless dogs and cats from suffering and dying in laboratories — and it is all because of the support of caring individuals like you.
But for every animal we've saved, there are many more who are still suffering. These defenseless dogs, cats, and other animals deserve our full commitment.
Please speak out for them by making a lifesaving gift right now. If people like you and me don't raise our voices in behalf of animals, the cruelty will never end.We need your help today to stop the University of Michigan from tormenting cats and mutilating pigs in its training courses. As we saw at the University of Utah, we can achieve success through the power supporters like you. Please make a special gift to support our work for all animals right now.

More than 100 million individual animals are killed in laboratories in North America each year. These animals spend their entire lives in fear and cannot defend themselves against this abuse no matter how much they struggle and cry out, but we can defend them!Please make a generous donation to PETA online right now. Your support today can help our fight to expose the horrors of animal testing and free animals from suffering wherever it is found. Choosing this option will automatically repeat this gift transaction every month. Required
Yes, automatically repeat this gift every month.

Dernière édition par végétalienne-13 le Lun 1 Sep - 11:32, édité 1 fois
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Juil - 7:02

April 10, 2011

There's nothing beautiful about animal testing

There's nothing beautiful about cruelty

All in the name of 'beauty', millions of animals including rabbits, cats, dogs, and mice still suffer chemical burns to their skin and eyes, and are left to languish for days in testing laboratories around the world to assess the corrosiveness of new cosmetic products and ingredients. These tests are both cruel and unnecessary.
Take Action Spread the Word More Ways to Help

Help get animal-tested products off the shelves!
No one wants to think they are supporting animal testing when they use a face cream or put on makeup. But you might be surprised to learn that many popular brands in supermarkets and pharmacies in Australia have actually been tested on animals.
Testing cosmetics on animals is illegal in Australia. But this law doesn't stop products being tested overseas before being sent here for sale. Confusing for consumers and devastating for animals suffering in labs overseas.
The European Union has introduced legislation that will ban the sale of any cosmetics that have been tested on animals, no matter where they are produced, by 2013. This ban will have a major effect on manufacturers who will need to stop their cruel testing methods in order to continue selling their products in Europe.
There is no reason why Australia can't follow Europe's lead and support their policy by introducing a similar ban. Everyone -- Australians included -- should be able to shop for beauty products without the risk of supporting animal tests!

Please help urge the Australian Government to follow Europe's compassionate lead by banning the sale and import of animal tested cosmetics.
Take Action!
Subject: (please enter a subject line) Dear Ms Roxon, (please edit the letter below, or send as-is) You may be aware that the European Union has introduced legislation that will make it illegal to sell cosmetics that have been tested on animals by 2013. I urge you to introduce similar legislation here in Australia. Australia's current ban on testing cosmetics on animals falls in line with consumer attitudes that the unnecessary use and suffering of animals to test cosmetics is unacceptable. However this ban does not prevent imported cosmetic products sold in Australia from being tested on animals overseas. This double standard is misleading to consumers who do not wish to support animal testing with their purchases. As a progressive nation, I believe Australia should extend this ban to include the sale of products that have been tested on animals. Such an enlightened policy would save countless animals from horrendous suffering and help to position Australia as a compassionate nation. Sincerely, Your Name
We will send this letter to:
The Hon Nicola Roxon MP, Minister for Health and Ageing
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Juil - 7:35

April 12th 2011

Say no to animal testing : Get active online

If you’re reading this then we're assuming that you’re one of those ‘net-savvy’ types. But did you know that simply by hanging out online, you can make a difference for animals? True! Here’s how.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Juil - 7:54

March 24th 2011


In an ld50 toxicity experiment, this cat was being poisoned to death by the ingredients used in a household product.
In an ld50 toxicity experiment, this cat was being poisoned to death by the ingredients used in a household product.
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Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: 'Because the animals are like us.' Ask the experimenters why it is morally OK to experiment on animals, and the answer is: 'Because the animals are not like us.' Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction.
— Professor Charles R. Magel
Cruelty-Free Shopping Guide
Say NO to Animal Testing
Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: 'Because the animals are like us.' Ask the experimenters why it is morally OK to experiment on animals, and the answer is: 'Because the animals are not like us.' Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction.
— Professor Charles R. Magel
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Juil - 7:56

June 10th 2011


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Say 'NO!' to Animal Testing


Animal tests are crude, cruel and unsafe—for us, and especially for the animals. You don’t crash test a bus for a boat safety test. So why feed rats shampoo or rub cosmetics in rabbits’ eyes, to find out if they’re safe for humans? You can help stop this silly ‘science’! Choose cruelty-free cosmetics, cleaners and care products and start saving lives today!

“I pledge to say ‘NO!’ to the torture and killing of animals in the name of ‘animal testing’, by refusing to knowingly purchase products tested on animals.”

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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Juil - 9:00

april 12, 2010

Animal Experiments: Unnecessary, Unethical and Unreliable

*NO MUTILATION PICTURES IN THIS VIDEO* To mark World Day For Animals In Laboratories - 24 April 2010. "Animal experimentation is not necessary. It is expensive. It is inaccurate. It is misleading. It consumes limited resources. And further, it is detrimental to the ver ...y species it professes to be working to help - humankind." ~Dr.s Ray & Jean Greek. More info http://www.britches.org.uk
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Juil - 9:29

july 24, 2013

It is time for us ALL to get SERIOUS about ENDING animal experimentation! Get involved today!

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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 26 Juil - 15:50

Jun 1st of 2010

Why does animal experimentation continue?

Many factors perpetuate animal experimentation, the most obvious of which is momentum. The tradition is so deeply ingrained that the whole system is based on it. "Technological lock-in" and "status quo bias" are powerful factors here. As the authors of the "Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: A Vision and a Strategy" report noted, they expect the "paradigm shift" away from animal tests towards human biology-based methods to encounter resistance, as toxicological testing practices are "deeply ingrained". They state that "policies designed to overcome tendencies to resist novel approaches and maintain the status quo will be important".

Another factor is that many researchers are far removed from patient care and really believe that by experimenting on animals they are helping to cure human disease. Also, they attract grant money based on how many papers they publish in the scientific literature. It is much easier and faster to publish papers using animals than by doing human-based research.

Pharmaceutical companies continue to do animal tests because regulators require them and because they provide liability protection in court when drugs injure or kill people, despite the fact that the animal tests themselves are scientifically worthless.

Animal tests became mandatory following the thalidomide tragedy in the 1960s - ironically, since they failed to prevent that disaster. Since then, both regulators and pharmaceutical companies have become very familiar with animal tests and readily accept them when they tick all the necessary boxes. As a reviewer for the US FDA (the world's major drug regulator), Dr Anita O'Connor, acknowledged: “Most of the animal tests we accept have never been validated. They evolved over the past 20 years and the FDA is comfortable with them.”

Sadly, the regulatory system has not really changed since thalidomide. Vioxx (2004) was the biggest drug recall in history, leaving many tens of thousands of deaths in its wake. Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, said: "This is a public health emergency which raises grievous questions about the adequacy of our regulatory system."
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Aoû - 5:51

august the 5th of 2013



New message about Let's end animal testing and vivisection
Posted by Suzan Acosta (campaign leader)

Add your voice
Please sign and share. Lets end the needless suffering of innocent animals .For they live in utter despair never feeling compassion or love nor seeing the sky above.

Suzan Acosta

To: United States Congress
We call upon you to end this cruelty. Take a stand in ending this inhumane practice of animal testing and vivisection. This has been a controversial issue for many years. With biomedical research and biotechnology advancing rapidly , we should not test on animals. Animals are subjected to excruciating pain day after day, they end up passing away from abuse or end up going insane. And die from neglect or stravation. I ask all to make a compassionate plea to end this cruel abusive treatment and take a stand.And perhaps by ending animal testing and vivisection, we will become a society that values compassion.We need to force the hand of greed to cure diseases that have plagued humans for decades, and end cruel animal testing. Please sign this petition and be the voice for the voiceless

We must end ' torture for profit ' this is horrific abuse on innocent animals. Testing on animals is morally abhorrent, [ animals ] live in utter despair and are en- slaved. Let's make a change in the 21 first century.

Suzan Acosta

Campaign leader

Issues: animals
Update on June 01, 2013
Please sign and share. Be the voice for the voiceless lets stop the madness and torture on innocent animals who suffer day after day all in the name of greed!!
Comments 0 Like 3Jun 1
Update on May 27, 2013
Please share this petition. Thank you for signing and being the voice for the voiceless. Suzan Acosta Team leader
Comments 0 Like 2May 27
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 7 Aoû - 9:09

september 20TH 2012


PETITION-->> http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/air-france-end-primate-transports-to-laboratories#share


Dear Air France-KLM and Patton Boggs, LLP:

Air France-KLM is the only major European carrier to still ship primates for research. As their advocate, Patton Boggs facilitates global trade and transportation issues for the airlines.

I ask both companies to acknowledge worldwide objection to primate "cargo." Please consider that 80 percent of responders to a 2010 European Directive about animal research oppose experiments on primates. In the U.S., an Institute Of Medicine report has fueled potential passage of a bill to ban most research on chimps and great apes.

Primate data can rarely be replicated or used reliably in drug/vaccine development. Primates fail to produce clinical symptoms relevant to human disease processes — and even mislead experimenters with false conclusions. Conversely, human-focused systems such as bioinformatics, in-vitro cell/tissue culture analysis, life-like simulators, etc. better evaluate products and treatment for people.

Why should you care? Because Air France and Patton Boggs are conduits to profound animal cruelty.

Primates are trapped in trees and stuffed into mesh sacks. They shriek and claw when taken from native forests. Some are warehoused on breeding farms. To reach research labs, they are crated and trucked for miles. Most wind up in the extreme heat or cold of a plane's poorly ventilated cargo hold, for flights that can last up to 60 hours.

They enter a world bound by metal bars, pain and fear. Primates are induced with human disease and injury. Experimenters poison, overdose and mutilate monkeys. Electrodes are lodged in exposed brain matter. Seizures are stimulated. Limbs removed… Still, we are no closer to cures for infectious disease, AIDS, neurological disease (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s), and other ailments studied in primates.

Some 85 vaccines to cure or prevent HIV infection looked good in animals, mostly monkeys, according to Dr. John Pippin, a former Harvard University medical professor who testified before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Institute of Medicine in 2005. Those vaccines, tested in clinical trials, all failed. In 2012, a Colombia court denied permits for renowned malaria researcher Dr. Manuel Elkin Patarroyo to trap 4,000 night monkeys. After decades of primate research at Patarroyo’s Institute of Immunology Foundation, a malaria cure is nowhere in sight.

I respectfully ask Air France to join Delta, American, Virgin Atlantic, US Airways, British Airways, Lufthansa, Air China, Cathay Pacific, Air India, El Al Airlines…and most big flight companies that reject primate cargo. I urge Patton Boggs to distance itself from the airlines until it officially bans primate transfer for research.

This is a matter of worldwide concern. Thank you for your valuable time and consideration.



"Patton Boggs has a reputation for cutting-edge advocacy by working closely with U.S. Congress and regulatory agencies, litigating in courts nationwide, and negotiating business transactions around the world… TRANSPORTATION - Patton Boggs represents state and local governments, transit, airport and port authorities, corporations, public-private partnerships, universities and nonprofits on transportation, infrastructure and federal funding issues."

Philip A. Bangert, Partner
Municipal Representation, Transportation and Infrastructure, Energy and Natural Resources
2550 M Street, NW / Washington, DC 20037
ph: 202-457-5247, fax: 202-457-6315
email: pbangert@pattonboggs.com

Marek Gootman, Partner
Public Policy and Lobbying, Municipal Representation, Appropriations
2550 M Street, NW / Washington, DC 20037
ph: 202-457-6158, fax: 202-457-6315
email: mgootman@pattonboggs.com

Norma M. Krayem, Senior Policy Advisor
Homeland Security-Defense-Technology Transfer, Appropriations, Transportation and Infrastructure
2550 M Street, NW / Washington, DC 20037
ph: 202-457-5206, fax: 202-457-6315
email: nkrayem@pattonboggs.com

Trent Lott, Senior Counsel
Public Policy and Lobbying, Financial Services and Products, Homeland Security-Defense-Technology Transfer
2550 M Street, NW / Washington, DC 20037
ph: 202-457-5290, fax: 202-457-6315
email: tlott@pattonboggs.com

David G. Mayer, Partner
Leasing, Renewable Energy, Energy and Natural Resources (including business aviation)
2000 McKinney Ave, Suite 1700 / Dallas, Texas 75201
ph: 214-758-1545, fax: 214-758-1550
email: dmayer@pattonboggs.com

Stephen J. McHale, Partner
Homeland Security-Defense-Technology Transfer, Transportation and Infrastructure, Business Continuity Planning
2550 M Street, NW / Washington, DC 20037
ph: 202-457-6344, fax: 202-457-6315
email: smchale@pattonboggs.com

Rodney E. Slater, Partner
Transportation and Infrastructure, Public Policy and Lobbying, Homeland Security-Defense-Technology Transfer
2550 M Street, NW / Washington, DC 20037
ph: 202-457-5265, fax: 202-457-6315
email: rslater@pattonboggs.com

Gregory S. Walden, Of Counsel
Transportation and Infrastructure, Political Law, Administrative and Regulatory (serves as Washington counsel for a foreign air carrier)
2550 M Street, NW / Washington, DC 20037
ph: 202-457-6135, fax: 202-457-6315
email: gwalden@pattonboggs.com

Daniel E. Waltz, Partner
International Practice, Transportation and Infrastructure, Homeland Security-Defense-Technology Transfer (Assists clients who engage in cross- border transfers of goods and technology. Issues of U.S. international or trade policy. Imports of such commodities as sugar or textile products to transgenic animals)
2550 M Street, NW / Washington, DC 20037
ph: 202-457-5651, fax: 202-457-6315
email: dwaltz@pattonboggs.com

Thomas Hale Boggs, Jr., Partner
Public Policy and Lobbying, Energy-Related Public Policy, Congressional and Executive Agency Investigations
2550 M Street, NW / Washington, DC 20037
ph: 202-457-6040, fax: 202-457-6315
email: tboggs@pattonboggs.com

Timothy A. Chorba, Partner
International Practice, Public Policy and Lobbying, Administrative and Regulatory
2550 M Street, NW / Washington, DC 20037
ph: 202-457-6060, fax: 202-457-6315
email: tchorba@pattonboggs.com

James B. Christian, Jr., Partner
Public Policy and Lobbying, Political Law, Appropriations
2550 M Street, NW / Washington, DC 20037
ph: 202-457-6484, fax: 202-457-6315
email: jchristian@pattonboggs.com

Billy J. Cooper, Partner
Business, Homeland Security-Defense-Technology Transfer, Public Policy and Lobbying
1801 California Street, Suite 4900 / Denver, Colorado 80202
ph: 303-894-6326, fax: 303-894-9239
email: bcooper@pattonboggs.com

Michael J. Driver, Partner
Energy and Natural Resources, International Practice, Public Policy and Lobbying
1801 California Street, Suite 4900 / Denver, Colorado 80202
ph: 303-894-6147, fax: 303-894-9239
email: mdriver@pattonboggs.com

David E. Dunn, Partner
International Business, Energy and Natural Resources, Public Policy and Lobbying
2550 M Street, NW / Washington, DC 20037
ph: 202-457-6045, fax: 202-457-6315
email: ddunn@pattonboggs.com

Ambassador Frank G. Wisner
Foreign Affairs Advisor, Public Policy and Lobbying, International Practice, International Business
1185 Avenue of the Americas, 30th Floor
New York, New York 10036
ph: 646-557-5151, fax: 646-557-5101
email: fwisner@pattonboggs.com

- pattonboggs.com/Services...177&view=Professionals
- pattonboggs.com/Services...158&view=Professionals AIR FRANCE-KLM HEADQUARTERS
Air France-KLM
45, rue de Paris
95 747 Roissy CDG Cedex
switchboard: 01 41 56 78 00
USA call center: 1 800 237 27 47
fax: 01 41 56 70 29
web comment form: af-klm.com/passage/ecomplaints/index.html? SOURCE: corporate.airfrance.com/en/contacts/head-office

Air France-KLM
125 West 55th Street
New York, NY 10019
ph: 212-830-4000, fax: 212-830-4219
WEBSITE: http://www.airfrance.us/

Alexander Juniac
CEO, Chairman of Air France Board of Directors

Alain Bassil
CEO, Executive Vice President Operations

Alain Bernard
Executive Vice President In-Flight Product

Christian Boireau
Executive Vice President, Commercial France

Xavier Broseta
Executive Vice President Human Resources & Labor Relations

Adeline Challon-Kemoun
Senior Vice President Corporate Communications

Michel Emeyriat
Executive Vice President Ground Operations

Frederic Gagey
Chief Financial Officer

Bertrand Lebel
Exec. Vice Pres. Organization & Corporate Social Responsibility

Bruno Matheu
Chief Commercial Officer

Edouard Odier
Executive Vice President Information Systems

Florence Parly
Executive Vice President Air France Cargo

Eric Schramm
Executive Vice President Flight Operations

Philippe Calavia
Executive Vice President for Financial Affairs

Jean-Claude Cros
Deputy General Manager Human Resources & Social Policy

Francois Brousse
Communications Director

Peter F. Hartman

Erik Varwijk
KLM CEO, Managing Director & Int'l Netherlands, Air France KLM

Camiel Eurlings
CEO, Vice President of Air France KLM Cargo

Michiel Van der Eijk
Vice President Customer Services

- airsouffrance.fr/en/air- france/mailing.html
- http://stopthetransport.com/?page_id=72
- www.annuaire-decideur.com/smdl/2/imp_fiche...
- onyoursi.de/wiki/airline/klm-royal- dutch-airlines

Fret Zone 1,
12, Rue du Tarteret
BP 14251 Tremblay en France
95704 Roissy Charles de Gaulle CEDEX, France
toll free ph: 0820 057 057
ph: +33 (0)1 41 56 98 00
fax: +33 (0)1 41 56 92 43
email: mail.customerservice.cdg@airfrance.fr
WEBSITE: www.airfrance.com/cargo
- infobee24.blogspot.com/2011/02/contact-air-france-klm-cargo...
- Air France- KLM Contact & E-Booking Information
- www.azfreight.com/listing.html? id=c_6948

Air France-KLM
Shareholder relations - DB-AC
45 rue de Paris
95747 Roissy - CDG Cedex
email: mail.actionnaires.afklm@airfrance.fr
SOURCE: airfranceklm-finance.com/en/Individual-shareholders/Contacts — con Marie Claude Bronchain, Arman Rios, Alireza Heterodoxx y 39 personas más.
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMer 7 Aoû - 9:23

september 17th 2012

PLEASE CALL OR SEND AN EMAIL TO Harlan to convince them to release the puppies to the homes waiting for them.
Tel#: main office in UK [ country code 44 ] 1869-243241
facility at Loughborough [ country code 44] 1530-222123
it has been revealed that Harlan planned to murder the puppies Sept 7, but we have reason to believe the puppies are still alive . there are qualified homes waiting for the puppies.
please take action today to help us save these innocent puppies.

sample letter for emails :
ATTENTION Harlan Administrators :
It has been revealed that Harlan has refused to HOME 100 perfectly healthy beagle puppies being held at Harlan’s Loughborough breeding facility, despite the FACT that qualified homes have been offered after Harlan personnel asked for homing options for the puppies. Andy, the site manager, has confirmed that no animals have been destroyed in the past few weeks, so we assume that the puppies are alive and still being held at the facility.
With full knowledge of the horrible tortures that most of Harlan’s beagles have to suffer, there is no justification for you to insist that these 100 innocent & healthy puppies must die needlessly.
The world is watching for your reaction, and we will not allow you to hide this atrocity from us.
Try to find some compassion in your hearts, and immediately release these puppies to the homes awaiting them.
Harlan has breeding facilities in the UK @ Cambridgeshire & Loughborough :
Wyton site
Abbots Ripton Road
Wyton, Huntingdon
Cambridgeshire PE28 2DT
Tel#: [country code 44] 01480 455335

Loughborough site
Leicestershire LE12 9TE
Tel#: [ country code 44] 01530 222123

Harlan Laboratories has locations in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia.

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 12 Aoû - 11:23

march 24, 2013

sign this petition


: United States Congress
We call upon you to end this cruelty. Take a stand in ending this inhumane practice of animal testing and vivisection. This has been a controversial issue for many years. With biomedical research and biotechnology advancing rapidly , we should not test on animals. Animals are subjected to excruciating pain day after day, they end up passing away from abuse or end up going insane. And die from neglect or stravation. I ask all to make a compassionate plea to end this cruel abusive treatment and take a stand.And perhaps by ending animal testing and vivisection, we will become a society that values compassion.We need to force the hand of greed to cure diseases that have plagued humans for decades, and end cruel animal testing. Please sign this petition and be the voice for the voiceless

Suzan Acosta
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 12 Aoû - 11:23

We must end ' torture for profit ' this is horrific abuse on innocent animals. Testing on animals is morally abhorrent,  [ animals live in utter despair and are en- slaved. Let's make a change in the 21 first century.

Update on June 01, 2013

Please sign and share. Be the voice for the voiceless lets stop the madness and torture on innocent animals who suffer day after day all in the name of greed

Update on May 27, 2013
Please share this petition. Thank you for signing and being the voice for the  voiceless.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Aoû - 10:15

august 10TH 2013

Scores of countries around the world are beating the U.S. to become cruelty-free by banning cosmetics tests on animals. Nobody wants rabbits or guinea-pigs to suffer for our vanity, least of all the animals. Let's stop their suffering right here, right now. Join me in supporting the Cruelty Free International call to Congress and the FDA to bring an end to animal testing for cosmetics in the U.S.’‘We are delighted that you all joined our mission to end cosmetic tests on animals worldwide. You are using your voice on behalf of the countless animals who suffer in laboratories in cruel and outdated tests for consumer products. It is vitally important that the world moves with the times and protects animals from unnecessary tests by embracing modern, non-animal science.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Aoû - 10:19

march 24 2013

Sign the petition


Let's end animal testing and vivisection
Posted to Lets end animal testing and vivise… by Suzan AcostaMar 24
To: United States Congress
We call upon you to end this cruelty. Take a stand in ending this inhumane practice of animal testing and vivisection. This has been a controversial issue for many years. With biomedical research and biotechnology advancing rapidly , we should not test on animals. Animals are subjected to excruciating pain day after day, they end up passing away from abuse or end up going insane. And die from neglect or stravation. I ask all to make a compassionate plea to end this cruel abusive treatment and take a stand.And perhaps by ending animal testing and vivisection, we will become a society that values compassion.We need to force the hand of greed to cure diseases that have plagued humans for decades, and end cruel animal testing. Please sign this petition and be the voice for the voiceless
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Aoû - 14:23

JULY 2TH 2013

Please sign and share. Lets end this madness, make a change in the 21 first century. Be the voice for the voiceless, for their screams are not heard, they live in utter despair, never knowing compassion nor love, or seeing the sky above. Please share this petition. Thank you for signing and being the voice for the voiceless.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 25233
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ANIMAL TESTING    ANIMAL TESTING  - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Aoû - 14:32

JULY 25TH 2013

Please sign and share. Lets end animal testing and vivisection. For these precious being live in agony and utter despair day after day without compassion. Thank you

Thank you for taking a stand against the senseless violence of animal testing. Your kindness at the supermarket shelf will send a clear message to cruel companies that torturing animals is not ok and not profitable!
So how do you get started? It’s easy! For all the tips you need on cruelty-free cleaning and to find out how to glitz up with guilt free glamour, check our Cruelty-Free Shopping Guide. Thanks again for helping to make a kinder world
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